Travelling by Land
Quruqlikda sayohat
I’m leaving Moscow in a couple of days – Men bir-ikki kun ichida Moskvadan ketayapman.
- Where are you bound for?- Qayerga otlandingiz?
I am going to London – Men Londonga ketyapman.
Will it be a pleasure trip? – Bu sayohat dam olish bo’ladimi?
No, I am going on business – Yo’q men ish bilan ketyapman.
How will you travel by land, by sea or by air? – Siz qanday sayohat qilmoqchisiz, yerdanmi suvdanmi yoki osmondanmi?
I haven’t made up my mind yet – Man hali biror qaror qabul qilmadim.
I shall make inquiries at the travel bureau – Man sayohat byurosida hujjatlarni rasmiylashtirishim kerak.
How much is the fare? – Chipta qancha?
I don’t know yet. I am going as a member of a delegation – Hali bilmayman. Man delegatsiya azosi sifatida ketyapman.
Some of us will go by train and boat, the rest will fly – Bazilar paroxodda, ba’zilar poyezdda qolganlar esa samolyotda ketadilar.
Is there a through train from Moscow to Paris? – Moskvadan Parijga to’g’ri olib boradigan poyezd bormi?
This is something I don’t know – Buni men bilmayman.
Let me know the number of your carriage and the compartment number – Vagon va kupe nomeringizni manga aytsangiz.
I shall come to the railway station to see you off – Men sizni kuzatish uchun vokzalga boraman.
How will you get to the station? –Vokzalgacha nimada bormoqchisiz?
By taxi – Taksida.
Are you taking much luggage along? – Yukingiz k’opmi?
No, only a suitcase; if it’s heavy, I’ll hire a porter – Yo’q faqat chemadan, agar og’ir bo’lsa yukchi yollayman.
You needn’t take any food along – Oziq ovqat olish shart emas.
There’s sure to be a dining-car – Vagonda restoran bo’ladi.
To go an excursion – Ekskursiyaga chiqmoq
To go on commission – kamandirovkaga ketmoq
To go abroad – chet elga ketmoq
To travel extensively – ko’p sayohatga chiqmoq
An experienced traveller – malakali sayohatchi
Express train –tez yurar poyezd
Mail train – pochta poyezdi
Travelling by Water
Suv orqali sayohat
Hello, Stepanov. I haven’t seen you for ages. Where have you been? – Salom Stefanov. Sizni ko’rmaganimga asrlar bo’ldi. Qayerda edingiz shu vaqt ichida?
Hello, Sobolev. Glad to see you. I was away for almost three weeks –Salom Sobelov. Sizni ko’rganimdan xursandman. Bu yerda bo’lmaganimga uch hafta bo’ldi.
Where were you? – Qayerda bo’ldingiz?
Why, I was in Great Britain, didn’t you know? – Bilmasmidingiz, men Angliyada edim.
When did you get back? – Qachon qaytdingiz?
Only yesterday –Kechagina.
How did you travel? – Nimada sayohat qildingiz?
I went there by air and returned by sea. The passage was quite stormy, but I enjoyed it very much –Borishda samolyotda qaytishda esa kemada. Dengizda to’fon bo’ldi, lekin menga yoqdi.
You weren’t sea-sick, were you? – Dengiz kasali bilan og’rimadingiz, shundaymi?
Oh, no I’m a good sailor. – Yo’q men juda yaxshi dengizchiman.
When did you set sail? – Qachon safarga chiqqan edingiz?
My friends and I boarded the ship in London on seventeenth, at 11 a.m. – Do’stim va men Londonda o’n yettinchida soat 11 da yo’lga chiqdik.
Our ship the “Neva” is a cargo vessel, and there were very few passengers on board. The crew were very nice to us and we had an service – Kemamiz “ Neva” yuk kemasi edi, va bortda juda kam yo’lovchilar bor edi. Ekipaj a’zolari bizga yaxshi muomalada bo’ldilar, bizga xizmat ko’rsatdilar.
What route did you take? – Qanday yo’nalish oldingiz?
Via Hamburg, our ship dropped anchor at Stockholm, too – Gamburg orqali, bizning kemamiz Stokgolmda ham langar tashladi.
Did you go on shore? –Qirg’oqqa chiqdingizmi?
We stopped in Stockholm for just an hour, to take on a small cargo, and very soon we were on our way again – Biz Stokgolmda kichkina yuk kemasiga chiqish uchun faqatgina bir soat to’xtadik, va tez orada yana yo’limizda davom etdik.
Did you stop anywhere else? – Yana biror joyda to’xtadingizmi?
We stopped several times while passing through Kiel canal – Kiel kanalidan o’tayatganimizda bir necha marotaba to’xtadik.
On the 22nd we dropped anchor in Leningrad where we were welcomed by relatives and friends – 22da biz Leningradda langar tashladik va bizni qarindosh va do’stlarimiz kutib olishdi.
Traveling by Air – Havoda sayohat
Have you booked tickets? – Chipta buyurtma qildingizmi?
Yes.- Ha
Have you got them? – Siz ularni qabul qildingizmi?
No, they will deliver them to the house in the afternoon- Yo’q ularni ertalab yuborishadi.
Is the delivery charge high? -Yetkazib berish xarajatlari qimmatmi?
No, only nominal – Yo’q, faqatgina nominal qiymatda
When does the plane take off? – Samolyot qachon uchadi ?
At midnight. – Yarim tunda
Is it far to the airport? – Ayroportgacha uzoqmi?
Rather, it is out of town. – Anchagina, shahardan tashqarida.
How shall we go there? – U yerga qanday yetib olamiz?
There is a bus service from the center of the city to the airport , but we can take a taxi, if you wish. – Shahar markazidan u yerga avtobus xizmati bor, ammo istasangiz taksi olishimiz mumkin.
We have not much luggage and so we can go by bus. – Bizning yukimiz ko’p emas, shuning uchun avtobusda boramiz.
How much luggage can you take with you on the plain ? – Samolyotga o’zingiz bilan qanchagacha yuk olishingiz mumkin.
I think five kilograms. – Menimcha, 5 kg.
What is the charge for the extra luggage? – Qo’shimcha yuk uchun qancha to’lanadi?
It depends on the amount of the fare. –Bu to’lov miqdoriga bog’liq.
How many passengers does the plane accommodate? – Samolyot qanchagacha yo’lovchiga mo’ljallangan?
There are forty-two seats in the plane. – Samolyotda 42 ta o’rin bor.
Is the crew large? – Ekipaj kattami?
I don’t know exactly. I know there is a pilot, a navigator, a radio operator, and a stewardess. – Aniq bilmayman. Bilishimcha unda bitta pilot, shturman, radio operator, va styuardessa bor.
At what speed are we flying? – Qanaqa tezlikda uchayapmiz?
At what height are we flying? – Qanaqa balandlikda uchyabmiz?
What is the next stop? – Keyingi bekat nima?
Are we late? – Kech qolyapmizmi?
How late are we? – Qancha kech qolyapmiz?
We are about to land. – Biz tez orada qo’namiz.
We arrive two minutes later. – Biz ikki minut kechroq yetib boramiz.
We land exactly in time.- Biz o’z vaqtida qo’namiz.
The landing was very smooth. – Qo’nish yengil kechdi.
Our plane is on the run-way∕Our plane is on the landing strip.- Bizning samolyotimiz qo’nish maydonida/ Bizning samolyotimiz uchish maydonida.
Take-off strip. - Uchish maydoni
To be air-sick. – Havo kasalligidan og’rish
Jet(propelled) plane. – Reaktiv samolyot
Turbo-jet plane – Turbo- reaktiv samolyot
They were aboard our plane - Ular samolyotimiz bortida edilar.
Landing ground – Qo’nish maydoni.
To circle over the field. – Aerodrom atrofida aylanish.
To be on the way to… - … ga yo’nalgan bo’lish.
Force landing – Majburiy qo’nish.
To be on board – Bortda bo’lish.
Non-stop flight – Uzluksiz uchish
Non-stop service –Uzluksiz reys.
Flying weather - Uchish havosi.
Flying hours- Uchish soatlari
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