Xristianlikning paydo bo'lishi
Asosiy maqolalar: Gregorian missiyasi va Giberno-Shotlandiya missiyasi
Angliya-sakson ishonchli kesib o'tish, inglizcha o'ymakorligi bilan morj fil suyagi Masih va nemis oltin va sadr xoch, v. 1000
Nasroniylik had been the official imperial religion of the Roman Empire, and the first churches were built in England in the second half of the 4th century, overseen by a hierarchy of bishops and priests.[177] Ko'pchilik mavjud butparast shrines were converted to Christian use and few pagan sites still operated by the 5th century.[177] The collapse of the Roman system in the late 5th century, however, brought about the end of formal Christian religion in the east of England, and the new Germanic immigrants arrived with their own ko'p xudojo'y xudolar, shu jumladan Woden, Thunor va Tiw, hanuzgacha ingliz tilidagi turli joy nomlarida aks etgan.[178] Angliyada butparastlikning tiklanishiga qaramay, xristian jamoalari hali ham ko'proq g'arbiy hududlarda omon qolishdi Gloucestershire va Somerset.[179]
The movement towards Christianity began again in the late 6th and 7th centuries, helped by the conversion of the Franks Angliyada katta ta'sir o'tkazgan Shimoliy Frantsiyada.[180] Papa Gregori I shohni aylantirish uchun missionerlar guruhini yubordi Kent Kentning Xelberxti va uning oilasi, Kentni konvertatsiya qilish jarayonini boshladilar.[180] Avgustin birinchi bo'ldi Canterbury arxiepiskopi va mavjud butparast ziyoratgohlardan qayta foydalanib, Janubi-Sharq bo'ylab yangi cherkovlar qurishni boshladi.[181] Osvald va Osviu, kings of Northumbria, were converted in the 630s and 640s, and the wave of change carried on through the middle of the 7th century across the kingdoms of Mercia, the South Saxons and the Vayt oroli.[182] The process was largely complete by the end of the 7th century, but left a confusing and disparate array of local practices and religious ceremonies.[183] This new Christianity reflected the existing military culture of the Anglo-Saxons: as kings began to convert in the 6th and 7th centuries, conversion began to be used as a justification for war against the remaining pagan kingdoms, for example, while Christian saints were imbued with martial properties.[184]
The Viking invasions of the 8th and 9th centuries reintroduced paganism to North-East England, leading in turn to another wave of conversion. Skandinaviya mahalliy e'tiqodlari xudolarning panteoni, shu jumladan, boshqa german guruhlariga juda o'xshash edi Odin, Thor va Ullr, combined with a belief in a final, apocalyptic battle called Ragnarok.[185] The Norse settlers in England were converted relatively quickly, assimilating their beliefs into Christianity in the decades following the occupation of York, which the Arxiepiskop tirik qolgan edi. The process was largely complete by the early 10th century and enabled England's leading Churchmen to negotiate with the warlords.[186] Skandinaviya materikidagi Norvegiya sifatida konvertatsiya qilishni boshladi, ko'plab materik hukmdorlari bu jarayonda yordam berish uchun Angliyadan missionerlarni jalb qilishdi.[187]
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