year. Then he taught school one year, but his health failing, he went into the
grocery business. Soon what money he had was swept away by losses.
Here we see him at twenty-seven, life seemingly a failure. Alas! how
many would have given up. He left New Britain, his native town, walked to
Boston, and from there to Worcester, where he once more engaged himself
at his trade. His failure in business turns his attention once more to study.
He now is convinced as to the proper course to pursue, his aim is fixed, and
he now sets himself strenuously about the accomplishment of his purpose.
At thirty years of age he is master of every language of Europe, and is
turning his attention to those of Asia, such as Hebrew, Syriac, Chaldaic. He
is offered by a wealthy gentleman
a course in Harvard University, but
prefers to work with his hands while he studies.
He now begins to lecture, and everybody is eager to hear the learned
blacksmith. After a very successful tour he returns to the anvil. After this he
visits Europe, becomes the warm friend of John Bright and other eminent
men; writes books, lectures, edits newspapers,
builds a church and holds
meetings himself. He said: "It is not genius that wins, but hard work and a
pure life." He chose the best associates only, believing that a boy's
companions have much to do with his success in life. At sixty-eight he died,
honored by two hemispheres.
If our readers want further proof as to the result of improving spare
moments, let them study the lives of such men as Douglass, Lincoln, Grant,
Garfield, Blaine, Cleveland, and others too numerous to mention, and they
will find that they were reared in the lower walks of life, but by using every
available minute they have been enabled to rise to influence and usefulness.
By this means they have worked the very odds and ends of time, into results
of the greatest value. An hour every day, for ten years, will transform any
one of ordinary ability from ignorance to learning.
Think of it. One hour could be easily improved each evening, counting
three hundred week days to a year; in ten
years you have spent three
thousand golden hours. If directed toward some specific end, think what it
would accomplish. Then there are the Sundays devoted to religious
knowledge. One of the first things to be learned by him who would succeed,
is E
. Lost wealth can be replaced by industry; lost health
by hygiene; but lost time is gone forever.
The most frequent excuse one hears is: "I have no time." They cheat
themselves with the delusion that they would like to do this or that, but
cannot as they have no leisure. Dear reader, did you ever think that the more
a person has to do, the more they feel they can do? Look at the men in our
own community who have done the most for mankind; are they the wealthy,
whose only duty seems to be to kill time? No. Almost universally they are
the over-worked class who seem already burdened with cares. These are the
men who find time
to preside at public meetings, and to serve on
It is easier for an over-worked man to do a little more than for a lazy one
to get up steam. A light stroke will keep a hoop in motion, but it takes a
smart blow to start it. The busy man succeeds: While others are yawning
and stretching,
getting their eyes open, he will see the opportunity and
improve it. Complain not that you have no leisure. Rather be thankful that
you are not cursed with it. Yes, curse it is nine times out of ten. Think of the
young man going to some vile place of amusement to kill time, then think
of that young man utilizing that hour every night in the acquisition of
knowledge which will fit him for life's journey. Think also of the money he
will save. Leisure is too often like a two-edged sword; it cuts both ways.