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LUG`AT inglizcha o`zbekcha

Finding A Proverb. Most students find it helpful to learn new words in familiar expressions, such as these proverbs. The proverbs are sequenced by topic word. It is also possible to quickly find all the proverbs containing any given word by searching this document on a computer with the find function (control f).

Frank H. Adams, Peace Corps Volunteer

Regional World Languages Boarding School 7

Khonka, Khorezm, Uzbekistan

July, 2004


Introduction 2

A 5

B 9

C 12

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E 18

F 20

G 25

H 28

I 30

J 31

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O 43

P 44

Q 46

R 47

T 53

U 56

V 57

W 57

Y 61

Z 61

Proverb Word List 62


absence yo’qlik

heart yurak

affection muhabbat

strengthen kuchaytirmoq

Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

Yo’qlik yuraklarda muhabbatni kuchaytiradi.

sharpen o’tkirlashtirmoq

love sevgi

presence visol

Absence sharpens love, presence strengthens it.

Yo’qlik sevgini o'tkirlashtiradi, visol kuchaytiradi.
absent davrada yo’q

culprit aybdor

The absent is always in the wrong.

Davrada yo'q doim aybdor.

much mo’may

money pul

youth yoshlik

ruined xarob

make qilmoq

The abundance of money ruins the youth.

Mo'may pul yoshlikni xarob qiladi.

accident voqea

happen sodir bo’lmoq

family oila

even ham

Accidents will happen in the best regulated families.

Noxush voqealar tagli-zotli oilalarda ham sodir bo'ladi.
account sanoq

taste did

a lot son -

There is no accounting for tastes.

Didlar son-sanoqsizdir.
short qisqa

time muddat

meet tanishmoq

cause sabab

repentance pushaymon

Short acquaintance brings repentance.

Qisqa muddatli tanishuv pushaymonga sababchi.

ation ish

important salmoq

loud baland

word so’z

Actions speak louder than words.

So'zlardan ishlarning salmog'i baland.
adversity mashaqqat

good yaxshi

school maktab

Adversity is a good discipline.

Mashaqqat - yaxshi maktab.
difficulty qiyinchilik

make qilmoq

wise dono

rich boy

Adversity makes a man wise, not rich.

Qiyinchilik odamni dono qilar, ammo boyitmas.

many ko’pchilik

endure chidamoq

hardly any kamdan-kam

Many can bear adversity, but few contempt.

Ko'pchilik qiyinchilikka chidaydi, ammo kamdan-kam odam uni pisand qilmaydi.
advise maslahat bermoq

none hech kim

marry uylanmoq

war urish

go bormoq

Advise none to marry or go to war.

Hech kimga uylanishga yoki urishga borishni maslahat berma.
after dan so’ng

storm boron

sea dengiz

calm tinchlamoq

After a storm comes a calm.

Bo'rondan so'ng dengiz tinchlanadi.

after dan keyin

rain yomg’ir

sunshine quyosh

come chiqmoq

After rain comes sunshine.

Yomg'irdan keyin quyosh chiqadi.

dinner ovqat

eat yemoq

payment to’lov

After dinner comes the reckoning.

Ovqat yemoqning to'lovi ham bor.
a while bir oz

sit o’tirmoq

walk yurmoq

mile chaqirim

After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a mile.

Tushki ovqatdan so'ng bir oz o'tir, kechkisidan keyin bir chaqirim yur.

agreement shartnoma

law qonun

main thing asos

Agree, for the law is costly.

Shartnoma - qonun uchun asos.

illness bezgak

come kelmoq

horse ot

on ustida

go away ketmoq

foot yayov

Agues come on horseback but go away on foot.

Bezgakning kelishi - ot ustida, ketishi yayov.

church cherkov

saint avliyo

are not bo’lavermaydi

All are not saint that go to the church.

Cherkovga borganlaming hammasi ham avliyo bo'lavermaydi.
all har bir kishi

thieve o’g’ri

dog it

bark hurmoq

All are not thieves that dogs bark at.

It hurigan har bir kishi ham o'g'ri bo'lavermaydi.

all hamma

bread non

bake yopmoq

oven tandir

All bread is not baked in one oven.

Hamma non ham bitta tandirda yopilgan emas.

covet erishmoqchi bo’lgan

lose quruq qolmoq

All covet, all lose.

Hammasiga erishaman degan, hammasidan quruq qoladi.

day kun

actions harakat

blessing barakat

It is all in the day's work.

Kunduzgi harakatda – barakat.
all har qanday

fair chora

love sevgi

war urush

All is fair in love and war.

Sevgida va urushda har qanday chora yaxshi.

whatever nimaiki

fish baliq

net to’r

come ilinmoq

is like ko’inar ko’ziga

All is fish that comes to his net.

Nimaiki ilinsa to'riga - baliq bo'lib ko'rinar ko'ziga.
gold tilla

glitter yaltiramoq

All is not gold that glitters.

Yaltiragan hamma narsa ham tilla bo'lavermaydi.

all bari

over orta qolmoq

shout shodlikka yetdi

time vaqt

All is over but the shouting.

Bari ortda qoldi, vaqt shodlikka yetdi.

all hamma narsa

well yaxshilik

end tugamoq

All is well that ends well.

Hamma narsa yaxshilik bilan tugasa yaxshidir.
world dunyo

all sorts turli

it takes tashkil topmoq

It takes all sorts to make a world.

Dunyo turli odamlardan tashkil topadi.
almost hatto

fly pashsha

kill o’ldirmoq

Almost never killed a fly.

Hatto pashshani ham o'ldirmagan.
always har doim

long uzoq

time muddat

Always is a long time.

Har doim - uzoq muddat.
among orasida

blind ko’r

king podsho

Among the blind the one-eyed is king.

Ko'rlar orasida bir ko'zlik – podsho.
speak gapirmoq

angel farishta

about to’g’risida

wing qanot

flap qoqmoq

Speak of angels and they flap their wings.

Farishtalar to'g'risida gapirsang ular qanot qoqar.

anger g’azab

short qisqa

madness telbalik

Anger is a short madness.

G'azab - qisqa muddatli telbalik.

soft muloyim

answer javob

turn away qaytarmoq

wrath g’azab

A soft answer turneth away wrath.

Muloyim javob g'azabni qaytaradi.

sira never

anticipate kutilmagan

soonest tez orada

appear ro’y bermoq

That which one least anticipates, soonest comes to pass.

Sira kutilmagan hodisa tez orada ro'y beradi.

any har qanday

storm bo’ron

port sohil

be fit asq otmoq

Any port in a storm.

Bo'ron kelganda har qanday sohil asq otadi.

ape maymun

higher yuqori

go chiqmoq

tail dum

more shunchalik ko’proq

The higher the ape goes, the more he shows his tail.

Maymun qanchalik yuqori chiqsa, dumini shunchalik ko'proq ko'rsatadi.
external tashqi

appearance ko’rinish

aldamoq deceive

Appearances are deceptive.

Tashqi ko'rinish aldar.
appetite ishtaha

eating ovqat

comes with payti ochiladi

Appetite comes with eating.

Ishtaha ovqat payti ochiladi.
apple olma

a day har kuni

never sira

doctor tabib

meet uchramoq

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

Har kuni bittadan olma yegan odam sira tabibga uchramas.
rotten chirigan

The rotten apple injures its neighbours.

Bitta chirigan olma yonidagi olmalarni ham chiritadi.
cart arava

load ortmoq

upset ag’darish

To upset the apple-cart.

Olma ortilgan aravani ag'darish.
archer mergan

arrow kamon

aim nishon

watch for poylamoq

A good archer is not known by his arrows, but his aim.

Yaxshi mergan kamon o'qi bilan emas, poylagan nishoni bilan mashhur.

every har bir

man inson

architect me’mor

own o’z

fortune taqdir

Every man is the architect of his own fortune.

Har bir inson o'z taqdirining me'mori.
art sanat

enemy dushman

ignorance nodonlik

Art has no enemy except ignorance.

San'atning nodonlikdan o'zga dushmani yo'q.
long abadiy

life umr

Art is long, life is short.

San'at abadiy - umr qisqa.

question savol

lie yolg’on

hear eshitmoq

Ask no questions and you will be told no lies.

Savol berma, yolg'on eshitmaysan.
buy xarid qilmoq

what nima

purse hamyon

ask so’ramoq

Ask thy purse what thou shouldst buy.

Nima xarid qilishni hamyoningdan so'ra.

bed o’rin

make solmoq

so shunday

lie yotmoq

As you make your bed, so must you lie on it.

Qanday o'rin solsang, shunday yotasan.

sow ekmoq

mow o’rmoq

As you sow, shall you mow.

Nima eksang, shuni o'rasan.

oneself birovni

ass eshak

To make an ass of oneself.

Birovni eshak qilmoq.

ear qulog’

wag ding qilmoq

All asses wag their ears.

Eshaklarning hammasi qulog'ini ding qilar.

bundle bog’

hay pichan

between orasida

An ass between two bundles of hay.

Ikki bog' pichan orasida arosatda qolgan eshak.
lion sher

skin teri

An ass in a lion's skin.

Sher terisidagi eshak.

broom broom

sweep quritmoq

try to urinmoq

Try to sweep back the Atlantic with a broom.

Atlantika okeanini supurgi bilan quritishga urinmoq.
aunt amma

uncle amaki

If my aunt had been a man, she'd have been my uncle.

Ammam erkak bo'lganida, amakim bo'lar edi.

author kitob muallif

friend do’st

choose tanlamoq

as dek

Choose an author as you choose a friend.

Kitob muallifini do'st tanlagandek tanla.

ax bolta

need darkor

grind maydal

To have an ax to grind.

Oltin maydalash uchun bolta darkor.

(Yanchish uchun boltaga ega bo’lmoq.)


Bacchus has drowned more men than Neptune.

Neptun [dengiz xudosi] ga nisbatan Baxus [ichkilik xudosi] ko'proq odamni g'arq etgan.
Bachelor's fare: bread and cheese and kisses.

Bo'ydoqning rizqi - non-u pishloq va o'pkich.

A bad excuse is better than none.

Xohlamasdan kechirim so'rash - yo'g'idan yaxshi.

A bad workman quarrels with his tools.

Ustaning yomoni doim asbobdan nolir.

Bad news has wings.

Yomon xabarlarning qanoti bor.

He that spares the bad injures the good.

Yomon narsangni ayasang, yaxshisidan ayrilasan.

The bait hides the hook.

Go'sht ostidagi tuzoqni berkitar.

Bald heads are soon shaven.

Kalning sochi tez orada olinur.

A bargain is a bargain.

Kelishuv – kelishuvdir.

To bark at the Moon.

Oyga qarab hurimoq.

Barking dogs seldom bite.

Huradigan itlar kamdan-kam qopadi.

To have bats in the belfry.

Minorasida ko'rshapalagi bor [telba].

Be sure before you marry of a house wherein to tarry.

To'ydan oldin yashaydigan oilaga ishonch hosil qil.

Every bean has its black.

Har bir dukkakning o'z qorachig'i bor.

Catch the bear before you sell his skin.

Ayiqning terisini sotishdan oldin, o'zini tutgin.

Beauty is but skin deep.

Chiray yuzda, teri esa qalin.

Beauty is in the eye of the gazer.

Chiroy sevishganlarning ko'zida bo'ladi.

Beauty will buy no beef.

Chiroyga go'sht olib bo'lmas.

Poverty acquaints with strange bedfellows.

Qashshoqlik g'aroyib o'rindoshlarga yo'liqtirar.

The beggar may sing before the thief.

Kambag'al o'g'riga duch kelsa, ashula aytadi.

Beggars cannot be choosers.

Kambag'al tanlay olmaydi.

Set a beggar on horseback and he'll ride to the devil.

Kambag'alni otga mindirsang, shayton oldiga yelar.

A bad beginning makes a bad ending.

Yomon boshlangan yomon tugaydi.

A good beginning makes a good ending.

Yahshi boshlangan yaxshilik bilan tugallanar.

In every beginning think of the end.

Har ishni boshlayotganda, oxirini o'yla.

Hungry bellies have no ears.

Qorni ochning qulog'i yo'q.

Better a glorious death than a shameful life.

Nomussiz hayotdan shonli o'lim afzal.

The best is (oftentimes) the enemy of the good.

Yaxshi narsaning dushmani - eng yaxshisidir.

Better an open enemy than a false friend.

Soxta do'stdan oshkora dushman afzal.

If you cannot have the best, make the best of what you have.

Agar yaxshi narsaga ega bo'lolmasang, qo'lingda boriga qanoat qil.

Better be alone than in bad company.

Yomonlar orasida bo'lgandan yolg'iz bo'lgan afzal.

Better be born lucky than rich.

Boy bo'lib tug'ilgandan omadli bo'lib tug'ilgan yaxshi.

Better a lean peace than a fat victory.

Semiz g'alabadan ozg'in tinchlik yaxshiroq.

Better be envied than pitied.

Birov seni ayagandan ko'ra hasad qilgani yaxshi.

Better an egg today than a hen tomorrow.

Ertangi tovuqdan bugungi tuxum afzal.

Better be sure than sorry.

Afsuslangandan ko'ra o'zingga ishon.

Better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion.

Arslonning dumi bo'lgandan ko'ra itning boshi bo'lgan afzal.

Better buy than borrow.

Qarz olgandan ko'ra sotib ol.

Better give a shilling than lend a half-crown.

Yarim krona qarz bergandan ko'ra bir shilling hadya et.

Better die a beggar than live a beggar.

Kambag'al bo'lib yashagandan kambag'al bo'lib o'lgan afzal.

Better go to heaven in rags than to hell in embroidery.

Jahannamga kimhob kiyib borgandan, jannatga juldur kiyib borgan afzal.

Better late than never.

Hech bo'lmagandan kech bo'lgani afzal.

Better never begin than never make an end.

Hech tamomlay olmaydigan ishni sira boshlamagan afzal

Better the devil you know than the devil you don't know.

O'zing tanimagan shaytondan sen tanigan shay ton afzal.

Better untaught than ill-taught.

Chalasavoddan savodsiz afzal.

Between the cup and the lip a morsel may slip.

Lagandan labingga yetguncha, luqmang tushib ketishi mumkin.

Between Scylla and Charybdis.

Silla va Xaribda orasida.

Between two stools one falls to the ground.

Ikki kursi orasida o'tiraman degan yiqilib tushadi.

Fast bind, fast find.

Yaxshiroq qulflasang - butunroq topasan.

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

Butadagi ikkita qushdan, qo'ldagi bittasi yaxshi.

Birds of a feather flock together.

Bir balandlikda parvoz qiladigan qushlar galaga to'planishadi.

Every bird likes its own nest.

Har qush o'z uyasini der.

It is an ill bird that fouls its own nest.

Yomon qush o'z uyasini bulg'ar.

Old birds are not to be caught with chaff.

Qari qushni tuzoq bilan tutib [aldab] bo'lmas.

There are no birds of this year in last year's nest.

Bu yil uchib kelgan qushlarni o'tgan yilgi uyadan topib bo'imaydi.
That which was bitter to endure may be sweet to remember.

Achchiq tuyulgan narsani balki keyinchalik eslash shirin bo'lur.

Who has never tasted bitter, knows not what is sweet.

Achchiqni tatib ko'rmagan, shirinning ta'miga yetmas.

There are black sheep in every flock.

Har podaning o'z qora qo'yi bor.

Two blacks do not make a white.

lkki qora qo'shilib ham oq bo'lolmaydi.

Blessings are not valued untill they are gone.

Baxt qo'ldan ketmaguncha beqadr.

None so blind as those who won't see.

Ko'rishni istamaganlardan ko'rroq odam topilmas.

Men are blind in their own cause.

O'ziga qolganda odamlar ko'r bo'ladi.

A blind man will not thank you for a looking-glass.

Ko'r ko'zgu keltirganga rahmat aytmas.

In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.

Ko'rlar mamlakatida bir ko'zli qirol bo'ladi.

If the blind leads the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.

Ko'r ko'rni yetaklasa, ikkalovi ham chuqurga dumalar.

Blood is thicker than water.

Qon suvdan quyuq.

Blushing is virtue's colour.

Uyatdan qizarmoq - nomus belgisi.

Great boast and small roast.

Maqtanchoqlik ko'p - jarkob bo'lsa oz.

A little body often harbours a great soul.

Kichik tanda ko'pinchalik buyuk ruh yashaydi.

A fool’s bolt is soon shot.

Ahmoqning kamon o'qi tezda otilar.

He that is born to be hanged shall never be drowned.

Dorda o'lish uchun tug'ilgan, cho'kib o'lmaydi.

He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.

Og'izda kumush qoshiq bilan tug'ilmoq.

I was not born yesterday.

Kecha tug'ilganim yo'q.
To make both ends meet.

Uchni uchga ulamoq.

From whose bourn no traveller returns.

U yerdan hech bir sayyoh qaytmas.

Have more brains in one's little finger than one has in his whole body.

Birovning jimjilog'ida o'zganing badanidan ko'proq aql bor.

An idle brain in the devil's workshop.

Dangasa aqli - shayton ustaxonasi.

None but the brave deserve the fair.

Faqat jasurlik go'zallikka loyiq.

Ask for bread and be given a stone.

Non so' rab, tosh olmoq.

Cast one’s bread upon the waters.

Nonni suvga oqizmoq.

Eat the bread of affliction.

Xorlikning achchiq nonini yemoq.

Don’t cross bridges before you come to them.

Ko'prikka kelmasdan, uni kechib o'tma.

Eat the bread of idleness.

Bekorchilik nonini yemoq.

Let every man praise the bridge he goes over.

Ko'prikdan o'tgan her kishi uni maqtasin.

His bread is buttered on both sides.

Uning noniga ikki tarafidan saryog' surilgan.

It’s as broad as it's long.

Uzinasiga ham, eniga ham bir xil.

Laugh before breakfast, you'll cry before supper.

Nonushtadan oldin kulgan, tushlikdan oldin yig'1ar.


A new broom sweeps clean.

Yangi supurgi toza supuradi.
The first breath is the beginning of death.

Birinchi nafas - o'limning boshlanishi.

A bull in a china shop.

Xitoy chinnisi do'konidagi buqa.

Every bullet has it billet.

Har bir o'qning o'z nishoni bor.

A bully is always a coward.

Maqtanchoq doim qo'rqoq bo'ladi.

He that bulls the cow must keep the calf.

Sigirini sotgan, buzog'ini saqlab qolishi lozim.

To burn the candle at both ends.

Shamni ikki tomonidan yoqmoq.

He that feareth every bush must never go a-birding.

Butadan qo'rqqan aslo qush oviga bormasin.

One beats the bush and another catches the birds.

Butalarni silkitib, birov qush haydar, birov esa uni tutar.

Business before pleasure.

Hardiqdan oldin mehnat

Business is business.

Biznes biznesligicha qolaveradi.

Everybody’s business is nobody's business.

Hammaning ishi - hech kimning ishi.

Who is more busy than he that hath least to do?

Eng band odamlar hammadan kam ishlaydi.

To buy a pig in a poke.

Qop ichida cho'chqani (ko'rmasdan] sotib olmoq.

Let bygones be bygones.

O'tmish o'tmishda qolaversin.


Calamity is man's true touchstone.

Musibat - odamni (tekshiruvchi] asl mezon.
To call a spade a spade.

Ketmonni ketmon demoq.

If the cap fits, wear it.

Shu do'ppi sizga to'g'ri kelsa, kiyib yuring.

Cards are the devil's books.

Karta - shaytonning kitobi.

Lucky at cards, unlucky in love.

Qimorda omadi yurishgan, sevgida omadsiz bo'ladi.

Care killed a cat.

G'am mushukni o'ldiribdi.

Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves.

Har .bir pens [tiyin]ning g'amini yesang, funt[so'm]lar o'z g'amini o'zi yer.

To carry coals to Newcastle.

Nyukaslga [Angliya ko'mir sanoatining markaziga] ko'mir olib bormoq.

To put the cart before the horse.

Aravani otdan oldin qo'ymoq.

To build castles in the air.

Havoda qasr qurmoq.

All cats are grey in the dark.

Qorong'ida hamma mushuklar kulrang ko'rinadi

All cats love fish but fear to wet their paws.

Mushuk baliqni xush ko'rar, ammo oyog'ini ho'llashdan qo'rqar.

A cat in gloves catches no mice.

Mushuk qo'lqopda sichqon tutolmas.

A cat may look at a king.

Mushuk ham qirolga qarashi mumkin.

To see which way the cat jumps.

Mushukning sakragan tomoniga qara.

Teach the cat the way to the kirn.

Mushukni hosil bayramiga olib bormoq.

What can you have of a cat but her skin.

Mushukdan terisidan o'zga nima ham olardingiz.

When the cat’s away the mice will play.

Mushuk ketsa, sichqon o'yinga tushadi.

A chain is no stronger than its weakest link,

Zanjirning mustahkamligi eng bo'sh bo'g'inidan kuchli emas.

As like chalk and cheese.

Bo'r pishloqqa o'xshaganidek.

It chanceth in an hour that happeneth not in seven years.

Yetti yildan beri bo'lmagan narsa bir soatda sodir bo'ladi.

Charity begins at home.

Savob o'z uyingdan boshlanadi.

The parson always christens his own child first.

Har kimsa birinchi bo'lib o'z bolasini cho’qintiradi.

Who chatters to you will chatter of you.

Senga birovning sirini ochgan, sening siringni birovga ochar.

The king’s cheese goes half away in parings.

Xon plshlog'ining yarmi peshvolariga ulashiladi

Pull somebody’s chestnuts out of the fire.

Olovdan o'zgalar uchun yong'oq olmoq.

Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched.

Jo'jalaringni tuxumdan chiqmasidan sanama.

The cobler’s children usually go unshod.

Etikdo'zning bolalari odatda etiksiz yuradi.

He may well swim that is held up by the head.

Birov iyagidan ushlab tursa, suzishga usta

A chip of the old block.

Ko'hna xarsangning siniq parchasi.

Nothing to choose between them.

Ularning orasidan tanlashga arziydigani yo'q.

Choose a wife rather by your ear than your eye.

Xotinni ko'zing bilan emas, qulog'ing bilan tanla.

The nearer the church, the farther from God.

Cherkovga yaqinlashgan sari Xudodan uzoqlashar.

Go round in small circles.

O'z atrofida gir aylanmoq.

Civility costs nothing.

Xushxulqlik tekindir.

Claw me and I will claw thee.

Sen meni maqta, men seni maqtayman.

Cleanliness is next to godliness.

Tozalik xudojo'ylik garovi.

He that never climbed never fell.

Sira yuksalmagan sira yiqilmas.

Hasty climbers have sudden falls.

Tez ko'tarilgan to'satdan yiqiladi.

Have not thy cloak to make when it begins to rain.

Yomg'ir boshlangandan keyin to'n tikish.

A close mouth cat catcheth no flies.

Y opiq og'izga pashsha tushmas.

Clothes make the man.

Odamni kiyim ochar.

Every cloud has a silver lining.

Har bir bulutning kumush hoshiyasi bor.

The coast is clear.

Qirg'oq bo'yi toza.

Cut the coat according to the cloth.

Qo'lingdagi bo'zga qarab ko'ylak bich.

It’s not he gay coat that makes the gentleman.

Kul rang kiyim kiygan har kimsa ham jentlmen bo'lavermaydi.

The cobbler must stick to his last.

Etikdo'z o'zi tikayotgan etigiga bigiz tiqsin.

As the old cock crows so doth the young.

Yosh xo'roz qari xo'roz singari qichqiradi.

A cock is valiant on his own dunghill.

Xo'roz o'z go'ng uyimida botir.

A ragged colt may moke a good horse.

Oyoqda turolmaydigan toy chopag'on otga aylanishi mumkin.

Easy come, easy go.

Yengil kelgan, yengil ketadi.

Everything comes to him who waits.

Kuta bilganga hamma narsa keladi.

He who comes uncalled sits unserved.

Chaqirilmagan joyga borgan - qarovsiz qolar.

Evil communications corrupt good manners.

Shayton bilan aloqa - xulqi a'loni ham buzadi.

Two is company, but three is none.

Ikki kishi kengash qursa, uchinchisi ortiqcha.

Comparisons are odious.

O'xshatish nafrat uyg'otar.

A lean compromise is better than a fat lawsuit.

Omonat kelishuv qiyomat qarzdan afzal.

Confession is good for the soul.

Iqror - ruh uchun yaxshidir.

A good conscience is a continual feast.

Sof insof - tugamas bayram.

A constant guest is never welcome.

Ko'p keladigan mehmonni yaxshi kutib olishmaydi.

Every cook praises his own broth.

Har bir oshpaz o'z sho'rvasini maqtar.

Head cook and bottle-washer.

Ham bosh oshpaz, ham tovoq yuvuvchi.

Good counsel does no harm.

Yaxshi maslahat yomonlik keltirmas.

Every country has its own customs.

Har bir mamlakatning o'z urf-odatlari bor

Every couple is not a pair.

Har qanday ikki kishi ham juft bo'lavermaydi.

The course of true love never did run smooth.

Haqiqiy muhabbat yo'li hech qachan tekis bo'lmaydi.

Courtesy on one side only lasts not long.

Bir taraflama xushmuomalalik uzoqqa cho'zilmaydi.

Cousin seven times removed.

Yetti yot begona xolavachcha.

The cow knows not what her tail is worth until she has lost it.

Sigir dumidan ayrilmaguncha, uning qadriga yetmas.

Cowards are cruel.

Qo'rqoqlar berahm bo'ladi.

Cowards die many times before their death.

Qo'rqoq o'limidan oldin ko'p bor o'ladi.

A creaking door hangs long.

G'irchillagan eshik uzoq turadi.

Creditors have better memories than debtors.

Qarz berganning xotirasi, qarz olgannikidan butunroq.

Crime doesn't pay.

Yomon ish o'zini hech qachon oqlamas.

The greater the crime, the higher the gallows.

Jinoyat qanchalik qabih bo'lsa, dor shunchalik baland bo'ladi.

He that lives with cripples learns to limp.

Cho'loqlar bilan yashagan, oqsashni o'rganar.

Crooked by nature is never made straight by education.

Bukri bo'lib tug'ilganni tarbiya to'g'rilamas.

It is no use crying over split milk.

T o'kilgan sutga yig'lamoq befoyda.

A full cup must be carried steadily.

To’la kosani avaylab ol.

Curses are like chickens; they come home to roost.

Qarg'ish jo'jaga o'xshab o'z iniga qaytadi.


A danger foreseen is half avoided.

Xatarni oldindan ko'ra bilmoq, yarmisiga oldini olmoq.
Every day is not Sunday.

Har kuni ham yakshanba bo'lavermaydi.

Dead men tell no tales.

O’lganlar ertak aytishmaydi.

Day at night, praise fair.

Yaxshi kunni kechasi maqta.

Let the dead bury their dead.

O'liklar o'z o'liklarini ko'msin.

Concerning the dead say nothing but good.

Oliganlar haqida faqat yaxshi gapir.

He that would the daughter win, must with the mother first begin.

Qiziga erishmoq uchun onasining ko'nglini avlash kerak.

Dead men don't bite.

O’lganlar tishlamas.

There is no disputing about tastes.

Kim nimani xush ko'rishi haqida bahslashilmaydi.

After death the doctor.

O'lgandan keyin tabib chaqirmoq.

Death is the grand leveller.

O'lim - buyuk tenglashtiruvchidir.

Death takes no denial.

O'lim norozilikka qaramas.

Debt is the worst poverty.

Qarz kambag'allikdan battar

Out of debt, out of danger.

Qarzdan yiroq, xatardan yiroq.

He that once deceives is ever suspected.

Bir marta aldagan umrbod ishonchdan chiqar.

If a man deceives me once, shame on him;

If he deceives me twice, shame on me.

Meni birov bir marta aldasa - unga uyat;

agar meni ikki marta aldasa - menga uyat.

In the deepest water is the best fishing.

Eng chuqur suvda baliq ovi zo'r bo'ladi

Delays are dangerous.

Keyinga qoldirish xatarlidir.

He that will not taste the sour, deserves not the sweet.

Achchiqni totib ko'rmagan shiringa loyiq emas.

He that desires honour is not worthy of honour.

Shon-shavkatni talab qilgan - unga munosib emas.

Despair gives courage to a coward.

Iloji qolmasa, qo'rqoq ham botir bo'ladi.

Better the devil you know than the devil you don't know.

Tanimagan shaytondan tanish shayton yaxshi.

Between the devil and the deep sea.

Shayton bilan dengiz qa'ri orasida.

The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.

O'z maqsadida shayton Muqaddas Kitob ustida ham qasam ichadi.

The devil finds work for the idle hands to do.

Shayton bo'sh qo'lga ish topib beradi.

The devil is good to his own.

Shayton o'zinikini xush ko'rar.

The Devil knows many things because he is old.

Shayton ko'p narsani biladi, chunki ko'p yashagan.

The Devil rebuking sin.

Yovuzlikni qoralayotgan shayton.

Each for himself and the Devil take the hindmost.

Hamma o'zi uchun, shayton olsin orqada qolganlarni

Hate somebody as the Devil hates holy water.

Birovni, shayton muqaddas suvni yoqtirmagandek, xush ko'rmaslik.

When the devil was sick, the devil a monk would be.

Kasallik kelsa shay ton ham so'pi bo'ladi.

Diamond cut diamond.

Olmosni olmos kesar.

He must have a long spoon that sups with the.devil.

Shayton bilan ovqatlangani o'tirsang, uzunroq qoshiq ol.

The difference between tweedledum and tweedledee.

Tvidlidam [umpak] va tvidlidi [rumpak] orasidagi farq.

He must needs go whom the devil drives.

Shayton yetaklasa yurishga majbursan.

Diligence is the mother of good luck.

Tirishqoqlik - omad onasi.

It is easier to raise the devil than to lay him.

Shaytonni chaqirish oson, undan qutulish qiyin.

Never cast dirt into that fountain of which thou hast sometime drunk.

Suv ichib turadigan favvoraga sira axlat tashlama.

Pull the devil by the tail.

Shaytonni dumidan tortmoq.

Discreet woman have neither eyes nor ears.

Ehtiyotkor ayolning na ko'zi bor, na qulog'i.

Company in distress makes trouble less.

Mushkul vaziyatni baham ko'rish musibatni yengillashtirar.

Better to do well than to say well.

Yaxshi gapirgandan ko'ra yaxshilik qil.

Do as you would be done by.

O'zingga nimani ravo ko'rsang, o'zgaga ham shuni qil.

What’s done can't be undone.

Qilingan ishni qilinmagan deb bo'lmaydi.

If you want a thing well done do it yourself.

Biron narsaning yaxshi qilinishini istasang, o'zing qil.

A dog in the monger.

Pichan ustidagi it.

The dogs bark but caravan goes on.

Itlar hurar, karvan esa o’tar.

Every dog has his day.

Har bir itning o'z kuni bor bo'ladi.

Give a dog a bad name and hang him.

Itga yomon nom bergin-u, osgin.

A good dog deserves a good bone.

Yaxshi itga - yaxshi suyak.

He that lies down with dogs must rise up with fleas.

Itlar bilan yotgan, bitlab turar.

Let sleeping dogs lie.

Uxlab yotgan kuchuklarni uyg'otmang,

A dog will not howl if you beat him with a bone.

Itni suyak bilan ursang, vovullamaydi.

A living dog is better than a dead lion.

O'lik arslondan tirik it afzal.

An old dog barks not in vain.

Qari it bekorga hurimaydi.

An old dog will learn no new tricks.

Qari it yangi hunar o'rganmas.

A staff is quickly found to beat a dog with.

Itni urishga tayoq tez topiladi.

Two dogs strive far a bone, and third runs away with it.

Ikki kuchuk suyak talashar, uchinchisi esa ilib ketar.

Two dogs over one bone seldom agree.

lkki it bir suyak ustida kamdan-kam chiqisha oladi.

The scalded dog fears cold water.

Kuygan it sovuq suvga ham puflar.

Scornful dogs will eat dirty puddings.

Dimog'dor itga yag'ir non qolar.

It is dogged that does it.

Sabr ko'p ishni yengar.

Doing is better than saying.

Gapirgandan qilgan yaxshi.


In doing we learn.

Ish davomida o'rganamiz.
What is worth doing at all is worth doing well.

Biror ishni qiladigan bo'lsang, to’la bajar.

What is done by night appears by day.

T unda sodir bo'ladigan narsa kunduzi oydinlashadi.

If a donkey bray at you, don't bray at him.

Agar eshak senga xarasa, sen unga baqirma.

At open doors dogs come in.

Ochiq eshikka itlar kirar

Every door may be shut but death's door.

O'lim eshigidan o'zga eshikni yopsa bo'ladi

If each would sweep before his own door we should have a clean city.

Har bir kishi o'z eshigi oldini supurganida, shahrimiz toza bo'lardi.

To lock the stable door after the horse is stolen.

Otni o'g'irlab ketishgandan keyin otxonaning eshigini qulflamoq.

When one door closes another opens.

Bir eshik yopilganda, ikkinchisi ochiladi.

As you brew, so must you drink.

Sharobni qanday shopirgan bo'lsang, shunday ichasan

Drink wine and have the gout: drink no wine and have the gout too.

Ichgan ham bod kasaliga yo'liqadi, ichmagan ham.

Drop from the clouds.

Bulutdan tomchi.

The last drop makes the cup run over.

So'nggi qatra qadahdagi suvni toshirar.

One drop of poison infects the whole tun of wine.

Bir tomchi zahar sharob to'la xumni aynitar.

Constant dropping wears away a stone.

To'xtovsiz tomchilasa, tosh ham yeyilar.

A drowning man will catch at a straw.

Cho'kayotgan odam xasdan najot izlar.

As drunk as a fish.

Baliqdek ichgin.

A drunken night makes a cloudy morning.

Mastlikda o'tkazilgan kechadan so'ng bulutli tong kelar.


In one ear and out at the other.

Bir quloqqa kirib, ikkinchisidan chiqadi.
If your ears burn, someone is talking about you.

Agar qulog'ingiz qiziyatgan bo'lsa, kimdir siz haqingizda gapirayapti

Early sow, early mow.

Vaqtli ekkan, vaqtli o'rar.

Easier said than done.

Qilmoqdan aytmoq oson.

East or west home is best.

Sharq-u G'arbdon o'z uying afzal.

Easy come, easy go.

Oson kelgan, Oson ketadi.

It is easy to be wise after the event.

Voqeadan keyin oqil bo'lish oson.

To eat high off the hog.

Cho'chqadan ko'p ovqat yemoq.

Eat out of somebody's hand.

Birovning qo'lidan yemoq.

Eat the fot of the land.

Yerning qaymog'ini yemoq.

Eat ot pleasure, drink by measure.

Rohatingga yegin, me'yorida ichgin.

Eat to live, but do not live to eat.

Yashash uchun yegin, ommo yeyish uchun yashamagin.

Eating and scratching wants but a beginning.

Yemoq va qichinmoq boshlangandan keyin kuchayadi.

Education begins a gentleman, conversation completes him.

Jentlmen tarbiyadan boshlanadi, suhbat esa uni maromiga yetkazadi.

Slippery as an eel.

Ilon baliqdek sirpanchiq.

He that would have eggs must endure the cackling of hens,

Tuxum olmoqchi bo'lgan odam tovuqlarning qaqillashiga chidashi lozim,

Elbow grease gives the best polish.

Sayqal zo'r yaltirash beradi.

That is but an empty purse that is full of other men's money.

Aynan bo'sh hamyon o'zgalar puliga to'la bo'ladi.

Empty vessels make the most noise.

Bo'sh idishdan eng ko'p shovqin chiqadi.

The end justifies the means.

Maqsad choralarni oqlaydi.

At the ends of the earth.

Yerning oxirida.

Come out at the little end of the horn.

Karnayning ingichka uchidan chiqmoq.

The end crowns all.

Hamma narsaning toji – oxiri.

In the end things will mend.

Oxirida hamma narsa yaxshi bo'lib ketadi.

The longest day must have an end.

Eng uzun kun ham. nihoyasiga yetadi.

An Englishman's house is his castle.

Inglizning uyi - uning qal'asi.

Enough is enough.

Yetarli – yetarlidir.

Enough is as good as a feast.

Me'yorida [yemoq] bayram ziyofatiday yaxshi.

Enough to make a saint swear

Avliyoni ham la'nat aytishga majbur qilishga yetarli.

Enough to try the patience of a saint.

Avliyoning sabrini sinashga yetarli.

To err is human.

Xato qilmoq insonga xosdir.

Can the Ethiopian change his skin?

Habash terisini o'zgartira oladimi?

The evening crowns the day.

Oqshom kunduzning toji.

Coming events cast their shadows before.

Kelajakdagi voqealar oldindan o'z soyasini to'shaydi.

Every man for himself and God for us all.

Har bir kishi o'zi uchun, Xudo bo'lsa hammamiz uchun.

Every man has his faults.

Har kimning o'z kamchiligi bor.

Every man is best known to himself.

Har "bir kishi o'ziga-o'zi to’la ayon.

Every man to his taste.

Har kimning o'z didi bor.

Everything comes to him who waits.

Kutgan hamma narsaga erishadi.

Everything must have a beginning.

Har bir narsa boshlanishga ega bo'lishi kerak.

Between two evils 'tis not worth choosing.

Kulfatlar orasida tanlashga arzigusi yo'q.

Evil be to him who evil thinks.

Ajalni o'ylaganni ajal olar.

The evils we bring on ourselves are the hardest to bear.

O'zimizga o'zimiz chaqirib olgan kulfatlarga chidash eng og'ir bo'ladi.

Example is better than precept.

0' rnak nasihatdan afzal.

Exchange is no robbery.

Almashish qaroqchilik emas.

Much is expected where much is given.

Kimga ko'p berilgan bo'lsa, undan talab ham katta.

Experience is the mother of wisdom.

T ajriba - oqillikning onasi.

Experience keeps a dear school, but fools learn in no other.

T ajriba qimmatbaho maktab, ammo ahmoqlarni o'zga narsaga o'rgatmas

Experience is good, if not bought too dear.

Agar qimmatga sotib olinmasa, tajriba yaxshi.

Experience teaches.

T ajriba o' rgatadi.

Extremes meet.

Haddan ziyod [narsalar] uchrashar.

An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.

Ko'zga - ko'z, tishga – tish.

What the eye sees not, the heart rues not.

Ko'z ko'rmagan narsaga yurak qayg'urmaydi.

The eyes are the mirror of the soul.

Ko'z - inson qalbining ko'zgusi.

Four eyes see more than two.

To'rtta ko'z ikkitadan ko'proq ko'raqi.

One’s eyes are bigger than one's belly.

Ko'zi qornidan ham kattaroq.

Sleep with one eye open.

Bir ko'zni ochib uxlaydi.

What the eye does not see the heart cannot grieve.

Ko'z ko'rmasa, qalb ham qayg'urmaydi.


The face is the index af the heart.

Yuz - qalb ka'rsatkichi.
A fair face may hide a foul heart.

Chiroyli yuz jirkanch qalbni niqoblashi mumkin

A good face is a letter of recommendation.

Yaxshi yuz - tanishtiruv yorlig'i.

Her face is her fortune.

Uning yuzi - uning omadi.

To put a good face on something.

Biron narsa borasida ochiq yuzli bo'lmoq.

Facts are stubborn things.

Dalillar - o'jar narsa.

It is an equal failing to trust everybody and to trust nobody.

Har kimga ishonish va hech kimga ishonmaslik - bir xii kamchilik.

Faint heart never won fair lady.

Uyatchan qalb hech qachon go'zal ayolni rom etolmas.

Fair and softly goes far.

Chiroyli va muloyim odam uzoqqa boradi.

A fair face is half a fortune.

Chiroyli yuz-yarim omad.

Fair play's a jewel.

Sof o'yin – boylik.

The fairer the hostess, the fouler the reckoning.

Oliyjanobroq mehmon, yomonroq hisob-kitob.

Fall into a snore.

Tuzoqqa ilinmoq.

Ride for a fall.

Baxtsizlik tomon ot choptirmoq.

Though heaven fall let justice be done.

Osmon uzilib tushsa ham, adolat o'rnatilsin.

The falling out of lovers is the renewing of love.

Sevishganlarning urushgani - sevgining yangilangani

Familiarity breeds contempt.

Betokalluflik hurmatsizlikka keltiradi.

Far from eye, far from heart.

Ko'zdan uzoqda, qalbdan uzoqda.

A fault once denied is twice committed.

Xatoni inkor etgan uni ikki marotaba chuqurlashtiradi

A fault confessed is half redressed.

Tan olingan xato yarmisiga tuzatilgan hisoblanadi.

Faults are thick where love is thin.

Sevgi oz joyda xatolar qalin bo'ladi.

The first faults are theirs that commit them, the second theirs that permit them.

Birinchi xatoni uni inkor etuvchilar qilsa, ikkinchi o'rinda unga yo'l qo'yuvchilar turadi.

The fat is in the fire.

Olov ichidagi dumba yog'i.

Feast today and fast tomorrow.

Bugun ziyofat, ertasiga esa ro'za.

Death's head at a feast.

Bayram ziyofatida murdaning boshi.

Fine fathers make fine birds.

Go'zal qanotlar go'zal qushni yaratadi.

Not to have a feather to fly with.

Uchmoqqa qanot yo' q.

Not to set at a pin's fee.

Bir ninaning puliga ham arzimas.

Few words are best.

Eng yaxshisi kam so'zlamoq.

To fiddle while Rome is burning.

Rim yonayotganda skripka chalmoq.

If you dance you must pay the fiddler.

Raqs tushadigan bo'lsang, skripkachiga pul to'lashing lozim.

Finders keepers, losers weepers.

Topgan ushlaydi, yo'qotgan yig'laydi.

Better a finger off than aye wagging.

Barmog'ing qiynagandan ko'ra uni chopib tashlash afzal.

To have a finger in the pie.

Pudingga barmoq suqmoq.

Have light fingers,

Yengil barmoqli bo'lmoq.

One’s finger is thicker than another's loins.

Birovning jimjilog'i o'zganing belidan yo'g'on.

A burnt child dreads the fire

Kuygan bola olovdan qo'rqar.


Drive out fire with fire.

Olovni olov bilan chekintirish.
No fire without smoke.

T utunsiz olov bo'lmas.

Fire and water are good servants, but bad masters.

Olov va suv yaxshi xizmatchi, ammo yomon xo'jayin.

Play with fire.

Olov bilan o'ynashmoq.

Fire that's closest kept burns most of all.

Yashirincha yongan olov eng kuchli bo'ladi.

Set the Thames on rfire.

Temza daryosini yondirmoq.

The fire which lights us at a distance will burn us when near.

Bizni uzoqdan isitgan olov yaqindan kuydiradi.

Fire into the wrong flock.

Adashib boshqa to'dani yondirish.

Go through fire and water

Olov va suvdan o'tmoq.

Fish in the air.

Havoda baliq tutmoq.

First catch your hare and then cook it.

Avval quyonni tutib ol, keyin qovur.

First come, first served.

Birinchi kelganga birinchi bo'lib xizmat qilishadi.

First think, and then .speak.

Avval o'yla, keyin so'yla.

First thrive and then wife.

Avval o'zingni o'nglab ol, keyin xotin ol.

The fisrst blow is half the battle.

Birinchi hamla - yarim jang.

All is fish that comes to his net.

To'riga tushgan har narsani ham baliq deb biladi.

The best fish are near the bottom.

Baliqning sarasi suv tubida suzadi

A big fish in a little pond.

Kichik ko'lmakdagi katta baliq .

Cry stinking fish

Chiriyatgan baliq hayqirig'i.

Fish begins to stink at the head.

Baliq boshidan sasiy boshlaydi.

A fish out of water.

Suvdan tashqaridagi baliq.

The great fish eat up the small.

Katta baliq kichigini yeydi.

If you swear you wiil catch no fish.

Janjalloshadigan bo'lsangiz baliq tutolmaysiz.

It is a silly/that is caught twice with the some bait fish.

Faqat ahmoq baliq bir xo'rakka ikki marta ilinadi.

Neither fish nor fowl.

Baliq ham emas, qush ham emas.

There's as good fish in the sea.

Dengizda baliq kabi ko'p.

Venture a to catch a great one.

Katta baliqni tutmoq uchin kichigidan voz kechish.

I have other fish to fry.

Qovurishga o'zga balig'im bor.

Give one's own fishguts to one's own sea-maws.

Baliq hasipini o'z suzgich pufagiga solmoq.

It is good fishing in trouble water.

Loyqa suvda baliq tutish yahshi.

As fit as a, flea

Burga kabi yaroqli [sakrashga]

He is not fittocommand others that cannot command himselfO'zini boshqarolmagan, o'zgalarni boshqarolmas.
When the devil goes to dinner flatterers meet.

Xushomadgo'ylar uchrashganida shayton ovqatlangani ketadi.

Nothing must be done hastily but killing of. fleas

Burga o'ldirishdan o'zga ishda shoshish kerak emas.

Be one flesh.

Bir tan bo'lmoq [eru-xotin haqida].

Fling dirt enough, and some will stick.

Yetarlicha loy otsang, ozmi-ko'pmi yopishadi.

Float on a claud.

Bulutda suzmoq.

To flog a dead horse.

O'lgan otni qamchilamoq.

Every flow has its ebb.

[Dengizda] Har bir suv toshishning qaytishi ham bor.

A fly in the ointment.

Moyga tushgan pashsha.

No Flying from fate.

Taqdirdan uchib ketolmaysan.

A fog cannot be dispelled with a fan.

Tumanni yelpig'ich bilan tarqatib bo'lmas.

Idle folks have the least leisure.

Dangasaning bo'sh vaqti hammadan kam bo'ladi.

Idle folks lack no excuses.

Dangasada bahonadan ka'pi yo'q.

Follow the river and you'll get to the sea.

Daryoga ergashib dengizga chiqasan.

Folly is wise in her own eyes.

Har bir ahmoq o'z ko'zida dono ko'rinadi.

A fool and his money are soon parted.

Ahmoq va uning puli bir-biridan tez orada ajralar.

Answer a fool according to his folly.

Ahmoqqa ahmoqligiga yarasha javob ber.

As the fool thinks, so the bell clinks.

Qo'ng'iroq, ahmoq o'ylaganiday jaranglarkan.

Every fool will be meddling.

Har bir ahmoq [har narsaga] aralashaveradi.

A fool always rushes to the fore.

Ahmoq doim to'rga intilar.

The fool does think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool.

Ahmoq o'zini dono deb o'ylarkan, dono esa o'zini ahmoq deb bilarkan.

A fool is known by his laughing.

Ahmoq kulgisidan ma'lum.

A fool may ask more questions in an hour than a wise man can answer in seven years.

Ahmoq bir soat ichida bera oladigan savollarga aqlli yetti yilda ham javob berolmaydi.

A fool may give a wise man counsel.

Ahmoq aqlliga ham maslahat bera oladi.

A fool may sometimes speak to the purpose.

Goho ahmoq ham o'rinli so'zlar.

A fool may throw a stone into a well which a hundred wise men cannot pull out.

Bir ahmoq quduqqa tashlagan toshni yuzta aqlli ham olib chiqolmas.

No fool like on old fool.

Qori ahmoqqa teng keladigan ahmoq yo' q.

None is a fool always, every one sometimes.

Hech kim har doim ahmoq bo’lavermaydi, har kim ba'zan [ahmoq) bo'ladi.

One fool makes many.

Sir ahmoq ko'pni (ahmoq) qiladi.

A fool when he is silent is counted wise.

Ahmoq indamoy turganda aqlli hisoblanadi.

Fools make feasts and wise men eat them.

Ahmoqlar ziyofat beradi, aqllilar esa mehmon bo'ladi.

Fools never know when they are well.

Ahmoqlar hech qachon o'z foydasini bilmas.

Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.

Farishtalar qadam bosgani qo'rqqan yerga ahmoqlar otilib kirar

Fools should not have chopping sticks.

Ahmoqlarga darz ketgan tayoq ushlash man etiladi.

Fools will be fools.

Ahmoq ahmoqligicha qoladi

He is a fool that forgets. himself.

O'zini unutgan ahmoqdir

He is a fool that is not melancholy once a day.

Kuniga bir marta ham ma'yus tortmagan ahmoqdir.

The fool wanders, the wise men travels.

Ahmoq daydib yurar, dono sayohat qilar

If fools went not to market, bad wares would not be sold.

Agar ahmoqlar bozorga bormaganda, yomon mollar sotilmasdi

Better the foot slip than the tongue.

Til toygandan oyoq toygani afzal.

Have a foot in both camps.

Ikkala [bir-biriga dushman] lashkargohga qadam qo'ymoq.

Fortune favors the bold.

Omad botirlarga hamroh.

Fortune is variant.

Omad bevafodir.

Measure another man's foot by one's own last.

Birovning oyog'ini o'z qolipiga qarab o'lchash.

Fortune knocks once at least at every man's door.

Omad har bir kishining eshigini hech bo'lmasa bir marta taqillatadi.

Forbearance is no acquittance.

Sabr-toqat qilmoq qarzdan ozod etish degani emas.

Forewarned, forearmed.

Oldindan ogohlantirilgan - oldindan qurollangan.

When fortune knocks, open the door.

Omad taqillatganda eshikni och.

Forgive and forget.

Kechir va unut.

He dances well to whom fortune pipes.

Kimga omad jo'r bo'lsa, o'sha raqsga zo'r tushadi.

Foul water will quench fire.

Iflos suv olov o'chiradi.

Before you choose a friend, eat a bushel of salt with him.

Do'st tanlashdan oldin u bilan bir botmon tuz yegin.

When the fox preaches, then beware your geese.

Tulki nasihat qila boshlaganda, g'ozlaringizni qo'riqlang.

A friend in court is better than a penny in purse.

Saroydagi do'st cho'ntakdagi penni [tiyin]dan afzal.

The fox knows much, but more he that catcheth him.

Tulki ko'p narsani biladi, ammo uni tutgan ko'proq biladi.

A friend in need is a friend indeed.

Qiyinchilikdagi do'st - asl do'st.

Be slow in choosing a friend, slower in changing him.

Do'st tanlaganda shoshilma, uni almashtirganda yanada ehtiyotkor bo'l.

Come off scot free.

Bepul jarima bilan qutulish.

The friar preached against stealing and had a goose in his sleeve.

Rohib o'g'rilikka qarshi nasihat qiladi, o'zi bo'lsa yengida g'oz berkitadi

Between friends all is common.

Do'stlar orasida hamma narsa umumiy.

The best of friends must part.

Eng yaxshi do'stlar ajrashmog'i muqarrar.

Be a friend to thyself, and others will befriend thee.

O'zingga o'zing do'st bo'l va boshqalar ham senga do'st bo'ladi.

A friend to everybody is a friend to nobody.

Hammaga do'st bo’lgan hech kimga do'st bo'lmaydi.

A fair-weather friend.

Obi-havo hush kelgandagi do'st.

Friends are thieves of time.

Do'stlar vaqt o'g'rilaridir.

False friends are worse than bitter (open) enemies.

Soxta do'stlar ashaddiy [ochiq] dushmandan xavfli.

Friends may meet, but mountains never greet.

Do'stlar uchrashishi mumkin, ammo tog'lar hech qochon bir-biriga ta'zim qilmaydi.

Old friends and old wine are best.

Eski do'stlar va eski may eng a’lo bo'ladi.

It is good to have some friends both in heaven and hell.

Ham jannatda, ham jahannamda bir nechta do'stlarga ega bo'lish yaxshi.

Have but few friends, though many acquaintances.

Tanish-bilish ko'p bo’lsa ham do'st atigi ~ir nechtadir.

Friendship cannot stand always on one side.

Do'stlik har doim bir tomondan qaror topavermaydi

Friendship is not to be bought at a fair.

Do'stlikni bozordan sotib olib bo'lmaydi.

A little frog in a big pond.

Katta hovuzdagi kichik qurbaqa.

Forbidden fruit is sweetest.

Man etilgan meva eng shirin bo'ladi.

He that would eat the fruit must climb the tree.

Meva yegisi kelgan daraxtga chiqishi lozim.

Out of the frying-pan into the fire.

Qizigan tovadan olovga tushmoq.

Full of courtesy, full of craft.

Xushmuamalolik mo'I, mohirlik mo'Ll

Full to the gills.

Baqbaqasigacha [to’la] ichibdi.}


The game is not worth the candle.

O’yin shamga ham arzimaydi.
Ill-gotten gains never prosper.

Harom topilgan foyda hech qachon ravnaq topmaydi.

Sometimes the best gain is to lose.

Ba'zan eng yaxshi foyda - voz kechish.

The cat-and-mouse game.

Mushuk bilan sichqon o'yini.

It is a game at which two can play.

O'yin deganni ikki kishi o'ynay oladi.

The same old game!

O'sha-o'sha eski o'yin.

No garden without its weeds.

Bog' begona o'tsiz bo'lmas.

Lie like a gas meter.

Gaz o'lchag'ichi kabi aldamoq.

All his geese are swans.

Uning hamma g'ozlari oqqushdir.

The gentleman that pays the rent.

Renta haqini to'laydigan jentlmen.

Look like a ghost.

Arvohga o'xshamoq.

A giant among pygmies.

Pakanalar orasidagi devqamat.

Gifts from enemies are dangerous.

Dushmanlarning hadyasi xatarlidir.

Look not a gift horse in the mouth.

Hadya otning og'ziga qaralmas.

Ginger shall be hot in the mouth.

Zanjabil [mazasi] og'izda avj oladi.

Give as good as one gets.

Birov berganiga yarasha bermoq.

Give the devil his due.

Shaytonga tegishlisini ber.

Who gives to all, denies all.

Hammaga beradigan hammasini rad etar.

He gives twice who gives quickly.

Tez bergan ikki barobar berar.

Giving much to the poor doth increase a man's store.

Kambag'alga ko'proq bermoq kishining farovonligini oshiradi.

People who live in glass houses, should never throw stones.

Shishadan yasalgan uyda yashovchi zinhor tosh otmasin.

Gluttony kills more than the sword.

Ochofatlik qilichdan ko'proq odamni o'ldirar.

Strain at a gnat and swallow a camel.

Chivinni elakdan o'tkazib, tuyani yutib yuboribdi.

Go down the ladder when thou marriest a wife;

go up when thou choosest a friend.

Xotining bilan birlashganda zinadan pastga tushasan; do'st tanlanganda yuqoriga ko'tarilasan.
Go farther and fare worse.

Uzoqroq borgan sari yo'l xarajati battar bo'lar.

Go to bed with the lamb, and rise with the lark.

Qo’zichoq bilan bir paytda o’ringa yotib, to’rg’ay bilan baravar uyg’on.

He that goes a-borrowing goes a-sorrowing.

Qarz olaversang oxiri uyalib qolasan.

God heals, and the doctor takes the fee.

Xudo shifo beradi, tabib pul oladi.

Go out like a candle in a snuff.

So'xta bo'lgan sham kabi sob bo'lmoq.

God help the poor, for the rich can help themselves.

Xudo kambag'alga yordam ber, boy o'ziga-o'zi yordam bera biladi.

God help the rich, the poor can beg.

Xudo boyga yordam beradi, kambag’al tilamchilik qilishi mumkin.

God comes at last when we think he is furthest off.

So'nggi daqiqada, Xudo yordamga kelmaydi deb o'ylaganimizda, u keladi.

God helps them, who help themselves.

O'ziga yordam berganga Xudo yordam beradi.

God defend me from my friends.;

from my enemies I can defend myself.

Xudo meni do'stlarimdan asrasin.;

dushmanlarimdan esa o'zimni-o'zim asrayman.

God is always on the side of the big battalions.

Xudo doim katta qo'shin tarafida.

God tempers the wind to the shorn lamb.

Juni yo'q qo'zichoqqa Xudo mayin shabada yuboradi.

God send me a friend that will tell me of my faults.

Xudo menga kamchiliklarimni aytadigan do'st yubor.

God's mill grinds slow but\sure.

Xudoning tegirmoni sekin, ammo bexato yanchir.

He that serves God for money will serve the devil for better wages.

Xudoga pulga xizmat qiladigan odam mo'mayroq pulga shaytonga ham xizmat qiladi.

God send you joy, for sorrow will come fast enough.

Xudo sizga hursandlik yuboradi, qayg'u bo’lsa tez orada yetib keladi.

Whom God would ruin, he first deprives of reason.

Xudo kimni xarob qilmoqchi bo'lsa, avval uning aqlini oladi.

God sends fortune to fools.

Xudo omadni ahmoqlarga yuboradi.

God sends meat and the devil sends cooks.

Xudo go'st yuboradi, shayton esa oshpazni.

Whom the gods love die young.

Xudo sevgan bandasi yosh o'ladi.

All is not gold that glitters.

Yaltiragan hamma narsa ham oltin emas.

Set good against evil.

Yomonlikka yaxshilik qil.

Good and quickly seldom meet.

Yaxshi va tez kam uchrar.

A good anvil does not fear the hammer.

Yaxshi sandon bolg'adan qo'rqmas.

A good beginning makes a good ending.

Yaxshi boshlangan [ish] yaxshi nihoyaga keltiradi.

A good example is the best sermon.

Yaxshi o'rnak eng alo nasihat.

A good face needs no paint.

Chiroyli yuzga g' oza kerakmas.

Good health is above wealth.

Yaxshi sog'lik boylikdan afzal.

A good life is the only religion.

Yaxshi hayot yagona dindir.

It is not good to want and to have.

Istamoq va ega bo'lmoq – yaxshimas.

One good turn deserves another.

Bir yaxshilik o'zga yaxshilikni keltiradi.

A good wife and health are a man's best wealth.

Yaxshi xotin va sog'liq erkakning eng yaxshi boyligidir

A good wife makes a good husband.

Yaxshi xotin yaxshi erni yaratadi.

Good workmen are seldom rich.

Yaxshi usta kamdan-kam boy bo'lar.

He knows best what good is that has endured evil.

Yomonlikni boshidan kechirgan, yaxshilikning qadriga ko'proq yetar.

We know not what is good until we have lost it.

Yaxshi nimaligini uni yo'qotmaguncha anglamaymiz.

Cook own goose.

O'z g'ozini pishirmoq.

Everything is lovely and the goose hangs high.

Hamma narsa ajoyib va g'oz balandga osib qo'yilgon.

Kill the goose that laid the golden eggs.

Oltin tuxum qo'yadigan g'ozni o'ldirmoq.

Gossiping and lying go hand in hand.

G'iybat va yolg'on qo’l ushlashib yuradi.

Against the grain.

Ipning to'qimiga qarshi.

A grain of wheat in a bushel of chaff.

Bir botmon poholda bittagina bug'doy doni.

Grasp all, lose all.

Hamma narsaga yopishgan hammasidan ayrilar.

Grasp the nettle and it won't sting you.

Qichitqi o'tni shartta ushlasang, u kuydirmas.

The grass is /always/ greener on the other side of the fence.

Devor ortidagi o't [doim] yashilroq ko'rinadi.

Let the grass grow under one's feet.

Birovning poyi ostidagi o't o'sib chiqsin.

While the grass grows. the horse starves.

O't o'sib chiqquncha ot harom o'ladi.

Silent as the grave.

Go'r kabi jimjit.

Great minds think alike.

Buyuk allomalar o'xshash fikrlaydi.

If there were no little ones, there would be no Great ones.

Birov kichik bo'lmaganida, birov katta bo'lmasdi.

Great talkers are great liars.

Sergaplar uchiga chiqqan yolg'onchi bo'ladi.

Great talkers are little doers.

Sergaplar kam ish qiladi.

Great trees are good for nothing but shade.

Katta daraxtlar soyadan boshqa narsaga yaramaydi.

The greater the truth, the greater the libel.

Haqiqat qanchalik ulkan bo'lsa, bo'hton ham shunchalik ulkan bo'ladi.

The greatest hate springs from the greatest love.

Eng katta nafrat eng katta sevgidan paydo bo'ladi.

It is Greek to me.

Men uchun bu grek tili.

Grin and bear it.

Tirjayib [qiyinchilikni] bildirma.

To bring grist to the mill.

Tegirmonga don keltirmoq.

All is grist that comes to his mill.

Tegirmoniga keltirgan har narsa ham don bo'laveradi.

Be on one's own ground.

O'z yerida turmoq.

Bear a grudge against somebody

Birovga qarshi kek saqlamoq.

A constant guest is never welcome.

Doimiy mehmon hech qachon xush kelmas.

When guns speak it is too late to argue.

Miltiq tilga kirganda, muzokara uchun kech.

To be a hail fellow well met.

Birovni ko'rganda qadrdonlarcha so'rashgan, yaxshi kutib olinadi.

Long hair and short wit.

Sochi uzun, aqlikalta

Half a loaf is better than no bread.

Umuman yo'q nondan yarimta kulcha afzal.

The half is more than the whole.

Yarmisi butunidan ko'proq.

Half the world knows not how the other half lives.

Dunyoning yarmi ikkinchi yarmi qanday yashashidan bexabar.

One's better half.

Birovning go'zal yarmi.

Never do things by halves.

Hech qachon biron narsani yarmiga qilma.

Hamlet without the Prince of Denmark.

Daniyalik' shaxzodasi yo' q Gamlet.

Between hammer and anvil.

Bolg'a bilan sandon .

To bite the hand that feeds one.

Boqayotgan qo'ini tishlamoq.

A cold hand and a warm heart.

Sovuq qo'l va issiq yurak.

A bad hand at something.

Yomon qo'l egasi.

An empty hand is no lure for a hawk.

Bo'sh qo'liga qirg'iy ham qo'nmaydi.

Extend a hand of friendship to somebody.

Birovga do'stlik qo'lini uzatmoq.

Hand and glove.

Qo’l va qo'lqop.

To have somebody.'s fate in one's hand.

Birovning taqdirini qo'lida ushlamoq.

To keep a firm hand on.

Qo'l bilan qattiq ushlamoq.

Many hands make light work.

Ko'p qo'l ishni yengillashtiradi.

Many kiss the hand they wish cut off.

Ko'plar chopib tashlamoqchi bo’lgan qo'ini o'padi.

A handful of good life is better than a bushel of learning.

Biroz yaxshi hayot bir [bushel] botmon bilimdan afzal.

Not to let one's left hand know hat one's right does.

Chap qo'l nima qilayotganini o'ng qo'ling bilmasin.

An old hand.

Qari qol.

One hand washes another.

Bir qo'l ikkinchisini yuvadi.

An open hand.

Ochiq qo'l.

Play one’s hand for all it is worth.

Birovning qo'lida [kartada] borini bilmoq.

Put not your hand between the bark and the tree.

Oo'lingni daraxt bilan po'stlog'i orasiga tiqma.

Wash one’s hands of somebody.

Birov [qismati]dan qo'l yuvmoq.

Handsome is that handsome does.

Ishi go'zal odam, o'zi ham go'zaldir.

He that is not handsome at twenty, not strong at thirty, nor rich at forty, nor wise at fifty, will never be handsome, strong, rich or wise.

20 yoshida hushbichim bo'lmagan, 30 yoshida kuchli bo'lmagan, 40 yoshida boy bo'lmagan, 50 yoshida do no bo'lmagan odam hech qachon hushbichim, kuchli, boy yoki dono bo'lmaydi.

As good be hanged for a sheep as a lamb.

Qo'zichoq deb dorga osilguncha; qo'y uchun osilmoq afzal [qadimgi ingliz qonuniga ko'ra qo'y 0'g'irlaganning jazosi - dorga osish edi].

Hanging and wiving go by destiny.

Dorga osilmoq va uylanish taqdirdan.

Happiness takes no account of time.

Bahtiyorlar vaqtga qaramas.

Happy is he that is happy in his children.

Bolalarida baxtli odam baxtiyordir.

As hard as a Flint /stone/.

Chaqmoq toshdek qattiq.

Hard cases make bad law.

Mushkul vaziyatlar yomon qonun yaratadi.

A hard nut to crack.

Qattiq yong'oq qarsillar.

First catch your hare, then cook it.

Oldin quyonni tutib ol, keyin uni qovur.

Hares may pull dead lions by the beard.

O'lik sherning soqolini quyonlar ham tortishi mumkin.

If you run after two hares, you will catch neither.

Agar ikki quyonning ketidan quvlasang, bittasini ham tutolmaysan.

Run with the hare and hunt with the hounds.

T ozi itlar bilan ham quyon, ham ovchi tomonida yugurmoq.

Pull together in double harness.

Qo'shaloq bo'lib hamjihatlikda ishlamoq.

Haste makes waste.

Shoshqoloqlik zarar keltirar.

Make haste slowly.

Sekinroq shoshgin.

Marry in haste and repent at leisure.

Shoshib uylangan, bafurja afsuslanar.

Hasty climbers have sudden falls.

Shoshib ko'tariluvchilar to'satdan yiqiladi.

I'll eat my hat.

O'z telpagimni yeyman

To throw one’s hat in the air.

Qalpoqni osmonga otmoq.

Hatred is blind, as well as love.

Muhabbat singari nafrat ham ko'rdir.

To haul over the coals.

Ko'mir ustidan sudrab o'tmoq.

Hawks will not pick hawk's eyes out.

Qirg'iy qirg'iyning ko'zini cho'qimaydi.

Know a hawk from a handsaw.

Qirg'iy bilan arra orasidagi farqni bilmoq.

Make hay while the sun shines.

Quyosh nur sochganda pichanni o'rib ol.

He that hath no head needs no hat.

Boshi yo'qqa telpak kerak emas.

Timid as a hare.

Quyondek jur' atsiz.

Batter one’s head against a brick wall.

Boshini g'isht devorga urib yormoq.

To have a head like a sieve.

G'alvirga o'xshash bosh egasi.

Have an old head on young shoulders.

Yosh yelkada qari boshga ega bo'lmoq.

Go about with one's head in the air.

Boshini osmonga ko'tarib yurmoq.

You might have heard a pin drop.

T omchining [chakillashini] eshitishingiz mumkin edi.

Have one's heart is one's foots.

Yuragi oyog'iga tushib ketdi.

Every heart knows its own bitterness.

Har bir yurak o'zining dardini o'zi biladi.

The heart that once truly loves never forgets.

Bir marta bo’lsada chin sevgini tatigan yurak, uni sira unutmas.

What the heart thinks the tongue speaks.

Nimani yurak o'ylasa, til shuni so'zlaydi.

A heavy purse makes a light heart.

Og'ir hamyon yurakni yengil qilar.

A hedge between keeps friendship green.

Oradagi buta devor do’stlikni kuchaytiradi [ko'kartiradi].

Hell has no fury like a woman scorned.

Tashlab ketilgan ayolga teng keladigan ajina [qasos oIish borasida] jahannamda ham yo'q.

The road to Hell is paved with good intentions.

Jahannamga olib boruvchi yo'lida yaxshi niyatlar poyondoz.

When Hell freezes.

Jahannam muzlaganda.

Hell and Chancery are always open.

Jahannam va qozixonaning eshigi doim ochiq.

As a hen with one chick.

Bitta jo'jali tovuq singari.

Like a hen on a hot girdle.

Issiq qumda turgan tovuq singari.

No herb will cure love.

Muhabbatni davolashga qodir dori yo'q.


He is idle that might be better employed.

Unumliroq ishlatish mumkin bo'lgan dangasa.
Idleness is the holiday of fools.

Bekorchilik - nodonlarning bayrami.

Idleness makes the wit rust.

Bekorchilik miyani zanglatar.

If there were no clouds, we should not enjoy the sun.

Agar bulutlar bo'lmaganda, quyoshning qadriga yetmasdik.

If we can't do as we would, we must do as we can.

Agarda biz xohlaganimizni qilolmasak, qo'limizdan kelganini qilishimiz kerak.

If you can't have the best, make the best of what you have.

Agarda yaxshisiga ega bo'lmasang, qo'lingda borini yaxshilab ishlat.

If you want a thing well done, do it yourself.

Yaxshi qilingan narsa xohlasang, o'zing qil.

Where ignorance is bliss it is folly to be wise.

Nodonlik foydali joyda, dono bo'lish noo'rin.

Ignorance of the law excuses no man.

Qonunni bilmaslik hech kimni oqlamaydi.

Ill doers are ill thinkers.

Chala oy'laydiganlar ishni chala bajaradi.

Ill gotten, ill spent.

Yomonlik bilan topilgan yomonlikka ketar.

Ill news comes too soon.

Yomon xabar tezda yetib keladi.

It is an ill wind that blows nobody good.

Yomon shamol hech kimga yaxshilik keltirmas.

In one ear and out at the other.

Bir qulog'iga kirib, ikkinchisidan chiqadi.

In for a penny, in for a pound.

Tiyinniki-tiyinda, so'mniki-so'mda.

Invention breeds invention.

Topqirlik topqirlikni yaratadi.

Give somebody an inch and he will take a mile.

Birovga duyum bersang, bir milyani oladi.

Innocent as a babe unborn.

Tug'ilmagan chaqaloqdek pokiza.

To add insult to injury.

Xafa bo'lganni haqoratlamoq.

The iron entered his soul.

Ruhiga temir kirgan.

An iron hand in a velvet glove.

Duxoba qo'lqopdagi temir qo'l.

To have many irons in the fire.

Olov ustiga ko'p temir qo'ymoq.

Strike while the iron is hot.

Temirni issig'ida bos.

It is an equal failing to trust everybody and to trust nobody.

Hammaga ishongan va hech kimga ishonmaslik bir hil xatodir.

It is an ill bird that fouls its own nest.

Kasal qush o'z uyasini bulg'aydi.

It is double pleasure to deceive the deceiver.

Aldoqchini aldash ikki karra rohatli.

It is easy to swim if another holds your head.

Agar boshigizni birov ushlasa, suzish oson.

It is no use crying over spilt milk.

Toshib ketgan sut ustida yig'lashdan foyda yo'q.

It is no use pumping a dry well.

Qurigan quduqdan suv chiqarishga urinish befoyda.

It is not a gay coat that makes the gentleman.

Chiroyli to'n odamni oliyjanob qilmas.

It is the last straw that breaks the camel's back.

So'nggi tomchi tuyaning belini sindirar.

It's a poor heart that never rejoices.

Hursand bo'la olmaydigan yurak kambag'aldir.


Every Jack has his Jill.

Har bir Jekning o'z Jilli bor.
A good Jack makes a good Jill.

Jek yaxshi bo'lsa, Jill ham yaxshi bo'ladi.

Jack of all trades and master of none.

Jek hamma hunarga usta va hech birini bilmas.

Jam tomorrow.

Murabbo - ertaga.

Better lose a jest than a friend.

Do'stni yo'qotgandan hazilni yo'qotgan afzal.

Many a true word is spoken in jest.

Hazil deb ko'pgina chin gap aytilar.

Jest with edged tools.

O'tkir asboblar bilan o'ynashmoq.

Joys shared with others are more enjoyed.

Birov bilan baham ko'rilgan hursandchilik ko'proq hushyoqar.

Stew in one's own juice.

O'z sharobida qovrilmoq.


Keep a thing seven years and you will find a use for it.

Biron narsani yetti yil saqla va uni ishlatishga joy topasan.
To keep one's tongue between one's teeth.

Tilingni tishing orasida saqla.

Keep your eyes wide open before marriange and half shut afterwards.

ko'zingni uylanishdan oldin katta och, uylangandan keyin esa yarmisiga yop.

Keep your mouth shut and your eyes open.

Og'zingni yop, kuzingni och.

Keep your mouth shut and your ears open.

Og'zingni yop, qulog'ingni och.

Am I my brother's keeper?

Men ukam uchun javobgarmanmi?

Sit on a keg of gun-powder.

Poroxli bochka ustida o'tirmoq.

He that will eat the kernel must crack the nut.

Mag'zini yemoqchi bo'lgan, yong'oqni chaqish kerak.

The kettle calls the pot black.

Qozon choyqumg'onni "qorasan" der.

Kill not the goose that lays the golden eggs.

Oltin tuxum qoyadigan g'ozni o'ldirish.

To kill two birds with one stone.

Bir tosh bilan ikki qushni urib tushirmoq.

Answer in kind.

Munosib javob qaytarmoq.

Kill with kindness.

Ezgu niyatlar bilan o'ldirmoq.

King for a day.

Bir kunli qirol.

The king can do no wrong.

Qirol xato qilishi mumkin emas.

The king's favour is no inheritance.

Qirolning xayrxohligi meros emas.

Kings have long hands.

Qirolning qo'li uzun.

Kiss and be the friends.

O'pgin va do'st bo'lasizlar.

If you can kiss the mistress, never kiss the maid.

Agarda siz xonimni o'pa olsangiz, hech qachon cho'risini o'pmang.j

Kissing goes by favour.

O'pich xayrxohlik bilan beriladi

Tie a knot with one's tongue not to be united with the teeth.

Til bilan bog'langanni tish bilan yechib bo'lmas

To know on which side one's bread is buttered.

Birovning noni qaysi tomondan saryog'li ekanini bilmoq

Know enough to come in out of the rain.

Yomg'irdan ~qutulish uchun yetarli bilmoq

To know the ropes.

Arqonlarni bilmoq

We never know the worth of water till the well is dry.

Quduq qurumaguncha biz hech qachon suvning qadriga yetmaymiz.

Know somebody as one know his ten fingers.

Birovni o'z o'nta barmog'idek bilmoq.

Not to know A from B.

HA*ni HBHdan ajrata olmaslik.

Not to know if one is coming or going.

Birovning kelganini yo ketganini bilmaslik.

To know which way the wind blows.

Shamol qayoqqa esayotganini bilish.

Knowledge is power.

Bilim – kuch.


Kick down the ladder.

Narvonni tepib, pastga uloqtirmoq.
He who would climb the ladder must begin at the bottom.

Zindan ko’tarilishni istagan pastki pog’onasidan boshlashi lozim.

Quiet as a lamb.

Xuddi qo’zichoqdek.

Rub Aladdin's lamp.

Aloviddin chirog'ini ishqamoq.

A Land flowing with milk and honey.

Sut va asal oquvchi yer.

It’s a long lane that has no turning.

Muyulishi yo'q" uzun tor ko'chalar.

Language is the dress of thought.

Til tafakkurni"ng libosi.

Be in the lap of the gods.

Xudoning etagidagi.

Drop something in somebody’s lap.

Etagiga tushmoq.

Be up with the lark.

T urnalar bilan baravar turmoq.

All are good lasses, but whence come the bad wives?

Hamma qizlar yaxshi, ammo yomon xotinlar qayerdan kelar?

Last but not least.

Oxirgisi, ammo eng kichigi emas.

To be on one's last legs.

Birovning orqa oyog'ida [yurmoq.

He is not laughed at that laughs at himself first.

O'z ustidan birinchi bo'lib kulgan, kulgiga qolmas.

He laughs best who laughs last.

Oxirgi kulgan yaxshi kuladi.

Law is bottomless pit.

Qonun - tubsiz o'ra.

One law for the rich, and another for the poor.

Bitta qonun boy uchun, ikkinchisi esa kambag'fl uchun.

Laws catch flies, but let hornets go free.

Qonunga pashsha tutiladi, qovoqarilar esa o'tib ketadi.

Law makers should not be law breakers.

Qonun chiqaruvchilar qonun buzuvchilar bo’lmasligi kerak.

Necessity has no law.

Zarurat uchun qonun yo' q.

The more laws, the more offenders.

Qonunlar ko'proq - jinoyatchilar ko'proq.

Lawyer's houses built on the heads of fools.

Qonun peshvolarining uylari ahmoqlarning boshidan terilgan.

To lay it on with a trowel.

Andava bilan pardozni bo'rttirmoq.

A small leak will sink a great ship.

Arzimagan suv tomchilashidan katta kema cho'kishi mumkin.

As lean as a rake

Panshaxadek ozg'in.

Learn something at one's mother's knee.

Biron narsani onasining tizzasidan o'rganmoq.

Learn to say before you sing.

Ashula aytishdan oldin so'zlashni o'rgan.

Learning makes a good man better and an ill man worse.

O'qimoq yaxshi odamni go'zal qiladi, yomonni esa tubanlashtiradi.

Least said soonest mended.

Kamroq aytilsa, tezroq tuzatiladi.

The least foolish is wise.

Ahmoqligi kamrog'i oqildir.

To leave no stone unturned.

Ag'darilmas toshni tashlab ketmaslik.

Crooked as a dog's hind leg.

Itning orqa oyog'idek qiyshiq.

Fall on one's legs.

Birovning oyoqlariga yiqilmoq.

Stretch your legs according to the coverlet.

Ko'rpangga qarab oyoq uzat.

When I lend I am a friend.When I ask I am a foe.

Qarzga bersam - do'stman, so'rasam – dushmanman.

Lend your money and lose your friend.

Pulingni qarzga ber va do'stlaringdan ajral.

Can the leopard change his spots?

Qoplon terisidagi dog'larni o'zgartirishi mumkinmi?

Let sleeping dogs lie.

Uxlayotgan itlar yotaversin.

To let the cat out of the bag.

Mushukni qopdan chiqarib yubormoq.

The great leveler.

Buyuk tenglashtiruvchi.

A liar is not believed when he speaks the truth.

Yolg'onchi rost gapirganda ham unga ishonishmaydi.

Liars should have good memories.

Yolg'onchilar yaxshi xotiraga ega bo'lishlari shart.

He that lies upon the ground, can fall no lower.

Yerning ustida yolg'on gapirgan pastroqqa tushishi mumkin emas.

To lead a dog's life.

Itlarcha hayot kechirmoq.

It’s a great life if you don't weaken.

Zaiflashmasangiz hayot ajoyibdir.

Life is but a span.

Hayot misli charhpalak.

Life is sweet.

Hayot shirin.

Life is not a bed of roses.

Hayot atirgullar bilan bezalgan gulzor emas.

While there is life there is hope.

Hayot bor ekan, umid ham bor.

There is life in the old dog yet.

Qarigan itning ham joni bor.

He is lifeless that is faultless.

Sira xato qilmaydigan - nafas olmas.

To bring to light.

Yorug'likka olib chiqmoq.

Light cares speak, great ones are dumb.

Yengil qiyinchiliklar so'zlar, og'iri esa sukut saqlar.

Hide one’s light under a bushel.

O'zining nurini katta xum ostiga bekitmoq.

A light shining in the darkness.

Qorong’ida yarqiragan nur.

Lightly come, lightly go.

Oson kelgan oson ketar.

Lighting never strikes twice in the same place.

Chaqmoq bir joyga ikki marta urmaydi.

If you don't like it, you can lump it.

Agar sizga bu yoqmasa, ko'tarasiga olishingiz mumkin.

Like master, like man.

Xizmatkor egasiga o'xshar.

Like father, like son.

O'g'li otasiga o'xshar.

Like cures like.

O'xshash o'xshashni tuzatadi.

Gild the lily.

Nilufarga zarhal bermoq.

To line one's pockets.

Cho'ntagini to'ldirmoq.

Wash one’s dirty linen at home.

Kir libosni uyda yuvmoq.

Beard the lion in his den.

Sherning soqolidan o'z uyasida ushlamoq.

The lion is not so fierce as he is painted.

Sher aslida tasavvur qilganchalik qo'rqinchli emas.

Throw somebody to the dogs.

Sherlarga yem qilmoq.

Little and often fills the purse.

Oz-ozdan va tez-tezdan hamyon to'lar.

Little things please little minds.

Kichik narsalar kichik odamlarga ma' quldir.

Put it on thick, and a little will stick.

Haddidan oshirsang, ozginasi sanchiydi.

He lives long that lives well.

To'g'ri yashaydigan uzoq yashaydi.

Live and learn.

Yashagin va o'rgan.

Live and let live.

Yasha va o'zgalarga yashashga imkon ber.

Live like a King.

Podshoga o'xshab yashamoq.

We can live without our friends, but not without our neighbours.

Do'stlarimissiz yashay olamiz, ammo qo'shnilarimissiz yashay olmaymiz.

All lay load on the willing horse.

Itoatkor otga hamma yuk ortar.

Roll my log and I'll roll yours.

Sen mening to'nkamni dumalat, men esa senikini dumalataman.

Long absent, soon forgotten.

Uzoq muddat yo'q bo’lganlar tezda unutiladi.

He should have a long spoon that sups with the devil.

Shay ton bilan ovqatlanishga o'tirganning uzun qoshig'i bo'lsin.

The longest day must have an end.

Eng uzun kun ham tugashi shart.

Look before you leap.

Sakrashdan oldin qara.

Look on the bright side.

Yorug' tarafga qara.

Lookers-on see more than players.

Tomoshabinlar o'yinchilardan ko'ra ko'proq narsani ko'radi.

Lords, New/new laws.

Yangi xo'jayinlar,.yangi qonunlar.

Losers are always in the wrong.

Yutqazganlarning doim jahli chiqadi.

Finders keepers, losers seekers.

Yo'qotgan qidiradi, topgan saqlaydi.

Lost time is never found again.

Yo'qotilgan vaqt hech qachon topilmaydi.

No great loss without some small gain.

Ozgina bo'lsa-da foydasi yo'q qiyinchiliklar bo'lmaydi.

All is fair in love and war.

Sevgi va urushda har qanday chora yaxshi.

One man’s loss is another's gain.

Bir kishining yo'qotgani - boshqaning foydasi.

Love and a cough cannot be hid.

Muhabbat va yo'talni yashirib bo'lmas.

Lost that comes at lost, It is not.

Kech kelgani zarar emas.

Love and business teach eloquence.

Muhabbat va bizness so'zamollikni o'rgatadi

To him that has lost his taste, sweet is sour.

Ta'm bilish qobiliyatini yo'qotganga shirin ham achchiqdir

Love cannot be compelled.

Zo'rlab sevdirib bo'lmaydi.

Love begets love.

Muhabbat muhabbatni tug'diradi.

Whom we love best, to them we can say least.

Eng yaxshi ko'rgan odamimizga hammadan kamroq gapira olamiz.

Love comes in at the window and goes out at the door.

Muhabbat oynadan kelib, eshikdan ketadi.

Love is blind.

Muhabbat ko'rdir.

Love is neither bought nor sold.

Muhabbat hech qachon sotilmaydi va sotib olinmaydi.

Love is never without jealousy.

Rashksiz muhabbat bo'lmas.

Love is the reward of love.

Sevgiga mukofot sevgidir.

Love is sweet in the beginning but sour in the ending.

Muhabbat boshlanishida shirin, tugashida esa achchiq.

Love laughs at locksmiths.

Muhabbat qulf ustidan kuladi.

Love lives in cottages as well as in courts.

Muhabbat saroylarda yashaganidek, kulbalarda ham yashaydi.

Love me, love my dog.

Meni sevsang, itimni ham sev.

Love makes one fit far any work.

Muhabbat insonni har ishga qodir qiladi.

The love of money and the love of learning rarely meet.

Pul sevgisi va o'rganish sevgisi kamdan-kam birga uchraydi.

Love makes the world go round.

Muhabbat dunyoni aylantiradi.

They love too much that die for love.

Ular shunday kuchli sevishardiki, sevgi uchun o'lishdi.

Love me little, love me long.

Meni ozgina sev, meni uzoq muddat sev.

Love will find a way.

Sevgi yo'l topadi.

Love, Unlucky in j lucky at play.

Sevgida omadsiz, o'yinda omadlidir.

Luck as had the cow that stuck herself with her own horn, As good.

O'zini o'z shoxi bilan suzgan sigirdek omadli.

Labour, idle folk have the most.

Dangasa hammadan ko'p ish qiladi.

A labour of love.

Sevgi evaziga mehnat

A labour of Sisyphus.

Sizif mehnati


Maidens should be meek until! they be married.

Qizlar erga tegishdan oldin yuvvosh bo'lishi lozim.
As also shall he die main chance.

Asosiy imkoniyatga ko'z:qo'ymoq.

Make or break.

Yo qilmoq, yo sinmoq.

A man can only die once.

Kishi faqat bir marta o'lishi mumkin.

A drowning man will catch at a straw.

Cho'kayotgan odam poxolga yopishadi.

Every man hos a fool in his sleeve.

Har kimning yengida ahmoq bor.

Every man has liis faults.

Har kimning o'z kamchiliklari bor.

Every man has his hobby-horse.

Har kimning o'z. o'yinchoq oti bar [ya'ni, sevgan ishi].

Every man has his price.

Har kimning o'z narxi bor.

Everyland none at all times man is a fool sometimes.

Hech kim har doim ham ahmoq bo'lavermaydi, ba'zida esa - har kim.

Every man must eat a peck of dirt before he dies.

Har kim o'limidan oldin bir pek [9/08 litr] yer [xo'rlik] yeyishi shart.

Man said, let me see as the blind.

Qani bir ko'raychi, debdi ko'r kishi.

A man can do no more than he can.

Inson qila olishi mumkin bo'lgan narsadan ortiq qilolmaydi.

A man is as old as he feels, and a woman as old as she looks.

Erkak o'zini his qilganchalik qari, ayol esa ko'rinishiga qarab.

Man is a wolf to man.

Inson insonga bo'ridir.

A man is known by the company he keeps.

Kishi do'stlashgan odamlari bilan ma'lumdir

A man may love his house well without riding on the ridge.

Kishi o'z uyini tog' cho'qqisiga ot choptirmay ham sevishi mumkin.

As also shall he die man lives.

Odam qanday yashasa shunday o'ladi.

No / be they made of gold man loveth his fetters.

Hech kim o'z zanjirini, oltindan bo'isa ham, sevmaydi.

God disposes man proposes.

Inson taxmin qiladi, Xudo tadbir.

A man of words and not of deeds. is .

like a garden full of weeds.

Ishlamasdan so'zlovchi odam o't bosgan bog'ga o'xshar
A man shall not live by bread alone.

Inson faqat non bilan tirik emas.

No living man all things ean.

Hech kim hamma narsaga qodir bo'lolmaydi.

No man can serve two masters.

Hech kim ikki xo'jayinga xizmat qilolmaydi.

No man is a hero to his valet.

O'z xizmatkori uchun qahramonbo'lgan odam yo'q.

No man is born wise or learned.

Hech kim dono yoki o'qimishli bo'lib tug'ilmaydi

No man is wise at all times.

Hech kim har doim aqlli bo'lavermaydi.

Once a man and twice a child.

Odam umrida bir marta erkak va ikki marta bola bo'ladi.

One man no man.

Bir kishi kishi emas [hisobga o'tmaydi].

A Self-made man.

O'zini o'zi yaratgan odam.

An unfortunate man would be drowned in a teacup.

Omadsiz odam choy qoshig'ida ham cho'kishi mumkin.

A wise/ a fool never will man changes his mind.

Aqlli o'z fikrini o'zgartiradi, ahmoq hech qachon.

You'll be a man before your mother.

Onang nazarida erkakka aylanasan.

So many / so many minds men.

Qancha odam bo'lsa, shuncha aql bor.

Men are mortal.

Insonlar o'ladi.J O'limdan qochib bo'lmas.

Men may meet but mountains never.

Insonlar uchrashishi mumkin, tog'lar esa hech qachon

If two / one must ride behind men ride on a horse.

Agar ikki odam bir otga minsa, bittasi albatta orqada o'tiradi.

Blind men can judge no colours.

Ko'r ranglar to'g'risida hukm chiqara olmaydi.

Dead men don't bite.

O'liklar tishlamaydi.

It is the men who make a city.

Shahar odamlar bilan shahardir.

Manners moketh the man.

Insonni o'zini tutishi yaratadi.

Many a good father has but a bad son.

Ko'p yaxshi otalarning yomon o'g'li bo'ladi.

March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.

Mar! oyining kelishi sherdek, ketishi esa quyondek.

No living mare is the better horse.

Ko'rinishi jahldor biya otdan afzal.

To find a more's nest.

Biyaning og'ilini topmoq.

Bring one's eggs to a bad market.

Tuxumlarni yomon bozorga olib borish.

Marriage is a lottery.

Uylanish lotereyadir.

Marriage goes by contrasts.

Nikohlar qarama-qarshiliklardan iborat.

Marriage makes or mars a man.

Uylanish kishini yo barpo etadi, yo barbod

Marriages are mode in heaven.

Nikohlar osmonda bitiladi.

He that/ sells his liberty marries for wealth.

Boylik uchun turmush qurgan o'z ozodligini sotar.

He that / marries ill marries late.

Kech uylangan - yomon uylangan.

Who / hath good nights and sorry days marrieth for love without money.

Pul uchun emas, sevgi uchun uylanganning tunlari oromli, kunlari esa tashvishli o'tadi.

Marry first and love will follow.

Oldin uylan, sevgi esa keyin keladi

Marry in haste and repent at leisure.

Shoshilinchda uylangan, bo'sh qolganda afsuslanadi.

It is good to marry late or never.

Kech yoki hech uylanmaslik yaxshi

Marry your daughters betimes, lest.

they marry themselves.

Qizingizning o'zi erga tegmasligi uchun uni tezroq erga bering.
Marry your son when you will, your daughter when you can.

O'g'lingizni xohlaganingizda uylantiring, qizingizni esa imkoniyatingiz borida uzating.

A matter of life and death.

Hayot yo o'lim muammosi.

Not to matter a damn.

Qarg'ishga ham arzimaydi.

He that will not when he / when he will he shall have nay may.

Imkoniyati borida istamagan, istaganida rad javobini olar.

The golden mean.

O' rtasi – oltin.

By fair means or foul.

Yaxshi yo yomon usullar bilan.

Measure for measure.

Choraga – chora

Measure thrice before you cut once.

Uch marta o'lcha va bir marta kes.

There is a measure in all things.

Har bir narsaning me'yori bor.

After meat mustard.

Go'shtdan so'ng qalampir

One man's meat is another man's poison.

Birovga - go'sht, birovga – zahar.

Every medal has its reverse.

Har bir medalning orqa tomoni bor.

To give a dose of one's own medicine.

Birov sizga bergan dorini o'ziga o'sha . miqdorda qaytaring.

Don’t meet troubles half-way.

Qiyinchiliklar tomon yarim yo'liga yurma.

The meekness of Moses is better than the strength of Samson.

Musoning yuvoshligi Solomonning qudratidan afzal.

An unruly member.

Itoatsiz a'zo.

Embalm in one's memory.

Birovning xotirasida mumiyolanmoq.

As merry as a cricket.

Chigirtkadek hursand.

Might is right.

Qudrat – haqiqat.

Milk, Drink in something with one's mother's.

Biron narsani ona suti bilan emmoq.

It is no good crying over spilt milk.

T oshgan sutga yig'lamoq yaxshi emas.

Milk the bull.

Buzoqni sog'moq.

God's mill grinds slow but sure.

Xudoning tegirmoni sekin, ammo ishonchli yanchiydi.

Go through the mill

T egirmondan o'tmoq.

Mill cannot grind with the water that is past.

Oqib ketgan suvga tegirmon toshi aylanmas.

Between the upper and nether millstone.

T egirmon toshlarining orasida.

Mind your own business.

O'z ishingni o'yla.

A sound mind in a sound body.

Sog'lom tanda sog'lom aql.

Throw out a minnow to catch a whale.

Kitni tutish uchun baliqni tashlamoq.

The best mirror is an old friend.

Eng yaxshi oyna - eski do'st.

He that mischief hatches mischief catches.

Yomonlikni tayyorlagan - yomonlikka yo'liqar.

Mischief comes by the pound and goes away by the ounce.

Musibat funtlab [453,6 gramm] keladi va unsiyalab [28/3 gramm] ketadi.

He bears misery best who hides it most.

Musibatni ko'proq yashira olgan, unga yaxshiroq dosh beror.

Misfortunes come on wings and deport on foot.

Baxtsizlik qanotda kelib, oyoqda ketadi.'

Misfortunes never come alone.

Balo hech qachon bitta bo'lib kelmaydi.

Misfortune tells us what fortune is.

Baxtsizlik bizga baxt nimaligini uqtiradi.

A miss is as good 0$ a mile.

Nishonga xato otmoq bir milyaga [1609 m.] xato otmoq bilan teng.

Cost a mist before somebody's eyes.

Birovning ko't oldini tutunga tutmoq.

Mob has many heads, but no brains, The.

Olomonda kalla ko'p, ammo aql yo'q

Have more / than sense money.

Ongidan puli ko'p.

Maney answers all things.

Pul hamma narsaga labbay der.

Money begets money.

Pul pulni yaratadi.

Money doesn't grow on trees.

Pul daraxtda o'smaydi.

Money has no smell.

Pulning hidi yo'q.

Money is a good servant, but a bad master.

Pul yaxshi xizmatkor, ammo yomon ho'jayin.

Money is the sinews of war.

Pul urushning mushagi.

Maney makes the man.

Pul odamni yaratadi.

Money makes the mare go.

Pulga biya ham yo'rg'alar.

Money spent on the brain is never spent in vain.

Aql topish uchun sarflangan pul hech qachon bekorga ketmaydi.

Money talks.

Pul gapirar.

Throw good money after bad.

Yomon pul ketidan yaxshi pulni tashlamoq.

Your money or your life.

Yo puling, yo joning.

Money makes marriage.

Pul to'yni o'tkazar.

The green-eyed monster.

Yashil ko'zli ajdaho.

The moon does not heed the barking of dogs.

Oy itning hurishiga ahamiyat bermaydi.

The moon is not seen when the sun shines.

Oftob yaraqlaganda oy ko'rinmas.

Once in a blue moon.

Bir gali, oy ko'kimtir tus olganda.

Persuade somebodythat the moon is made of green cheese.

Oy yangi pishloqdan qilinganiga ishontirishga urinmoq.

A moonshine in the water.

Suvdagi oy shulasi.

The / the fewer the better cheer more the merrier.

Kengroq - hursandroq, kamroq – hushvaqtroq.

More haste, less speed.

Ko'proq shoshsang tezlik kamroq.

Mother, like / like daughter.

Qizi onasiga o'xshar.

The mother-in-law remembers not that she was a daughter-in-law.

Qaynona o'zi ham kelin bo'lganini esda tutmas.

To make a mountain out of a molehill.

Ko'rsichqon tepaligidan tog' yasamoq.

Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings.

Go'daklar va bolalarning og'zidan.

Much low, but little justice.

Qonun ko'p, ammo adolat kam

Much cry, little wool.

Shovqin ko'p, jun kam.

Muck and money go together.

Go'ng va qabihlik birga yurar.

Murder will out.

Qotillik ochiladi.


Drive a nail in somebody's coffin.

Birovning tobutiga mix qoqmoq.
He must have iron.

He must have iron nails that scratches a bear.

Ayiqni tirnayotgan temir tirnoqlarga ega bo'lishi kerak.
One nail drives out another.

Bir mix boshqasi bilan sug'uriladi.

He must have iron name is better than riches

Yaxshi nom boylikdan afzal.

A good name is sooner lost than won.

Yaxshi nomni topishdan yo'qotish tezroq.

No/ no pock-drill names.

Nomlarni sotma - baloga qolasan.

Take theNome of God in vain.

Xudo nomini bo'lor-bo'lmasga aytmoq.

Habit is second nature

Odat - ikkinchi tabiat.

Throw/ it will come bock again through the window nature out of the door

Tabiatni eshikdan haydasang, oynadan qaytadi.

Natural folly is bod enough, but learned folly is intolerable.

T abiiy ahmoqlik yetarli darajada yomon, ammo o'rgatilgan ahmoqlikka chidab bo'lmas.

Necessity is the mother of invention.

Ehtiyoj - ixtiro onasi.

Neck Of nothing.

T ezda yoki hech narsa.

Need makes the old wife trot.

Ehtiyoj qari xotinni tez chopishga majbur etadi.

To look for a needle in a haystack.

Pichan g'aramida nina qidirmoq.

Needs must when the devil drives.

Shayton yo'l boshlasa, muhtojlik muqarrar.

Grasp the nettle and it won't sting you.

Qichitqi o'tni shartta ushlang va u sizni chaqmaydi.

It is never too late to mend.

T uzatmoq hech qachon kech emas.

It is never a bad day that hath a good night.

Yaxshi tun bilan tugallangan kun aslo yomon bo'lmas.

Never ask pardon before you are accused.

Sizni ayblashlaridan oldin aslo kechirim so'ramang.

Never put off till to-morrow what may be done to-day.

Bugun qila oladigan ishni hech qachon ertaga qoldirma.

Never refuse a good offer.

Yaxshi taklifni sira rad etmang.

It never rains but it pours

Yomg'ir hech yog'maganda, jala quyar.

Never say die.

Hech qachon o'ldim dema.

You never know what you can do till you try.

Urinib ko'rmaguncha, nimaga qodir ekaningni aslo bilolmaysan.

Never try to prove what nobody doubts.

Hech kim shubhalanmaydigan narsani isbotlashga urinma.

Never write what you dore not sign.

O'zingiz qo'l qo'yishgo jur'at etmagan narsani sira yozmang.

No news is good news.

Yangililklar yo'qligi - yaxshi yangilik.

As night follows day.

Tun ketidan kun kelganidek.

The night brings counsel.

Tun maslahat berar.

Nightingales will not sing in a cage.

Bulbul qafasda sayramaydi.

No fire without some smoke.

Ozgina tutunsiz olov bo'lmas.

No man's religion ever survives his morals.

Har kimning dini uning axloqidan ko'p yashamaydi.

No mischief but a women or a priest is at the bottom of it.

Yomonlik yo'qki, uning asosida ayol yoki mulla bo'imasin.

No money, no swiss.

Puling yo'q, Shvetsariya pishlog'i ham yo'q.

No pleasure without pain.

Azobsiz rohat bo'lmas.

No smoke without some fire.

Olovsiz tutun bo'lmas.

No sunshine but has some shadow.

Quyosh nurisiz soya ham yo'q.

No taxation without representation.

Arizasiz jarima puli olinmas.

No man can make a good coat with a bad cloth.

Hech kim yomon materialdan yaxshi palto tikolmaydi.

He that has a great nose thinks everybody is speaking of it

Katta burunli kishi hamma uning ustidan kulayapti deb o'ylaydi.

To keep one's nose to the grindstone .

Birovning burnini tegirmon toshiga keltirmoq.

By doing nothing we learn to do ill.

Hech narsani qilmasdan biz yomon qilmoqni o'rganamiz.

Civility costs nothing.

Xushmuomalalik hech narsa turmas.

Nothing comes from nothing.

Hech narsa hech narsadan yaratilar.

Nothing for nothing.

Hech narsaga hech narsa.

Nothing costs so much as what is given us.

Bizga berilgandan hech narsa qimmat turmas.

Nothing is certain but uncertainty.

Noma'iumlikka nisbatan hech narsa [yo' qligi] aniqroq.

Nothing is ours, but time.

Vaqtdan o'zga hech narsaga ega emasmiz.

Nothing questioneth, He that / nothing leorneth.

Hech narsa so'ramagan hech narsaga o'rganmas.

Nothing seek, nothing find.

Hech qidirmagan, sira topolmas.

Nothing succeeds like success.

Muvaffaqiyat kabi hech narsa ruhlantirmas.

Nothing thot is violent is permanent.

Hech qanday zo'rlik doimiy bo'lmas.

Nothing venture, nothing win.

Hech tavakkal qilmagan sira yutmas.

Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.

Istagan yurak uchun bajarilmas ish yo'q.

Nothing is stolen without hands.

Qo'lsiz hech narsa o'g'irlanmas.

Nothing like leather.

Hech narsa teriga yetmas.

Nothing new under the sun.

Quyosh tagida hech narsa yangi emas.

Nothing so bad but it might have been worse.

Bunga o'xshash yomoni yo'q, ammo bundan battar ham bo'lishi mumkin edi.

Nothimg so good but it might have been better.

Hech narsa shunchalik yaxshi emas, ammo bundan ham yaxshi bo'lishi mumkin edi.

Nothing stings like the truth.

Hech narsa haqiqatdek chaqmas.

Nowadays truth is the greatest news.

Bugungi haqiqat eng katta yangilik.


Every oak has been an acorn.

Har qanday eman daraxti ham yong'oq bo'igan.

Oaks may fall when reeds stand the storm.

Qamish sindirolmagan bo'ron eman daraxtini qulatishi mumkin.
Obedience is much more seen in little things than in great.

Itoatkorlik katta narsalarga qaraganda kichik narsalarda ko'proq ko'rinadi.

An occasion lost cannot be redeemed.

Yo'qotilgan imkoniyat boshqa qaytarilmasligi mumkin.

Add oil to the fire.

Olovga moy sepmoq.

To pour oil upon the waters.

Suv ustiga moy sepmoq.

As old as the hills.

T epalik ko'hna.

Omitttance is no quittance.

Eslatmaslik - to'lov.haqidagi yorliq emas.

Once bitten, twice shy.

Bir marta tishlangan, ikki marta qo'rqadi.

To have one foot in the grave.

Bir oyog'i go'rda.

Opportunity makes the thief.

Qulay vaziyat o'g'rini yaratar.

One fool makes many.

Bir ahmoq ko'plarini yaratadi.

One eye-witness is of more weight than ten hear says.

O'nta eshitganning gapidan bir ko'zli guvoh ishonchliroq.

One man makes a chair and another man sits in.

Bir odam kursi yasar, boshqasi unda o'tirar.

One swallow does not make a summer.

Bir qaldirg'och yoz qilmaydi.

Opportunity seldom knocks twice.

Qulay fursat kamdan-kam ikki marfa [eshik] qoqor.

An ounce of discretion is worth a pound of wit.

Bir unsiya (28.3 gr.) ehtiyotkor xushmuomalalik bir funt (453.6 gr.)askiyadan afzal.

You cannot flay the same ox twice.

Bitta buqaning terisini ikki marta shila olmaysiz.

Close as an oyster.

Ustritsa kabi yopiq.


To mind ane's p's and Q's.

So poor he's licking paint off the fence.

Shu qadar kambag'alki, yog'och devorning bo'yog'ini yalaydi.

Have an itching palm.

Qichigan qo'l egasi.

Paper it is written on, Not warth the.

O'zi yozilgan qog'ozga ham arzimaydi.

Paris is worth a mass.

Ibodatni Parijga almashtirmoq.

If you do not master your passion passion will master you.

Agar nafsingizga xo'jayin bo'imasangi:, nafsingiz sizga xo'jayin bo'lib oladi.

Past cure, past care.

O'tmish darmon, o'tmish armon.

Every path has a puddle.

Har bir yo'lning ko'lmagi bor.

The primrose path.

Gullar to'shalgan yo’l.

Patience is the best remedy for every trouble.

Sabr har qanday qiyinchilikka qarshi eng yaxshi chora.

Patience is a flower that grows not in everyone's garden.

Sabr har kimning ham bog'ida o'sadigan gul emas.

Patience, money and time bring all things to pass

Sabr, pul va vaqt hamma narsani yengar.

Fat paunches have lean pates

Semiz qorin ozg'in boshga ega.

To pay a person in his own coin.

Birovga o'zining tangasi bilan to'lamoq.

Who breaks pays.

Sindirganning o'zi to'lar.

To pay through the nose.

Burnidan oshirib to'lamoq.

He who pays the piper may call the tune.

Kim surnaychiga pul to’lasa, o'sha istagan navo yangrar.

Peace, If you want / be prepared for war.

Tinchlikni istasangiz, urushga tayyor bo'ling.

Peace makes plenty.

Tinchlik farovonlik yaratar.

Cost pearls before. swine.

Cho'chqa oldiga dur sochmoq.

He who would search for pearls must dive below.

Dur topishni istagan, suvga sho'ng'ishi lozim.

Not the only pebble on the beach.

Denglz qirg' og'ida mayda tosh bitta emas.

There has been many a peck of salt eaten since.

Undan keyin juda ko'p salatlar yeyilib ketdi.

A round peg in a square hole.

To'rtburchak teshikka - dumaloq qoziq.

The pen is mighter than the sword.

Qalam qilichdan qudratli.

With a scratch of the pen.

Qalam uchi bilan chizilgan

A penny saved is a penny gained.

Saqlangan tiyin - foydaga topilgan tiyindir.

Penny and penny laid up will be many.

Tiyinni tiyinga qo'shsang ko'payar.

Penny wise, pound foolish.

Penni [tiyin] - aqlli, funt [so'm] – ahmoq.

A penny for your thoughts.

Har ehtimolga – tiyin.

Pension never enriched a young man.

Nafaqa hech qachon yigitga yarashmaydi.

Hoist by one's own petard

O'z mushagidan ko'tarilgan.

Rob peter to pay Paul

Polga pul to'lash uchun Piterni tunamoq.

Petticoats, I have known him since he was in.

Men uni yo'rgakga o'ralgan chog'idanoq bilaman

Pigs might fly, but they are very unlikely birds.

Cho' chqalar uchishi mumkin, ammo ular qushlarga aslo o'xshamas.

Sell a pig in a poke.

Cho' chqani qopda sotmoq.

What do you expect from a pig but a grunt.

Cho'chqadan xo'r-xo'rdan boshqa nima ham kutardiz.

Shoot ot a pigeon and kill a crow.

Kaptarni nishonga olib, qarg'ani otmoq.

If the/ they would not be gilded pills were pleosent.

Agar dori shirin bo'lganda, unga zarhal berish lozim bo'lmasdi.

From pillar to post.

Ustundan to'nkagacha.

Not a pin to choose between them.

T anlashga arziydigan to' g' nog'ich yo' q.

No longer / no longer dance pipe.

Surnay tinganda, raqs ham tugar.

He thot touches pitch sholl be defiled.

Qatronga [smola] tekkan iflos bo'lar

Little pitchers have big ears.

Kichik ko'zalarning katta qulog'i bo'ladi.

Pitcher goes often to the well, . :rhe / but is broken ot lost.

Ko'za quduqqa tez-tez boradi, ammo oxiri sinadi.

The darkest place is under the candlestick.

Shamdonning tagida eng qorong'i joy.

As plain as a pike-staff.

Nayza dastasidek aniq.

He plays best that wins.

Yutayotgan yaxshi o'ynaydi.

He who pleased everybody died before he was born.

Hammaga yaxshi ko'rinadigan odam tug'ilmasdan oldin o'lar.

As pleased as Punch.

Panch [masxaraboz] qo'g'irchoqdek hursand.

When we are/ we begin to please others pleased ourselves.

Qachonki biz o'zimizni-o'zimiz hursand qilsak, biz o'zgalarni hursand qila boshlaymiz.

There is morel in loving than in being loved pleasure.

Sevmoq, sevimli bo'lganga nisbatan ancha maroqlidir.

To overcome/ is the greatest pleasure pleasure

Eng katta rohat - rohatni yengmoq.

The pleasure of what we enjoy is lost by coveting more.

Biz orom olayotgan rohat undan ham ko'prog'ini qo'msagan zahotiyoq yo'qoladi.

Plenty is no plague.

Farovonlik vabo emas.

An old poacher makes the best keeper.

Qari brakonyer eng yaxshi o'rmon qo'riqchisi bo'ladi.

The poor man pays for all.

Kambag' al hamma uchun to'laydi.

Poor as a church mouse.

Cherkov sichqonidek kambag'al.

It is a poor heart that never rejoices.

Hech qachon hursand bo'imaydigan ko'ngil qashshoqdir.

Possession is nine points of the law.

Mulkdorlik - qonunning o'ndan to'qqiz qismi demak.

A little pot is soon hot.

Kichik qozon tezroq qaynaydi.

Keep the pot boiling.

Qozonni qaynatib o'tir.

If you touch / you must touch penny pot.

Agar qozonga tegsang, tangaga ham tegasan.

A watched pot never boils.

Kutgan qozon hech qaynamas.

Poverty is no sin.

Kambag'allik gunoh emas.

Poverty breeds strife.

Kambag'allik urush chiqarar.

Powder dry, Put your trust in God, and keep your.

Xudoga umid bog'la, ammo poronni quruq joyda saqla.

Not worth powder and shot.

Poroh bilan o'qqa arzimas.

Practice makes perfect.

T ajriba kamolot yarator.

An ounce of. pradice is worth a pound of theory.

Bir unsiya j28.3gr.j tajriba bir funt j453.6gr.j nazoriyadan afzal.

Practise what you preach.

Nimani nasihat qilsang, shunga rioya qil.

Praise makes good. men better and bad men worse.

Maqtov yaxshini yaxshiroq qiladi, yomonni esa yomonroq.

Praise is not pudding

Maqtov- kulcha emas.

He preaches well that lives well.

Yaxshi yashaydigan yaxshi nasi hat qiladi.

Prevention is better than cure.

Kasalning oldini olmoq eng yaxshi davo.

Kick against the pricks.

Ninani tepmoq.

Pride apes humility.

G'urur kamtarlikka taqlid qilar.

Pride will have a fall.

G'urur mag'lubiyatga keltirar

Pride goes before, and shame follows after.

G'urur oldinda yuradi, uyat esa ortida.

Like priest, like people.

Pop qanaqa bo'lsa, cho'qinishga kelganlar ham shunaqa bo'ladi.

Procrastination is the thief of time.

Kundan kunga qoldirmoq - vaqtni o'g'irlamoq.

He that means nothing promises too much.

Juda ko'p va'da bergan hech qachon bajarmas.

Promise little, but do much.

Va'dani kamaytir, ishni ko'paytir.

Promise is debt.

Va'da qarzdir

Promises are like piecrust, made to be broken.

Va'dalar pirogning qatqalog'iga o'xshaydi:

sindirish uchun yopiladi.
The proof of the pudding is in the eating.

Pudingning qanaqaligini bilish uchun uni yeyish kerak.

Prospect is often better than possession.

Biron narsadan kutilgan foyda, qo'lga kiritilganidan yaxshiroq bo'ladi.

Prosperity has damned mare souls than all the devils together.

To'qchilik, barcha shaytonlarga nisbatan ko'proq odamni halok etadi.

A long pull, a strong pull, and a pull all together.

To'xtamasdan tortdik, qattiq tortdik, qani hammamiz birgalashib tortdik.

Punctuality is the politeness of kings.

Vaqtida kelmoq qirollarning odobi

A beggar's purse is bottomless.

Kambag'al hamyonining tubi yo'q.

A light purse is a heavy curse.

Yengil hamyon eng og'ir musibat.

One cannot make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.

Cho'chqaning qulog'idan ipak hamyon tikib bo'lmas.

It is easier to pull down than to build.

Qurmoqdan buzish oson.

The purse-strings are the most common ties of friendship.

Hamyon bog'lag'ichi do'stlikning eng ko'p uchraydigan rishtasi.

To put on one's thinking cop.

Oy’lash qalpog'ini kiymoq

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Buni chilimingizga solib chaking.

Put your shoulder to the wheel.

Yelkangni g'ildirak tagiga qo'y.


You canot get a quart into a pint pot.

Bir kvarta [1.14 l.)ni bir pinta [0.57 l.]
Ask no questions and you will be told no lies.

Savol bermasangiz, yolg’on eshitmaysiz.


Slow and steady wins the race.

Sekin va o’zgarishsiz [chopgan] otchoparda yutar.
After rain comes fair weather.

Yomg’irdan so’ng yaxshi havo keladi.

Small rain lays great dust.

Kichkina yomg’ir ham katta changni yotqizar.

Die lke a rat in a hle.

Kavakdagi kalamushdek o’lmoq.

Rats desert a sinking ship.

Kalamushlar cho'kayotgan kemadan qochadi

Like a red rag to a bull.

Ho'kizga qizil mato ko'rsatgandek.

Reap as one has sown.

Nimani eksang shuni o'rasan.

There is no redemption from hell.

Jahannamdan pora berib qutulib chiqqan hech kim yo'q.

Reap where one has not sown.

Ekmagan joyda o'rmoq.

It matters not what religion an ill man is of.

Din nimaligini bilmagan kishi yomondir.

The receiver is as bad as the thief.

O'g'rilanganni olib sotuvchi o'g'ridan qolishmaydi yomonlikda.

Religion is the best armour in the world.

Din dunyoda eng yaxshi qurol, ammo eng yomon plash.

Eve reckoninq makes long friend.

Xolis hisob uzoq do'stlik yaratar.

The remedy is worse thoo the disease.

Dori og'riqdan battar.

There is a remedy for all things but death.

O'limdan boshqa hamma narsaga davo bor.

Repentance comes too late.

Pushaymon juda kech keladi.

Repentance is good, but innocence is better.

Pushaymon yaxshi, ammo gunoh qilmaslik undan yaxshiroq.

Respects not is not respected, He that.

Birovni hurmat qilmagan, hurmat ko'rmas.

Respect yourself, or no one else will respect you.

O'zingni hurmat qil: yoki hech kim seni hurmat qilmaydi.

He that resolves to deal with none but honest men must leave off dealing.

Faqat rostgo'y odamlar bilan ish olib bora man degan odam savdo-sotiqni yig'ishtirib qo'yishi kerak.

Revenge never repairs an injury.

Qasos hech qachon haqoratni tuzatmas.

Without rhyme or reason.

Na qofiya bor va na ma'nosi.

Rich men have no faults.

Boylarning kamchiligi bo'tmas.

He is rich is satisfied.

Qanot qilgan odam boydir.

It is riches of the mind only that make a man rich and happy.

Faqat aql boyligi insonni boy va baxtli etar.

It is easier to ridicule than commend.

Maqtashdan masxara qilish oson.

He that runs fastest gets the ring.

Hammadan tez chopadigan halqaga erishar.

All roods lead to Rome.

Hamma yo'llalr Rimga olib boradi.

Spare the rod and spoil the child.

Tayoqni ayagan bolani buzar.

He makes a rod for his own back.

Orqasiga (savalashga] o'zj tayoq yo' nar.

A rolling stone gathers no moss.

Dumalayotgan toshni zah o't bosmas.

Rome was not built in a day.

Rim bir kunda barpo bo'lmagan.

Do at rome as the Romans do.

Rimda rimliklar qilganini qil.

Not room 10 swing a cot.

Mushukni osishga joy yo'q.

A crumpled rose-leaf.

Atirgulning ezilgan yaprog'i.

Give a thief rope enough and he'll hang himself.

O'g'riga yetarlicha arqon bersang o'zini osadi.

Take the rough with the smooth.

Qiyinchilikni xotirjamlik bilan kutib olish.

Once is no rule

Bir marta - qonun emas.

Rule youth well, for age will rule itself.

Yoshlikni yaxshi boshqaring, qarilik o'zini-o'zi boshqarar.

To run before one can walk.

Yurishni o'rganmay chopmoq.


Put the saddle on the right horse.

Egarni aynan o'sha otga solmoq.
Sadness and gladness succeed each other.

G'am va shodlik bir-birining o'rnini bosar.

There is safety in numbers.

Ko'pchilik bexatar.

Hoist sale while the wind is fair.

Shamol kerakli tomonga esganda yelkanni ko'tar.

All are not saints that go to church.

Cherkovga borgan bilan hamma ham avliyo bo'lavermaydi.

Young saints, old devils.

Yoshlikda - avliyo, qariganda - shay ton.

Saint, A Sunday .

Yakshanba [xristianlar cherkovga boradigan] kungi avliyo.

There is a salve for every sore.

Har bir yaraga o'z malhami bor.

To be all in the same boat.

Hammaning bir kemada bo'lishi.

Put sand in the machine.

Mexanizmga qum sepmoq.

Plough the sand.

Qumni shudgor qilmoq.

Satan rebuking sin.

Gunohdan o'pkalayotgan shay ton.

The souce is better than the fish.

Balig'idan qaylasi afzal.

What is sauce far the goose is sauce for the gander.

G'ozga qayla bo’lgan narsa erkak g'ozga ham qayla bo'laveradi.

To save one's bacon.

O'z foydasini [etini] qutqarmoq.

He cannot say Bo to a goose.

U g'ozga ham *qoch* deyolmas.

Say no ill.of the year till it be past.

Yil tamom bo'lmasidan uni yomon dema.

He who / shall hear what he does not like says what he likes.

Og'ziga kelganni degan o'zi yoqtirmagan gapni eshitar.

Say little but think the more.

Kamroq so'zla, ko'proq o'yla

Saying is one thing and doing another.

Aytmoq bir-u, qilmoq boshqa.

To go scot-free.

Shikast yemasdan ketmoq.

Scratch me and I'll scratch you

Sen meni ishqala, men seni ishqalayman.

Have a screw loose.

Burama vinti yo'qolgan.

When the sea gives up its dead.

Dengiz o'z murdalarini qaytarib berganda.

Everything is good in its season.

Hamma narsa o'z vaqtida yaxshi.

Second thoughts are best.

Ikkinchi o'ylagan a'lodir.

An open secret.

Oshkora sir.

You cannot see the wood for the trees.

Daraxtlar ortidan o'rmonni ko'rolmaysiz.

We shall see what we shall see.

Nimani ko'radigan bo'lsak shuni ko'ramiz.

Seeing is believing.

Ko'rmoq - ishonmoq.

He that seeks finds.

Qidirgan topadi.

He that seeks trouble, / never misses.

Qiyinchilik qidirgan hech qachon adashmas.

Seldom seen, soon forgotten.

Goho ko'rishgan, tez unutiladi.

Self comes first.

O'ziniki – avval.

Self-praise .is no recommendation.

O'zini maqtash tavsiya bo’lolmaydi.

Self-preservation is the first law of nature.

O'z jonini saqlashga intilish tabiatning birinchi qonuni.

Service is no inheritance

Xizmat meros emas.

Catch a sShadow and let go a substance.

Soyani ushlashga urunib naqdni yo'qotmoq.

Fight with one's own shadow.

O'z soyasi bilan kurashmoq.

May your shadow never grow less!

Soyangiz sira kam bo'lmasin.

Shallow streams make most din.

Sayoz soy ko'p shovqin solar.

Share and share alike.

Baravar ulush.

A bad shearer never had a good sickle.

Yomon o'roqchi hech qachon yaxshi o'roqqa yolchimas.

As a sheep among the shearers.

Jun oluvchilar oldidagi qo'ydek.

If one sheep Ie:op over the dyke all the test will follow.

Agar bitta qo'y ariqdan sakrab o'tsa, qolganlari unga ergashadi.

Sheep hang by its own shank, let every.

Har bir qo'y o'z oyog'idan osilsin

One scabbed sheep infects the whole flock.

Bitta qo'tir qo'y butun podoni bulg'ar.

A great ship asks deep waters.

Ulkan kema chuqur suv talab qilar.

Every shoe fits not every foot.

Har qanday etik har qanday oyoqqa to'g'ri kelavermaydi.

No one but the wearer knows where the shoe pinches.

Etik qayerda qisishini faqat uni kiygan biladi.

He goes long barefoot that waits for dead men's shoes.

O'lganlarning etigini poylagan anchagacha oyoqyalang yurar.

Short and sweet.

Qisqa va shirin.

Short pleasure, long lament.

Qisqa muddatli rohat, uzoq afsuslanish.

The shortest answer is doing.

Eng qisqa javob – bajarmoq.

One shoulder of mutton draws down another.

Qo'yning bir kuragi ikkinchisini chaqirar.

Sickness is better than sadness

Kasallik g'amdan yaxshi.

Come.down on the right side of the fence.

G'olib tarafga o'tmoq.

A sight for sore eyes.

Og'riq ko'z uchun manzara.

Silence gives consent.

Sukut rozilik beradi.

Silence is golden.

Sukut oltindir.

To be at sixes and sevens.

Oltilar va yettilarda bo'lmoq.

Six of one and half a dozen of the other.

Bir dyujinaning /12 dona/ oltitasi va boshqa dyujinaning yarmi.

Six hours' sleep far a man, seven for a woman, and eight for a fool.

Erkak kishi uchun olti soat uyqu, ayolga yetti, ahmoqqa - sakkiz soat.

If the sky falls we shall catch larks.

Agar osmon o'pirilib tushsa biz turnalarni tutardik.

Out of a blue sky.

Zangari osmondan tushgan.

Sleep the sleep of the just.

Adolatli uyqu bilan uxlash.

Slept well, He hath / that remembers not he hath slept ill.

Kasal bo'lmasdan uxlaganini yodda tutgan tinch uxlar.

What/ drunkenness reveals soberness conceals.

Ichmas odam sir saqlagan narsani mast aytar.

Be slow to promise and quick to perform.

Va'da berishga shoshilma, bajarishga shoshil

Soft fire makes sweet malt.

Shirin sharbat past olovda tayyorlanar.

Small profits and quick returns.

Kichkina foyda va tez daromad

Some are wise and some are otherwise.

Ba'zilar bunday, ba’zilar esa unday.

To smell a rot.

Kalamushni hididan sezmoq.

There is a snake in the grass.

O't ichidagi ilon.

So far, so good.

Qanchalik uzoq bo’lsa, shunchalik yaxshi.

As soon as a man is born he begins to die

T ug'ilgan zahotidanoq odam o'lishni boshlaydi.

Soon got, soon spent.

T ez olingan, tez ketar.

Soon hot, soon cold.

T ez qizigan, tez soviydi.

Soon learnt soon forgotten.

Tez o'rganilgan, tez esdan chiqar.

No sooner said than done.

Qilmoqdan tezrog'i yo'q.

It takes all sorts.

Har turidan bor.

Sorrow comes unsent for.

G'amni chaqirmasang ham o'zi keladi.

A penny soul never come to twopence.

Bir tiyinli intilish hech qachon ikki tiyinli bo’lmas.

Of / the first is the best soup and love.

Sho'rvaning va muhabbatning birinchisi yaxshi.

Sour gropes can never make sweet wine.

Nordon uzumdan hech qachon shirin musallas chiqmas.

One sows and another reaps.

Kimdir ekadi, birov o'radi.

The still sow eats up all the draff.

Indamas cho'chqa yuvindidan yuq qoldirmaydi.

A small spark makes a great fire .

Kichkina uchqundan katta yong'in chiqar.

Speak not of my debts unless you mean to pay them

Mening qarzlarimni to'lashni nazarda tutmaguncha, ular haqida menga gapirma

Speak well of your friend, of your enemy say nothing.

Do'sting haqida yaxshi gapir, dushmaning haqida - hech narsa.

Speak when you are spoken to.

Senga gapirishganda gapir.

He that / dishonours himself speaks ill of his wife

O’z xotini haqida yomon gapirgan o’zini sharmanda qilar.

Speech is silver, silence is golden.

So'z - kumush, sukut – oltin.

The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.

Ruh - tetik, jism esa zail.

To split hairs.

Qilni maydalamoq.

To put a spoke in one's wheel.

Birovning g'ildiragiga tayoq tiqmoq.

There are spots in the 'sun.

Quyoshda dog' bor.

To spur a willing horse.

Ishga ishtiyoqli otni qamchilamoq.

On the spur of the moment.

Lahza ta'sirida.

Standers-by see mare than gamesters.

Ehtiyotda o'tirganlar o'ynayotganlardan ko'proq narsani ko'radi.

There is no standing still.

To'xtash yo'q.

Early start makes easy stages.

Erta boshlangan ish yengil ko'char.

Steady does it.

Asta-sekin bu bitar.

It is the first step that costs.

Fa qat birinchi qadam chiqimlidir.

Be one step ahead of the sheriff.

Sherifdan bir qadam old inda bo'lmoq.

Mind one's step

Qadamiga qaramoq.

There is but one step from the sublime to the ridiculous.

Ulug'likdan kulgulikkacha bir qadam

To stew in one's own grease.

O'z yog'ida qovurilmoq.

Any stick to beat a dog.

Itni urishga har qanday tayoq yarar.

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.

Tayoq va tosh mening suyagimni sindirishi mumkin, ammo so'z hech qachon meni shikastlamaydi.

Stiff as a poker.

Kosovdek bukilmas.

To keep a stiff upper lip.

Yuqori labni bukma'slik.

Still waters run deep

Sokin suv chuqur oqar.

The sting is in the tail.

Dumning nishi bor.

The sting of a reproach is the truth of it.

Ta'naning nishi - uning haqiqatligida.

A stitch in time saves nine.

Vaqtida tikilgan chok to'qqiztasining oldini olar.

Stolen waters are sweet.

0' g'irlangan suv totli bo'lar.

The stone that lieth not in. your way need not offend you.

Sizning yo'lingizda yotmagan toshning sizga zarari yo'q.

Stony limits cannot hold love out.

Tosh to'siqlar ham sevgini ushlab qololmas.

Store is no sore.

Ehtiyot yara emas.

A storm in a tea-cup.

Piyoladagi bo'ron.

Straight trees have crooked roots.

T o'g'ri o'sgan daraxtning qing'ir ildizlari bor.

To make bricks without Straw.

Somonsiz g'isht quymoq.

A straw shows which way the wind blows.

Shamol qayoqqa esayotganini hashak ko'rsatadi.

Thrash over old straw.

Eski somonni yanchimoq

Throw straws against the wind.

Shamolga qarshi somon otmoq.

By the street of by and by one arrives at the house of never.

Ko' chada asta yurgan hech qachon uyiga yetolmas.

Zaif zarbalardan ulkan emanlar qular
A life-Ond-death struggle.

Hayot va o'lim uchun kurash.

Stuff today and starve tomorrow.

Bug un to'yib yemoq, ertaga och o'tirmoq.

A stumble may prevent a fall.

Qoqilmoq yiqilishdan saqlashi mum kin.

The style is the man.

O'zini tutish san'ati kishini belgilaydi.

Subtlety is better than force.

Hiyla kuchdan afzal.

Success is never blamed.

Muvaffaqiyat hech qachon koyilmas.

Certain as the rising sun.

Quyosh chigishidek muqarrar.

Let not the sun go down on your wrath.

Quyosh g' azabingizga botmasin.

The morning sun never lasts a day.

Ertalabki quyosh hech qachon kuni bilan saqlanmas.

The sun shines upon all alike.

Quyosh nurlari hammaga bir xilda.

When two sundays come in one week.

Bir haftada ikki yakshanba bir bo'lib kelganida.

As sure as eggs is eggs.

T uxum tuxumligiday aniq.

Below the surface.

T ashining ichida.

One swallow does not make a summer.

Bir qaldirg'och bilan yoz bo'lmas.

No sweet without sweat.

Ter to'kmay shirinlik ham yo'q.

Sweet discourse makes short days and nights.

Shirin suhbat kunduz-u tunlarni qisqartirar.

To have a sweet tooth.

Shirin tishli bo'lmoq.

Be swift to hear, slow to speak.

Tezroq eshit, sekinroq gapir.

What you lose on the swings you gain on the round-a bouts.

T ebranganda yo’qotganingizni aylanma yo'l bilan yutasiz.

They that take the sword shall perish with the sword.

Qilich ko'targan qilichdan halok bo'lar.

Be pinned to one's wife's apron strings.

O'z xotinining etagiga bog'langan.


The tail wagging the dog.

Dum kuchukni likillatar.
The tailor makes the man.

Odamni tikuvchi yaratar.

Take a farthing away from a thousand pounds, it will be a thousond pounds no longer.

Ming funtdan bir farting olsang, ming funting ko'pga chidamas.

To take a leaf out of one's book.

Birovning kitobidan varaq olmoq.

To take the gilt off the gingerbread.

Zanjabil kulchadan zarhalini sidirmoq.

Take away my good name and take away my life.

Mening yaxshi nomimni olib qo'ysang, hayotimni ham ol.

To take the law into one's own hand.

Qonunni birovning o'z qo'liga berib qo'ymoq.

Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves.

Penslarning g'amini ye, funtlar o'z g'amini o'zi yer.

To take the wind out of one's sails.

Birovning yelkanidagi shamolni olmoq.

To take one down a peg or two.

Birovni bir yoki ikki pog'ona pasaytirmoq.

Take things as you find them.

Nimani qanday topgan bo'lsang, shundayligicha qabul et.

To take the bull by the horns.

Ho'kizni tug'ilgan paytidan olmoq.

To tell to les out of school.

Maktab voqealarini tashqarida yoymoq.

A tale that is told.

Aytib bo'lingan hikoyat.

A tale-bearer is worse than a thief.

Chaqimchi o'g'ridan battar.

All talk and no cider.

Gap ko'p, sharbat esa yo'q.

To talk the hind leg off a donkey.

Eshakni orqa oyog'ini gapga solmoq.

The talk of the town.

Shahar og'ziga tushgan gap.

To talk without thinking is to shoot without aiming.

O'ylamay gapirmoq - nishonga olmay otmoq.

The greatest talkers are the least doers.

Eng ko'p gapiruvchilar hammadan kam ish qiladi.

He that talks to himself speaks to a fool.

O'z-o'ziga gapirgan, ahmoq bilan gaplashar.

Sow tares among somebody's wheat.

Birovning bug'doyi orasiga begona o't sepmoq.

All tarred with the same brush.

Hammasiga bir qoramoy surtilgan.

Every man to his taste.

Har kishi o'z ta'mi bilan.

The taste of the kitchen is better than the smell.

Oshxonaning ta'm; hididan yaxshi eshakning go'shti harom, mehnati halol.

A tattler is worse than a thief.

G'iybatchi o'g'ridan'battar

It is hard to teach an old dog tricks.

Qari itning hiylalarini o'rganmoq qiyin.

Like teacher like pupil.

O'qituvchi qanaqa bo'lsa, o'quvchi shunaqa.

Teach your grandmother to suck eggs.

Buvingizga tuxum yutmoqni o'rgatmoq.

He t eacheth ill who teacheth all.

Hamma narsaga o'rgatgan - yomon o'rgatar.

Tell that to the Marines.

Buni dengizlarga aytib ber.

Tell the truth and shame the devil.

Rostini ayt va shaytonni uyaltir.

Temperance is the best medicine.

Nafsini tiymoq eng yaxshi davo

To be on tenterhooks.

Bo'z to'qiydigan ilmoqlarni ustida.

Thick as blackberries.

Qora smoradinadek serob.

Set a thief to catch a thief.

O'g'rini tutishga o'g'ri kirishsin.

Like a thief in the night.

Tundagi o'g'riga o'xshab.

Little thieves ore hanged, but great ones escape.

Mayda o'g'rilarni osishdi, yiriklari esa qochib qutuldi.

As thick as thieves.

O'g'rilardek yaqin [bir-biriga.

A thief passes for a gentleman when stealing has made him rich.

O'g'ri o'g'rilikdan boyib ketsa, oliyjanobga aylanadi.

When thieves fall out, honest men come by their own.

O'g'rilar bir-biri bilan janjallashib qolsa, to'g'ri odamlar yaxshi yashaydi.

The thin end of the wedge is to be feared.

Cheganing o'tkir uchidan qo'rqish kerak.

If things were to be done twice all would be wise.

Agar narsalar ikki marta qilinishi lozim bo'iganida, hamma aqlli bo'lardi.

A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

Kam bilim xavflidir.

Little things amuse little minds.

Arzimas narsalar sayoz aqllarni chulg'ar.

Never do things by halves.

Hech qachon hech narsani chala qilma.

Take things as they are.

Narsalarni boricha qabul qil.

Things past cannot be recalled.

O'tgan narsalarni qayta chaqirib bo'lmas.

First think then speak.

Avval o'yla, keyin so'yla.

They that think they know "everything,know nothing.

Hamma narsani bilaman deb o'ylagan odamlar hech narsani bilmas.

Think well of all men.

Hamma to'g'risida yaxshi o'yla.

Think with the wise, but talk with the vulgar.

Dono bilan o'yla, nodon bilan so'yla.

Thinking is very far from knowing.

O'ylash bilishdan juda uzoq.

Though I say it that should not.

Men aytganim bilan bu bo'imasligi ham mumkin.

Thought is free

Fikr ozoddir.

Second thoughts are best.

Ikkinchi o'y eng yaxshi.

Thousand pounds of law, Ino! there is not an ounce of love.

Ming funt qonunda bir unsiya ham muhabbat yo'q.

Threatened men live long.

T ahdid ostida odamlar uzoq yashaydi.

When three know it, all know it.

Agar uch kishi bilsa, hamma biladi.

Three women and a goose make a market.

Uch ayol bilan bir g' oz – bozor.

He that will thrive must rise at five.

Farovonlik istagan soat beshda turishi lozim.

Time is never found again, lost.

Yo'qotilgan vaqtni sira topib bo'lmas.

No time like the present.

Hozirgidek vaqt yo'q.

Other times, other manners.

Boshqa paytlar - boshqa odatlar.

There is a time for all things.

Hamma narsaning o'z vaqti bor.

Time and tide wait for no man.

Vaqt va suv to'lqini odamni poylamas.

Time cures all things.

Vaqt hammasiga davodir.

Time flies.

Vaqt uchar.

Time is money.

Vaqt puldir.

Time works wonders.

Vaqt mo'jiza yaratar.

What may be done at any time will be done at no time.

Har mahal qilinishi mumkin bo'lgan ish hech qachon qilinmas.

One today is worth two tomorrows.

Bitta bugun ikkita ertadan afzal.

More know tom Fool than Tom Fool knows.

Ko'plar Tom Ahmoqni taniydi u esa kamini.

Tomorrow is a new day.

Erta - yangi kundir.

Tomorrow never comes.

Erta sira kelmaydi.

A good tongue is a good weapon.

Yaxshi til yaxshi qurol.

One tongue is enough for a woman.

Bir ayolga bir til yetarlidir.

The tongue is not steel, yet it cuts.

Til po'latdan emas, ammo chopar.

The tongue of idle people is never idle.

Dangasaning tili sira dangasa bo'lmas.

A honey tongue, a heart of gall.

Asaldek til zardaning asli.

One's tongue runs before one's wit.

Tili aqlidan oldin yuradi.

A still tongue makes a wise head.

Jim turgan til aqlli boshni yaratar.

To be too big for one's boots.

Birovning etigiga haddan ziyod katta.

Too clever by half.

Haddan ziyod va yana yarim bor ko'proq uddaburon.

Too many cooks spoil the broth.

Haddan ziyod ko'p oshpaz sho'rvani buzar.

Draw its teeth.

Tishini sug'urib olmoq.

If you cannot bite, never show your teeth.

Agar tishlay olmasang, sira tishingni ko'rsatma.

As sharp as a serpant tooth.

Ilon tishidek o'tkir.

I would not touch him with a pair of tongs.

Men unga ombur bilan ham tekkim yo'q.

Touch wood.

Yog'ochni ushlamoq.

Two of a trade never agree,

Ikkita sotuvchi sira kelisholmas.

He that j knows much travels far.

Uzoqqa sayohat qilgan ko'p bilar.

Tread on a warm and it will turn.

huvalchangni bossang, u ham tipirchilar.

As oj so shall it lie tree falls.

Daraxt qaysi tarafga og'sa, o'sha yoqqa qulaydi.

As they so the frl!.it tree.

Daraxtiga qarab mevasi.

A tree is known by its fruit.

Daraxt mevasi bilan mashhur.

Shake the tree when the fruit is ripe.

Daraxtni mevasi pishganida silkit.

You cannot judge of a tree by its bark.

Po'stlog'iga qarab daraxtga baho berolmaysiz.

A triton among the minnows.

Tango baliqlar orasidagi triton.

Ask for trouble.

Qiyinchilikni yo'qlash.

True blue will never stain.

Asl samo rangi hech qachon o'chmas

Many a true word is spoken in jest.

Ko'p rost gap hazil bilanaytiladi.

Trust not a new friend nor an old enemy.

Yangi do'st va eski dushmanga ishonma.

Truth is stranger than fiction.

Haqiqat uydirmadan ham g'aroyib.

Truth lies at the bottom of a well.

Haqiqat quduq tubida yotar.

Truth fears no colours.

Haqiqat ranglardan qo'rqmas.

Truth is the daughter of God.

Haqiqat - Xudoning qizi.

Truth never grows old.

Haqiqat sira eskirmas.

The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

Haqiqat, faqat haqiqat va haqiqatdan boshqa hech narsa.

Every tub most stand on its awn bottom.

Har bir idish o'z asosida tursin.

There's many a good tune played on an old fiddle.

Eski skripkadan ancha yaxshi ohang chiqarsa bo'ladi.

One good turn deserves another.

Bir yaxshi burilish boshqasiga sabab bo'ladi.

To turn an honest penny.

To'g'ri yo'l bilan topilgan tiyin.

To make a person turn in his grave.

Birovning go'rida ag'darilishiga sabab bo'lmoq.

To turn over a new leaf.

Yangi varaqni oehmoq.

To turn the tables.

Stollarni aylantirmoq.

To turn up one's nose.

Burnini burmoq.

To turn up trumps.

Kozir kartalarni oehmoq

As the twig is bent, so the tree is inclined

Novda qanday qayrilgan bo'lsa, daraxt ham shunday egiladi.

To twist round one's little finger.

Birovni jimjilog'i atrofida aylantirmoq.

To make two bites of a cherry.

(Olchani ikki bo'lakka bo'lmoq.

Two blacks do not make a white.

Ikki qoradan oq bo'lmas.

Two dogs strive for a bone, and third runs away with it.

Ikki kuchuk suyak talashar, uchinchisi esa ilib ketar

Two heads are better than one.

Ikki bosh bir boshdan yaxshi.

Two negatives make an affirmative

Ikki inkor bir tasdiqni yaratar.

There are two sides to every question.

Har bir masalaning ikki tomoni bor.

To have two strings to one's bow.

Kamalakka ikki ip saqlamoq.

It takes two to make a quarrel,

Janjallashishga ikki kishi lozim.

Two wrongs don't make a right.

Ikki yomonlik yaxshilik yaratmas.

Certain as two and two make four.

Ikki karra ikki - to'rt bo'iganidek muqarrar.


As ugly as sin.

Gunohdek 'qo'rqinchli.
The glorious uncertainty of the law.

Qonunning misli ko'rilmagan noaniqligi.

Under the blanket the black one is as good as the white.

Ko'rpa tagida qora ham oqdek ko'rinar.

It is the unforeseen that always happens.

Aynan kutilmagan narsa doim sodir bo'ladi.

United we stand, divided we fall.

Birlashsak - oyoqqa turamiz, ajrashsak - yiqilamiz


Pot valour.

Xurmacha mardligi

Voriety is pleasing.

Xilma-xillik rohatbaxshdir.
The noblest vengeance, is to forgive.

Eng oliyjanob qasos – kechirish.

There is novenom to that of the tongue.

Bu tilga zahar yo'q.

Epty vessels make the greatest sound.

Bo'sh bochkada shovqin ko'p.

Under one's vine and fig-tree.

O'zining uzum toki va anjiri ostida.

Virtue is Hs own reword.

Ezgulik o'ziga o'zi mukofotdir.

Virtue dwells not in the tongue but in the heart.

Ezgulik tilda emas dilda barqarar.

Virtue never grows old.

Ezgulik sira qarimas.

The voice of one man is the voice of no one.

Bir kishining tovushi - hech kimning tovushi.

The voice of the people is the voice of God,The

Xalq ovozi - xudoning ovozi.

Dance on a volcano.

Vulqonda raqs tushmoq.

Vows made in storms are forgotten in calm.

Bo'ron payti berilgan va'dalar dengiz tinchlanganda unutilar.


The wages of sin is death.

Gunohga jazo - o'lim.
A wager is a fool's argument.

Garov - ahmoqlar dalili.

Fix somebody's wagon.

Aravasini olmashtirib qo'ymoq.

To hitch one's wagon, to a star.

Aravasini yulduz sari itarmoq.

Wait and see.

Kut va qara.

Walls have ears.

Devorlarning qulog'i bor.

Want of wit is worse than want of wealth.

Aql istamoq boylik istamoqdan ham battar.

Want is the mother of industry.

Xohish tirishqoqlik onasi.

War is the sport of kings.

Urush qirollarning o'yini.

When war begins, hell opens.

Urush boshlanganida jahannam eshiklari ochiladi.

Wars bring scars.

Urushlar yara keltirar.

To warm the cockles ohhe heart.

Dil tanchasini isitmoq.

Wash a blackamoor white.

Habashni oqarguncha yuvmoq.

Waste not, want net.

Bekorga sarflash bo'lmasa, muhtojlik bo'lmas.

To carry water in a sieve.

Elakda suv tashimoq.

Carry water on both shoulders.

Suvni ikki yelkada tashimoq.

Fish in troubled waters.

loyqa suvdagi baliq.

Water off a duck's back, like.

Suv o’rdakning patidan sirg’alib tushganidek.

He knows water the best, who has waded through it.

Daryoning kechuvini o’tgan biladi.

A lot of water has flowed under the bridge since.

U paytlardan so'ng ko'prik ostidan ancha suv oqib o'tdi.

Much water runs by the mill that the miller knows not of.

T egirmondan ancha suv oqib o'tar, tegirmonchining esa bundan xabari yo'q.

No safe wading in an unknown water.

Bilmagan suvning kechuvi xatarli.

Spent money like water.

Pulni suvdek sarflamoq.

Still waters have deep bottoms.

Sokin suvning tubi chuqur.

Too much water drowned the miller.

T egirmonchi haddan ziyod ko'p suv keltirdi.

Written in water.

Suvga yozilgan.

To get. water out of a stone.

T oshni siqib suv olmoq.

Folly grows without watering.

Suv quymasang ham ahmoq o'sar.

Wax, Mould somebodylike.

Birovni mumdek ezib shakl bermoq.

Can't fight his way out of a paper bag.

O'z yo'lidagi qog'oz qopni olib tashlamaslik.

The longest way about is the nearest way home.

Aylanma uzoq yo'l uyga eng yaqin yo'ldir.

There are mare ways to the wood than one.

O'rmonga olib boruvchi yo'l bitta emas.

The way to an Englishman's heart is through his stomach.

Inglizning yuragiga yo'l qorni orqali o'tadi.

The way to be sofe is never to be secure.

Bexatar yo'l hech qachon tinch bo'lmas.

The weakest goes to the wall.

Eng zaiflar devorga chiqar.

Roll in wealth.

Boylikda dumalamoq.

The greatest wealth, is contentment with a little.

Kamiga qanoat qilgan - eng yirik boylikdir.

To wear the breeches.

Shim kiymoq.

Wedlock. is a padlock.

T urmush qurmoq - qulf osmoq.

Weeds grow apace,

Yomon o't tez o'sar.

What do you think this is-Bush week?

Siz o'ylagandizki-bu qarovsiz o'tloq yermi?

A great weight off one's mind.

Miyasidan ulkan og'irlik ag'darildi.

Welcome is the best cheer.

Xushlamoq eng yaxshi olqishlashdir.

Welcome as a storm.

Bo'rondek hush ko'rmoq.

A1I is well that ends well.

Oxiri yaxshi bo'lsa, hammasi yaxshidir.

Leave well alone.

Yaxshini tark etmoq.

Poison the wells.

Quduqlarni zaharlash.

To wet one's whistle.

Tomoq ho'llamoq.

To know what is what.

Nima - nimaligini bilmoq.

What is worth doing is warth doing well.

Qilishga arziydigan narsani qilish arziydi.

What's yours is mine, and what's mine is my own.

Seniki - menikidir, meniki esa - o'zimnikidir.

Break a butterfly on the wheel.

Kapalakni g'ildirak ustida parchalamoq.

A fifth wheel.

Beshinchi g'ildirak.

There are wheels within wheels.

G'ildiraklar ichida g'ildiraklar bor.

Grease the wheels.

G'ildiraklarni moylamoq.

When the cat is away the mice will play.

Mushuk ketsa sichqon o'ynar.

When in doubt, leave out.

Shubhalansang - o'tkazvor.

Catch theWhigs bathing and wolk away with their –Clothes.

Dushmaning cho'milayotganini poylab, kiyimini olib ket.

The whirligig of time.

Vaqt pirildog'i.

Where there is whispering, there is lying.

Shivirlab aytilgan gap - yolg'on gap.

Every wWhy has a wherefore.

Har bir "nega"ning o'z "shuning uchun"i bor.

Caesar's wife must be above suspicion.

Sezarning xotini shubhadan holi bo'lishi. shart.

He that has a wife, has a master.

Xotini borning xo'jayini bor.

There is one good wife in the country, and every man thinks he has her.

Mamlakatda bitta yaxshi xotin bor va har bir erkak unga egaman deb o'ylar.

To sow one's wild oats.

Yovvoyi suli ekmoq.

Where there's a will, there's a way.

Xohish bo'lsa, chora topilar.

Where there's a will, there's trouble.

Xohish bor bo'lsa qiyinchilik topilar.

It's on ill wind that blows nobody goad.

Hech kimga yaxshilik esmagan shamol yomondir.

To catch the wind in a net .

To'r bilan shamolni tutmoq.

Saw the wind and reap the whirlwind.

Shamol ekkan, bo'ron o'rar.

Wine is in, truth is aut.

May ichiga kirsa haqiqat tashqariga chiqar.

Wine and wenches empty men's purses.

May va jonon erkaklarning hamyonini bo'shatar.

The wine in the bottle does not quench thirst.

Shishadagi may chanqoqni qondirmas.

Don't try to fly without wings.

Qanotsiz uchishga urinma

Learn wisdom by the follies of others.

Aqlni birovning ahmoqligidan o'rgan.

Wisdom is the wealth of the wise.

Aql - dononing boyligi

No wisdom like silence.

Sukutdan ortiq donolik. yo' q.

Wise after the event.

Hodisa sodir bo'lgandan keyin dono.

It is a wise child that knows its own father.

O'z otasini tanigan bola donodir.

He is not a Wise man, who cannot play the fool on occasion.

Vaqti kelganda o'zin~ ahmoqlikka sololmagan odam dono emas.

Wise men leorn by other men's mistakes;

fools by their own.

Donolor birovning xatosidan saboq olar, ahmoqlar - o'zinikidan.
The wish is father to the thought.

Xohish - fikr otasi.

If wishes were horses beggars might ride.

Agar xohishlar ot bo'lganida, kambag' allar ularda poyga chopardi.

Good wits jump.

Yaxshi aqllilar sakrab o'tar [mavzudan mavzuga.

Wit once bought is worth twice taught

Bir marta sotib olingan aql ikki marta o'rgatilganiga teng

It is hard to wive and thrive both in a year .

Bir yilning o'zida ham uylanmoq, ham daromad olmoq qiyin.

Wives must be had, be they good or bad.

Yaxshimi-yomonmi, xotin olish shart

Greedy as a wolf.

Bo'ridek ochofat.)

To keep the wolf from the door.

Bo'rini eshik oldida ushlamoq.

One must howl with the wolves.

Bo'rilar bilan uvillash lozim.

Set the wolf to keep the sheep.

Bo'rini qo'ychivon qilmoq.

Throw somebody to the wolves.

Kimnidir bo'rilarga tashlamoq

Whds afraid of the big bad wolf?

Katta yomon bo'ridan kim ham qo'rqardi?

A wolf in sheep's,. clothing.

Qo'y terisidagi bo'ri

A woman conceals what she knows not.

Ayol bilmagan narsani ham sir saqlar

A woman's work is never done.

Ayolning ishi sira bitmas.

Where there are women and geese, there wants no noise.

Ayollar bilan g'ozlar bor joyda boshqa shovqinning keragi yo' q.

Women are always in extremes.

Ayollar doim haddan oshadi.

Women are necessary evils.

Ayollar majburiy ofatdir

The mare women look in their glass, the less they look to their house.

Ayol qanchalik ko'p toshoynaga qarasa, shunchalik kam uyiga qarar.

Women must have their wills while they live, because they make none when they die.

Ayollar o'z xohishlarini tirikligida amalga oshirishi lozim, chunki o'lgandan keyin ularni ro'yobga chiqarolmaydi.

Women must have the last word.

So'nggi so'z ayoldan bo'lishi shart.

A wonder lasts but nine days.

Qiziqarli ajoyibot to'qqiz kunga chidar.

Wonders will never cease.

Ajoyibotlar sira tugamas.

Don't halloo till you are out of the wood.

O'rmondan chiqmaguncha hursand bo'lma

Happy the wooing that's not long doing.

Uzoq muddat davom etmagan sovchilik baxtlidir

To pull the wool over a person's eyes.

Birovning ko'ziga jun tortmoq

Go for wool and come home shorn.

Yungga borib, yungini oldirib kelmoq.

Fine words butter no parsnips.

Yaxshi so'z xush yoqar, ammo ziravori bo'lmas.

Fine words dress ill deeds.

Chiroyli so'zlar yomon ishlarni niqoblar.

Hard words break no bones.

Yomon so'z suyak sindirmas.

One’s word is one's bond.

Birovning so'zi – burchidir.

Words cut more than swords.

Ko'p so'zlar qilichdan ko'proq kesar.

Waste words.

Bekor so'zlamoq.

A word in season.

Vaqtida aytilgan so'z.

Words are but wind.

So'zlar shamoldir.

Words are the wise man's counters and the fool's money.

Dononing quroli - SO'Z, ahmoqniki – pul.

Mere words will not fill a bushel.

Daryo so'zlar bir bushelni / 36.3 1./ to'idirmas.

Words pay no debts.

So'z bilan qarz to'lab bo'lmas.

A word to the wise.

Donoga bir so'z.

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

O'yinsiz ish Jekni zeriktirar.

He that will not work shall not eat.

Ishlamagan yemaydi.

What is a workman without his tools?

Usta asbobisiz nima ham qilardi?

The workman is known by his work.

Usta ishi bilan mashhur.

All the world and his wife.

Butun dunyo va uning xotini.

Raise in the world.

Dunyoga ko'tarilmoq.

So goes the world.

Dunyo shunday o'tar.

The world is a small place.

Dunyo kichik joydir.

Even a worm will turn.

Hatto chuvalchang ham burilar.

Worse things happen at sea.

Eng yomon ishlar dengizda sodir bo'ladi.

He that is afraid of wounds must not come near a battle.

Yaradan qo'rqqan jang maydoniga yaqinlashmasligi lozim

Make the worst of both worlds.

Ikkala dunyoning ham eng yomon ishini qilmoq.

Wrong never comes right.

Yomonlik sira yaxshilik keltirmas.

Not worth powder "and shot.

Porox va o'q zo'ldiriarga ham arzimaydi.

The worth of a thing is best known by the want of it.

Narsaning qadri uni tilaganda yaxshi bilinar.

The labourer is! of his hire worthy.

Ishlagan ish haqiga loyiqdir.

Young saint, old devil.

Yoshligida avliyo, qariganda shayton.


You cannot sell the cow and drink the milk.

Sigirni sotib, sutini icholmaysan.
Youth and age will never agree.

Yoshlik va qarilik hech qachon kelisholmas.

Young men may die, old men must.

Yosh o'lishi mum.kin, qari o'lishi shart.

Youth will serve.

Yosh – xizmatda.

Youth will have its course.

Yosh o'z navbatida o'rinli bo'ladi.

Young men think old men fools, and old men know young men to be so.

Yosh qarini ahmoq deb o'ylar, qari esa yosh ahmoq bo'lishini bilar.


Zeal is fit only for wise men, but is found mostly in fools.

G'ayrat faqat donolarga foydali, ammo ko'proq nodonlarda bo'ladi.
Zeal without knowledge is fire without light.

Bilimsiz g' ayrat - yorug'i yo' q olov


PROVERBS, MAQOLLAR, POSLOVITSI (ingliz, o'zbek, rus moqollori)

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