Mount Wolf Elementary PTO held its meeting on August 8, 2016 in the library.
Board Members in Attendance were: Shannan Adams, Sarah Wooden, Tara Nolte, Angela Lesher, Veronica Reitzel, Chris Heiland, Dave Kochenour and Michelle Delaney
PTO Members in Attendance were: Linnaya Graf, Rebecca Csutoras
Excused Members: Mary Jo Welker, Staci Wise and Alexis Reachard
Approval of minutes: Sarah made the motion to approve the minutes from May 9th, 2016 and the motion to approve was 2nd by Rebecca.
President’s Report – Shannan Adams
We successfully changed accountants from Tyce to Heljan, a local company. They are significantly and we are saving approximately $350/tax season and they have a fast turnaround of approximately 2 weeks.
The summer backpack program was successful. We helped 9 families biweekly for the duration of the summer. None of the $500 budgeted PTO money was used but we will keep it in the budget for next summer. We will come up with a specific list of needed donation items and get the list out earlier.
We received a thank-you letter and pictures from our scholarship receipients.
We still have no fundraiser chair. The PTO will be setting up the KidStuff book sales during building preview at 5:00pm. All are welcome to help set up the fundraiser if you are available.
Building Preview is on Friday, August 19th from 4-5:30pm.
Sarah had the receipts for crafts for Fun Day. It was decided that juice popsicles would be the snack and she would get 250 of them. Everyone else was ready for Fun Day. The total cost is $831.16. Volunteers will be needed for Fun Day from 1:05 to 3:05 on Friday, May 27th. No Report
Treasurer’s Report – Michelle Delaney
Checkbook balance is currently $4467.2411,079.16
This does not include the $396 for the 1st grade tickets or the bust cost amounts from any of the field trips.For the 2016 budget, we added some money to the field trip costs because F&S Transportation costs are always higher than expected. Other than that, there are no significant changes to the budget.
Next year, Dr. Payne will be the principal at Shallow Brook Intermediate for the first semester while Mrs. Walker is on maternity leave. A substitute principal will be here at Mount Wolf for the first semester. Dr. Payne will make sure Mount Wolf is all ready to open before she goes to Shallow Brook
Mount Wolf is getting an extra 0.5 Reading Specialist position.We hired a new 3rd grade teacher, Holly Hartman who will be here for the duration of the year.
There will be a table for membership during Back to School Night
There is a new report card distribution process for this year. Report cards will be distributed upon coming in for a parent conference for marking periods 1 and 2. If parents do not make the conferences, the report cards will be mailed home. This will be occurring across all elementary schools in the district as a way to increase parents coming in for conferences. The report cards will also look different this year with a smaller amount of benchmarks, which should make it easier for parents to read.
There were only 3 donations for the teacher appreciation day. Veronica bought stuff for them. The teachers enjoyed it. For next year, the idea to pre-purchase large trays beforehand was brought up. It was also suggested that we consider using Bring It! with what items are needed and what is left and to send out a link to parents so there will be more donations.No Report
PartyCoordinator – Veronica Reitzel
No Report Will have stuff for the fall party during the September meeting. The fall party will be held on October 26th.
Yearbook – Chris Heiland
The yearbook comes in May 14th. Chris will be in the following week to sort the yearbooks.
School Annual will send out the final invoice once the books have shipped.
The contract has been signed for next year.Last year’s yearbook has been paid.
The site has been set up for this year’s yearbook.
We made $139 at Spirit Night at the Bobcat Creamery. It was very busy on spirit night. We are going to look into having teachers and parents help out to keep the waits down.
There will be no Spirit Night on the last day of school because Orendorf has that day.
There will be a Spirit Night on August 15th prior to the start of school.
The Wolfgang Sale will be from September 8th to October 3rd. Delivery will be on November 1st and pickup will be on the conferences on November 2nd and 3rd. We got an extra 1% that will be added to our sales for signing up early.Letters have been sent out to local businesses looking for sponsors for the American Girl Doll Bingo. A $15 program sponsorship was added to try and get more businesses to participate that may not want to donate an entire doll. If anyone knows a business that would be willing to donate, please contact Angie.
We are going to put the donation letter into a blast to parents to try and get more donations. We are also going to look into coming up with a letter to send to parents about the sponsorship option.
The Wolfgang candy sale is set for the fall. There are changes to the program this year that makes the sale different. They are partnering with Fundraising Management and they are having a Best of Brands Flyer with the top sellers from other companies. Wolfgang is only having a Best of Flyer with 10 products. Some products will be perishable so we will put in a letter to parents and pick up will only be one day this year, on November 2nd, during parent conferences. The profits will be the same as last year for Wolfgang. We will try the new program for the fall and see how it goes.
Spirit Night will be on August 15th from 6-8pm at the Bobcat Creamery. All are encouraged to come out and support the PTO!