Mount Wolf Elementary PTO held its meeting on September 12, 2016 in the library.
Board Members in Attendance were: Tara Nolte, Shannan Adams, Veronica Reitzel, Chris Heiland, Staci Wise, Michelle Delaney, Sarah Wooden, Mr. K, Alexis Reachard, Mary Jo Welker
PTO Members in Attendance were: Angie Elfner, Tammy McDermott, Kim Miles
Approval of minutes: Alexis made the motion to approve the minutes from August 8, 2016 and the motion to approve was seconded by Sarah Wooden
President’s Report – Shannan Adams
Brain Pop Jr. subscription will be running out for this year. The PTO paid for the subscription last year at a cost of $480 and there was a motion to renew the subscription for this year as well. Angie E made the motion to approve the funds and Veronica seconded the motion. The subscription will be added to the budget for subsequent years.
Shelley has asked for a volunteer to cut out Box Tops for this year and bag them up. The money goes to the general building fund for Mount Wolf. Monthly reminders will be sent home via the e-mail blasts to send in the Box Tops. We will be sending them in twice a year because the Box Tops company cuts checks to the school twice a year.
20% of the student body has participated in the Fundraiser Buyout. We have raised approximately $1500 so far. It is expected that because of this some of our fundraisers will have less turnout than last year.
Vice President’s Report – Sarah Wooden
We had discussed having a Paint Night last year but it never came to fruition. Sarah has spoken to someone from New Freedom Art. They would do 1 adult and 1 child and have them paint together on one 16x20 canvas. The cost to us would be $25 and then we could sell tickets for a set price. This would constitute a district event. The person sent Sarah some samples of the paintings that we might do. The company charges a $25 travel fee but would bring all the supplies and set it up in the MPR. We are looking to have this event in the spring and tickets would be available by pre-purchase. Sarah is going to look more into this event and provide more information at the next meeting.
It was discussed to have Yankee Candle as a possible substitute fundraiser for one of our current ones.
Treasurer’s Report – Michelle Delaney
Checkbook balance is currently $5751.18.
We have received $1470 from the buyout
We sold $1215 from Kidstuff books. Half of that money will be our profit.
Principal’s Report – Mr. K.
Mount Wolf is doing a trial of dismissing the walkers and car riders at 3:15. Staff is spread thin at the end of the day so this would allow there to be 2 additional staff in the lobby to assist with the dismissal. Otterbein and bus dismissal will still be at 3:20. This is for the safety of the students and to make sure they are being dismissed to the proper person.
All grades should be finishing benchmarks in all subjects in the next week and then full-out instruction can begin.
The new Houghton-Mifflin curriculum is in its 2nd full cycle. The final assessment is lengthy but it is part of the program and Mount Wolf is going to use the program as it is written for now.
Students will be given the No Place for Hate presentation on Thursday.
Teachers are getting into the full swing of instruction and the kids should be getting used to the pattern by now
Committee Reports
Hospitality – Veronica Reitzel
Mrs. Welker was asked to talk to the teachers about what they would like for their meal for the evening of parent-teacher conferences. In the past we have done tacos, pizza/Stromboli and subs.
The VIP Breakfast has been changed from May to November. A member said that if you call Big Apple Bagels the night before you can pick up any nonsold bagels for free. We will look into this idea for the VIP Breakfast
Party Coordinator – Veronica Reitzel
Will continue to get pumpkins from Farmer Dan for the fall party
We will order the hot dog roller and have hot dogs, chicken and pizza in addition to chips and baked goods for food. There will be a count added to the flyer to order food so Veronica knows how much to order.
It was suggested to get a poster with the menu prices displayed.
It was also suggested that we talk to Mr. George about lighting and get better lighting over the food/eating area so people can see better and hopefully keep the lines down.
Yearbook – Chris Heiland
Miss Wright the art teacher is going to have the kids design the yearbook covers as has been done in the past
The Yearbook Rep brought up a Yankee Candle fundraiser as a way to possible fund the yearbook. We get 40% of the profit. We discussed having a spring sale this year and seeing how it goes to possibly add or change that for the following year.
We will have the Halloween door decorating contest again – teachers must fill out their wish list for books (if a list isn’t filled out a teacher can’t win). There will be a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winner and the prizes will be $100 for 1st, $50 for 2nd and $25 for 3rd.
American Girl Bingo – Angela Lesher
All business letters have been mailed and if anyone knows any local businesses or anyone willing to donate to let one of them know.
Membership – Alexis Reachard
Alexis has picked up the last of the papers for membership. The total will be announced at the next meeting.
The directory will be typed and e-mailed to Shelley for distribution.