I study at а technical со11egе-Men kollejda о'qiyman
I am а housewife-Men uy bekasiman
Is your flat large? - Sizning uyingiz kattami?
No, it’s a two room flat with a kitchen.- Yo’q, uyimiz ikki xonali va bir oshxonali.
T here is a small hall with doors leading to the bath room and to the toilet.- Cho’milish xonasiga va hojat xonaga boshlovchi yo’lak bor.
Our flat has all modern conveniences.- Bizning uyimizda barcha zamonavniy qulayliklar bor.
When we moved in, we finished the flat anew.- Biz ko’chib kirganimizda , uyimizni yangidan jihozladik.
We put a hat and coat rack and a large mirror at the entrance.- Biz kiraverishda kiyim osgich va katta oynani joylashtirdik.
In the larger room there is a piano, a sofa and also a small dining room suit with a round table, chairs and a cupboard. – Katta xonada pianina, divan bor, va kichik xonada doiraviy stol, stullar va shkaf bor.
There are curtains at the windows and the door leading to the balcony. – Derazalarda pardalar va balkonga boshlovchi eshik bor.
On the walls there are two pictures.- Devorlarda ikkita surat bor.
One of them is an original the other is a copy.- Ulardan biri original, ikkinchisi esa nusxa.