Minutes of the regular meeting of the east petersburg borough council

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Reports from Appointed Officers:

Borough Manager Report – See attached report.

  • Completed the work on the Memory Garden for Mrs. Dryer. Had before and after pictures. Still need to take out a couple of small bushes.

  • Made the final transfer from Susquehanna and those accounts are all closed and all at Fulton now.

  • Gave quote to council to look at. Council said to get it done.

Public Works Superintendent's Report – See attached report.

Zoning Officer Report – August report attached.
Page 5822

September 3, 2013

Committee Reports:

Fire Company Report – Report given by Chief Rohrer. Chief Rohrer said they are part of the WHTM News Channel 27 Smoke Detector program and they do have smoke detectors available to hand out.

EMA Report – Diane Garber reported that September is National Preparedness Month, the ready.gov website has been updated with new 2013 toolkits, pets, kids all kinds of difference things to have emergency plans ready. The county has suggested that municipalities put a link to ready.gov on their website. It is time to update NIMS records, give copy to Diane, update EOP(emergency operations plan).. Would like to have this done and in resolution sent to county by July 1, 2014.
Bucher asked Garber what kind of plan do we have together with the school and the fertilizer plant. Garber said that is the responsibility of the County. They submit all of their plans, as far as being next door to the school district according to Mr. Forry they’ve worked through that and included that in the plans on the Hempfield School District level. The plans are submitted to the police department because the Right to Know a lot of times we don’t get that information. Garber said she just started working with the school district in updating East Hempfield Township’s plan and think I have gotten through to the director of operations that maybe he might actually work with me.
Bucher said there is going to be a day care going in right across the street from it. Panus asked if they make fertilizer there. Bucher said they don’t have to make it, it is what they store there that is explosive. Garber said they do have significant regulations that they have to follow and from what she has seen over there they are very conscientious of what they do.
Bucher said he isn’t saying anything bad about them it’s just that it’s right beside the school. Council said they would be more than willing to send a letter or give a phone call to be of assistance. Garber said if she gets to that point she will let them know. Bucher asked if the fire company had seen the inside of the new school, Garber said she wasn’t sure.
Council would like to have tour of the new building.

HARC – Panus said she would like to see either Barry Newton or a manager to come talk to council about how the pool ran and whatever information they can give down to the detail. Councilperson Armstrong said she would like to know how many East Pete residents were members and the number of employees from East Petersburg.

EIT – Meeting in two weeks.
Unfinished Business:

Vacancy Board Appointmentstill need a person.
New Business:

  1. It was moved and seconded (Huber/McElwain) to approve Resolution No. 669, Appointing Todd Weis as Alternate Member to the East Petersburg Borough Zoning Hearing Board, and Setting Forth Terms of Office. John Wolf Yea, Connie McElwain Yea, Tom Huber Yea, Greg Bucher Nay, Mary Armstrong Yea, Adam Gochnauer Yea

  2. It was moved and seconded (Bucher/Gochnauer) to approve East Petersburg Borough Non-Uniform Pension Plan Minimum Municipal Obligation 2014. Unanimous approval.


Outbreak September 7, 2013 East Petersburg Park (Hempfield Church of the Brethren)

East Pete Day September 21, rides September 19 & 20 beginning at 6pm.

Meeting Adjourned 8:16 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted, Virginia A. Groff, Recording Secretary

Page 5823

October 1, 2013



October 1, 2013

The meeting of the East Petersburg Borough Council came to order at 7:00 P.M. with the following members of Council and employees present: President Cappy Panus, Vice-President John Wolf, Connie McElwain, Tom Huber, Greg Bucher, Mary Armstrong, Adam Gochnauer, Mayor Jeff Geoghan, and Borough Manager Robin Hemperly

Call Regular Meeting to Order 7:00 P.M.

The Pledge of Allegiance was given.

Moment of Silence for the family of Robert Earhart, who passed away on September 26th, 2013. Mr. Earhart was employed with the Water Department of East Petersburg.

Minutes: It was moved and seconded (McElwain/Bucher) to accept the minutes of the September 3, 2013 Borough Council Meetings. Unanimous approval.

President Panus thanked Herb and his crew for the quick work they did in addressing the turning lane on Lemon Street at the school entrance. The crossing guard says he feels much safer now that the road markings are clearer.

Attendees – See attached attendance list.

Bill Payment Review. Several questions were asked of the Manager, which were answered.

Visit From: None

Comments from Citizens:

  • Joyce Mokros asked if, on behalf of the fire police, we could ask PennDot if a sign stating something like “do not block intersection for fire vehicles” could be placed on State and Pine. Due to the fact that State St. is a PennDot road we must obtain their permission first before any signs could be placed. Herb will be asked to follow up with this.

  • Joyce Denlinger asked for an update on the progress of 6411 Jeanette Drive. President Panus read the report of the zoning officer regarding this property. He gave the property owner until November 30th to comply unless Council would entertain a time extension. Council said they have no interest in extending the time and that the zoning officer must keep on this. Joyce Denlinger was asked how she filed with the DJ. Officer De Jesus took her complaint to the DJ and he fined the property owner and told her to clean up the yard. Ms Denlinger asked who makes sure the property owner does what the DJ said. She was told that the Police Department would follow up on her complaint.

Managers’ Report:

  1. A quote was presented for Sager, Swisher and Company to perform the 2013 Audit for the funds of the Borough. It was moved and seconded (Bucher/ Gochnauer) to appoint Sager, Swisher and Company to do the Borough Audit as stated in the quote. Unanimous approval.

Page 5824

October 1, 2013

  1. Wolf Circle: Now that all the work is complete in this development the following needs to be approved:

a. The Maintenance Bond for defects in workmanship and materials which may become apparent during the period of 18 months in the amount of $7,500 needs to be approved. It was moved and seconded (Wolf/ Huber) to approve the Maintenance Bond as presented. Unanimous approval.

b. Conditional Approval will be needed for the Deed of Dedication, pending our Solicitor researching the property to make sure there are NO liens on the property. Bill will be paid by the Developer. It was moved and seconded (Bucher/ Wolf) to approve the Deed of Dedication pending approval by the Solicitor that there are no liens on the property. Unanimous approval.

c. Easements from 6240, 6225 and 6245 Wolf Circle. The easements are needed as the plan was changed at some point to allow for a cul-de-sac instead of a road straight through. Now our road is located on the property of the three above addresses. The easements were drawn up by Solicitor Davis. It was moved and seconded (Bucher/ Wolf) to approve the three easements for 6240, 6225, and 6245 Wolf Circle. Unanimous approval.

  1. Resolution 672, appointing members to the Demolition Board was presented. It was moved and seconded (Bucher/ Huber) to approve Resolution 672 appointing members to the Demolition Board. Unanimous approval.

Public Works Superintendent’s Report was reviewed, no questions.

Zoning Officers Report was reviewed and there were no questions on his report. Council did say that they want the Zoning Officer to keep moving on the issues he is now dealing with. Councilman Gochnauer asked about the new Bill Board near S. Clyde Weavers. He asked if they went through the proper channels. It was explained that all they needed was a permit from the Zoning Officer, which they did get. Councilman Bucher told Councilman Gochnauer that would be the last sign allowed, per the zoning.
Jamie Rohrer discussed the house next door to him and the fact that there is an illegal use. He reviewed this several times with the Zoning Officer who looked in the windows but could not see anything. When the Zoning Officer talked with the home owner the old owners said there was no additional room. They did not let him in the house so he could not site them without proof. He did look in the windows and could not see a change or construction to indicate a room.
Chief Rohrer gave the Fire Company Report. Chief Rohrer was asked if they had a tour of the school yet. Chief Rohrer said they have not, and he is concerned that the Knox Box is hanging wide open. If there is a fire they will have to wait for someone to show up and that is lost time. Councilman Bucher said two days after the last meeting he had talked to the principal and she promised the tour would be taken care of. He will call her again regarding the tour and he will also say something about the Knox Box.
Chief Rohrer asked if we have a rental property inspection program that inspects rental units for smoke detectors. Councilwomen Armstrong said we do not, but that she and the Manager had looked into this last year and that she attended a seminar on this topic and found out it is a very involved program. With everything the Borough had to do this year there has not been an opportunity to look into it again. President Panus asked if the tenants can ask for a smoke detector or must the landlord ask? Chief Rohrer stated that anyone can ask but he feels the landlords should have to supply them and not just make money off the units. Councilman Bucher reminded the Chief that landlords do pay into the property tax and fire tax so they are supporting fire service.
President Panus stated that she had a complaint regarding the fireworks, could Chief Rohrer explain what the Fire Department does to protect the community from accidental fireworks landing. Chief Rohrer explained how the fireman, fire police and fire apparatus are positioned so that they have maximum coverage of the fireworks area. President Panus said she is sure the public in general does not know they are out. Vice President Wolf reminded everyone that the fireworks company is registered by the state and federal government and have safety procedures they must follow.
Page 5825

October 1, 2013

HARC: Councilman Gochnauer gave his report on HARC to Council, as follows:

  • Pool - HARC will be at a committee meeting to give an update on the season. Also, in a really bad season for pools, HARC actually had a small profit the first year. They also have very good things to say about the Borough employees who helped with the pool and the same for Borough employees who had a great relationship with HARC.

  • With the new structure of the Board at HARC, the Board will be expanding, and anyone who wants to be on the board contact Councilman Gochnauer and he will put them in touch with the right person at HARC.

EIT: Councilman Bucher gave a brief update on the EIT Board: They are not over budget and our collections are on schedule with what was projected.
Unfinished Business: there is still an open seat on the Vacancy Board.
New Business:
Approve Resolution No. 670, appointing members to the East Petersburg Borough Planning Commission and the East Petersburg Borough Zoning Hearing Board and setting forth terms of office. It was moved and seconded (Bucher/ Wolf) to approve Resolution 670. Unanimous approval.


  • President Panus explained that when her car broke down she road with a tow truck driver who was also a fireman in his hometown fire company. They had a great discussion on fire companies. She said that she knows she is speaking on behalf of Council in saying that the Council is very proud of the fire company and all the hard work they do. She said that we have an excellent fire company, the best around. She is glad that our fire company does not have to struggle with issues like some of the financial issues that his fire company does and we are very lucky to have the fire company that we do.

  • President Panus stated that Borough Council, in the committee meeting, which is a publicly advertised meeting, voted on a resolution to purchase the home next to the borough building, 6060Main Street.

  • Chief Rohrer stated that as of yesterday the Rescue Truck is back in service.

  • Chief Rohrer asked that the Council thank Officer Kantner for unlocking the restrooms on Saturday so that the people who rented the pavilion could use the restrooms.

  • President Panus stated that there is now a new trend with dog owners that walk the dogs with extended leashes, they go into people’s yards instead of staying on the sidewalks. Manager Hemperly will check to see if there is an ordinance for leash length.

  • Mayor said there is a Blues Fest this weekend and Councilman Bucher stated there will be pumpkin painting, face painting and hay rides held at the civics’ grounds. Councilwomen Armstrong said there will also be a kids fitness program at the Fitness Park.

Meeting Adjourned 8:46 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted,

Robin Hemperly, Secretary/Mgr.

Page 5826

November 6, 2013



November 6, 2013

The meeting of the East Petersburg Borough Council came to order at 7:00 P.M. with the following members of Council and employees present: President Cappy Panus, Vice-President John Wolf, Connie McElwain, Tom Huber, Greg Bucher, Mary Armstrong, Mayor Jeff Geoghan, and Borough Manager Robin Hemperly Absent: Adam Gochnauer

Call Regular Meeting to Order 7:03 P.M.

The Pledge of Allegiance was given.

Minutes: It was moved and seconded (Bucher/McElwain) to accept the minutes of the October 1, 2013 Borough Council Meeting. Unanimous approval.

Bill Payment Review. Several questions were asked of the Manager, which were answered.

Visit From: Herb Landau, Executive Director Lancaster Library presented a report on library use and asked for funding in the 2014 budget. Council president Panus said the borough had budget problems two years ago, which resulted in the elimination of library funding. However, there is $1,500 in the 2014 proposed budget for the library and President Panus said she hopes they can increase it next year.

Comments from Citizens:

Mayor’s Report:

  1. Police Report: For the month of October there were 15 criminal investigations, 2 misdemeanors, a felony arrest, 5 summary arrests, 59 calls for service, 3 vehicle accident investigations with no fatalities and no injuries and 47 traffic citations.

Managers’ Report: No written report for this month but Manager Hemperly said she has the Annual Financial Reports from LASA if anyone wants to see them. And also, as you know the County by the end of the year is going to stop hosting and supporting the borough website. Will have a new website before the end of the year.
Public Works Superintendent’s Report was reviewed, no questions.
President Panus noted that as she was walking in the Fitness Park she saw a house owner that looked like he was running his garden hose from the back of his house down into the swale in the park. Ms. Panus said she assumes that should not be allowed. Not sure what was coming out of the hose. Manager Hemperly said it is not ok without the borough knowing about it because we have to report that stuff to DEP now because of the MS4. Not that they can’t do it, we just have to know about it. Should probably put something on the website.
Zoning Officers Report was reviewed and there were no questions on his report.
Committee Reports:

Fire Company Report. None.

EMA: None

Page 5827

November 6, 2013
HARC: Manager Hemperly reported for Gochnauer that the new by-laws have been approved for voting by us, minor language changes but still same deal that we approved before. Form new board development committee which he is serving on for future board growth. Reported all good things about year one of the pool and said many good things about our water department. New board members needed for next year but must call him or Barry asap. They have job descriptions to give out explaining everything.

EIT: None.
Unfinished Business:

  1. It was moved and seconded (Bucher/Armstrong) to appoint Jill Carter to the vacancy board. Unanimous approval.

  2. Need to fill position on the Zoning Hearing Board.

President Panus commented that there was an article in the newspaper saying the borough was buying the property next door (to the current office) to move the offices and that is not the case at all. The borough may be losing the parking behind the borough building and plans to use the parking area behind the house at 6060 Main St. The borough also plans to rent out the property for the time being.

New Business:

  1. It was moved and seconded (McElwain/Huber) to approve East Pete Day Committee Event Dates for 2014. Unanimous approval

  2. Manager Hemperly gave a brief overview of the proposed 2014 Budgets. It was moved and seconded (Huber/Wolf) to approve the proposed 2014 Budgets. Unanimous approval.

  3. Reviewed and discussed the LASA Water Shut Off Agreement, for Approval in December

  4. Reviewed and discussed the HARC Cooperative Agreement, for Approval in December

  5. Response to the Correspondence from LCPC dated October 16, 2013 Concerning the Nominations for a Candidate to be Appointed to the LCPC for Region 2.

Announcements: New Year’s on the Square with an Ice Sculptor.
Meeting Adjourned 8:05 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted,

Ginger Groff, Recording Secretary

Page 5828

December 3, 2013



December 3, 2013

The meeting of the East Petersburg Borough Council came to order at 7:00 P.M. with the following members of Council and employees present: President Cappy Panus, Vice-President John Wolf, Connie McElwain, Tom Huber, Greg Bucher, Mary Armstrong, Adam Gochnauer, Mayor Jeff Geoghan, and Borough Manager Robin Hemperly Absent:

Call Regular Meeting to Order 7:00 P.M.

The Pledge of Allegiance was given.

Minutes: It was moved and seconded (Wolf/Huber) to accept the minutes of the November 6, 2013 Borough Council Meeting. Unanimous approval.

Bill Payment Review. No questions.

Visit From: Jeremy Eberly (Boy Scouts) and Scott Owens (Rotary). Jeremy explained that his Eagle Scout project is to install new fitness equipment in the Fitness Park. He said he conducted a survey on Fitness Day about what the public thinks about the project and came up with positive feedback. He is hoping to be done with the project by the end of next fall. Mr. Owens of the Rotary said part of their application for Rotary Foundation Grant has to approve a sustainability plan. Councilman Gochnauer said that he looked over a lot of the equipment and knowing what he does with the stuff used at HARC, a lot of the exercise stuff, the equipment is the stuff you want to be putting outside, it isn’t moving parts, not that it can’t be damaged but obviously the more moving parts more chance that you’re going to have long term maintenance and this is all stationary, solid equipment.

It was moved and seconded (Armstrong/Bucher) to allow Jeremy Eberly to continue in his Eagle Scout Project and give him the ok to start his fundraising and establish his fitness area in the park. Bucher added that we must have an agreement with the Rotary to move forward and that the borough zoning officer Ed Fisher be consulted on where the equipment actually goes. Unanimous approval.

Comments from Citizens:
Mayor’s Report:

  1. No report.

Managers’ Report:

  1. It was moved and seconded (Bucher/ Huber) to pass the Memorandum of Understanding between East Petersburg Borough and Miller Road East Pete Partners LP (Village Commons). Unanimous approval.

Public Works Superintendent’s Report was reviewed; Tom Huber asked if the pinhole leak in the pool liner is being fixed at no cost. Jeff Moseman said there is a 15 year warranty on it.
Zoning Officers Report was reviewed and there were no questions on his report. Council did state regarding Jeanette Drive and further properties, they do not want leniency. We must keep moving on these projects once they are started.
Committee Reports:

Fire Company Report. For the month of November ran a total of 37 incidents, 358 responding personnel, and 213.3 staff hours.

EMA: Working on an E.O.P. (Emergency Operations Plan)

Page 5829

December 3, 2013

HARC: Gochnauer reported the By-laws have been changed, updated, approved. Constitution been totally redone, updated, approved. Will approve the operating budget later. As of January 1, FYI, Gochnauer will be the lone representative for East Pete to HARC. Going from two to one. Doesn’t have to be a council person can be a resident.

New Business:

  1. It was moved and seconded (Bucher/Huber) to adopt 2014 Budgets & Ordinance No. 266, Tax Rates. Unanimous approval.

  2. It was moved and seconded (Bucher/Wolf) to adopt Ordinance No. 267, Refinance Existing Loans. Unanimous approval.

  3. It was moved and seconded (Bucher/Gochnauer) to adopt Fees Resolution – Resolution No. 673. Unanimous approval.

  4. It was moved and seconded (Wolf/McElwain) to approve Resolution No. 674, Appointing Alternate Member to the East Petersburg Borough Zoning Hearing Board, and Setting Forth Terms of Office. Unanimous approval.

  5. It was moved and seconded (Gochnauer/Bucher) to approve Resolution No. 675, Appointing Member to the East Petersburg Borough Vacancy Board. Unanimous approval.

  6. It was moved and seconded (Bucher/Gochnauer) to approve 2014 Meeting Dates. Unanimous approval.

  7. It was moved and seconded (Bucher/Wolf) to approve LASA Water Shut Off Agreement. Unanimous approval.

  8. It was moved and seconded (Bucher/Huber) to approve HARC Cooperative Agreement. Unanimous approval.

  9. It was moved and seconded (Bucher/McElwain) to approve HARC 2014 Operating Budget. Unanimous approval.

  10. It was moved and seconded (Bucher/Armstrong) to approve Lancaster County SPCA 2014 & 2015 Agreement. Unanimous approval.

  11. It was moved and seconded (Huber/Bucher) to award the bid of $6744.44 for the 2000 GMC Public Works truck. Unanimous approval.

  12. It was moved and seconded (Bucher/Armstrong) to accept the resignation letter from Robert Metzger as East Petersburg Tax Collector. Unanimous approval.

  13. It was moved and seconded (Huber/Wolf) to approve Resolution No. 676, Appointing Lancaster County Treasurer as Tax Collector. Unanimous approval.

  14. It was moved and seconded (Gochnauer/McElwain) to approve the East Petersburg Day Committee to have a “Santa in the Park” day next December 2014. Motion carried with six yeas and one nay.


Borough office closed for Holiday;

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Wednesday January 1, 2014

** Borough Council Meeting Monday January 6, 2014

Mayor Geoghan read a proclamation Regarding Mr. Tom Huber on the service to the community through his 14 consecutive years on the borough council. Mayor Geoghan proclaimed December 3, 2013 as a day of recognition in honor of N. Thomas Huber and his service to the borough.

Meeting Adjourned 8:08 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted,

Ginger Groff, Recording Secretary

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