The ways of developing youth tourism during the pandemic
Navruz-zoda Bakhtiyor
Professor, Bukhara State University
Nilufar Akhrorova
Student, Bukhara State University
Youth tourism is one of the types of tourism that has bright future in
many ways in terms of ecological, cultural and political contexts. Moreover, the future of
tourism depends on the desire of today’s young generation. However, as the world is faced
with nCovid-19 virus that resulted to travellers being confined in their homes. In order to
keep travelling opportunity alive among the youth, it
is reasonable to implement
respective measures and recovery plans from pandemic through coordination with health
Key words:
Youth Tourism, Covid-19, Safe Tourism, Online Tours.
Youth tourism is considered to be as one of the most promising form of tourism
globally. In line with this, this article discusses current global trends in youth tourism and
corresponding prospects on its development. The tourism industry annually generates
about ten-percent (10 %) of the world's GDP, which in 2015 amounted to 1.5 trillion US
At present times, tourism is developing rapidly unlike in 1950 when only 25 million
people were travelers. In 2015, the number of travelers was 1186 million. According to
United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) forecasts, the number of young
tourists will grow to 1.8 billion people by 2030 [4]. Youth Tourism is acknowledged as
one of the most important sectors of Tourism world, furthermore, the trend is showing a
high potential on tourism development with growing rate of students and young-
travellers. Clearly, in the light of plethora of opportunities and factors, young travellers
are willing to spend their free time and weekends by travelling or going to off-beaten track
or having trips on new places.
As the development of transport, cheap and comfortable hostels, on-line booking
systems together with different kinds of purposes is going to its highest point, travelling
has become common among young people. Besides, there are particular
factors that have
played indispensable role in keeping youth tourism to develop significantly. The
increasing numbers of youth travellers itself have shown the spectacular developmental
rates of tourism, however, this year in comparison with last years is totally different
because of the global problem of 2020
year, called Covid-19.
One effect of those limitations on travel is the
reduction in the number of
commercial flights. The average number of commercial flights per day fell from more
than 100,000 in January and February this year to around 78,500 in March and 29,400 in
April, according to data by Flightradar24, a website that tracks flights globally [5].
Tourism is considered to be as one of the main providers of employment, revenue
and foreign exchange incomes for many countries. During lockdown,
many developed
and developing countries are suffering, from decreased international and government
revenue to unemployment and further is the high possibility of bankruptcy among tourism
enterprises. According to the United Nations Conference
on Trade and Development,
unemployment could rise by more than 20 percentage points in some countries and it is
highly likely that the names of some enterprises could be wiped-out from the list of
tourism enterprises if the condition remains unchanged.
Thus, it is indispensable to take into consideration the condition and employ particular
ways and methods to keep the development of youth tourism. Some bulleted items are
introduce as ways to solve the current situation, both online
and local contexts;
To draw attention of youth sectors by presenting any posts, enouncements, news
related to tours, activities, shows, concerts and other related youth tourism activities
in social media. By doing this, we can achieve not only to inform youth sector about
tours in the destinations, but also to keep the desire of travelling these destinations;
To make digital solutions – to organize online tours or in other words make tours
online: virtual tours, undoubtedly, give joy and motivation to feel amaze, as well
as, it can make it possible to go out of home atmosphere with such kinds of tours;
To re-establish all the service sectors in tourism entrepreneurs in terms of following
safety measures in order to keep the confidence of the youth towards travelling;
To employ a co-ordinated approach: it is reasonable to give service sectors facilities
and freedom from taxes by the government in order to re-build tourism from zero;
To reduce travel restrictions gradually: governments’ policy plays an essential role
in this case;
To restart youth tourism activities with the name of “start safe youth tourism” at the
beginning in a local extent with the consideration of all the safety measures.
Re-opening youth tourism activities demand a co-ordinated
approach from each
tourism sectors to keep the tourist flow and eliminate the potential possibility of Covid-
19 infection among the tourists. Tours that are organized through strict safety measures
can definitely draw the youth’s attention since they have full confidence towards safety
formed by service providers. Collaboration between the health and tourism sector will
ensure young travellers trip near their hometown without any fear from infection.
According to the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC), it can take 19 months on
the average that international tourism sector to be at pre-pandemic levels. Furthermore, it
is likely that annual tourism spending could face a decrease of 100 per cent if this
condition exists in the long-run [2]. Countries therefore need to be more considerate in
terms of rebuilding the whole tourism system.
Definitely, the government’s role is indispensable for tourism sector on which long
term recovery plans could be laid-out, how to do it, what form of taxes be reduced for
tourism entrepreneurs. At
the same time, tourism enterprises should keep their activity
available with medical care and safety measures.