Magistrlik dissertatsiyasining qisqacha annotatsiyalari (o‘zbek va ingliz
tillarida) namunasi5A110901 - Pedagogika nazariyasi va tarixi (faoliyat
turlari bo‘yicha) mutaxassisligi magistranti Xuramov Ilxom Panjiyevichning “Professional ta’lim tizimi rahbarlarining tashkiliy boshqaruv faoliyati samaradorligini oshirish muammolari” mavzusidagi magistrlik dissertatsiyasi
Tayanch so‘zlar: boshqaruv , ta’lim menejmenti, jamoani shakillantirish, mustaqillik, pedagogik g‘oya, ta’lim islohoti, ta’lim tizimi, kasb-hunar ta’limi.
Tadqiqot obyekti: Professional ta’lim muassasalari rahbarlari tashkiliy boshqaruv jarayonlarini o’rganish aniqlash amaliy tavsiya ishlab chiqish.
Tadqiqotning maqsadlari. Professional ta’lim tizimi rahbarlarining tashkiliy-boshqaruv faoliyati samaradorligini oshirishning samarali metodlarini aniqlashtirish asosida amaliy tavsiyalar ishlab chiqish.
Tadqiqotda qo‘llanilgan metodikaning tavsifi: Pedagogik tadqiqotning suhbat, anketa – so‘rov, tajriba-sinov, analatik tahlil, matematik statistik metodlardan foydalanildi
Olingan natijalar va ularning yangiligi:
Mavzu mazmuni metod va vositalar rahbar xodimlarni boshqaruv faoliyatiga tayyorlashda kommunikativ kompetentlikni rivojlantirishning mazmuni,shakli, metodlari va vositalari;
tadqiqot mavzusiga oid ilmiy manbalarni, tadqiqotlarni hamda O‘zbekistondagi ta’lim tajribalarini tahlil qilish asosida pedagogik fikrlarning ma’naviy zarurati ilmiy-amaliy jihatdan asoslandi;
Professional ta’lim muasassalarini rivojlantirishning mavjud holati o‘rganildi;
Professional ta’lim tizimi rahbarlarining tashkiliy-boshqaruv faoliyati samaradorligini oshirish modeli ishlab chiqildi;
So‘nggi yillarda mamlakatimizda olib borilayotgan ta’lim tizimi ilmiy-amaliy tahlil qilindi.
Amaliy ahamiyati: tadqiqot faoliyati jarayonida olingan natijalar Professional ta’lim tizimi rahbarlarining tashkiliy-boshqaruv faoliyati samaradorligini oshirish
Dissertatsion tadqiqot ishini o‘rganish jarayoni o‘quvchida O‘zbekiston Respublikasida professional ta’lim tizimini isloh qilish jarayonida rivojlangan mamlakatlar ta’lim tizimi yutuqlaridan samarali foydalanishning amaldagi natijalari bilan yaqindan tanishish orqali respublikadagi mavjud holatdan xabardorligi ortadi.
Tadbiq etish darajasi: Ilmiy tadqiqot davomida O‘zbekistonda professional ta’lim tizimini rivojlanishiga doir ilmiy manbalar tahlil qilindi va ta’lim rivoji va professional ta’lim tizimini rivojlantirish omillari ilmiy-nazariy jihatdan o‘rganildi.
Qo‘llanilish sohasi: Kasb-hunat maktabi, kollej, texnikum.
Brief annotations of the master's dissertation (Uzbek and English
languages) sample5A110901 - Theory and history of pedagogy (activity
master's dissertation on "Problems of increasing theefficiency of organizational management of professional education system leaders" by Khuramov Ilhom Panjievich
Keywords: management, education management, team building, independence, pedagogical idea, education reform, education system, vocational education.
Object of research: To study the organizational management processes of heads of professional educational institutions, to identify and develop practical recommendations.
Objectives of the study: Develop practical recommendations based on identifying effective ways to improve the organizational and managerial performance of vocational education system managers.
Description of the methodology used in the research: Pedagogical research used interviews, questionnaires, experiments, analytical analysis, mathematical and statistical methods
The results obtained and their novelty:
Topic content methods and tools The content, form, methods and tools for the development of communicative competence in the preparation of managers for management activities;
the spiritual necessity of pedagogical ideas was scientifically and practically substantiated on the basis of the analysis of scientific sources, research and educational experience in Uzbekistan;
The current state of development of vocational education institutions was studied;
A model for improving the organizational and managerial performance of vocational education system managers has been developed;
In recent years, a scientific and practical analysis of the education system in our country.
Practical significance: the results obtained in the course of research activities. Improving the effectiveness of organizational and managerial activities of leaders of the vocational education system
The process of studying the dissertation research will increase the student's awareness of the current situation in the Republic of Uzbekistan by getting acquainted with the current results of the effective use of the achievements of the education system of developed countries in the process of reforming the vocational education system.
Level of implementation: During the research, scientific sources on the development of the vocational education system in Uzbekistan were analyzed and the factors of the development of education and the development of the vocational education system were studied scientifically.
Field of application: Vocational school, college, technical school.
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