Step 3. Matn bilan ishkash.
Yangi so‘zlar:
calculating device hisoblash moslamasi
to multiply ko‘paytirmoq
abacus cho‘t
to reduce kamaytirmoq, qisqartirmoq
aim maqsad
to complete yakunlamoq, tugatmoq
list ro‘yxat
rate tezlik
tube trubka
advancement taraqqiyot, olg‘a surish
to develop rivojlanmoq, takomillashmoq
to keep saqlamoq, asramoq
generation avlod
predecessor o‘tmishdan
dependable qaram bo‘lmoq
integrated tarkibiy tizma
consequently kelib chiqadiki, demak, natijada
to mean ma’no bermoq, anglatmoq
tiny zig‘irdek
to fit onto mos kelmoq
approximately taxminan
Exercise 3. Matndan foydalangan holda, so‘z birikmalarii tarjima qiling.
Keling, unga bazaar tashlaymiz
Ilk hisoblash mashinasi
Hanuzgacha hisoblaymiz
Foydalanishni davom ettirishyapti
Hisoblashning oson usullari
Tajriba natijalari sifatida
Xato qilish imkoniyati
Uning ko‘p g‘oyalari
Qurolni nishonga qaratish uchun yordam berish
Katta tezlikda
Nomlangan qismlarni ishlatib
To‘g‘ri keldi
Ko‘rsatmalarni saqlab olish g‘oyasini
Daqiqada 1000 ta hisob
O‘tmish damlaridan 10 marta kuchli
Bozorda paydo bo‘ldi
Dan farqli
Qancha bo‘lsa
Exercise 4. Matnni o‘qing va tarjima qiling.
History of computers.
Let us take a look at the history of the computers that we know today. The very first calculating device was the ten fingers of a man’s hands. That is why today we still count in tens and multiplies of tens. Then people invented the abacus. They went on using some forms of abacus well into the 16th century. During the 17th and 18th centuries many people tried to find easy ways of calculating, but the first real calculating machine appeared in 1820 as the result of several people’s experiments. This type of machine saves a great deal of time and reduces the possibility of making mistakes. In 1830 Charles Babbage, an Englishman, designed a machine that he called “the Analytical Engine”. He never finished his work, but many of his ideas were the basis for building the today’s computers. In 1930 Vannevar Bush, an American, built the first analog computer. People used it in the World War II to help aim guns. In 1944 professor Howard Aiken and some people from IBM completed the first digital computer. This was the first machine that could figure out long lists of mathematical problems, all at a very fast rate. In 1946 two engineers at the University of Pennsylvania, J.Ecert and J. Mauchly, built the first digital computer using parts called vacuum tubes. They named their invention ENIAC. Another important advancement in computers came in 1947 when John von Newman developed the idea of keeping instructions for the computer inside the computer’s memory.
The first generation of computers, which used vacuum tubes, came out in 1950. Univac I is an example of these computers, which could perform thousands calculations per second. In 1960 people began to use transistors instead of the vacuum tubes. These computers could perform work ten times faster than their predecessors. Second-generation computers were smaller, faster and more dependable than the first-generation computers. The third –generation computers appeared on the marketing 1965. These computers could do a million calculations a second, which is a thousand times faster than the first-generation computers. Unlike second-generation computers, they used integrated circuits, which are consequently smaller and more dependable. Fourth-generation computers have now arrived, and people have greatly reduced the integrated circuits in size. This is due to microminiaturization, which means that the circuits are much smaller than before; as many as 1000 tiny circuits now fit onto a single chip. Fourth-generation computers are 50 times faster than third-generation computers and can complete approximately 1 000 000 instructions per hour.
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