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Eshitishdan oldin yoqtirgan musiqangizni eshiting

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kitob book

Eshitishdan oldin yoqtirgan musiqangizni eshiting, 0‘ynab olsangiz ham mayli ©. Sayr qilib eshitish esa 2 barobar tez va maroqli samara beradi, chunki sayr vaqtida tanangizdagi qon uylanishi yaxshilanib barcha tana a’zolariga ozuqa moddalari yaxshi yetib borishi natijasida kayfiyat ham ko‘tariladi va yodda saqlab qolish imkoniyatingiz ham ortadi.

Audio kursimizni eshitayotganingizda shuni unutmang, Siz albatta ingliz tilida ravon gapirasiz!

INTENSIVE ENGLISH kitobidan foydalanishda Sizga bcradigan bir qator maslahatlarimiz bilan tanishtirib o'tamiz:

Ushbu kitob bo'yicha boshlang'ich bilim darajasiga cga bo'lganlar uchun. Audio darsligimizni eshitishni boshlaganingizda Siz “Mini story” darslikdagi so zlami larjimasiga qarashga ulgurmay qolishingiz mumkin. Bu tabiiy holat. Siz darslikdan foydalanishda davom etavering, 3 kundan so ng Siz berilgan “Mini story” savol javoblaridagi gaplar va tarjimalarini kuzatishga bemalol ulgura oladigan darajaga yetib kclasiz, bizga esa aynan shu kerak, Siz eshitish, o'qish, gapirish qobilyatingizni rivoj lantiribgina qolmay intellektual tezligingizni oshirasiz. "P.O.V” (Point of View) ushbu qismda siz MINI STORY ning asosi, ushbu qisqa, ammo eng muhim bo‘g‘ini ekanligini tushunasiz. Siz MINI STORYda savol javoblami turli zamonlarda tuzishni o‘rgangaii boTsangiz ushbu qismdagi hi к oy alar yordamida matnlar tuzishni o‘rganasiz. Sizda qanday ■ qilib? degan savol tugllishi tabiiy albatta.. Keiing, sizga kengroq tushuncha beramiz! Ya’ni P.O.V da bir hikoya uch xil zamonda

berilgan va bir hikoyani uch xil zamonda o‘qib chiqsangiz strukturalardagi o‘zgarishlar yaqqol ko‘rinadi va siz qaysi zamonni qaysi paytda qanday holatiarda, nutqda qo‘llashni juda ham sodda, ammo samarali usulda o‘rganib olasiz.

Mustaqil o‘quv qo‘llanma 6 oyga moijallangan. Har bir “CASE” oyga moijallangan bo‘lib har bir “CASE” da har biri eng kamida 1 haftaga mo‘ljallangan 4 ta dars mavjud. Har bir darslarda dastlab “Mini story” keyin “P.O.V” darslarini har kuni eng kamida 02:30 soat davomida qayta va qayta eshitishingiz kerak bo‘ladi. Agar 02:30 soat vaqt ajrata olmasangiz, ertalab, tushlik vaqti va uxlashdan oldin eshitishni tavsiya qilamiz, lekin unutmang umumiy 02:30 soatdan kam bo‘lmas1igi kerak.



  1. Tushunib eshitish va kuzatish. (e ’tibor bilan eshitish va kitobdan kuzatib bor ish)

  2. Kamida 2:30 soat eshitish. (undan ortiq bo ‘Isa tilni о ‘rganishingiz уanada osonlashadi)

  3. Berilgan har bir darsni eng kamida 7 kun eshitish. (dam olish kunlari va xatto bayram kunlari ham eshitishingiz muhim)

  4. Sakrab o6tmas!ik. (berilgan dars muddati

о ‘tmasdan kelasi darsga о *tmaslik va bir dars qoldirib ikkinchi darsga о ‘tish taqiqlanadi).

Audio darslarimizni eshitayotganingizda vujudingizda xis ctib eshiting, sayr qiling, iloji boricha harakatda bo Igan holatda, ochiq tabiat qo‘ynida eshitishni maslahat beramiz, chunki harakatda boLlgan tanangiz asab tolalarini toliqish, charchash, zeriki shdan uzoq tutadi.

Endi, Aziz o‘quvchi! Osz buyuk maqsadlaringiz uchun ikkinchi bosqichga o4ishga tayyormisiz?





i again my dear! So how are you feeling today? How
is your mood? I hope that you are feeling wonderful! So we arc going to listen to the mini story lesson
. I hope that you know our rules. As usual you have to answer the questions quickly. So arc you ready? In that case breathe deeply, jump, run, dance hut please don 4 sit ok?I And listen carefully let’s go!!!

Young adventurer

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There has been living a young true adventurer green door by named John since his childhood. One evening, he is slowly walking along the crowded street.

Does there live a welder named John?

No, a welder doesn’t live there, named John.

Does a builder named John live there?

No, a builder named John doesn’t live there.

Does a traveler live there?

No, a traveler doesn’t live there.

Does a real adventurer Arthur live there?

Bir yosh bolaligidan haqiqly sarguzashtchi bo6!gan Jon ismli bola yashar edi. Bir kuni kechqurun u tiqilinch ko‘cha bo6ylab sayr qilayotgandL

U yerda Jon ismli payvandchi yashaydimi?

Yoq, Jon ismli payvandchi yashamaydi.

U yerda Jon ismli quruvchi yashaydimi?

Yo‘q, u yerda Jon ismli quruvchi yashamaydi.

U yerda sayohatchi yashaydimi?

Yo‘q, u yerda sayohatchi yashamaydi.

U yerda Artur ismli haqiqiy sayohatchi yashaydimi?

No. a re&l adventurer Arthur doesn't LL^e there.

Dues a sales assistant live there?

No, a baits assistant doesn't live there.

Does a теа? tc^er live there?

No.sueal lover doesn’t live there.

Ущ, n yerda Amir ismli haqiqiy spyflhatchi yashamaydi-

Bit sotuvchi yashaydijni:

Yulq?u yerida sotuvchi yushamaydi.

U yerda haqjqiy flslnq yashaydinii?

Yobq, u yerda liaqi^iy ostil-q yauhamaydL

ffa, li yerda Jon ismli y™ sai^uzashtcln yashaydi- Jon sayohatlami Htijdrtdhni? Ha,u ^ijiuzasJiElajnL yoqtiradi.

U yosh seJigusashtdilm^
oes Л young real flrU-vetiitijrcr ion ismli ytish haqiqiy bey named Jchn Jive there? sarguzasnichL yasbaydimi?

Yes, а yount real adventurer boy, named John lives there.

Dres John like adventures?

Yes, he likes adventures.

Её he a young adventurer?

Yes, he is a young adventurer. Ha, ia yosh sargMzashftehi.

Is he walking skin£ an U tM)and ЪоЧтацап ytf I

uneto wded street? boLylab kctyahdii ni?

No4 he isn't walking along an Yo4 и ШЫ bo1 Im^n

uncrowded street. yo< I bo'yJab kcima^hdi.

Is he walking alo Jig a crowdcd V tiqiliiwh ktf cha bo" у lab

street? sayr qilmoqchimi?

Ye*, he is slowly walking the Нй, a tiqilinch Wdn t*>4 у lab

trowdcd street sayr qilmoqcbi.

Does he go out searching ft problem?

No^ he doesn 't gu out in seajnh of a problem.

U коЧЬв£Д Ш1МШН izlab chiqadjmi?

Yo’-q, u kolchaga muamnio izlab ehiqmaydi.

Does John like dangerous adventures?

Yes, he likes dangerous adventures.

Does he always wait for an unusual adventure?

Yes, he always waits for an unusual adventure.

Doesn’t he like the same days?

Yes, he doesn’t like the same days.

Isn’t he hen-hearted?

No, he isn’t hen-hearted.

A few nights he doesn’t go out searching an adventure. He strongly believes that the most interesting thing may be next time.

Does he always go out searching an adventure?

No, a few nights he doesn’t go out searching an adventure.

Does he always hide if an adventure happens?

No, he doesn’t hide.

Does he always run away if an dangerous adventure happens?

No, he doesn’t run away if an dangerous adventure happens.

Does he want to happen dangerous adventure?

U xavfii sarguzashtlami yoqtiradimi?

Ha, u xavfii sarguzashtlami yoqtiradi.

U doimo noodatiy sarguzasht kutadimi?

Ha, u doim noodatiy sarguzasht kutadi.

U bir xil kunlami yoqtirmaydimi?

Ha, u bir xil kunlami yoqtirmaydi.

U qo‘rqoq bola emasmi? Yo‘q, u qo‘rqoq emas.

Bir necha kechalar u ko£chaga sayohat izlab chiqmaydi. U ishonadiki, eng qiziqarli narsa keyingi safar bo‘Iishi mumkinligiga.

U har doim sarguzasht izlab ко ‘ chaga chiqadimi ?

Yo‘q, bir necha kechalar u sarguzasht izlab chiqmaydi.

U doim sarguzasht sodir bo4 Isa berkinib oladimi?

Yo‘q, u berkinib olmaydi.

Agar xavfii sarguzasht sodir bo‘Isa u qochib ketadimi?

Yo‘q, agar xavfii sarguzasht sodir bo4Isa u qochmaydi.

U doim xavfii sarguzashtlar bo£lishini xohlaydimi?

\V*. he wants to happen linn f его us adventure to be.

|)(u’s Robert want a dangerous adventure?

Nu, Robert doesn’t want a Hitiif.erous adventure.

I )i4*s he believe that the most Otleicsting thing may be next lime?

\Vs, he strongly believes that ihr most interesting thing may be next time.

I Joes bis brother always go out searching adventure?

No, he hasn’t got a brother. Does he sometimes believe (lie most interesting indenture?

Nu, lie always believes.

I )oes his friend like an mlvcnture?

No, his friend doesn’t like an mlvcnture.

Who believes that the most interesting thing may be next tune?

lohn believes that the most interesting adventure may be next time.

  1. Joes he always miss an ; id venture?

Yes, lie misses an adventure.

Ha, u xavfii sarguzashtlar boiishini xohlaydi.

Robert xavfii sarguzashtni xohlaydimi?

Yo‘q, Robert xavfii sarguzashtni xohlamaydi.

U eng qiziqarlisi keyingi safar bo‘ladi deb ishonadimi?

Ha, u eng qiziqarli narsa keyingi safar boiadi deb ishonadi.

Uning akasi doim sarguzasht izlab tashqariga chiqadimi? Yo‘q, uning akasi yo‘q.

U eng qiziqarli sarguzasht sodir boiishiga bazida ishonadimi?

Yo‘q, u doimo ishonadi.

Uning do'sti sarguzashtni yoqtiradimi?

Yo4q, uning do‘sti sarguzashtni yoqtirmaydi.

Kim keyingi safar eng qiziqarli narsa boiadi deb ishonadi?

Jon keyingi safar eng qiziqarli sarguzasht boiadi deb ishonadi.

U doimo sarguzashtni soginadimi?

Ha, u sarguzashtni sog'madi.

ometimes Ills love lor adventure makes him be frightened, He stayed a night at the police station twice; more than once he lias found himself the victim of clever swindlers»

What makes him be in trouble?

His love for adventure makes him be in trouble.

Does his love for adventures makes him be in trouble?

Yes, sometimes his love tor adventures makes him be in trouble.

Has he spent his nights in hospital twice?

No, he has spent his nights at the police station twice.

How many times has he stayed at the police station at night?

Twice he has stayed at the police station at night.

Is he the victim of swindler?

Yes, more than once he found himself the victim of clever swindlers.

Ba9zMa uning sarguzashtt’ii bo6!gan qizicfishl o^zins qo4rquvga solar edi. U

  1. marta tunni politsiya idorasida o^tkazgan. 1 martadaii ko'proq u aqlli firiijgarlar qurboniga ayiangan.

Nima uni qo‘rquvga soiadi?

Uning sarguzashtga boigars mehri qo‘rquvga soiadi.

Uning sarguzashtga bo‘lgan qiziqishi qo‘rquvga soladimi?

Ha, ba’zida sarguzashtga bo‘lgan qiziqishi uni havotirga soiadi.

U 2 marta tunni shifoxonada o'tkazdimi?

Yo‘q, u 2 marta tunni politsiya idorasida o‘tkazgan.

Necha marta u tunni politsiya idorasida o‘tkazgan?

U politsiya idorasida 2 marta tunni o‘tkazgan.

U firibgarlar qurboniga aylanganmi?

Ha, bir necha marta u aqlli firibgarlar qurboniga


After coming bright days, lii‘ has become a teacher at the “Good club” innovation school. Although he moves slowly he’s really careful in (he crowd.

Is "Good Club” a theatre?

No, it is innovative school of languages.

Is “Good club” a cinema?

No, “Good club” isn’t a cinema?

C - od club” is ~ an innovational school of language.

Is he a cleaner here?

No, he isn’t a cleaner.

What does he do?

He teaches pupils.

Does he become a teacher? Yes, he is a teacher.

Does he work at a secondary school?

No, he doesn’t work at a secondary school.

Does he work at the college? No, he doesn’t work at the college.

Where does he work?

He works at “Good club” innovative school of languages.

Yorug4 kunlar kelib, u “Good club” innovatsion maktabida o6qituvchi bo‘ldi.

U sek^n harakat qiisada, lekin Judayam ehtiyotkor.

Good Club” teatnni?

Yo‘q, bu innovatsion til maktabi.

Good club” kinoteatrmi?

Yo‘q, “Good club” kinoteatr emas.

Good club” - innovatsion til maktabi.

U u yerda farroshmi?

Yo‘q, u u yerda farrosh emas.

U nima ish q adi?

U o‘quvchilarni o‘qitadi.

U o‘qituvchiga aylanadimi?

Ha, u o‘qituvchiga aylanadi.

U o‘rta maktabda ishlaydimi?

Yo‘q, u o‘rta maktabda ishlamaydi.

U kollejda ishlaydimi?

Yo‘q, u kollejda ishlamaydi.

U qayerda ishlaydi?

U “Good club” innovatsion til maktabida ishlaydi.

Is it in France?

No, it isn’t in France.

Is “Good club” in America?

No, it is in Uzbekistan.

Does he move fast in the crowd?

No, he doesn’t move fast in the crowd.

Does he move slowly and watchfully in the crowd?

Yes, he moves slowly and watchfully in the crowd.

During his walk, he passes an old woman standing in front of the large building, the woman selling roses. Usually, he passes the woman without buying any of those roses.

During his walk does he pass near the school?

No, during his walk he doesn’t pass near the school.

During his walk does he pass a policeman?

No, he doesn’t pass a policeman.

Does he pass the robber, stealing the wallet of an old woman?

U Fransiyadami?

Yo‘q, u Fransiyada emas. “Good club” Amerikadami? Yo‘q, u 0‘zbekistonda.

U tez harakatlanadimi?

Yo‘q, u tez harakatlanmaydi.

U olomon ichida sekin va hushyor harakatlanadimi?

Ha, u olomon ichida sekin va hushyor harakatlanadi.

U sayr vaqtida, katta bino oldida turgan keksa atirgullar sotayotgan ayol yonidan o‘tadi. Odatda, u ayol oldidan hech qanday atir gullar sotib olmasdan o‘tadi.

U sayr vaqtida maktab yaqinidan o‘tadimi?

Yo‘q, u sayr vaqtida maktab yaqinidan o4maydi.

U sayr vaqtida politsiyachi oldidan o‘tadimi?

Yo‘q, politsiyachi oldidan o‘tmaydi.

U keksa ayol hamyonini osg‘irlayotgan o‘g‘ri oldidan o'tadimi?

No, he doesn’t pass the robber, stealing the wallet of an old lady.

Does an old woman sell roses?

Yes, an old woman sells roses.

Does she always sell roses? Yes, she always sells roses.

Are roses red?

Yes, they are red.

Does she stand in front of the large building?

Yes, she stands in front of the large building.

Does he pass an old woman, standing in front of a large building, selling roses?

Oh, yes, during his walk he passes an old women, standing in front of the large building, selling roses.

Does he like walking?

Yes, he likes walking.

Does he walk a lot?

Yes, he walks a lot.

Daring his walk does he see a poor man sitting on the ground?

No, during his walk he doesn’t see a poor man sitting on the ground.

Yo‘q, u keksa ayol hamyonini o‘g4irlayotgan o‘g‘ri yonidan o‘tmaydi.

Keksa ayol atirgullar sotadimi?

Ha, keksa ayol atirgullar sotadi.

U doim atirgullar sotadimi? Ha, u doim atirgullar sotadi. Atirgullar qizilmi?

Ha, ular qizil.

U katta bino oldida turadimi?

Ha, u katta bino oldida turadi.

XJ katta bino oldida atirgullar sotib turadigan keksa ayol yonidan o'tadimi?

Ha, u sayr paytida katta bino oldida atirgullar sotib turadigan keksa ayol yonidan o£tadi.

U sayr qilishni yoqtiradimi?

Ha, u saymi yoqtiradi.

U ko‘p sayr qiladimi?

Ha, u ko‘p sayr qiladi.

U sayri vaqtida yerda o‘tirgan bechora odamni ко ‘radimi?

Yo‘q, u sayri vaqtida yerda o‘tirgan bechorani ko‘rmaydi.

During his walk does he pass an amazing girl?

No, he doesn’t pass an amazing girl.

Does he always buy that roses?

No, usually, he passes the woman without buying any of those roses.

Did he always buy pets?

No, he doesn’t buy pets.

But today at night, the old woman put the roses and gave a card to the John’s hand. John always ignored that card when he passed there before.

Does an old woman put on his hand an old letter?

No, she doesn’t put on his hand an old letter.

Does an old woman put on his hand a key?

No, an old woman doesn’t put a key on his hand.

Does the old woman put a rose and a card on John’s hand?

U sayri vaqtida jozibador qizning yonidan o‘tadimi?

Yo*q, u jozibador qiz yonidan o^naydi.

U doim o‘sha atirgullarini sotib oladimi?

Yo4q, odatda, u o‘sha atirgullami sotib olmay yonidan o‘tadi.

U doimo hayvonlar sotib olarmidi?

Yo‘q, u hayvonlar sotib olmaydi.

Lekin bugun kechqurun, keksa ayol atirgullami qo‘yib, Jonning qo‘Iiga kartochka tutkazadl.

John awal bu yerdan o‘tayotganida har doim kartochkani e’tiborsiz qoldirardi.

Keksa ayol uning qo‘liga eski xat tutkazadimi?

Yo‘q, u uning qo‘liga eski xat tutkazmaydi.

Keksa ayol uning qo4liga kalit tutkazadimi?

Yo‘q, keksa ayol uning qoiiga kalit tutkazmaydi.

Keksa ayol gullami qo‘yib Jonga kartochka tutkazadimi?

Yes, the old woman put a rose and a card on John’s hand.

Does he ignore the card?

When he walked a few yards further he glances at the card indifferently.

Do they know each other?

Yes, they know each other.

Do they see each other eveiy day?

Yes, they see each other every day.

Does that woman notice him?

Yes, that woman notices him.

Surprised, he looks at it again with in interest. There is written three word in ink “The Green Door”. He looks nearly with hesitation and by its pale light he sees a Green Door.

Is he angry with her?

No, he isn’t angry with her.

Does he look at it happily?

No, he doesn’t look it at happily.

Is he surprised?

Yes, he is surprised.

Was he scared?

Ha, keksa ayol atirgul bilan unga kartochka tutkazadi.

U kartochkalami e’tiborsiz qoldiradimi?

U uzoqroqqa sayr qilganida kartochkalarga e’tiborsiz nazar tashlab o'tib ketardi.

Ular bir birini tanishadimi?

Ha, ular bir birini bilishadi.

Ular bir birini har kuni ko‘rishadimi?

Ha, ular bir birini har kuni ko‘rishadi.

Ayol uni kuzatadimi?

Ha, ayol uni kuzatadi.

G‘alati, u yana unga qiziqish bilan qaradi. Unda siyohda yozilgan 3 ta so‘z bor edi “Yashil eshik” U yaqlnroq lampa tomonga qaradi va uning xira yonig‘i orqali yashil eshikni ko‘radi.

Uni undan jahli chiqadimi?

Yo‘q, uni undan jahli chiqmaydi.

U unga xursand boiib qaraydimi?

Yo‘q, u unga hursand boiib qaramaydi.

U hayratlanadimi?

Ha, u hayratlanadi.

U qo'rqib ketadimi?


No, he wasn’t scared.

Does he suspect her?

Yes, he suspects her.

Does he throw it?

No, he doesn’t throw that card.

Did he flow it into the river?

No, he doesn’t flew it into the river.

Does wind fly it?

No, wind doesn’t fly it Does he open the letter?

Yes, he opens the letter.

Does he look at it again with interest?

Yes, he looks at it again with interest.

Does he look at it again with boredom?

No, he doesn’t look at it again with boredom.

Are there written “Fm looking for you?”

No, there is not written like that.

Is there written “Help me”?

No, there is not written “Help me”.

Yo‘q, u qo‘rqib ketmaydi.

U undan gumonsiraydimi?

Ha, u undan gumonsiraydi.

U kartochkani otib yuboradimi? Yo‘q, u uni otib yubormaydi.

U uni daryoga oqizib yuboradimi?

Yo‘q, u uni daryoga oqizib yubormaydi.

Shamol uni uchirib yuboradimi?

Yo‘q, shamol uni uchirmaydi. U xatni ochadimi?

Ha, u xatni ochadi.

U unga yana qiziqish bilan qaraydimi?

Ha, u unga yana qiziqish bilan qaraydi.

U unga zerikish bilan qaraydimi?

Yo‘q, u unga zerikish bilan qaramaydi.

U yerda “Men seni izlayab- man deb yozilganmi?”

Yo‘q, bunday deb yozilmagan.

U yerga “Menga yordam ber” deb yozilganmi?

Yo‘q, u yerda “Menga yordam ber” deb yozilmagan.

Is there written “I will kill you”?

No, there is not written that “I will kill you”.

Is there written “Green window”?

No, there isn’t written “Green window”.

What is there written?

There is written three words in ink “the Green Door”.

What does he see when he looked nearly the lamp?

I le looks nearly the lamp and sees by its pale light a green door.

Does he think a lot?

Yes, he thinks a lot.

I )oes he hesitate?

Yes, he hesitates.

I >oes he tear it?

No, he doesn’t tear it.

I hen the real adventurer walks straight to the Green Door and knocks at it. His hoart is beating fast and Hi inks what may not be luhind this Green Door: iltinker, death, love, absense.

  1. Joes the door disappear?

No, the door doesn’t disappear.

U yerga “Men seni o‘ldira- man” deb yozilganmi?

Yo‘q, u yerga “Seni oTdiraman” deb yozilmagan.

U yerga “Yashil oyna” deb yozilganmi?

Yo‘q, “Yashil oyna” deb yozilmagan.

Nima deb yozilgan?

Unda siyohda uchta so‘z yozilgan yani “Yashil eshik”.

U yaqinroq lampa tomon qaraganda nimani kocrdi?

U lampaga yaqinroq bordi va uning xira yomg‘ida yashil eshikni ko‘rdi.

U ko‘p o‘ylaydimi?

Ha, u ko‘p 0‘ylaydi.

U ikkilandimi?

Ha, u ikkilanadi.

U uni yirtib tashlaydimi?

Yo‘q, u uni yirtib tashlamaydi.

Keyin haqiqiy sarguzashtchi Yashil eshik tomonga boradi va taqillatadi uni. Uning yuragi tez ura boshlaydi va o‘ylaydi eshik ortida nima bor deb: xavf, o‘lim, sevgi, yo‘qlik.

Eshik g'oyib bo‘ladimi?

Yo‘q, eshik g'oyib bo4maydi.

Does he hide?

No, he doesn’t hide.

Does he disappear?

No, he doesn’t disappear. Does he call people?

No, he doesn’t call people.

Does he call the police?

No, he doesn't call the police.

Does he run away?

No, he doesn’t run away. Does he walk back?

No, he doesn’t walk back. Does he walk straight to the green door?

Yes, he walks straight to the green door.

Does he knock at the door?

Yes, he knocks at it

How many times does he knock the door?

He knocks the door once.

How does he feel himself when he knocks the door?

His heart starts beating fast and thinks what may not be behind this green door: danger, death, love, absence.

U berkinib oladimi?

Yo‘q, u berkinib olmaydi.

U g'oyib boiadimi?

Yo‘q, u g4oyib boimaydi.

U odamlami chaqiradimi?

Yo4q, u odamlami chaqirmaydi.

U politsiyani chaqiradimi?

Yo‘q, u politsiyachini chaqirmaydi.

U qochib ketadimi?

Yo‘q, u qochib ketmaydi.

U orqaga tisarildimi?

Yo‘q, u orqaga tisarilmadi.

U yashil eshik tomon to‘g‘ri yurib bordimi?

Ha, u yashil eshik tomonga tocg‘ri boradi.

U eshikni taqillatadimi?

Ha, u uni taqillatadi.

U eshikni necha martta taqillatadi?

U eshikni bir martta taqillatadi.

U eshikni taqillatganda о "zini qanday his qiladi?

Uning yuragi eshik ortida nima bor deb tez ura boshlaydi: xavf, hatar, oiim, sevgi, yo'qlik.

From the inside a nice voice is heard and the door Is opened slowly ^Geod Heavens” tie exclaims when he sees a pretty girl.

Does he hear the bird’s voice?

No, he doesn't hear the bird’s voice.

Does he hear an insect’s voice?

No, he doesn^t hear an insect’s voice.

Does he hear music?

No, he doesn't hear music. Does he hear a man’s voice?

No, he doesn’t hear a man’s voice.

Does he hear a nice voice inside?

Yes, a nice voice is heard inside.

Who sees him?

Nobody sees him.

Whom does he see?

  1. с sees a pretty girl.

I >oes he say “oh my goodness”?

No, seeing a pretty girl he proclaims “Good heavens”.

Ichkaridaia nozik ovoz eshitiladi va esliik sekin ociilladi “Xayrli samoviy parvoz” deya yoqimtoy qizni ko6rganda tosIqioIaHib u.

U qush ovozini eshitadimi?

Yo‘q, u qush ovozini eshitmaydi.

U hashorat ovozini eshitadimi?

Yo‘q, u hashorat ovozini eshitmaydi.

U musiqa eshitadimi?

Yo‘q, u musiqa eshitmaydi.

U erkak kishining ovozini eshitadimi?

Yo‘q, erkak kishining ovozini eshitmaydi.

U ichkaridan nozik ovoz eshitadimi?

Ha, u nozik ovoz eshitadi.

Kim ko‘radi uni?

Hech kim uni ko‘rmaydi.

Kimni ko‘radi u?

XJ yoqimtoy qizni ko'radi.

U “Mening nazokatim” deydimi?

Yo‘q, yoqimtoy qizni ko‘rganda u tantanali ravishda

Xayrli samoviy parvoz'’ deydi.

POV 6.1

Welcome back today we are ready to another PO К And I hope you are ready to listen, so make sure you are standing up, make sure you are alert so hand around jump up and down whatever tastes to give ready and get blood move din and circulating and give ready to pay attention and listen and remember more you listen better you will learn. So let’s startШ

Young adventurer

There has been living a young real adventurer boy, since his childhood, named John. One evening, he slowly walking along a crowded street. A few nights, he doesn’t go out searching an adventure. He strongly believes that the most interesting thing might be next time. Sometimes his love for adventures makes him be in trouble. Twice he has spent nights in a police station; more than once he has found himself the victim of clever swindlers. Me is a teacher at “Good club” innovation school of languages. Although he moves slowly he is careful in the crowd. During his walk he has passes an old women standing in front of the large building, selling roses. Usually, he passes the woman without buying any of those roses. But today at night the old woman put ;i rose and gave a card on John’s hand. When he has walked a lew years further, he glance set the card in differently. Surprises, lie looks it again with interest. There is written three words in ink “The Green Door”. He looks nearly to the lamp and by its l>ale light sees a Green Door. For a moment he hesitates then the I me adventurer walks straight to the Green Door and knocks at it. His heart is beating fast, what might not behind this Green Door: il;mger, death, love, absence. A nice voice is heard inside, and the door slowly opens. “Good Heavens” he proclaims.

So, it was all for present tense, And now it’s time to listen to the story in the perfect tense. Shoulders back, jump up, breathe

deeply, make a huge smile on your face. Are you ready if so, let s start in the perfect tense.

There has been living a young real adventurer since his childhood named John. One evening he has been slowly walking along a crowded street. A few nights, a he hasn’t gone out searching an adventure. He strongly believes that the most interesting thing might be next time. Sometimes his love for adventures made him trouble. Twice he has spent nights in a police station, more than once he has found himself the victim of clever swindlers. He is a teacher in “Good club” innovation school of languages. Although he has moved slowly he has been careful in the crowd. During his walk he has passed an old women standing in front of the large building, selling roses. Usually, he passes the woman without buying any of those roses. But tonight the old woman has put roses and a cardon John’s hand. When he walked there before he ignored the card. Surprises, he looks it again with interest. There has been written three words in ink ‘‘The Green Door”. He has looked nearly to the lamp and by its pale light sees a Green Door. For a moment he has hesitated then the true adventurer walked straight to the Green Door and knocks at it. His heart has been beating fast, what might have been behind this Green Door: danger, death, love, absence. A nice voice has been heard inside, and the door has been slowly opened. “Good Heavens” he has


Ok, it is also perfect form. Now it is time to listen to tht future form of the story. Imagine that this story will happen in

the future.

There will have been living a young real adventurer since hie childhood named John. One evening he will be slowly walking along a crowded street. Few are the evening, on which he will

not go out in search of an adventure. He will strongly believe that the most interesting thing will be next time. Sometimes his love I'or adventures will make him be in trouble. Twice he will have spent the night in a police station; more than once he will have found himself the victim of clever swindlers. He will be a teacher in “Good club” innovation school of languages. He will move slowly and watch fully in the crowd. During his walk he will have pass an old women standing in front of a large building, selling loses. He will pass the woman without buying any of those roses.

  1. tut tonight the old woman will put roses and a card into John’s hand. When he will have walked a few years further, he’s glances set the card in differently. Surprises, he will look it again with interest. There will be written in ink three words, “The Green

  1. )oor”. He will look nearly to the lamp and will see by its pale tight a Green Door. For a moment he will hesitate then the true adventurer will walk straight to the Green Door and will knock at it. His heart will be beating fast, what might not be behind this Green Door: danger, death, love, disappointment. A light sound will be heard inside, and the door slowly will open. “Good Heavens” he will proclaim.

That was the end of our P.O.V lesson. My dear student’s in order to reach the goal you shouldn V forget our rules. Please, try to listen to these stories more than 3 hours every day and at least 2 or 3 times. Pm sure, if you follow to our rules, you will achieve your aim. So that’s alt for today. Good bye.

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