All right, that was for the past form. And its time to listen
the present form, let’s go!! So these were example of for the past form. Now we’ll see how they change to the present form, I ft 4 observe!
There is a man, who has been living in a small village of green town since he was bom. He isn’t sociable but kind to villagers, He makes miracle things from wood. He works as a carpenter in his work shop. The villagers come to know that it he has no relatives. The villagers always ask “do you have any concern?*’. But he never talks to people about his problems One-day sitting on chair in his garden, he observes people and sees a young boy who is asking people for help. “Hey boy, come here”. So he calls i that young boy and he gives him bread and butter. At that time, he feels that he needs that boy and asks him “have you parents?”. But the boy replayed wether he is an orphan. From that time, he j adopts the boy and he wants to teach him his work. At first the boy feels on deaf ears from woods noise but later he also becomes interested in his profession too. All in all, the boy becomes a master of this profession and never racks his brain about his past. He finds the carpenter as his a real father. Even if the carpenter is alone he grows him up as a good person.
Ok, that’s all today’s POV lesson. Be sure to remember listen to these lessons ever day. For at least one week, seven days, make sure listen to these over and over: And as you do remember to move your body smile, jump, and shout while you do it Remember always enjoy your English learning* I will see you next time good bye.
Welcome to the third mini story lesson, as usual in the mini story lesson you should try to answer the questions as possible us you can. So are you ready, in that case letys start!
About the passenger’s charity
(hie gentleman was (raveling in a train. He felt thirsty and got down at a station in search of water.
Was there an old man?
No, there wasn’t an old man.
Was there an old woman?
No, there wasn’t an old woman.
Was there an adventurer?
No, there wasn’t an (id venturer.
Was there a gentleman?
Yes, there was a gentleman. Who was traveling on a ship?
Nobody was traveling on a slup .
Bir janob poyezdda sayohat qilib ketayotgan edi. U chanqadi va vokzalga suv izlab tushdi.
Bir keksa odam bo‘lgan edimi?
Yo‘q, bir keksa odam bo‘lmagan.
Bir keksa ayol boigan edimi?
Yo‘q, bir keksa ayol boimagan edi.
Bir sarguzashtchi bo‘lgan edimi?
Yo‘q, bir sarguzashtchi bo‘lmagan edi.
Bir janob bo‘lgan edimi?
Ha, bir janob bo‘lgan edi. Kim kemada sayohat qilib ketayotgan edi?
Hech kim kemada sayohat qilib ketmayotgan edi.
Who was traveling on a bus?
Nobody wasn’t traveling on a bus.
Who was traveling in the train?
A gentleman was traveling in the train.
Was it a train or a car?
It was a train.
Did he feel tired and got down at a station?
No, he didn’t feel tired and get down at a station.
Did he feel tired and missed his station?
No, he didn’t feel tired and missed his station.
Did he get down at the station by thinking that it was his address?
No, he didn’t think that was his address.
Did he feel thirsty and got down at a station?
Yes, he felt thirsty and got down at a station.
Did he feel hungry and got down at a station?
No, he didn’t feel hungry and get down at a station.
Kim avtobusda sayr qilayotgan edi?
Hech kim avtobusda sayr qilmayotgan edi.
Kim poyezdda sayohat qilib ketayotgan edi.
Bir janob poyezdda ketayotgan edi.
U mashina edimi yoki poyezdmi?
U poyezd edi.
U charchaganidan vokzalda tushdimi?
Yo‘q, charchaganidan vokzalda tushmadi.
U charchab poyezdini o4tkazib yubordimi?
Yo‘q, u charchab poyezdini o‘tkazib yubormadi.
Bu u kelayotgan manzil deb o‘ylab, vokzalda tushdimi?
Yo‘q, bu u kelayotgan manzil deb o‘ylab tushmadi.
U chanqab vokzalda tushdimi?
Ha, u charchab vokzalda tushdi.
U och qolganidan vokzalda tushdimi?
Yo‘q, u och qolganidan vokzalda tushmadi.
Was he thirsty so much?
Yes, he was thirsty so much. Was an old man thirsty?
No, he wasn’t an old man.
Was a young thirsty boy?
No, he was not a young thirsty boy.
Was he a thirsty gentleman? Yes, he was thirsty.
Who got off the train?
A gentleman got off the train. Did he go in the shop after getting down?
No, he didn’t go in the shop. Did he get down at a station in a search of new adventures?
No, he didn’t get down at a station in a search of new adventures.
So, why did he get down at a station?
In a search of water he got down at a station.
No sooner he had reached (he water tap then the engine whistled and started, lie ran back but missed the (rain.
U juda chanqagan edimi?
Ha, u juda chanqagan edi. Keksa odam chanqagan edimi?
Yo‘q, keksa odam chanqamagan edi.
Yosh bola chanqagan edimi? Yo‘q, yosh bola chanqamagan edi.
Janob chanqagan edimi?
Ha, u chanqagan edi.
Kim poyezddan tushdi?
Janob poyezddan tushdi.
U tushganidan keyin do‘konga kirdimi?
Yo‘q, u do‘konga kirmadi.
U yangi sarguzasht izlab vokzalda tushdimi?
Yo‘q, u yangi sarguzasht izlab vokzalda tushmadi.
Xo4sh, unda nega vokzalda tushdi.
U suv izlab vokzalda tushdi.
U tezda suv jumragini ocha olmadi, keyin paravoz ketishga signal berdi va yurishni boshladi. U orqaga qarab yugurdi lekin poyezdga ulgurmadi.
Did he decide to get out for drinking water?
Yes, he decided to get out for drinking water.
Was only he thirsty?
Yes, he was only thirsty.
Could he find the water?
Yes, No sooner he could find water.
Was he so thirsty?
Yes, he was so thirsty.
Did he ask for water from people?
No, he didn’t ask for water.
Did he still buy water at a
No, he didn’t still buy water at a shop
Was there a shop near here?
No, there wasn’t a shop near here.
Did he reach the water tap? Yes, he reached the water tap. Did he take water and go to sleep here?
No, he didn’t take water and
go to sleep.
Did he take water and wash his face?
U suv ichish uchun tushushga qaror qildimi?
Ha, u suv ichish uchun tushishga qaror qildi.
Faqat u chanqagan edimi?
Ha, faqat u chanqagan edi.
U suv topa oldimi?
Ha, lekin tezda topa olmadi.
U juda chanqagan edimi?
Ha, u juda chanqagan edi.
U odamlardan suv so‘radimi?
Yo‘q, u odamlardan suv so‘ramadi.
U haligacha do‘konda suv sotib olib turganmidi?
Yo6q, u do‘konda haligacha suv sotib olib turmagan edi.
Bu yerga yaqin atrofda do‘kon bormidi?
Yo‘q, bu yerga yaqin atrofda do‘kon yo‘q edi.
U jumrakni ocha oldimi?
Ha, u jumrakni ocha oldi.
U suvni olib shu yeming o'zida uyquga ketib qoldimi?
Yo‘q, u suvni olib uyquga ketib qolmadi.
U suvni olib keyin yuzini yuvdimi?
No, he didn’t take water and wash his face.
Did he get water in the bootle too?
No, he didn’t get water in the bootle.
Did he take water and continued his trip?
No, he didn’t take water and continued his trip.
Did the policeman whistle? No, the policeman didn’t w rustle.
Did a young boy whistle?
No, a young boy didn’t whistle.
Who whistled?
The engine whistled.
Did the engine whistle then started?
Yes, the engine whistled then started.
Did he hear the whistle?
Yes, he hear the whistle.
Did he still stay?
No, he didn’t still stay.
I )id he run back?
Yes, he ran back.
I )idn’t he expect it?
No, be didn’t expect it.
Yo‘q, u suvni olib keyin yuzini yuvmadi.
U idishga ham suv oldimi?
Yo‘q, u idishga suv olmadi.
U suv olib keyin sayohatini davom ettirdimi?
Yo‘q, u suv olib keyin sayohatini davom ettirmadi.
Politsiyachi hushtak chaldimi? Yo‘q, politsiyachi hushtak chalmadi.
Yosh bola hushtak chaldimi? Yo‘q, yosh bola hushtak chalmadi.
Kim hushtak chaldi?
Paravoz hushtak chaldi. Paravoz signal berib keyin yurishni boshladimi?
Ha, paravoz signal berib keyin yurishni boshiadi.
U hushtakni eshitdimi?
Ha, u hushtakni eshitdi.
U haligacha turgan edimi? Yo‘q, u o‘sha joyda turmagan edi.
U orqaga yugurdimi?
Ha, u orqaga yugurdi.
U buni kutmagan edimi? Yo‘q, u buni kutmagan edi.
Yes, he missed the train.
Did he miss the train?
idn’t the engine wait for him?
No, the engine didn’t wait for him.
Did he have a headache and miss his station?
No, he didn’t have a headache.
Did he look for anybody and miss the train?
No, he didn’t look for anybody and missed the train.
Were all people in the train except from him?
Yes, all people in the train expect from him.
It was getting darker. He said “ it is getting dark, I must find a place to stay” and he decided to spend the night at the station.
Was it light?
No, it wasn’t light Was it midnight?
No, it wasn’t midnight.
Was it getting darker?
Yes, it was getting darker.
U poyezdni o‘tkazib yubordimi?
Ha, u poyezdni o4kazib yubordi.
Paravoz uni kutdimi?
Yo‘q, paravoz uni kutmadi.
Uning boshi og;rib poyezdni o'tkazib yubordimi?
Yoeq, uning boshi og'rimadi.
U kimnidir izlab tushib keyin poyezdni o‘tkazib yubordimi?
Yo‘q, u kimnidir izlab poyezdini o‘tkazib yubormadi.
Undan boshqa hamma poyezdda edimi?
Ha, undan boshqa hamma poyezdda edi.
Kech tusha boshladi. U aytdi: “Kech tushayabdi tunashga joy topishim kerak” va u tunni vokzalda o‘tkazishga qaror qildi.
Yorug4 edimi?
Yo‘q, yorug‘ emas edi.
Yarim kechasi edimi?
Yo‘q, yarim kechasi emas edi.
Kech tushib borayotgan edimi?
Ha, kech tushib borayotgan edi.
Did he cry?
No, he didn’t cry.
Did he worry that it was getting dark?
Yes, he was scared a little.
Did he want him to return home?
No, he thought only about the time of next train.
Did he decide to spend the night in a slum?
No, he didn’t decide to spend the night in a slum.
Did he decide to spend the night on the bench?
No, he didn’t decide to spend the night on the bench.
Did he decide to go on foot?
No, he didn’t decide to go on loot.
Did he decide to spend the night at a station?
Yes, he decided to spend the night at a station.
The next morning he enquired about next train, lie came to know that it the next train was on the other day.
U yig‘ladimi?
Yo‘q, u yig‘lamadi.
Qorong‘u tushib borayotganidan u havotirda edimi?
На, и ozroq qo‘rquvda edi.
U uyga ketishni xohladimi?
Yo‘q, lekin u faqat keyingi poyezd vaqtini bilishni xohladi.
U tunni kulbada o‘tkazishga qaror qildimi?
Yo‘q, u tunni kulbada o‘tkazishga qaror qilmadi.
U tunni skameykada o‘tkazishga qaror qildimi?
Yo‘q, u tunni skameykada o‘tkazishga qaror qilmadi.
U piyoda borishga qaror qildimi?
Yo‘q, u piyoda borishga qaror qilmadi.
U bir tunni vokzalda o‘tkazishga qaror qildimi?
Ha, u bir kechasini vokzalda o‘tkazishga qaror qildi.
Keyingi tongda u keyingi poyezd haqida bilib oldi. U boshqa kun poyezd vaqtini bilishga keldi.
Did he ask for people to help him?
No, he didn’t ask for people to help him.
Did he ask the prices of the next morning bus?
No, he didn’t ask the prices of the next morning busses.
Did he ask where the toilet was?
No, he didn’t ask this.
Did he ask the next train?
Yes, the next morning he enquired about next train.
Did he wait for the next train?
Yes, he waited for the next train.
Was he informed that the train was after two hours?
No, he didn’t come to know that the next train was after two hours.
Was he informed that the next train wouldn’t be?
No, he wasn’t informed that.
Did he come to know on which day the next train would be?
U odamlardan yordam berishini soeradimi?
Yosq, u odamlardan yordam berishini so‘ramadi.
U keyingi kun avtobusning narxini soeradimi?
Yo‘q, u keyingi kun avtobusning narxini so‘ramadi.
U xojatxona qayerdaligini soeradimi?
Yo‘q, u buni so‘ramadi.
U keyingi poyezdni sofiradimi?
Ha, u keyingi poyezdni so‘radi.
U keyingi poyezdni kutdimi?
Ha, u keyingi poyezd vaqtini kutdi.
Unga keyingi poyezd ikki soatdan keyin deb maTumot berildimi?
Yo‘q, u keyingi poyezd ikki soatdan keyin kelishini bilish uchun kelmadi.
Unga keyingi poyezd boTmasligi aytildimi?
Yo‘q, bunday xabar berilmadi
U keyingi poyezd qaysi kunligini bilishga keldimi?
Yes, he come to know on which day would be the next l rain.
So, he decided to find a place for a day. He went to the nearby lodges to ask for a room but found none. It was getting darker and he could not find a room.
Did he search a place to stay Гог a week?
No, he didn’t search a place to stay for a week.
Did he decide to sleep on the railway?
No, he didn’t decide to sleep i) a the railway.
Did he decide to find a place for a day to stay?
Yes, he decided to find a place for a day to stay.
Didn't he have relatives there?
No, he didn't have there any relatives.
Did he go to the Motels?
Yes, he went to the nearly lodges to ask for a room.
Did he go the mountain to stay a night?
Ha, u keyingi poyezd qaysi kunligini bilishga keldi.
Shunday qilib и bir kunga joy topishga qaror qildi,
U yonma yon joylashgan kichkina kulbachalarga xona so‘rashga bordi. Lekin kech tushib borayotganligl sababli xona topolmadi.
U bir hafta qolishga joy izladimi?
Yo4q, u bir haftaga qolishga joy iziamadi.
U poyezd yo‘lida uhlashga qaror qildimi?
Yo‘q, u poyezd yo‘lida uhlashga qaror qilmadi.
U bir kunga tunashga joy izlashga qaror qildimi?
Ha, u bir kunga joy izlashga qaror qildi.
U yerda uning qarindoshlari yo‘q edimi?
Yo‘q, u yerda uning umuman qarindoshlari yo‘q edi.
U Motelga bordimi?
Ha, u kichkina yonma yon joylashgan uychalarga bordi.
U bir kecha qolishga toqqa bordimi?
No, there wasn’t a mountain near here.
Did he search a place to live all his life?
No, he didn’t search a place to live all his life.
Didn’t he have his known people there?
No, he didn’t have his known people there.
Could he find a place to stay? No, he could find none.
Didn’t he have anywhere to go?
No, he didn’t have anywhere to go.
Was it too late?
Yes, it was getting darker.
Did he worry getting dark?
Yes, he worried getting cold.
Was it getting cold?
Yes, it was getting cold.
Was he scared?
Yes, he was scared.
Yocq, bu yerga yaqin tog‘ yo‘q edi.
U butun umr yashashga joy izladimi?
Yo‘q, u butun umr yashashga joy izlamadi.
Uning u yerda tanish odamlari yo‘q edimi?
Yo‘q, u yerda uning tanish odamlari yo‘q edi.
U qolishga joy topa oldimi? Yo‘q, u hech qanday joy topa olmadi.
Uning borishga hech qanaqa joyi yo‘q edimi?
Yocq, uning borishga hech qanaqa joyi yo‘q edi.
Juda kech bo‘lgan edimi?
Ha, qorong'u bo‘la boshlagan edi.
U kech bo‘la boshlaganidan tashvishga tushdimi?
Ha, u sovuq tushayotganidan tashvishda edi.
Sovib borayotgan edimi?
Ha, sovib borayotgan edi.
U qo‘rqib ketdimi?
Ha, u qo‘rqib ketdi.
At last he reached a small hut, he asked the owner of the hut wether he could stay at his house for a day, the owner absolutely agreed.
Did he think a lot?
Yes, he thought a lot.
Did he have difficulties?
Yes, he had difficulties.
Was he sorry about himself?
Yes, he was sorry about himself.
Did he start trying more?
Yes, he started trying more.
Didn’t he want to be in that situation?
No, he didn’t want this situation.
At least did he find a small slum?
Yes, he reached a small hut. Was it a yard?
No, it wasn’t a yard.
Was the small slum built from
No, the small slum was so poor.
Did it get dark?
Yes, it got dark.
Va nihoyat u kichkina kulbacha topdi, u uy egasidan bir kun qola olishini so‘radi, uy egasi so‘zsiz rozi bo4ldi.
U ko‘p o‘yladimi?
Ha, u ko‘p o‘yladi.
U qiyinchilik o‘tqazdimi?
Ha, u qiyinchilik o4qazdi.
U o‘ziga achindimi?
Ha, u o‘ziga achindi.
U ko‘proq harakat qila boshladimi?
Ha, u ko‘proq harakat qilishni boshiadi.
U bu vaziyatni xohlamagan edimi?
Yo‘q, u bu vaziyatni xohlamagan edi.
Oxiri u kichkina kulba topdimi?
Ha, u kichik kulba topdi.
U o‘tov edimi?
Yo‘q, u o‘tov emas edi.
Kichkina kulba yog‘ochdan qurilgan edimi?
Yo‘q, kichkina kulba juda achinarli holda edi.
Kech bo‘lib bo‘lgan edimi?
Ha, kech b /lib bo‘lgan edi.
D id he want to stay there?
Yes, he wanted to stay there.
Did he ask the doorkeeper wether he could stay for two days?
No, he didn’t ask the doorkeeper weather he could stay for two days.
Did he ask the owner some bread?
No, he didn’t ask the owner some bread.
Did he ask the owner of the hut wether he could stay at his house for a day?
Yes, he asked the owner of the hut wether he could stay at his house for a day.
Was the owner a bad person? No, the owner wasn’t a bad person.
Was the owner a good man? Yes, he was good and clever.
Was he angry?
No, he wasn’t angry.
Did he refuse him?
No, he didn’t refuse him.
Did he say “Go away”?
No, he didn’t say “Go away”.
U u yerda qolishni xohladimi? Ha, u u yerda qolishni xohladi. U qorovuldan ikki kunga qola olishini so^radimi?
Yo‘q, u qorovuldan ikki kunga qola olishini so‘ramadi.
U uy egasidan ozroq non so‘radimi?
Yo‘q, u uy egasidan ozroq non socramadi.
U uy egasidan bir kunga qolishini so‘radimi?
Ha, u uy egasidan bir kunga qola olishini so‘radi.
Uy egasi yomon odam edimi? Yo‘q, uy egasi yomon odam emas edi.
Uy egasi yaxshi odam edimi? Ha, u aqlli va yaxshi inson edi.
U jahldor edimi?
Yo‘q, u jahldor emas edi.
U rad etdimi?
Yo‘q, u rad etmadi.
U “Bu yerdan kef ’ dedimi? Yo‘q, u “Bu yerdan kef' demadi.
Did he say “It wasn't a hotel”.
No, he didn't say “It wasn’t a hotel’5.
Did he absolutely agree?
Yes, he absolutely agreed.
Who totally agreed?
T he owner of the hut readily agreed.
Didn't the gentleman expect this answer?
Yes, the gentleman didn’t expect this answer.
Was he pleased?
Yes, he was pleased.
Did the owner think that he was a thief?
No, he didn’t think that.
Гог what did he totally agree?
The owner of the hut readily agreed him to stay in his house for a day.
Did the owner respect guests?
Yes, the owner respected guests.
That day, the owner supplied him with food and place to stay. But he didn’t ask anything in return for his help.
Did the owner serve him?
U “Bu mehmonxonamas” dedimi?
Yo‘q, u “Bu mehmonxonamas5 ’ demadi.
U so‘zsiz rozi bo‘ldimi?
Ha, u so4zsiz rozi bo‘ldi.
Kim so‘zsiz rozi bo‘ldi?
Kulba egasi so‘zsiz rozi bo'ldi.
Janob bu javobni kutmagan edimi?
Ha, janob bu javobni kutmagan edi.
U mamnun boldimi?
Ha, u mamnun bo‘ldi.
Uy egasi uni o‘g‘ri deb o‘yladimi?
Yo‘q, u unday deb o4ylamadi. Nimaga u rozi bo‘ldi?
Uy egasi uni uyda bir kun qolishiga rozi bo‘ldi.
Uy egasi mehmonlami hurmat qilar edimi?
Ha, uy egasi mehmonlami hurmat qilar edi.
0‘sha kuni uy egasi ovqat pishirib berdi va tunashga joy berdi. Lekin evaziga hech narsa so6ramadi.
Uy egasi unga hizmat qildimi?
Yes, that day the owner served him food and gave him a room to stay.
Was he friendly?
Yes, he was friendly.
Did the owner have to share the room with him?
No, he didn’t share the room with him.
Didn't he expect anything in return?
No, he didn't expect anything in return.
Did he demand money?
No, he didn’t demand money. Did he demand luxury house? No, he didn’t demand.
Did he demand gold?
No, he didn’t demand gold ^id he demand a car?
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No, he didn’t demand gold.
What did he demand?
He didn’t expect anything in return.
Why didn’t he demand anything in return?
Because he was a good person.
. -*■■■''■ sf'i f ^-'vaTjfc "v" r
Soat yetti borganida janob eshik taqillagan ovozini eshitdi.
hen it was seven о4clock the gentleman heard a knock at the door.
Ha, o‘sha kuni uy egasi unga ovqat tayyorlab xona berdi.
U samimiy edimi?
Ha, u samimiy edi.
Uy egasi xonani taqsimlab bo‘lishga majbur bo‘ldimi?
Yo‘q, u xonani taqsimlamadi.
U evaziga hech narsa kutmadimi?
Yo‘q, u evaziga hech narsa kutmadi.
Л' '■ : j". i ' ■' 4Y 4 : • . Л ? ■ v- - : •
U pul talab qildimi?
Yo‘q, u pul talab qilmadi.
U hashamatli uy talab qildimi? Yo‘q, u talab qilmadi.
U tilla talab qildimi?
Yocq, u tilla talab qilmadi.
U mashina talab qildimi?
Yo‘q, u tilla talab qilmadi.
U nima talab qildi? ;
U evaziga hech narsa kutmadi.
Nega u evaziga hech narsa talab qilmadi?
Chunki u yaxshi inson edi.
Did the gentleman hear the doors squeak when it did strike seven in the clock?
No, he didn’t hear a door squeak when it did strike seven in the clock.
Did he hear him talking on the phone?
No, he didn’t hear him talking on the phone.
Did he hear the owner punishing anybody?
No, he didn’t hear the owner punishing anybody.
Did he hear somebodys crying at midnight?
No, nobody cried.
Did he hear creak?
No, he didn’t hear creak.
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So what did he hear, when it seven o‘clock?
He heard a knock at the door,
’ • m -g when it did strike seven in the clock.
Did anybody come?
Yes, somebody come.
D id the owner call guests?
Yettida u eshik zarblarini eshitdimi?
Yo‘q, soat yettida u eshik zarbini eshitmadi.
U uni telefonda suhbatlashayotganini eshitdimi?
Yo'q, u uni telefonda suhbatlashayotganini eshitmadi.
U uy egasining kim bilandir urishayotganini eshitdimi? Yo‘q, uy egasining kim bilandir urshayotganini eshitmadi.
U yarim tunda kimningdir yig‘lashini eshitdimi?
Yo‘q, hech kim yig'lamadi.
U g'ichirlagan tovush eshitdimi?
Yo‘q, u g‘ichirlagan tovush eshitmadi.
Unda yettida u nima eshitdi?
Soat yetti bo‘lganida u eshik taqillagan ovozini eshitdi.
Kimdir kelgan edimi?
Ha, kimdir kelgan edi.
Uy egasi mahmonlar chaqirgan edimi?
Mo, the owner didn’t call guests.
Was it six о4 clock?
No, it wasn’t 6 o‘clock, it was 7 о‘clock.
The villager opened the door, the gentleman saw that man dressed in rich and entered the hut and demanded the owner to pay his debts.
Did he waited for locking the door?
No, he didn’t wait for locking the door.
Did he look at the window?
No, he didn’t look at the window.
Did he open the door?
Yes, he opened the door.
Who opened the door?
The villager opened the door.
Did he think that it was the gentlemans friend?
No, he didn’t think, that it was the gemtlemans friend.
Did the gentleman see a hunchback man?
No, he didn’t see a hunchback man.
Did he see a lot of tourists?
Yo‘q, uy egasi mehmonlar chaqirmagan edi.
Soat olti bo‘lgan edimi?
Yo‘q, soat 6 emas edi, soat 7 edi.
Qishloqlik eshikni ochdi, janob juda o‘ziga to‘q bo‘lib kiyingan odamni ko6rdi u xonaga kirdi va uy egasidan qarzini talab qildi.
U eshikni qulflab ketishini kutdimi?
Yo :q, u eshikni qulflab ketishini kutmadi.
U derazadan qaradimi?
Yo‘q, u derazadan qaramadi.
U eshikni ochdimi?
Ha, u eshikni ochdi.
Kim ochdi eshikni?
Qishloqlik eshikni ochdi.
U unijanobning do‘sti deb o‘yladimi?
Yo‘q, u uni janobning do‘sti deb o'ylamadi.
Janob bukr odamni ko‘rdimi?
Yo'q. u bukr odamni ko‘rmadi>
U ko‘p sayyohlami ko‘rdimi?
No, he didn’t see a lot of tourists.
Was he a policeman?
No, he wasn’t a policeman.
Did he see a man dressed in rich?
Yes, he saw a man who dressed in rich.
Did he see a gentle face man?
No, he didn’t see a gentle face man.
Did he see an exhausted man?
No, he didn’t see an exhausted man.
Wasn’t he poor?
Yes, he wasn’t poor.
Was he an authoritative man?
Yes, he was an authoritative man.
Did he see that man asking a r oom for a night?
No, he didn’t ask a room for a night.
I )id he see that man beating him?
No, he didn’t beat him.
So, what did he see?
Yo‘q, u ko‘p sayyohlami ko'rmadi.
U politsiyachi edimi?
Yo‘q, u politsiyachi emas edi.
U o'ziga to4q bo‘lib kiyingan odamni ko‘rdimi?
Ha, u o‘ziga to'q bo‘lib kiyingan odamni ko'rdi.
U muloyim yuzli odamni ko‘rdimi?
Yo‘q, u muloyim yuzli odamni ko‘rmadi.
U darmoni qurigan odamni ko‘rdimi?
Yo‘q, u darmoni qurigan odamni ko'rmadi.
U kambagcal emas edimi?
Ha, u kambag‘al emas edi.
U obro‘li odam edimi?
Ha, u obro'li odam edi.
U bir kechaga xona so4rab kelgan odamni ko‘rdimi?
Yo‘q, u bir kechaga joy so‘ramagan.
U o'sha odam uy egasmi urayotganini ko'rdimi?
Yo‘q, u uni urgani yo‘q.
Xo‘sh, nima ko'rdi u?
e saw that a man dressed in rich and entered the hut and demanded the owner to pay his debts.
The gentleman found that the villager needed some money. Next morning he put a pocket of money and left.
Did the gentleman find out that the villager had debts?
Yes, he came to know that the villager had debts.
Did the owner have a lot of debts?
Yes, the owner had a lot of debts.
Did he see that man hold him?
No, he didn’t see that man hold him.
Did he try to hear their conversation?
No, he heard it suddenly.
Did he try to stop their conversation?
No, he didn’t try to stop their conversation.
Was he in need of money? Yes, he was in need of money. Was he need money to built a house?
U o'ziga to‘q kiyingan odamning xonaga kirib qarz bo‘lgan uy egasidan pulni talab qilishini ko‘rdi.
Janob qishloqlik odamning pulga muhtojligini bilib keyingi tongda xonaga bir paket pul qo‘ydi va ketdi.
Janob qishloqlikning qarzlari borligini sezib qoldimi?
Ha, u qishloqlikning qarzlari borligini sezib qoldi.
Uy egasining ko‘p qarzi bor edimi?
Ha, uy egasining ko‘p qarzi bor edi.
U odam uni ushlab olganini
Yo‘q, u odam uni ushlab olganini ko‘rgani yo‘q.
'U ulaming suhbatini eshitib qolishga harakat qildimi? Yo‘q, u to‘satdan eshitib qoldi.
U ulaming suhbatini to‘xtatishga harakat qildimi?
Yo‘q, ulaming suhbatini to‘htatishga harakat qilmadi.
U pulga muhtoj edimi?
Ha, u pulga muhtoj edi.
Unga uy qurish uchun pul kerak edimi?
No, he wasn’t need money to build a house.
Did he give him his credit card?
No, he didn’t give him his credit card.
Did he give him gold?
No, he didn’t anything at that time.
Was the owner sad?
Yes, he was sad.
Did the gentleman want to give money him?
Yes, he wanted to give money to him.
Did the gentleman put a pocket of money in the room
Yo‘q, unga uy qurishga pul kerak emas edi.
U unga kredit kartasini berdimi?
Yo‘q, u kredit kartasini bermadi.
U unga tilla berdimi?
Yo‘q, u o‘sha payti unga hech narsa bermadi.
Uy egasi g‘amgin edimi?
Ha, u g‘amgin edi.
Janob unga pul berishni xohladimi?
Ha, u unga pul berishni xohladi.
Janob bir paketni xonaga qo‘yib ketdimi?
and left?
Yes, he put a pocket of money Ha, u bir paket pulni xonaga
in the room and left. 4° У1^ ketdi.
Did he give money on his U pulni uning qo liga
hand? berdimi? ^
No he didn’t give money on Yo‘q, u pulni uning qo liga
Did the gentleman have gentle Janobning samimiy xulqi bor
his hand?
I )id he do goodness? Yes, he did goodness.
Yes, he had gentle character.
C ould the villager find the pocket?
U yaxshilik qildimi? Ha, yaxshilik qildi.
Ha, janobning samimiy xulqi bor edi.
Qishloqlik paketni topdimi?
Yes, he could find the pocket. Who left a pocket of money?
A gentleman left a pocket of money.
Did he help him completely?
Yes, he helped him completely.
Was he surprised?
Yes, he was surprised.
Did he see a letter too?
Yes, there was a note addressed to him.
Ask for you helped me but didn’t expect anything to me. Yesterday I heard the conversation between you and the strenger and came to know that you were in need of money. This is what you need”
Was the letter long?
No, the letter wasn’t long.
Did the gentleman write his complaines in his note?
No, he didn’t write his complains in his letter.
Did he write that he wanted to give a house him?
No, he didn’t do that.
Was gentleman a rich man? Yes, he was rich too.
Ha, u paketni topdi.
Bir paket pulni kim qocyib ketdi?
Janob bir paket pulni qo'yib ketdi.
U unga katta yordam berdimi?
Ha, u unga katta yordam berdi.
U hayron qoldimi?
Ha, u hayron qoldi.
U xat ham ко‘rib qoldimi?
Ha, unda unga deb yozilgan xat bor edi.
Siz menga yordam berdingiz lekin evaziga hech narsa so‘ramadingiz. Kecha boy odam bilan bo‘lgan suhbatingizni eshitib qoldi va sizga pul kerak ekanligini angladim, bu sizga kerak bo‘lgan narsa.
Xat uzun edimi?
Yo‘q, xat uzun emas edi.
Bu xatga u shikoyatini yozgan edimi?
Yo‘q, u bunga shikoyatini yozmagan edi.
U unga uy berishni xohlashini yozgan edimi?
Yo‘q, u bunday qilgani yo‘q. Janob ham boy odam edimi? Ha, u ham boy edi.
Did he write that the conversation was interesting?
No, he didn’t write that.
Did he write “Please give me it back quickly”?
No, he didn’t write “Please give me it back quickly”.
Was the letter about his thanks?
Yeah, so it was.
So, what did he write?
Well, he wrote his gratitude he wrote that he helped him but didn’t except anything non him, but the village was in need of money. So, that’s why he left that amount of money he needed.
Was this letter important for him?
Yes, it was so important for the owner because of he needed help.
U suhbat qiziq bo‘lganini yozgan edimi?
Yo‘q, u bunaqa deb yozmagan edi.
U “Iltimos tezda qaytarib bering” deb yozgan edimi?
Yo‘q, u “Iltimos tezda qaytaring” deb yozmagan edi.
Xat uning minnatdorchiligi haqida edimi?
Ha, shunday desaham bo‘ladi.
Xo‘sh, u nima deb yozgan edi?
U unga yaxshiligi uchun hech narsa so‘ramaganini u esa suhbatni eshitib qolganini, demak pulga muhtoj ekanligini shu bilan birga esa bu pul unga kerakli pul ekanligini yozgan edi.
Bu xat u uchun muhim edimi?
Ha, bu xat unga pul zarurligi uchun juda muhim edi.
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