Even though I worked for him, he did not pay me”.
Bir kuni, Nicholas Markusni uchratadi. Markus Nikolasga temirchi bilan shartnomasi haqida aytadi.
Markus Nikolasni uchratadimi?
Yo‘q, Nikolas Markusni uchratadi.
Nikolas Markusga oczining xayriyasi haqida aytib beradimi?
Yo‘q, u Markusga opining xayriyasi haqida aytib bermaydi.
Markus u bilan shartnomasi haqida aytib beradimi?
Yofcq, Markus temirchi bilan shartnomasi haqida aytib beradi.
Markus aytadi: “Men u uchun qattiq ishladim, lekin menda muammo bor.
Unga ishlaganimga qaramav. u menga to‘Iamadi”.
Will Marcus tell that he will not work hard?
No, he will not tell that he had no worked hard.
Will he say that he will work hard for him?
Yes, he will say that he will work hard for him.
Will he have a problem?
Yes, he will have a problem. What kind of problem will he
He will work hard but the black smith will not pay him. Who will say that blacksmith
will not pay him?
Marcus, Marcus will say that the black smith will not pay
Nicholas wants to help Marcus.
That night he will go back to Marcus’s house.
He will bring a bag of gold. It will exceed the amount that Marcus will need.
Markus qattiq ishlamasligmi aytadimi?
Yo‘q, u qattiq ishlamasligini aytmaydi.
U temirchi uchun qattiq ishiaganini aytadimi?
Ha, u temirchi uchun qattiq ishiaganini aytadi.
Unda muammo bormi?
Ha, unda muammo bor.
Unda qanday muammo bor?
U qattiq ishlaydi lekin temirchi unga tolamaydi. Kim unga temirchi toiamasiigini aytadi?
Markus, Markus temirchi unga toiamasiigini aytadi.
Nikolas Markusga yordam berishni xohlaydi,
Bu kecha u Markusni uyiga qaytib boradi.
V bir xalta oltin olib keladi. U Markusga kerak bo4lgan miqdorda boiadi.
Does Marcus want to help Nicholas?
No, Nicholas wants to help Marcus.
Will he come back to Marcus’s house?
Yes, he will go back to Marcus’s house.
Because he wants to help him.
Will he bring toys for Marcus’s children?
No, he will not bring toys for Marcus’s kids.
Will he bring food?
No, he will not bring food.
Oh, will he bring money?
Yes, he will bring a bag of gold.
Will he bring more money than Marcus needs?
Yes, it will exceed the amount than Marcus needs.
Markus Nikolasga yordam berishni xohlaydimi?
Yo‘q, Nikolas Markusga yordam berishni xohlaydi.
U Markusning uyiga qaytib keladimi?
Ha, u Markusning uyiga qaytib boradi.
Chunki, u Markusga yordam berishni xohlaydi.
U Markusning bolalari uchun o‘yinchoq olib keladimi? Yo‘q, u Markusning bolalari uchun o‘yinchoq olib kelmaydi.
U ovqat olib keladimi?
Yo‘q9 u ovqat olib kelmaydi. Ha u pul olib keladimi?
Ha, u bir xalta oltin olib keladi.
U Markusga kerak bo‘lganidan ko‘ra ko‘p pul olib keladimi?
Ha, u Markusga kerak bo‘lganidan ko‘ra ko‘p miqdorda bo‘ladi.
Nicholas will climb up a ladder and drop the bag of gold down the chimney,
Marcus will thank his benefactor.
Will he knock at Marcus’s door?
No, he will not knock at the door.
Will he climb up a tree and drop the bag of gold to the window?
No, he will climb up a ladder and drop the bag of gold down the chimney.
Will Marcus call the police? No, he will not call the police.
Will Marcus thank his
Yes, he will thank his benefactor.
Will he know who was that benefactor?
No, he will not recognize him
Nikolas narvondan yuqoriga ko‘tarilib bir xalta oltinni mo‘ridan pastga tashlaydi. Markus opining muruvvat qiluvchisiga minnatdorchilik bildiradi.
U Markusning eshigini taqillatadimi?
Yo‘q, u Markusning eshigini
U daraxtni tepasiga chiqib bir xalta oltinni derazadan tashlaydimi?
Yo‘q, u narvondan yuqoriga ko‘tarilib bir xalta oltinni mo‘ridan pastga tashlaydi. Markus politsiyani chaqiradimi?
Yo‘q, u politsiyani chaqirmaydi.
Markus muruvvatchisiga minnatdorchilik bildiradimi? Ha, u muruvvatchisiga minnatdorchilik bildiradi.
U muruvvatchi kim ekanligini
. Yo‘q, Markus uni tanimaydi.
Soon, people will find about Nicholas’s gift. He will become well known and beloved.
Will anybody know about his charity?
Yes, soon people will find about Nicholas's gift.
Will people approve of him? Yes, they will approve of his exploit.
Will he become well known and beloved?
Yes, he will become well known and beloved.
Who will become well known and belovely?
Nicholas will become well known and lovely.
Tez orada, odamlar Nikolasning sovg6asi haqida bilishadi. U taniqli va sevimli bo‘ladi.
Kimdir uning xayriyasi haqida biladimi?
Ha, tez orada odamlar Nikolasning sovg‘asi haqida bilishadi.
Odamlar uni qabul qiladimi? Ha, odamlar uning jasoratini yoqtirishadi.
U mashxur va sevimli boTadimi?
Xa, u mashxur va sevimli bo‘ladi.
Kim mashxur va sevimli bo‘ladi?
Nikolas mashxur va sevimli bo‘ladi.
And this is the end of our mini story for today. So, throughout this week, he sure to listen over\ over and over at least 20 times to this mini story. As you listen, pay attention, be alert, take deep breath and answer to these questions to yourself as the questions to come.
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Lesson 33
P.O.V 3.3 A modern Santa Clause
Ok, welcome back it’s time for today’s P.O.V, so as we listen to this P.O. V, make sure you stand up and smile, jump around or do whatever you need to do and to stay alert and pay attention.
So listen carefully as we read today’s P.O. V. So let’s start!!!
Since 1999, a man named Marcus has been occupying a house with his family. He is not modest. He always tells everybody he has been the strongest man in the province since his early age.
He has always been working hard, but he can barely provide his family. He has been trying to save money for two years. Still he can never earn a penny more than he needs. Soon, Marcus has made an agreement with a blacksmith. The blacksmith has a lot of work to do. But he cannot do all by himself. Marcus just wants Lo help forge iron. The blacksmith has agreed to compensate him a lot of money, Ii* the same town, there is a man named Nicholas.
From an early age, Nicholas has started preaching. But he has also believed that he should be humble and charitable. He has learned that helping people gives him even more satisfaction than preaching. Recently Nicholas has met Marcus. Marcus has told N icholas about his agreement with the blacksmith. “ I worked for him, “ Marcus says, “ but I have a problem. Even though I worked
hard for him, he did not pay me/' Nicholas has already planned to help Marcus. This night he has come back to Marcus’s house. He has brought a bag of gold. It exceeded the amount that Marcus has needed. Nicholas climbed up a ladder and has dropped the bag of gold down the chimney. Marcus has thanked his benefactor. Soon people have found about Nicholas’s gift, and he has become well known and loved.
Okay, that is the end of our first point of view story. The next one goes into the future tense, so let’s begin11!
There will be a man named Marcus, he will occupy a house with his family. He will not be modest. He will always tell everybody he has been the strongest man in the province sincc his early ages. He will work hard, but he can barely provide his family. He will try to save money. Still he can never earn a penny more than he will need. Soon, Marcus will make an agreement with a blacksmith. The blacksmith will have a lot of work to do. But he could not do all by himself Marcus is going to help forge iron. The blacksmith will agree to compensate him a lot of money. In the same town, there will be a man named Nicholas. From an early age, Nicholas will start preaching. But he will also believe that he should be humble and charitable. He will learn that helping people will give him even more satisfaction than preaching. A week later, Nicholas will meet Marcus. Marcus will tell Nicholas about his agreement with the blacksmith. “I w orked
lor him, “ Marcus will say, “ but I have a problem. Even though
worked hard for him, he did not pay me/' Nicholas will plan to help Marcus. This night he will come back to Marcus’s house. He will bring a bag of gold. It will exceed the amount that Marcus will need. Nicholas will climb up a ladder and will drop the bag of i*old down the chimney. Marcus will thank his benefactor. Soon people will find about Nicholas’s gift, and he will become well known and loved.
And that is the end of our point of view stories. Again, listen carefully, hear the changes and notice what s happen. Pay attention to the grammar, but not too much attention to grammar rules, just make sure you listen and pay attention and stay alert, all right have you enjoyed the lesson! Ok, see you next time. Good bye!!!
Lesson 3.4 Mini story 3,4J.
A little mouse
№ц how are you feeling today2 How is your mood? I hope that you are feeling wonderful So we are going to listen to the mini story lesson. I hope that you know our rules, As usual you have to answer the questions quickly. So are you ready ? In that case breathe deeply, jump» run, dance but please don 4 sit still ok?! And listen carefully so let’s go!!!
Beth was a very clever and conservative mouse.
She knew that winter was coming and that there would soon fee a dearth of food,
Was there a stupid mouse?
No, there was not a stupid mouse.
Was it a clever dog?
No, it wasn’t a clever dog. What was there?
There was a clever mouse. Was she stubborn?
Beth juda aqlli va 0‘rtameyona sichqon edi.
qish kelayotganini va tez orada ovqat yetishmovchiligi bo‘lishinl bildL
U yerda ahmoq sichqon bor edimi?
Yo‘q, u yerda ahmoq sichqon yo'q edi,
U aqlli it edimi?
Yo4q, u aqlli it emas edi.
U yerda nima bor edi?
U yerda aqlli sichqon bor edi.
U o‘jarmidi?
No, she wasn’t stubborn.
Was she conservative?
Yes, she was conservative.
Who was conservative?
The little mouse was conservative.
Was her name Ron?
No, her name was not Ron.
Was her name Anny?
No, he name was not Anny.
What was her name?
Her name was Beth.
Was the cat’s name Beth?
No, the cat’s name was not Beth.
Whose name was Beth?
The mouse’s name was Beth. Was Beth clever?
Yes, she was clever.
Who was clever?
Beth the mouse was clever. What did she know about? She knew winter was coming.
Yo‘q, u о‘jar emas edi.
U o‘rtameyona edimi?
Ha, u o‘rtameyona edi.
Kim o‘rtameyona edi?
Kichkina sichqon o‘rtameyona edi.
Uning ismi Ron edimi?
Yo‘q, uning ismi Ron emas edi.
Uning ismi Anny edimi?
Yo‘q, uning ismi Anny emas edi.
Uning ismi nima edi?
Uning ismi Bes edi. Mushukning ismi Bes edimi? Yo‘q, mushukning ismi Bes emas edi.
Kimning ismi Bes edi? Sichqonning ismi Bes edi.
Bes aqlli edimi?
Ha, u aqlli edi .
Kim aqlli edi?
Bes sichqon aqlli edi.
U nima haqida biladi?
U qish kelayotganini biladi.
Who knew winter was coming?
The mouse knew winter was coming.
What would happen, if the winter came?
If the winter came, there would be dearth of food.
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