Lesson 3.3
Mini story 3.3
A modern Santa Clause
And now it’s time for today’s mini story. Again don 4 forget, ilon ’t be lain on the coach, do not be fallen asleep, just stand up, f>et alert, have good posture, put a big smile on your face. Listen
carefully. So let’s goIII
In the near future, a man named Marcus will occupy a house with his family.
Will there be a woman?
No, there will not be a woman.
Will there be a widow?
No, there will not be a widow. Will there be an old man?
No, there will not be an old man.
Who will be there?
here will be a man.
Will his name be George?
No, his name will not be (ieorge.
What will his name be?
is name will be Marcus.
Yaqin kelajakda, Makcus ismli odam oilasi bilan hovlida yashaydi.
U yerda ayol kishi bo‘ladimi? Yo‘q, u yerda ayol bo4maydi.
U yerda beva boiadimi?
Yo‘q, u yerda beva boimaydi. U yerda qari kishi bo‘ladimi? Yo‘q, u yerda qari kishi boimaydi.
U yerda kim bo‘ladi?
U yerda erkak kishi bo‘ladi. Uning ismi Georgiy bo‘ladimi?
Yo‘q, uning ismi Georgiy boTmaydi.
Uning ismi nima bo‘iadi? Uning ismi Markus boiadi.
Will he live in a block of flat? No, he will not live in block
of a flat.
Will he live in a house boat?
No, he will not live in a house boat.
Will he live in a wind mill?
No, he will not live in a
wind mill.
Where will he live?
He will occupy a house.
Will he occupy alone?
No, he will not occupy alone.
Will he live with his family? Yes, he will live with his
He will not be modest.
He will always tell everybody.
He will be the strongest man in the province.
Will he be humble?
No, he will not be humble. Will he be modest?
U yopiq xonada yashaydimi? Yo‘q, u yopiq xonada yashamaydi.
U suzib yuruvchi uyda yashaydimi?
Yo‘q, u suzib yuruvchi uyda
U shamol tegirmonida yashaydimi?
Yo‘q, u shamol tegirmonida
U qayerda yashaydi?
U hovlida yashaydi.
U hovlida bir o‘zi
Yobq, u hovlida bir o‘zi
U oilasi bilan yashaydimi? Ha, u oilasi bilan yashaydi.
U kamtar bo6lmaydi.
U har doim hammaga aytadi.
U viloyatdagi eng kuchli erkak bo6ladi.
U kamtar bo‘ladimi?
Yo‘q, u kamtar bo‘lmaydi. U kamtar bo‘ladimi?
No, he will not be modest. Will he be weak?
No, he will not be weak.
Will he be strong?
Yes, he will be strong.
Will he say he will be the strongest man in the world? No, he will not say he will be the strongest man in the world.
What will he say?
с will say that he will be the strongest in the province, lie will work hard, but he will barely be able to provide his family, lie wants to save money. Still, he will never earn a penny more than he needed.
Will he work hard?
Yes, he will work hard.
Will he be able to sustain his family?
No, he will be barely sustain his family.
Will he save money?
Yo‘q, u kamtar bo‘lmaydi.
U kuchsiz bo‘ladimi?
Yo‘q, u kuchsiz bo‘lmaydi.
U kuchli bo‘ladimi?
Xa, u kuchli bo‘ladi.
U dunyodagi eng kuchli erkak bo‘lishini aytadimi?
Yo‘q, u dunyodagi eng kuchli erkak bo‘lishini aytmaydi.
U nimani aytadi?
U viloyatdagi eng kuchli erkak boclishini aytadi.
U qattiq ishlaydi, lekin oilasini arang ta** mini ay oladi.
U pulni tejashni xohlaydi. Hanuzgacha, u o‘ziga kerakli pulni ishlab topmaydi.
U qattiq ishlaydimi?
Ha, u qattiq ishlaydi.
U oilasini ta’minlay oladimi?
Yo‘q, u oilasini zo‘rg‘a ta’minlaydi.
U pulni tejaydimi?
No, unfortunately, he will not be able to save money.
Because he will not be able to cam more money than he needed.
One day, Marcus will make an agreement with a blacksmith.
The blacksmith will have a lot of work to do.
But he will not be able to do it all by himself.
Will he work?
Yes, he will work hard.
Will he make a contract with a shoemaker?
No, he will not make a contract with a shoemaker. Will he make an agreement with undertaker?
No, he will not make an agreement with an undertaker. With whom will he make an agreement?
He will make an agreement with a blacksmith.
^ 4
Yo‘q, afsuski, u pulni tejay olmaydi.
Chunki, u o‘ziga keragidan ko‘p pul topa olmaydi.
Bir kuni, Markus temirchi bilan shartnoma tuzadi.
Temirchinmg qiladigan ishi ko6p.
Lekin hammasini bir o6zi qila olmaydi.
U ishlaydimi?
Ha, u qattiq ishlaydi.
U kosib bilan shartnoma tuzadimi?
Yo‘q, u kosib bilan shartnoma tuzmaydi.
U go‘rkov bilan shartnoma tuzadimi?
Yo‘q, u go‘rkov bilan shartnoma tuzmaydi.
U kim bilan shartnoma tuzadi?
U temirchi bilan shartnoma tuzadi.
Will he have a work for him? Yes, he will have a lot of work to do.
Will the blacksmith be able to do it all by himself?
No, he will not be able to do it all by himself.
Marcus wants to help him forge iron.
The blacksmith will agree to compensate him with a lot of money.
Does he want to help a blacksmith?
Yes, he wants to help him.
Will the blacksmith disagree with him?
No, he will agree with him. i low will Marcus help him?
Well, he will help him forge iron.
Will the blacksmith compensate him with lots of money? Yes, he will compensate him with amount of money.
U temirchi uchun ishlaydimi? Ha, temirchini qiladigan ishlari ко4 p.
Temirchi hammasini bir o‘zi qila oladimi?
Yo‘q, u hammasini bir o‘zi qila olmaydi.
Markus unga temirga ishlov berishga yordam beradi. Temirchi unga ko‘p pul to‘lashga rozi boTadi.
U temirchiga yordam berishni xohlaydimi?
Ha, u temirchiga yordam berishni xohlaydi.
Temirchi bunga norozi boTadimi?
Yo'q, u bunga rozi boTadi. Markus qanday yordam beradi?
U temirchiga temimi ishlovlashga yordam beradi. Temirchi unga ko‘p pul toTaydimi?
Ha, temirchi unga teng pul toTaydi.
In the same town, there will be a man named Nicholas. At an early age, Nicholas will start preaching.
But he will also believe that he should be humble and charitable.
He will learn that helping people give him even more satisfaction than preaching.
Will there be a man named Nicholas in the same town? Yes, there will be a man named Nicholas.
Will he be a doctor?
No, he will not be a doctor. Will he be a blacksmith?
No, he will not be a blacksmith too.
Who will he be?
He will be a Monk.
Will he preach?
Yes, he will preach.
When will he start preaching?
Xuddi o‘sha shaharda Nikolas ismli odam bo‘ladi. Yoshligida, Nikolas nasihat qilishni boshlaydi.
Ammo u kamtar va muhtojlarga yordam beradigan bo‘lishi kerakligiga ishonadi. U odamlarga yordam berish unga nasihat qilishdan ko‘ra ko4proq rohat berishini o‘rganadi.
Xuddi o‘sha shaharda Nikolas ismli odam boradimi?
Ha, xuddi o‘sha shaharda Nikolas ismli odam boiadi.
U shifokor boiadimi?
Yo‘q, u shifokor bormaydi.
U temirchi bo'ladimi?
Yo‘q, u temirchi ham boimaydi.
U kim boiadi?
U Monk boiadi.
U da’vat qiladimi?
Ha, u daVat qiladi.
U qachon nasihat qilishni boshlaydi?
Well, at an early age, he will start preaching.
Will he believe that he should be mean?
No, he will not believe that. Ok. How should he be?
Well, he will have to be humble and charitable.
Will he know that helping people can hurt him?
No, he will never believe that helping people can hurt him.
WTiat will he believe in?
He will believe that helping people give him even more satisfaction than preaching.
Will he leam that preaching gives him even more satisfaction than helping people?
No, he will leam that helping people give him even more satisfaction than preaching.
Yoshligidan, u nasihat qilishni boshlaydi.
U qizg‘onchiq bo‘lishi kerakligiga ishonadimi?
Yo‘q, u bunga ishonmaydi. Yaxshi, u qanday bo‘lishi kerak?
U kamtar va saxiy bolishi kerak bo‘ladi.
U odamlarga yordam berishi uni xafa qilishini biladimi? Yo‘q, u xech qachon odamlarga yordam berishi uni xafa qilishiga ishonmaydi.
U nimaga ishonadi?
Uning odamlarga yordam berishi unga nasihat qilishdan ko‘ra ko‘proq zavq berishiga ishonadi.
Uning odamlarga nasihat berishi unga yordam berishdan ko‘ra ko‘proq zavq berishini o‘rganadimi?
Yo‘q, uning odamlarga yordam berishi unga nasihat qilishdan ko‘ra ko‘proq zavq berishini o‘rganadi.
One day, Nicholas will meet Marcus. Marcus will tell Nicholas about his agreement with a blacksmith.
Will Marcus meet Nicholas?
No, Nicholas will meet Marcus.
Will Nicholas tell Marcus about his charity?
No, he will not tell about his charity.
Will Marcus tell about his agreement with him?
No, Marcus will tell about his agreement with blacksmith.
“I worked hard for him”, Marcus will tell, ‘’but I have a problem.
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