So, that's all of the lesson. But I want you to listen to the lessons again and again as soon as possible. So, make sure, that you are listening to these lessons two hour an every day at least hut more than 20 times a week. I would like you to listen to the storys, while listening to the tracks smile, breathe deeply, be active and more your body. So, My dear that’s all for you today.
Do your best!!!
See you next lesson!
Qadrli о ‘quvchi Sizni kitobning 4-qisntini tugatganinglz bilan tabriklaymiz! Siz maxsus metodikamizning keyingI qismiga o‘tar ekansiz, o*ylaymizki, metodikani samara beruvchi 4 oddiy qoidasidan chetga chiqmagan holdakitobnl tantomladingiz! Aziz talaba! Keyingi metodikamizgd darxol о‘ting, chunki oldin takidlaganimizdak zanjir
Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |