* — —
No, he didn’t escape. Did he call all people?
No, he didn’t call all people.
Did he call journalists?
No, he didn’t call jaournalists.
Did he laugh when he heart about it?
No, he didn’t laugh when he heart about it.
What did he do then?
Not wasting a moment Chris called his friends.
Did he call the police?
No, he didn’t call the police.
Did he walk up the tree?
No, he didn’t walk up the tree.
Did he call a stranger?
No, he didn’t call a stranger. Those aliens described them a donkey.
Soon Chris’s friends arrived
They tried to scare those aliens by throwing stones, but in vain.
Yo‘q, u qochib ketmadi.
U hamma odamlami chaqirdimi?
Yo‘q, u hamma odamlami chaqirmadi.
U jumalistlami chaqirdimi?
Yo‘q, u jumalistlami chaqirmadi.
U bu haqida eshitganida kulib yubordimi?
Yo‘q, u bu haqida eshitganida kulib yubormadi.
U keyin nima qildi?
U bir minut o‘tkazmasdan do‘stini chaqirdi.
U politsiyaga qo‘ng‘iroq qildimi?
Yo‘q, u politsiyaga qo‘ng‘iroq qilmadi.
U daraxtga chiqib oldimi?
Yo‘q, u daraxtga chiqib olmadi.
U bir begonani chaqirdimi? Yo4q, u begonani chaqirmadi.
Anavi o‘zga sayyoraliklar eshakni tasvirlab berishdi. Tez orada Krisning do‘stlari yetib kelishdi.
Ular o4zga sayyoraliklarga toshlar otib qo‘rqitmoqchi boiishdi, lekin foydasiz bo‘ldi.
Did those aliens described a donkey.
Yes, those aliens described a donkey.
Did he wear a bag from frightening?
No, he didn’t wear a bag from frightening.
What did he do then?
Not wasting a moment Chris called his friends.
Didn’t his friends come?
No, his friends came.
Could his friends come on time?
Yes, his friends arrived soon.
Did his friends come slowly? No, his friends didn’t come slowly.
Did his friends take a photo?
No, they didn’t take photo. Did they take a video?
No, they didn’t take a video. Were they scared?
No, they weren’t scared. Were they brave as Chris? Yes, they were brave.
Did they try to fight with aliens?
0‘zga sayyoraliklar eshakni tasvirlab berishdimi?
Ha, ular eshakni tasvirlab berishdi.
U qo‘rqqanidan boshiga sumka kiyib oldimi?
Yo‘q, u qo‘rqqanidan sumka kiyib olmadi.
U keyin nima qildi?
U bir minut o‘tkazmasdan do‘stini chaqirdi.
Uning do‘stlari kelishmadimi? Yo‘q, uning do‘stlari keldi. Uning do‘stlari vaqtida kela oldimi?
Ha, uning do‘stlari tezda kelishdi.
Uning do‘stlari sekin keldimi? Yo‘q, uning do‘stlari sekin kelishmadi.
Uning do‘stlari rasmga oldimi?
Yo‘q, ular rasmga olishmadi. Ular videoga olishdimi?
Yo‘q, ular videoga olishmadi. Ular qo‘rqib ketdimi?
Yo‘q, ular qo‘rqib ketmadi. Ular Chrisdek jasur edimi? Ha, ular jasur edi.
Ular o(zga sayyoraliklar bilan urushmoqchi bo'ldimi?
Yes, they tried to scare them?
I low did they try to scare aliens?
They threw stones.
Did it work?
No, unfortunately, that was useless.
What was in vain?
Throwing stones to scare aliens was in vain.
)id Chris’s friends try to talk them?
No, they didn’t try to talk.
Did they try to make a friendship?
No, they didn’t try to make a friendship .
С )k what did they try to do?
They threw stones but it was useless.
Luckily, Mr. Groon, the fat inspector of the area arrived, with a frightened look on his face, he shot at those aliens.
Who arrived then?
Mr. Groon arrived.
Who was Mr. Groon?
Ha, ular ulami qo‘rqitishga harakat qildi.
Ular qanday qilib qo‘rqitmoqchi boTishdi?
Ular tosh otishdi.
Bu ish berdimi?
Yo‘q, afsuski, bu foydasiz edi.
Bu foydasiz boTdimi?
O’zga sayyoraliklarga tosh otish foydasiz boTdi.
Krisning do‘stlari ular bilan suhbatlashishga harakat qildimi?
Yo‘q, ular suhbatlashishga harkat qilishmadi.
Ular do‘stlik o‘matmoqchi boTishdimi?
Yo‘q, ular do‘stlik o‘matmoqchi boTishmadi.
Ok. Ular nima qilishga harakat qildi?
Ular tosh otishdi lekin bu foydasiz bo4 ldi.
Haliyam, hududning semiz inspektori Mr. Groon qo‘rquv bilan kelib qoldi. U o‘zga sayyoraliklarga qarata o‘q uzdi.
Keyin kim kelib qoldi?
Janob Grun kelib qoldi.
Janob Grun kim edi?
Mr. Groon was inspector.
Who was Mr. Groon with?
Mr. Groon wasn’t with anybody.
Did a clever, old man come?
No, a clever, old man didn’t come.
Did Sherlock Homas come? No, no, Sherlock didn’t come.
Did a slim and handsome inspector Charlie arrive?
No, a slim and handsome inspector Charlie didn’t arrive.
Did Mr. Groon the fat inspector of the area arrive?
Yes, Mr. Groon the fat inspector of the area arrived.
Was Mr. Groon an inspector?
Yes, he was an inspector.
Was he fat?
Yes, he was fat.
Was he also scared?
Yes, he was also frightened.
Did he shoot a donkey?
No, he didn’t shoot a donkey.
Did he shoot to the sky?
No, he didn’t shoot to the sky.
Janob Grun inspektor edi. Janob Grun kim bilan edi? Janob Grun hech kim bilan emas edi.
Bir aqlli, keksa odam kelib qoldimi?
Yocq, aqlli, keksa odam kelib qolmadi.
Sherlok Homas kelib qoldimi? Yo‘q, yo‘q, Sherlok kelib qolmadi.
Ozg‘m va kelishgan inspektor Charli kelib qoldimi?
Yo‘q, ozg‘in va kelishgan Charli kelib qolmadi.
Shu hududning semiz inspektori Janob Grun kelib qoldimi?
Ha, hududning semiz inspektori Janob Grun kelib qoldi.
Janob Grun inspektor edimi? Ha, u inspektor edi.
U semiz edimi?
Ha, u semiz edi.
U ham qo‘rqib ketdimi?
Ha, u ham qo‘rqib ketdi.
U eshakni otdimi?
Yo‘q, u eshakni otmadi.
U osmonga qaraq otdimi? Yo‘q, u osmonga qarab otmadi.
Where did he shoot?
с shot at those aliens.
I )id he have a gun?
Yes, because he was an inspector.
Did he shoot himself?
No, he didn’t shoot himself.
Did he shoot the boys?
No, he didn’t shoot the boys.
I )id Chris shot at that aliens?
No, Chris didn’t shoot them. Who shot the aliens, Chris’s friends?
No, not his friends, the inspector of the area Mr.
(iroon shoot them.
Did the alien shoot the inspector?
No, the alien didn’t shoot the inspector, the inspector shoot l hem.
()ne of them painted his linger at Mr. Groon. To everyone’s amazement, he became as thin as a stick, that made his body run cold
Did one of them point his linger at Chris?
Qayerga otdi?
U o‘zga sayyoraliklarga qarab otdi.
Uning quroli bor edimi?
Ha, chunki u inspektor edi.
U о‘zini otdimi?
Yo‘q, u о‘zini otmadi.
U bolalami otdimi?
Yo4q, u bolalami otmadi.
Bu o‘zga sayyoraliklami Kris otdimi?
Yo‘q, ulami Kris otmadi. O’zga sayyoraliklami kim otdi, Krisning do‘stlarimi? Yo‘q, Kristning do‘stlari emas, shu hududning inspektori Janob Grun otdi.
O’zga sayyoraliklar inspektomi otdimi?
Yo‘q, o‘zga sayyoraliklar inspektomi otmadi, inspektor ulami otdi.
Ulardan biri barmog6ini Janob Grunga qaratdi. Hammaning ko‘z oldida u cho6pdek ozg‘in bo4lib qoldi va tanasi muzlab ketdi.
Ulardan biri barmog‘ini Krisga qaratdimi?
No, not to Chris, he pointed his finger at Mr. Groon.
Was the fight going?
Yes, the fight had started already.
So, what happened then?
At everyone’s amazement the inspector became as thin as a stick.
Did he disappear?
No, he appeared.
Did he turned out a dog?
No, he didn’t turn out a dog.
Did he turn out a donkey? No, he didn’t turn out a donkey.
Did he turn out a bear?
No, he didn’t become a bear.
Did he become alien too?
No, he didn’t become like them.
Did he become a little man?
No, he didn’t become a little man.
Did he become a baby?
Yo*q, Krisga emas, u barmog‘mi Janob Grunga qaratdi.
Jang ketayotgan edimi?
Ha, jang allaqachon boshlangan edi.
Xo4sh, keyin nima bo‘ldi?
Hammaning ko‘z oldida inspektor cho4pdek ozg4inga aylanib qoldi.
U g4oyib boldimi?
Yo‘q, u g‘oyib bo‘lmadi.
U kuchukka aylanib qoldimi? Yo‘q, u kechukka aylanib qolmadi.
U eshakga aylanib qoldimi? Yo‘q, u eshakka aylanib qolmadi.
U ayiqga aylanib qoldimi? Yo‘q, u ayiqga aylanib qolmadi.
U ham o’zga sayyoralikka aylanib qoldimi?
Yo‘q, u ulardek bo'lib qolmadi.
U kichkina odamga aylanib qoldimi?
Yo‘q, u kichkina odamga aylanib qolmadi.
U chaqaloqga aylanib qoldimi?
No, he didn’t become a baby.
Did he become as thin as a
Yes, he became as thin as a
Was he scared?
Yes3 that made his body run cold.
Why did aliens do that?
Because, Mr. Groon shot them.
What made his body mn cold?
Having become as thin as a stick made his body run cold.
Did boys want them to do this again?
No, boys didn’t want this.
Did he feel ill when becoming as thin as a stick?
Yes, it happened.
Was Chris angry with them?
Yes, Chris was angry with (hem.
I >u1 all police get there from hearing it?
Yo‘q, u chaqaloqga aylanib qolmadi.
U cho‘pdek ozg‘inga aylanib qoldimi?
Ha, u cho‘pdek ozg‘inga aylanib qoldi.
U qo'rqib ketdimi?
Ha, uning tanasi muzlab ketdi.
Nega o'zga sayyoraliklar bunday qildi?
Chunki, Janob Grun ularga qarata otgan edi.
Uning tanasini nima muzlatdi?
Cho‘pdek o‘zg‘inga aylanayotganda muzlab qoldi.
Bolalar ulardan buni yana qilishini xohladimi?
Yo4q, bolalar buni xohlashmadi.
U cho‘pdek ozg‘inga aylanib qolayotganida mazasi qochdimi?
Ha, shunday bo‘ldi.
Krisning ulardan jahli chiqdimi?
Ha, Krisning ulardan jahli chiqdi.
Buni eshitib bu yerga butun politsiyachilar keldimi?
No, all police didn’t come. Because they weren’t heard.
Everybody laughed.
Chris bode his time and ran towards them, shouting at the top of his shrill voice.
Did everybody cry?
No, they didn’t cry.
Was Chris a brave boy than his friends?
Yes, he was brave so he was interested in adventure.
Did they laugh?
Yes, they laughed.
Where Chris run away?
Chris ran away towards to them.
Those aliens get the fright of their lives and vanish along with their spaceship. The kids are delighted. They have save their planet.
WThy those aliens get frightened?
Because of Chris’s brave.
Were they Chris’s enemies?
Yo‘q, butun politsiyachilar kelishmadi. Chunki ular eshitishmagan edi.
Hamma kuldi.
Kris ular tomonga yugurib bordi va bor ovozda ularga baqirdi.
Hamma yigiadimi?
Yo‘q, ular yigiamadi.
Kris do'stlariga qaraganda jasur edimi?
Ha, u jasur bola edi, shuning uchun ham sarguzashtlarga qiziqar edi.
Ular kuldimi?
Ha, ular kuldi.
Kris qayerga yugurdi?
Kris ular tomonga yugurdi.
06zga sayyoraliklar qo6rqib ketdi va o4zlarining fazo kemasiga kirib g‘oyib bo6ldi. Bolalar hursand bo6Iib ketdilar, ular o‘z sayyoralarini asrab qolgan edi.
Nima uchun anavi o‘zga sayyoraliklar qo‘rqib ketishdi? Krisning jasurligi tufayli.
Ular Krisning dushmanlari edimi?
Yes, they were Chris’s enemies.
Was Chris the bravest boy among them?
Yes, Chris was the bravest boy among them.
Were they Chris’s enemies?
Yes, they were Chris’s enemies.
Did birds vanish along the
No, they weren’t birds.
Who was they?
They were aliens.
Were aliens happy were frightened?
No, they weren’t, they got the (right.
Why were the kids happy?
Ha, ular Krisning dushmanlari edi.
Kris ulaming ichida eng jasuri edimi?
Ha, Kris ulaming ichida eng jasuri edi.
Ular Krisning dushmanlari edimi?
Ha, ular Krisning dushmanlari edi.
Qushlar osmon bo‘ylab yo‘q bo‘lib ketishdimi?
Yo‘q, ular qushlar emas edi.
Ular kimlar edi?
Ular o‘zga sayyoraliklar edi.
0‘zga sayyoraliklar hursand bo‘lishdimi?
Yo‘q, ular qo‘rqib ketishdi.
Nima uchun bollar xursand borishdi?
Chunki o‘zga sayyoraliklar qo‘rqib ketdi va g"oyib bo‘ldi.
Ular qochib ketdimi?
Ha, ular qochib ketishdi.
Bu voqea Krisga yoqdimi?
Ha, bu voqea Krisga yoqdi chunki bu ajoyib sarguzasht edi.
Sayyorani kim asrab qoldi? Sayyorani jolalar asrab qoldi.
Did boys love their planet? Yes, they loved their planet. Did that boys become heros? Yes, the boys become heros.
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