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Let’s sit straight Listen to this lesson 20 times a day minimum

  1. hour a day- You need to do this in order to get the best benefit from the story. Make sure that you are listening to them over and over each day. That’s for today good bye!!! Everything is •food for yo1i from these stories. Follow our destination which helps you English to be well improved.


Welcome to the third mini story lesson, as usual in the mini story lesson you should try to answer the questions as possible as you can. So are you ready, in that case let’s start!

Ann who did not woht to have a brother

A ten — year - old girl named Ann, was the only child in the family.

Was there a widow?

No, there was not a widow.

Was she one of the twins?

No, she wasn’t one of twins.

Was there a woman named Margaret?

No, there was not a woman named Margaret.

Was there an old woman?

No, there wasn’t an old woman.

Was there a girl named Ann?

Yes, there was a girl named Ann.

Was Ann a doll?

No, she wasn’t a doll.

Was she two years old?

0‘n yoshli Ann ismli qiz, oilasida yolg‘iz farzand edi.

Bir beva bo‘lgan edimi?

Yo‘q, bir beva bo‘lmagan edi.

U egizak farzandlardan biri edimi?

Yo‘q, u egizaklardan biri emas edi.

Margaret ismli ayol bo‘lgan edimi? .

Yo‘q, Margaret ismli ayol yo‘q edi.

Bir keksa ayol bo‘lgan edimi?

Yo‘q, bir keksa ayol bo'lmagan edi.

Anna ismli qiz bo‘lgan edimi?

Ha, Anna ismli qiz bo‘lgan edi.

Ann qo‘g‘irchoq edimi?

Yo‘q, u qo‘g‘irchoq emas edi. U ikki yosh edimi?

No, she was not two years old.

Was she eleven year old?

No, she wasn’t eleven year old.

Was she a toddler?


No, she was not a toddler.

Was she middle-aged?

No, she wasn’t middle-aged.

How old was she?

She was ten years old.

Was there a ten-year-old girl named Isabella?

No, there wasn’t a ten-year- old girl named Isabella.

Was she second child in the family?

No, she was not the second child in the family.

Was she the elder child in the family?

No, she was not the elder child in the family.

Was she the only child in the family?

Yes, she was the only child in the family.

Did she know what she was the only child in their family?

Yo‘q, u ikki yosh emas edi.

U 11 yoshli edimi?

Yo‘q, u o‘n bir yoshli emas edi.

U endi emaklagan chaqaloq edimi?

Yo'q, u emaklagan chaqaloq emas edi.

U o'rta yosh edimi?

Yo‘q, u o‘rta yosh emas edi.

U necha yosh edi?

U o4n yosh edi.

Isabella ismli o‘n yoshli qiz bor edimi?

Yo‘q, o‘n yoshli Isabella ismli qiz yo‘q edi.

U oilada ikkinchi farzand edimi?

Yo‘q, u oilada ikkinchi farzand emas edi.

U oilada bosh farzand edimi?

Yo‘q, u oilada bosh farzand emas edi.

U oilada yolg‘iz farzand edimi?

Ha, u oilada yolg‘iz farzand edi.

U oilasida yolg‘iz farzand ekanligini bilar edimi?

Yes, she knew and she was proud of that.

Of course, she was spoilt a little, but it did not disturb her. The attention was all her, consequently she was the apple of her parent’s eyes. She was clever.

Was she pampered?

Yes, she was spoilt a little.

Was she pretty?

Yes, she was pretty but pampered.

Was she kind?

No, she wasn’t kind.

Did it disturb her?

No, it did not disturb her.

Was she diligent?

No,she wasn’t diligent.

Was she a good girl?

Yes of course, he was a good girl.

Was all attention given to Margaret.

No, all attention was not given to Margaret.

Did she love her parents?

Yes, she loved her parents very much.

Ha, u bilar va bu bilan faxrlanar edi.

Albatta u biroz erkaroq ediyu, lekin bu uni tashvishga solmas edi. Shunday qilib u ota- onasining ko‘z qorachig‘i edi. U aqlli edi.

U erka edimi?

Ha, u biroz erka edi.

U yoqimtoy edimi?

Ha, u yoqimtoy lekin erka edi.

U mehribon edimi?

Yo‘q, u mehribon emas edi.

Bu uni havotirga qo‘yar edimi?

Yo‘q, bu uni havotirga qo'ymas edi.

U mehnatsevar edimi?

Yo‘q, u mehnatsevar emas edi.

U yaxshi qiz edimi?

Ha albatta, u yaxshi qiz edi.

Hamma e’tibor Margaretda edimi?

Yo‘q, hamma e’tibor Margaretda emas edi.

U ota onasini yaxshi ko‘rar edimi?

Ha, u ota onasini yaxshi ko‘rar edi.

Was she a heir?

Yes, she was a heir.

Was all attention given to Ann’s?

Yes, all the attention was Ann’s.

Was she the adorable child her parents?

Yes, she was the apple of her parents eyes.

Was not she kind to her parents?

No, she wasn’t kind to her parents.

Did her parents count her a little princess?

Yes, her parents counted her a little princess.

Did her parents flutter her?

Yes, her parents fluttered her.

Was she the third child in her family?

No, she wasn’t the third child in the family.

Was she the last child in the family?

No, she wasn’t the last child in the family.

Was she dull?

No, she was not dull.

U merosxo4r edimi?

Ha, u merosxo‘r edi.

Hamma e’tibor Annada edimi?

Ha, hamma e’tibor Annada edi, .

U ota onasining aziz farzandi edimi?

Ha, u ota onasining aziz farzandi edi.

U ota onasiga mehrsiz edimi?

Yo‘q, u ota-onasiga mehrsiz emas edi.

Uning ota-onasi uni kichik malika deb hisoblar edimi?

Ha, uning ota onasi uni kichik malika deb hisoblar edi.

Uning ota-onasi unga parvona bo‘lishar edimi?

Ha, uning ota-onasi unga parvona bo‘lishar edi.

U oilasida uchunchi farzand edimi?

Yo4q, u oilada uchunchi farzand emas edi.

U oilada oxirgi farzand edimi?

Yo‘q, u oilada oxirgi farzand emas edi.

U aqlsiz edimi?

Yo‘q, u aqlsiz emas edi.

Was she egoist?

No, she was not egoist.

Was she clever?

Yes, she was clever.

Was she secretive?

No, she wasn’t secretive.

Was she trouble maker?

No, she wasn’t trouble maker. Was she a beautiful girl?

Yes, she was beautiful.

Was she dumb?

No, she wasn’t dumb.

Did she understand things


Yes, she understood things fast.

Did she want to change her character?

No5 she didn’t want to change her character.

She felt luck and she always got undivided attention from her parents. Being alone made her close to animals. She had a dog and she always played with him.

Was she loser?

No, she was not adopter.

U egoist edimi?

Yo‘q, u egoist emas edi.

U aqlli edimi?

Ha, u aqlli edi.

U pismiq edimi?

Yo'q, u pismiq emas edi.

U to*polonchi edimi?

Yo‘% u to*polonchi emas edi.

U chiroyli qiz edimi?

Ha, u chiroyli edi.

U soqov edimi?

Yo‘q, u soqov emas edi.

U hamma narsani tez tushunib olar edimi?

Ha, u hamma narsani tez tushunib olar edi.

U harakterini o‘zgartirishni xohladimi?

Yo‘q, u harakterini o‘zgartirishni xohlamadi.

U baxtli va doim ota onasidan to‘kis e’tibor olar edi. Yolg‘iz bo‘lish uni hayvonlarga nisbatan yaqinlikka olib bordi. Uning kuchugi bor edi va doim u bilan ocynar edi.

U asrandi edimi?

Yo‘q, u asrandi emas edi.

Was she a child of hex parents relatives?

No, she was their own child.

Was she the king*s daughter?

No, she wasn’t the king's girl.

Did she always smile?

Yes, she always smiled.

Did she feel luck?

Yes, she felt luck.

Was she unclever?

No, she wasn’t unclever.

Did she get more attention from her friends?

No, she did not get more attention from her friends.

Did she get undivided attention from her parents?

Yes, she got undivided attention from her parents.

Was she alone?

Yes, she was alone, because she was the only child in the family.

Hut, she was so happy, wasn’t she?

Yes, she was happy.

Was she close to animals?

U ota onasining qarindoshlarming farzandi edimi?

Yo‘q, u ulaming o‘z!aximng farzandi edi.

U qirol qizi edimi?

Yo‘q, u qirol qizi emas edi.

U doimo kulib yurar edimi?

Ha, u doimo kulib yurar edi.

U baxtli edimi?

Ha, u baxtli edi.

U aqlsiz edimi?

Yo‘q, u aqlsiz emas edi.

U do‘stlaridan ko4p e’tibor olar edimi?

Yo‘q, u do‘ stlaridan ko'p e’tibor olmas edi.

U ota-onasidan to4kis e’tibor olar edimi?

Ha, u ota-onasidan to‘kis e’tibor olar edi.

U yolg'iz edimi?

Ha, u yolg'iz edi, chunki u oilada bitta farzand edi.

Lekin, u juda baxtli edi, shundaymi?

Ha, u baxtli edi.

U hayvonlarga mehribon edimi?

Yes, she was close to animals. Why?

Because being alone made her close to animals.

Did she hate animals?

No, she didn’t hate animals.

Did she have a cat?

No, she did not have a cat.

Did she have a monkey?

No, she didn’t have a monkey.

Did she have a lot of animals?

No, she didn’t have a lot of animals.

Did she have a dog?

Yes, she had a puppy.

Did she play with him?

Yes, she always played with him.

One day, accidently she heard parents5 conversation. They were happy, and she heard how her mother said about baby.

Did she hear terrible conversation?

Ha, u hayvonlarga mehribon edi.


Chunki yolg‘iz bo6lish uni hayvonlarga nisbatan yaqinlikga olib bordi.

U hayvonlardan nafratlanar edimi?

Yo‘q, u hayvonlardan nafratlanmas edi.

Uning mushugi bor edimi?

Yo‘q, uning mushugi yo‘q edi.

Uning may muni bor edimi?

Yo‘q, uning maymuni yo‘q edi.

Uning ko‘p hayvonlari bor edimi?

Yo‘q, uning ko‘p hayvonlari yo4q edi.

Uning kuchugi bor edimi?

Ha, uning kuchugi bor edi.

U u bilan o‘ynar edimi?

Ha, u doim u bilan o‘ynar edi.

Bir kun, to‘satdan u ota onasining suhbatini eshitib qoldi. Ular hursand edi va u onasi chaqaloq haqida qanday ohangda gapirganini eshitdi.

U dahshatli suhbatni eshitdimi?

No, she didn’t hear terrible conversation.

Did she hear neighbors’ conversation?

No, she did not hear neighbors’ conversation.

Did she hear new’s on the radio?

No, he didn’t listen to the radio.

  1. )id she hear news on TV?

No, she didn’t hear news on TV.

Whose conversation did she hear?

She heard parents’ conversation.

Were they sad?

No, they were not sad.

Were their parents on nine clouds?

Yes, their parents were on nine clouds.

Did they say that they didn’t need Ann any longer?

No, no, they didn’t say like that.

Did her father told Ann not to stay here no longer?

Yo‘q, u dahshatli suhbatni eshitmadi.

U qo'shnisining suhbatini eshitib qoldimi?

Yo‘q, u qo‘shnisining suhbatini eshitib qolmadi.

U radioda yangilik eshitib qoldimi?

Yo‘q, u radio eshitmas edi.

U televizorda yangilik eshitdimi?

Yo‘q, u televizorda yangilik eshitmadi.

Kimning suhbatini eshitib qoldi?

U ota onasining suhbatini eshitib qoldi.

Ular hafa edimi?

Yo‘q, ular hafa emas edi.

Uning ota onasi yettinchi osmonda uchar edimi?

Ha, uning ota onasi yettinchi osmonda uchar edi.

Ular Annaga endi ularga boshqa kerak emasligini aytdimi?

Yo‘q, yo‘q, ular bunaqa degani yo‘q.

Uning dadasi Annani ortiq bu yerda qolmasligini aytdimi?

No, her father didn’t tell Ann not to stay here no longer.

Did she hear how her mother said about her dilemma?

No, she did not hear how her mother said about her dilemma.

Did she hear about her teacher?

No, she didn’t hear about her teacher.

Did she hear parents * argument?

No, she did not hear parents’ argument.

Did they want Ann to sent to another country for studying?

No, they didn’t think about it.

Did she hear her mohers crying?

No, she didn’t hear her mother’s crying.

So, what did she hear?

She heard how her mother said about baby.

Were they happy?

Yes, they were happy.

Did her parents love Ann?

Yo - q, uning dadasi Annani boshqa bu yerda qolmasligini aytmadi.

U onasining qanchalik tang ahvolda ekanligini eshitdimi?

Yo‘q, u onasining qanchalik tang ahvolda ekanligini eshitmadi.

U o‘qituvchisi haqida eshitdimi?

Yo‘q, u o‘qituvchisi haqida eshitmadi.

U ota-onasining bahslarini eshitdimi?

Yo‘q, u ota-onasining bahslarini eshitmadi.

Ular Annani boshqa davlatga

о qish uchun j о ‘ natishni xohladimi?

Yo‘q, ular bu haqida o‘ylamagan edi.

U onasining yigTayotganini eshitdimi?

Yo‘q, u onasining yig‘layotganini eshitmadi.

Xo‘sh, u nima eshitdi.

U onasining chaqaloq haqida qanday aytayotganini eshitdi.

Ular hursand edimi?

Ha, ular hursand edi.

Uning ota-onasi Annani yaxshi ko‘rar edimi?

Yes, her parents loved Ann.

Ota my god! Baby, she said about baby. I would have a roommate and I must share with him all my toys and parents3 attention. No, never. It’s impossible, no! “ she thought.

Did her mother tell about she was ill?

No, her mother didn’t tell about she was ill.

Did she tell that she wanted her to move?

No, she didn’t tell that she wanted her to move.

Did her mother say about baby?

Yes, her mother said about baby.

Was it good news?

Yes, it was good news, but Ann wasn’t happy.

Did her mother tell that she wanted their neighbours child to look after?

No, her mother didn't tell that she wanted their neighbours child to look after.

Ha, uning ota-onasi Annani yaxshi ko‘rar edi.

Ey hudo! Chaqaloq, u chaqaloq haqida shunday dedi. Men xonadoshli bo‘larkanman, endi hamma o‘yinchog‘u ota-onam mehrini bo‘lishishim kerak. Yo‘q, hechqachon. Bu mumkin emas” deb o‘yladi.

Onasi kasalligi haqida aytdimi?

Yo‘q, onasi kasalligi haqida aytmadi.

U uni ko'chirishni xohlashini aytdimi?

Yo‘q, u uni ko‘chirishini xohlashini aytmadi.

Onasi chaqaloq haqida aytdimi?

Ha, onasi chaqaloq haqida aytdi.

Bu yaxshi yangilik edimi?

Ha, bu yaxshi yangilik edi, lekin Anna hursand bo‘lmadi.

Uning onasi qo‘shnisining bolasiga g‘amxo‘rlik qilishini aytdimi?

Yo*q, uning onasi qo'shnisining farzandiga gtanixosrlik qilishini aytmadi.

Did he mother wanted her to cry?

No, her mother didn’t want her to cry.

Did Ann pass out?

No, she didn’t pass out.

Was she happy?

No, she was not happy.

Was Ann unhappy?

Yes, Ann wasn’t unhappy.

Did she wanted to cry?

Yes, she wanted to cry.

Was she angry?

Yes, she was angry.

Did she flown at that time?

Yes, because she didn’t like that news.

Was her father angry with news?

No, her father wasn’t angry with news.

So, why was not she happy?

Because she was worrying about sharing with him all she had.

Did she fell strange feeling? Yes, she felt strange feeling.

Onasi uni yig'lashini xohladimi?

Yo‘q, onasi uni yig‘lashini xohlamadi.

Anna hushidan ketdimi?

Yo‘q, u hushidan ketmadi.

U hursand boldimi?

Yo‘q, u hursand bo‘lmadi.

Anna hursand emasmidi?

Ha, Anna hursand emas edi.

U yig‘lashni xohladimi?

Ha, u yig‘lashni xohladi.

U jahldor edimi?

Ha, u jahldor edi.

U o‘sha paytda qovoq soldimi?

Ha, chunki unga bu yangilik yoqmadi.

Uning dadasining yangilikdan jahli chiqib ketdimi?

Yocq, uning dadasining yangilikdan jahli chiqmadi.

Xo‘sh, nega hursand bo‘lmadi.

Chunki u endi butun borligi taqsimlanishidan havotirda edi.

U qandaydir begona tuyg‘uni his qildimi?

Ha, u begona bir tuyg‘uni his qildi.

Did she think that she was the only child?

Yes, she thought that she was only the child.

Wasn’t it true?

Yes, it wasn’t true.

Did she think about him ‘‘thief’?

Yes, a little.

Was her mother tired of her character?

No, he wasn’t tired of her character.

Did she want her to play her toys with him?

No, she did not want to share with him her toys.

Did she want to share with him parents attention?

No, she did not want to share with him parents’ attention.

Did she think about all money?

No, she didn’t think about all money.

Did she say it to her parents?

No, she did not tell it to her parents, she just thought it.

Did he start to hate this situation?

U doim yolg‘iz farzand bo‘lib qolaman deb o‘ylar edimi?

На, u doim yolgMz farzand bo‘lib qolaman deb o‘ylar edi.

Bu to‘g‘ri emas edimi?

Ha, bu to‘g4ri emas edi.

U u haqida “0‘g‘ri” deb o'yladimi?

Ha, ozroq.

Uning oyisi uning harakteridan charchagan edimi?

Yo‘q, u uning harakteridan charchamagan edi.

U o‘yinchoqlarini u bilan o‘ynashni xohladimi?

Yo‘q, u ocyinchoqlarini u bilan bo‘lishishni xohlamadi.

U ota ona mehrini taqsim- lanishini xohladimi?

Yo‘q, u ota onasi mehrini bo‘linishini xohlamadi.

U butun pul, boyliklar haqida o‘yladimi?

Yo‘q, u butun pul-u boyliklar haqida o‘ylamadi.

U buni ota onasiga aytdimi?

Yocq, u buni ota onasiga aytmadi, u faqat o‘yladi.

U bu holatdan nafratlanishni boshladimi?

Yes, because she wanted to be the only child.

The next day her mother informed that she was pregnant. Ann was scared; she could not agree with it and thought only about one thing: if they had a baby they could forget about her. From that day she changed.

Did her mother say that she wanted to adopt the child?

No, she didn’t tell that she wanted to adopt the child.

Did her parents feel their daughters bad feeling?

No, they couldn’t feel.

Did she tell that she wanted to adopt pets?

No, she did not tell that she wanted to adopt pets.

What did she tell?

She informed about her pregnancy.

Was her mother happy?

Yes, her mother was happy.

Did her mother wait for twins?

No, her mother didn’t wait for twins.

Ha, chunki u yolg‘iz farzand bo4lishni xohlar edi.

Keyingi kuni onasi unga homilador ekanligini aytdi. Anna qo4rqib ketdi. U hunga rozi bo4Iolmadi va faqat bitta narsa haqida o‘yladi: agar ularning yana farzandi boiganda ular u haqida unutardi 0’sha kundan u o‘zgardi.

Uning onasi farzand asrab olishini aytdimi?

Yo‘q, u farzand asrab olishi haqida aytmadi.

Uning ota onasi qizining yomon tuyg‘ularini sezdimi?

Yo‘q, ular his qila olishmadi.

U hayvonlar asrab olishi haqida aytdimi?

Yo‘q, u hayvonlar asrab olishi haqida aytmadi.

U nimani aytdi?

U homiladorligi haqida habar berdi.

Uning onasi hursand edimi? Ha, uning onasi hursand edi. Onasi egizak kutdimi?

Yo‘q, onasi egizak kutmadi.

Was Ann’s aunt pregnant?

Annaning holasi homilador edimi?

Yo‘q, Annaning holasi hamilador emas edi.

Anna hursand bo‘ldimi?

Yo‘q, u qo‘rqib ketdi.

Bu yangilik unga bo4
mbadek yomon boldimi?

Ha, bu yangilik unga bombadek yomon bo‘ldi.

U yig‘lashni boshladimi?

Yo‘q, u buni sir saqladi.

U buni qabul qiloldimi?

Yo‘q, u buni qabul qilolmadi.

Nima haqida o‘yladi?

U agar ular yana farzandli bo‘lishsa unda u haqida unutishini o‘yladi.

U chaqaloqni mehmon deb o‘yladimi?

Yo‘q, u uni mehmon deb o‘ylamadi.

U qattiq havotir olishni boshladimi?

Ha, u qattiq havotir olishni boshiadi.

U kuchukchasidan havotir oldimi?

Yo‘q, u kuchukchasidan havotir olmadi.
o, Anns aunt wasn’t pregnant.

Was Ann. happy?

No, she was scared.

Was this new’s bad as the bomb for her?

Yes, this new’s was bad as the bomb for her.

Did she begin to cry?

No, she kept it secret Could she agree with it?

No, she could not agree with it.

About what did she think?

She thought that if they had a baby they could forget about her.

Did she think that the baby was a guest?

No, she didn’t think that he was a guest.

Did she begin worrying hard?

Yes, she began worrying hard.

Did she worry about her puppy?

No, she didn’t worry about her puppy.

Did she change?

Yes, from that day she changed.

Did she feel herself rejects?

Yes, she felt herself rejects.

She had been cheerful but then she frowned to people, she became reserved. She always worried about parents’ attention.

Was she cheerful?

Yes, she had been cheerful, but then she frowned to people.

Was her little world full of happiness?

No, her little world wasn’t full of happiness.

Did her little world injured? Yes, her little world injured.

Did she laught at a lot?

Yes, she did, but then she stopped it.

Was she making mistake at that time?

Yes, she was a making mistake at that time.

U o‘zgardimi?

Ha, o‘sha kundan boshlab u o'zgardi.

U o‘zini tashlandiqdek his qildimi? .

Ha, u uni tashlandiqdek his qildi.

U quvnoq edi, keyin u odamlarga qovoq sola boshladi, u odamoviga aylandi. U har doim ota onasi e’tibori haqida tashvishlanar edi.

U quvnoq edimi?

Ha, u quvnoq edi, lekin odamlarga qovoq solishni boshladi.

Uning kichik dunyosi baxtga to‘ldimi?

Yo‘q, uning kichik dunyosi baxtga to‘lmadi.

Uning kichik dunyosi j arohatlandimi?

Ha, uning kichik dunyosi jarohatlandi.

U ko‘p kular edimi?

Ha, u ko‘p kular edi, lekin keyin u buni to‘xtatdi.

U o‘sha payti xato qilayotgan edimi?

Ha, u o‘sha payti xato qilayotgan edi.

Did her mother try her to change?

No, her mother didn’t try her to change.

Did she become talkative?

No, she did not become talkative.

Did she become a lier?

No, she didn’t become a lier?

Did she say this news her friends?

No, because she had very few friends.

Did she become reserved? Yes, she became reserved.

Did she lock her door?

No, she didn’t lock her door.

Was she a bad girl?

No, she wasn’t a bad girl.

Did she begin to hate her parents?

No, she didn’t begin to hate her parents.

Did she worry about her pet?

No, she did not worry about her pet.

Did she think about her cat?

Uning oyisi uni o'zgartirishga harakat qildimi?

Yo‘q, uning oyisi uni o‘zgar- tirishga harakat qilmadi.

U sergapga aylandimi?

Yo‘q, u sergapga aylanmadi.

U yolg‘onchiga aylandimi? Yocq, u yolg‘onchiga aylanmadi.

U bu yangilikni do‘stlariga aytdimi?

Yo‘q, chunki uning deyarli do‘stlari yo‘q edi.

U odamoviga aylandimi?

Ha, u odamoviga aylandi.

U eshigini qulflab oldimi? Yo‘q, u eshigini qulflab olmadi.

U yomon qiz edimi?

Yo‘q, u yomon qiz emas edi. U ota onasidan nafratlanishni boshladimi?

Yo‘q, u ota onasidan nafratlanishni xohlamadi.

U sevimli hayvonlari haqida qayg‘urdimi?

Yo4q, u sevimli hayvonlari haqida qayg‘urmadi.

U mushugi haqida o‘yladimi?


No, she didn’t think about her cat.

About what did she worry?

She worried about her parents’ attention.

Did she become ill?

No, she didn’t become ill.

Wasn’t she happy?

Yes, she wasn’t happy.

She thought that the baby would not be her friend, that would be her enemy.

Did she think that the baby would be her friend?

No, she did not think that the baby would be her friend.

Did she gather her all toys in the box?

No, she thought but didn’t do.

Did she think that the baby would be her enemy?

Yes, she thought that the baby would be her enemy.

Was her little world injured?

Yes, she worried hard about it.

Who thought the baby would be her enemy?

Yo‘q, u mushugi haqida o‘ylamadi.

U nimadan tashvishga tushdi?

U ota onasi e’tiboriyu mehridan tashvishga tushdi.

U kasal bo‘lib qoldimi?

Yo‘q, u kasal bo‘lib qolmadi.

U hursand emas edimi?

Ha, u hursand emas edi.

U chaqaloq uning do‘sti emas, aksincha dushmani bo‘lishi haqida o‘yladi.

U chaqaloqni uning do‘sti bo4ishi haqida o‘yladimi?

Yo‘q, u chaqaloqni uning do‘sti boiishi haqida o‘ylamadi.

U hamma o‘yinchoqlarini qutining ichiga yig‘dimi?

Yo‘q, u faqat o‘ylar edi, lekin bunday qilmadi.

U chaqaloqni uning dushmani bo‘lishini o‘yladimi? 4

Ha, u chaqaloqni uning dushmani bo‘lishini o‘yladi.

Uning ichki (kichik) dunyosi jarohatlandimi?

Ha, u bu haqida qattiq qayg‘urdi.

Kim chaqaloqni uning dushmani bo‘lishini o'yladi.

Ann thought the baby would be her enemy.

But the day came, her father, held her hands and said: “Ok, come with me my sweetheart”. She frightened.

Did her mother hold her hands?

No, her mother did not hold her hands.

Did she hold her fathers hand?

No, she didn’t hold her father’s hand.

Who held her hands?

Ann’s father held her hands.

Did Am get her hands?

No, she didn’t get her hands.

Did her father want her to see the baby?

Yes, her father wanted her to see the baby.

Did he say: “Ok stop being fussy”.

No, he did not say: “ok stop being fussy.

Did he take her to the ground floor?

Anna chaqaloqni o‘zining dushmani bo‘lishini o^yladi. Lekin o4sha kun keldi, uning dadasi qo‘lidan tutdi va dedi “Yaxshi, yur men bilan shirmim”. U qo‘rqib ketdi. Uning qo‘lidan onasi tutdimi?

Yo4 q, uning qo4 lidan onasi tutmadi.

U dadasining qo‘lidan tutdimi?

Yo‘q, u dadasining qo‘lidan tutmadi..

Uning qo‘lidan kim tutdi unda?

Annaning dadasi uning qo‘llaridan tutdi.

Anna qo‘llarini tortib oldimi? Yo‘q, u qo‘liar ini tortib olmadi.

Uning dadasi uni chaqaloqni ko‘rishini xohladimi?

Ha, uning dadasi uni chaqaloqni ko^rishini xohladi.

U unga “Havotirlanishni to‘xtat” dedimi?

Yo‘q, u: “Havotirlanishni to‘htat” demadi.

U uni yer to‘laga olib bordimi?

No, he loved her daughter.

So, what did he say?

He said: “Ok, come with me my sweetheart”.

Did she stop crying then?

No, she didn’t cry.

So, what did she do then?

She was frightened.

Did she start shouting?

No, she didn’t start shouting. And she started begging:” Please, dad, do not leave me in the forest. I will be good girl and will help my mother, don’t leave there”.

Did she start begging?

Yes, she started begging.

Did her mother come to help?

No, her mother didn’t come to help.

Did she say: “please leave me alone”?

No, she did not say that, her dad did not leave her hand.

Did her father leave her hand then?

Yo‘q, u qizini yaxshi ko‘rar edi.

Xo‘sh, u nima dedi?

U aytdi: “Yur men bilan shirinim”.

Keyin u yig‘lashni to‘xtatdimi?

Yo‘q, u yig‘lamagan edi. Xo‘sh, u keyin nima qildi?

U qo‘rqib ketdi.

U baqirishni boshladimi? Yo‘q, u baqirishni boshlamadi. Va u yalinishni boshladi. “Iltimos dadajon meni o‘rmonga tashlab kelmang. Men yaxshi qiz bo‘laman va oyimga yordam beraman, u yerga olib borib tashlamang”.

U yalinishni boshladimi?

Ha, u yalinishni boshladi.

Uning oyisi yordamga keldimi?

Yo‘q, uning oyisi yordam berishga kelmadi.

U “Iltimos meni yolg‘iz qoldiring” dedimi?

Yo‘q, u bunday demadi, uning dadasi qo‘lini qo‘yib yubormadi.

Keyin uning dadasi uni qo‘lini qo‘yib yubordimi?

No, he didn’t.

So what did she say?

Please, dad, do not leave me in the forest. I will be good girl and will help my mother, don’t leave there” she begged.

Did she hide under the bed?

No, she didn’t hide under the bed.

Did she think that her father wanted her to leave in the forest?

Yes, she thought that her father wanted her to leave in the forest.

Did her father leave her at neighbor’s home?

No, her father didn’t leave her at neighbor’s home.

Was her dad a bad man?

No, her father wasn’t a bad man.

The father was astonished and took her to another room and said nothing. There was a beautiful cradle, and she heard a strange voice, she came closer and saw a little creature.


Xo‘sh, u nima dedi?

U “iltimos meni o‘rmonga olib borib tashlamang. Yaxshi qiz bo‘lib, oyimga yordam beraman” deb yalindi.

U kravat tagiga berkinib oldimi?

Yo‘q, u kravat tagiga berkinib olmadi.

U dadasi uni o“rmonga tashlab kelmoqchi deb o‘yladimi?

Ha, uning dadasi uni o‘rmonga tashlab kelmoqchi deb o‘yladi.

Uning dadasi uni qo'shni- sining uyiga tashlab keldimi?

Yo‘q, uning dadasi uni qo‘shni- sining uyiga tashlab kelmadi.

Uning dadasi yomon odam edimi?

Yo‘q, uning dadasi yomon odam emas edi.

Dadasi hayron qoldi va uni boshqa xonaga olib bordi. U yerda chiroyli belanchak bor edi. U begona ovozni eshitdi, u yaqinroq keldi va kichkina mo6jizani ko4rdi.

Was he astonished?

Yes, he was astonished.

Had he ever seen his daughter like that?

Yes, he had never seen his daughter like that.

Was he surprised?

Yes, he was surprised.

Did he punish her?

No, he did not punish her.

What did he do then?

He took her to another room and said nothing.

Did her father say anything?

No, her father didn’t say anything.

Did she see a big gift for her?

No, she didn’t see a big gift for her.

Wbat did she see there?

She saw a beautiful cradle.

Was she seared?

No, she was not scared.

Did she hear a roar?

No, she did not hear a roar.

Did she hear a voice of her enemy’s gun?

U hayron qoldimi?

Ha, u hayron qoldi.

U qizini hech bunaqa ahvolda ko‘rmagan edimi?

Ha, u qizini hech bunaqa ahvolda ko'rmagan edi.

U hayratda edimi?

Ha, u hayratda edi.

U uni urushdimi?

Yo‘q, u uni urushmadi.

U keyin nima qildi?

U uni boshqa xonaga obordi va hech narsa demadi.

Uning dadasi unga nimadir dedimi?

Yo‘q, uning dadasi unga hech narsa demadi.

U u yerda unga atalgan katta sovg‘ani ko4rdimi?

Yo‘q, u u yerda unga atalgan katta sovg‘ani ko‘rmadi.

U u yerda nimani ko‘rdi?

U u yerda chiroyli beshikni ko‘rdi.

U qo‘rqib ketdimi?

Yo4q, u qo‘rqib ketmadi.

U qichqirgan ovoz eshitdimi?

Yo‘q, u qichqiriq ovoz eshitmadi.

U dushmanining qurolining

ovozini eshitdimi?

No, there there wasn’t any enemy?

What did she hear?

She heard a strange voice.

Did she run away?

No, she did not run away.

Did she come closer?

Yes she came closer.

Did she want this herself?

Yes, she came closer herself. Where did she come closer? She came closer to the cradle. What did she see in it?

She saw a little creature.

Did she see a toddler?

Mo, she didn't see s toddler.

Did she begin smiling?

Yes, she begin smiling.

Is this my enemy who wants to get my parents’ love, I supposed to see an ugly and disgusting human being, bat my enemy looks nice and she looks like me” she smiled happily.

Did she see an ugly and disgusting baby?

No, she didn’t see an ugly and disgusting baby

Yo'q, u yerda umuman dushmani yo‘q edi.

U nima eshitdi?

U begona bir ovoz eshitdi.

U qochib ketdimi?

Yo‘q, u qochib ketmadi.

XJ yaqinroq keldimi?

Ha, u yaqinroq keldi.

Buni uning o‘zi xohladimi?

Ha, uning oszi yaqinroq bordi. U qayerga yaqinroq keldi?

U belanchakga yaqinroq keldi. U uni ichida nima ko‘rdi?

U kichkina mo‘jizani ko‘rdi.

U emaklagan bola kcfrdimi ? Yo'q, u emaklagan bola ko*rmadi.

U jilmayishni boshladimi?

Ha, u jilmayishni boshladi. “Bu o*sha ota onamning mehrini olishni xohlagan dushmammmi, men u hunuk va yoqimsiz boiadi deb haron edim, lekin u juda yoqimli ko‘rinar ekan va ©‘zimga o‘hshar ekan” deya jilmaydi.

U hunuk va yoqimsiz chaqaloqni ko'rdimi?

Yo‘q, u hunuk va yoqimsiz chaqaloqni ko'rmadi.


Did she see such a sweet baby?

Yes, she saw such a sweet baby.

Did she dislike him?

No, she liked him.

Was the baby nice?

Yes, the baby was nice.

Did she suppose to see an ugly and disgusting human being?

Yes, she supposed to see an ugly and disgusting human being.

Did the baby look like her? Yes, the baby looked like her. Did she like her enemy?

Yes, she liked her little enemy.

Now, wasn’t he an enemy? Yes, now he wasn’t an enemy.

Did she forget that how she was ten minutes ago?

Yes, she forgot, because she met neith miracle.

Did she feel hot feelings?

Yes, he felt hot feelings.

Did she frown to him?

U shunaqa shirin chaqaloq ko‘rdimi?

Ha, shunaqa chiroyli chaqaloq ko‘rdi.

U uni yoqtirmadimi?

Yo4q, u uni yoqtirdi.

Chaqaloq yoqimli edimi?

Ha, u yoqimli edi.

U hunuk va yoqimsiz chaqaloqni ko‘raman deb hayron edimi?

Ha, u hunuk va yoqimsiz odam ko‘raman deb hayron edi. j

Chaqaloq unga o‘xshar edimi?

Ha, chaqaloq unga o‘xshar edi.

U dushmanini yoqtirdimi?

Ha, u kichkina dushmanini yoqtirdi.

Endi, u dushman emas edimi?

Ha, endi u dushman emas edi.

U 10 daqiqa avval qanday ahvoldaligini unutdimi?

Ha, u unutdi, chunki uning ko‘z o‘ngida mo‘jiza sodir bo‘lgan edi.

U iliq hissiyotlar girdobida edimi?

Ha, u iliq hissiyotlar girdobida edi.

U unga qovoq soldimi?

No, she smiled happily. Yo'q, u hursand holda


Were they happy now? Ular endi baxtli edimi?

Yes, now they are happy. Ha, ular endi baxtli.

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