Ok, thatts alt today’s POV lessons. Be sure to remember listen to these lessons every day. For at least one week, seven days, make sure listen о these over and over. And as you do remember to move your body smile, jump, and shout while do it Remember always enjoy your English learning. See you next time bye, bye!!!
lOOKNOMY i Company
Welcome to the second mini story lessonf as usual in the mini story lesson you should try to answer the questions as possible us you can. So are you ready, in that case let's start.
Frank who is responsible for his sisters
A nine - year - old Frank lived with his father, Cedric and two sisters, Julia and Susanna, in a slum.
Was there a teenager?
No, there was not a teenager.
Was he a middle aged?
No, he wasn’t a middle aged. Was there an old man?
No, there wasn't an old man.
Was there a toddler?
No, there wasn’t a toddler?
Who was there?
There was a nine-year-old hoy.
Was there a nine year old girl? No, there wasn’t a nine year old girl.
To4qqiz yoshli Frank dadasi Cedric va 2 ta singillari Julia va Susanna bilan kulbada yashar edi.
Bir o‘spirin bo‘lgan edimi? Yo‘q, bir o‘spirin bo‘lmagan edi.
U o‘rta yosh edimi?
Yo‘q, u o‘rta yosh emas edi.
Bir keksa odam bo‘lgan edimi?
Yo‘q, bir keksa odam bo‘lmagan edi.
Bir chaqaloq bo‘lgan edimi? Yo‘q, bir chaqaloq bo‘lmagan edi.
Kim bo‘lgan edi?
To‘qqiz yoshli bir bola bo‘lgan edi.
To‘qqiz yoshli qiz bor edimi? Yo‘q, to‘qqiz yoshli qiz yo‘q edi.
Was she ten years old?
No, she wasn’t ten years old.
Was there a student of university?
No, there wasn’t a student of university.
Was he a student of college?
No, he wasn’t a student at college.
What was his name?
His name was Frank.
Was his name Bill?
No, his name wasn’t Bill.
Was his name Jack?
No, his name wasn’t Jack.
Mmm what was his name? His name was Frank.
Did he live with his grandparents?
No, he did not live with his grandparents.
Did he live in an extended family?
No, he didn’t live in an extended family.
Did he live at his friend’s?
No, he didn’t live at his friend’s.
With whom did he live?
U o‘n yosh edimi?
Yo'q, u o‘n yoshli emas edi.
Bir universitet talabasi bo‘lgan edimi?
Yc^q, univ, i dtet talabasi bolmagan edi.
U kollej talabasi edimi?
Yo ‘q, u talaba emas edi.
Uning ismi nima edi?
Uning ismi Frank edi.
Uning ismi Bill edimi?
Yo‘q, uning ismi Bill emas edi.
Uning ismi Jack edimi?
Yo^q, uning ismi Jack emas edi.
Mmm uning ismi nima edi?
Uning ismi Frank edi.
U buvi va buvasi bilan yashar edimi?
Yo‘q, u buvi va buvasi bilan yashamas edi.
U kocp kishilik oilada yashar edimi?
Yo‘q, u ko‘p kishilik oilada yashamas edi.
U do^stinikida yashar edimi?
Yo‘q, u do‘stinikida yashamas edi.
U kim bilan yashar edi?
с lived with his father and
i wo sisters.
Wus his father a doctor?
No, lie wasn’t a doctor.
Was his father a widower?
Yes, his father was a widower.
Was his father’s name Kamol?
No, his father's name wasn't Kamol.
Was his father’s name Frank?
No, his father's name wasn’t Ггапк.
What was his father’s name?
I rank’s father’s name was ( cdric.
Was Cedric Frank’s brother?
No, Cedric wasn’t Frank’s brother, he was his father.
Was he a good person?
Yes, he was a good person.
Did Frank have two brothers?
No, he didn’t have two brothers.
Did he have two sisters?
U dadasi va 2 ta singillari bilan yashar edi.
Uning dadasi shifokor edimi? Yo‘q, u shifokor emas edi.
Uning dadasi so‘qqabosh edimi?
Ha, uning dadasi so‘qqabosh edi.
Uning dadasining ismi Kamol edimi?
Yo‘q, uning dadasining ismi Kamol emas edi.
Uning dadasining ismi Frank edimi?
Yo‘q, uning dadasining ismi Frank emas edi.
Uning dadasining ismi nima edi?
Frankning dadasining ismi Cedrik edi.
Cedrik Frankning akasi edimi?
Yo‘q, Cedrik Frankning akasi emas edi, u dadasi edi.
U yaxshi odam edimi?
Ha, u yaxshi odam edi. Frankning ikkita akalari bor edimi?
Yo‘q, uning ikkita akalari yo‘q edi.
Uning ikkita singillari bor edimi?
Yes, he had two sisters.
Did he have three sisters?
No, he didn’t have three sisters.
Were their names Ann and Ada?
No, their names weren’t Ann and Ada.
Were their names Julia and Susanna?
Yes, their names were Julia and Susanna.
Were his sisters twins?
No, his sisters weren’t twins.
Was Susanna his sister or his girlfriend?
Susanna was his sister not his girlfriend.
Was Lucy his second sister?
No, Lucy wasn’t his sister.
Were they bad girls?
No, they weren’t bad girls.
Were they Cedric’s children?
Yes, they were Cedric’s children.
Ha, uning ikkita singillari bor edi.
Uning uchta opachasi bor edimi?
Yo‘q, uning uchta opachasi yo‘q edi.
Ulaming ismi Ann va Ada edimi?
Yo‘q, ulaming ismlari Ann va Ada emas edi.
Ulaming ismlari Julia va Suzanna edimi?
Ha, ulaming ismlari Julia va Suzanna edi.
Uning opachalari egizak edimi?
Yo‘q, uning opachalari egizak emas edi.
Suzanna uning opasi edimi yoki uning sevgan qizimi?
Suzanna uning opasi edi qiz bola do‘sti emas.
Lucy uning ikkinchi opasi edimi?
Yo‘q, Lucy uning opasi emas edi.
Ular yomon qizlar edimi?
Yo‘q, ular yomon qizlar emas edi.
Ular Cedrikning bolalarimi? Ha, ular Cedrikning bolalari.
Did he love his children?
Yes, he loved his children.
Did they have a house with a garden?
No, they didn’t have a house with a garden.
Did they live in a castel?
No, they didn't live in a castel.
Did they live in a dethatched house.
No, they didn’t live in a dethatched house.
Did they live in a shelter?
No, they didn’t live in a shelter.
Did they live in the basement?
No, they didn’t live in basement.
Did they live in a caravan?
No, they didn’t live in a caravan.
Where did they live?
They lived in a slum.
I )id they live near the river?
No, their slum wasn’t near the river.
U bolalarini juda yaxshi ко‘rar edimi?
Ha, u bolalarini yaxshi ko‘rar edi.
Ulaming bog‘li uyi bor edimi?
Yo‘q, ulaming bog‘li uyi yo‘q edi.
Ular qasrda yashar edimi? Yo‘q, ular qasrda yashamas edi.
Ular alohida uyda yashar edimi?
Yo‘q, ular alohida uyda yashamas edi.
Ular chaylada yashar edimi? Yo‘q, ular chaylada yashamas edi.
Ular yerto‘lada yashar edimi?
Yo‘q, ular yerto'lada yashamas edi.
Ular karvonda yashar edimi? Yo‘q, ular karvonda yashamas edi.
Ular qayerda yashar edi?
Ular kulbada yashar edi.
Ular daryoga yaqin yashar edimi?
Yo‘q, ulaming kulbasi daryoga yaqin emas edi.
Cedric was an artist who painted hoardings, and signboards. His mother had died when Frank was a kid.
Was his father a guard?
No. his father wasn't a guard.
Cedric an owner of the factory?
No, he was not an owner of the factory.
Was Cedric a sales assistant? No, he wasn’t a sales assistant. Was Cedric a lazy man?
No, he wasn't a lazy man.
Was he a miner?
No, he wasn’t a miner.
Was Cedric a sailor?
No, he wasn’t a sailor.
Was he a competitor of sport? No, he wasn’t a competitor.
Did he work at school before?
No, he didn’t work at school.
What did he do?
Cedrik rassom bo‘lib u afisha, e’lonlar taxtasi va korxona nomiarini chizib bo‘yar edi, Frankning onasi Frank chaqaloq paytidatigida olamdan o‘tgan edi.
Uning dadasi qorovul edimi?
Yo‘q, uning dadasi qorovul emas edi.
Cedrik korxona egasi edimi?
Yo‘q, u korxona egasi emas edi.
Cedric sotuvchi edimi?
Yo‘q, u sotuvchi emas edi. Cedric dangasa odam edimi? Yo‘q. u dangasa odam emas edi.
U konchi edimi?
Yo‘q, u konchi emas edi.
Cedric qayiqchi edimi?
Yo4q, u qayiqchi emas edi.
U sport qatnashchisi edimi?
Yo‘q, u sport qatnashchisi emas edi.
U oldin maktabda ishlagan edimi?
Yo‘q, u maktabda ishiamagan edi.
U kim edi?
He was an artist, who painted hoardings and signboards.
Did he help to painters?
No, he didn’t help to painters.
Did he paint doors?
No, he didn’t paint door.
Did he draw only the picture of animals?
No, he didn’t draw the picture of animals.
Oh, did he paint a billboard?
Yes, he painted billboards.
Was he hard working?
Yes, he was hard working. Did he work each day?
Yes, he worked each day. Who painted hoardings and signboards?
Cedric painted billboards.
Did he work so hard?
Yes, he worked so hard.
Was he a patient man?
U e’lonlar taxtasini va korxona nomlari yozilgan lavhalami chizib bo‘yaydigan rassom edi.
U bo'yoqchilarga yordam berar edimi?
Yo‘q, u bo‘yoqchilarga yordam bermas edi.
U eshiklami bo'yar edimi? Yo‘q, u eshiklami bo‘yamas edi.
U faqat hayvonlami chizar edimi?
Yo‘q, u hayvonlami chizmas edi.
U e’lonlar taxtasini bo£yar edimi?
Ha, u e’lonlar taxtasini ЫУуаг edi.
U mehnatkash edimi?
Ha, u mehnatkash edi.
U kun bo‘yi ishlar edimi?
Ha, u kun bo‘yi ishlar edi.
Kim afisha va korxona nomlari yozilgan lavhalami chizib bo‘yar edi?
Cedric e’lonlar taxtasini bo‘yar edi.
U juda qattiq ishlar edimi? Ha, u juda qattiq ishlar edi.
U sabrli odam edimi?
Yes, he was a patient man. Was his wife a painter too?
No, his wife wasn’t a painter.
Where was his wife?
Unfortunately, she passed away.
Oh, when did she bite the dust?
She had kicked the bucket when Frank was a kid.
Was that event happened by a killer?
No, it wasn’t a killer’s crime.
All the same, their father looked after them very well, soon their little world was completely destroyed.
Their father, Cedric, died of lung cancer.
Was it terrible event for Frank?
Yes, it was too terrible.
Did he feed his children by working hard?
Yes, he feed his children by working hard.
Did Cedric look after them very well?
Ha, u sabrli odam edi.
Uning rafiqasi ham bo‘yoqchi
Yo‘q, uning rafiqasi bo‘yoqchi emas edi.
Uning rafiqasi qayerda edi?
Baxtga qarshi u bu dunyodan o‘tgan edi.
U qachon vafot etgan edi?
U Frank hali chaqaloq paytiligida vafot etgan edi.
Bu voqea qotil tomonidan sodir etilgan edimi?
Yocq, bu qotilning ishi emas edi.
Ularning dadasi doimo ularga yaxshi g^rnxorlik qildi lekin tezda ularning kichik dunyosi butunlay vayron boidi.
Ularning dadasi Cedric, o‘pka saratonidan vafot etdi.
Bu voqea Frank uchun daxshatli edimi?
Ha, bu juda daxshatli edi.
U bolalarini qattiq ishlab boqar edimi?
Ha, u bolalarini qattiq ishlab boqar edi.
Cedric ularga yaxshi g‘amxo‘rlik qilgan edimi?
Yes, he looked after them very well.
Could he feed his children?
Yes, he could feed his children.
Did they live gratefully?
Yes, they lived happily but soon their little world was completely destroyed.
Because, their father, Cedric, died,
()h, poor Cedric,
1 low did he die by accede?
No, he died of lung cancer.
Did he die of having bad cold?
No, he didn't die of having b;id cold.
Didn’t Cedric live too long?
Yes. he didn’t live too long. Wiis he ill?
\ t s, he was ill.
Ha, u ularga yaxshi g‘amxo‘rlik qilgan edi.
U bolalarini boqa oldimi?
Ha, u bolalarini boqa oldi.
Ular mamnun bo6 lib yashadilarmi?
Ha, ular baxtli yashar edi, lekin tezda ulaming kichik dunyosi butunlay vayron bo‘ldi.
Chunki, uning dadasi Cedric vafot etdi.
Voy, bechora Cedric.
Qanday qilib vafot etdi o'z vaqti bilanmi?
Yo‘q, u o‘pka saratoni bilan vafot etdi.
U qattiq shamollashdan vafot etdimi?
Yo‘q, u qattiq shamollashdan vafot etmadi.
Cedric ham uzoq yashamadimi?
Ha, u ham uzoq yashamadi.
U kasal edimi?
Ha, u kasal edi.
Poor orphans, they were alone and sent to orphanage. Frank didn’t even imagine what happened.
Did they have relatives?
No, unfortunately, they didn’t have relatives.
Did they have grandparents?
No, they didn’t have grandparents.
Did Cedric friend feed them then?
No, Cedrics friend didn’t feed them.
Were they alone?
Yes, they stayed alone.
Were his children become orphans?
Yes, children became orphans.
Were they afraid of?
Yes, they were afraid of.
Was their little world full of
Yes, they were so happy.
Did they have their little world?
Yes, they had their little world.
Bechora yetimlar, ular yolg‘iz qolishdi va bolalar uyiga jo‘natildi. Frank nima bo‘lganini xatto tasawur qila ololmasdi.
Ulaming qarindoshlari bor edimi?
Yo‘q, afsuski, ulaming qarindoshlari yo‘q edi.
Ulaming buvi buvasi bor edimi?
Yo‘q, ulaming buvi va buvasi yo‘q edi.
Keyin ulami Cedrikning do‘sti boqdimi?
Yo‘q, Cedrikning do‘sti ulami boqmadi.
Ular yolg‘iz qoldimi?
Ha, ular yo!g‘iz qoldi.
Uning bolalari yetimga aylandimi?
Ha, uning bolalari yetimga aylandi.
Ular qo‘rqishdimi?
Ha, ular qo‘rqib ketishdi.
Ulaming kichik dunyosi baxtga to‘la edimi?
Ha, ular juda baxtli edi.
Ulaming kichik dunyosi bor edimi?
Ha, ularning о ‘z kichik dunyosi bor edi.
How did he face up to father’s death?
Oh, he didn’t even imagine what happened.
Were they sent to their relatives?
No, they weren’t sent to their relatives.
Were they sent to hospital?
No, they weren’t sent to hospital.
Did they start living alone?
No, they didn’t start living alone.
What did they do then?
They were sent to orphanage. Were they sent to foreign country?
No, they weren’t sent to foreign country.
When they came to the orphanage they met a monk. He was an old man tall and slim with a kind and gentle face. Later they became good friends.
Did they meet their father there?
No, they didn’t meet their father there.
U dadasining o‘limini qanday qarshi oldi?
Oh, u xatto nima boTganini tasawur qilolmadi.
Ular qarindoshlarinikiga jo'natildimi?
Yo‘q, ular qarindoshlarinikiga jo‘natilmadi.
Ular shifoxonaga jo‘natildimi? Yo‘q, ular u shifoxonaga jo‘nati1madi.
Ular yolg‘iz yashashni boshladilarmi?
Yo‘q, ular yolg‘iz yashashni boshlamadi.
Keyin ular nima qildi?
Ular bolalar uyiga jo‘natildi. Ular chet elga jo‘natildimi?
Yo‘q, ular chet elga jo‘natilmadi.
Ular bolalar uyiga kelganida rohibni uchratishdi. U mehribon yuzli keksa novcha va ozg‘in odam edi. Keyinroq ular yaxshi do‘stlarga aylanishdi.
Ular u yerda o‘z dadasini uchratdilarmi?
Yo‘q, ular u yerda o‘z dadalarini uchratmadi.
Did they meet a door guard when they came to orphanage?
No, they didn’t meet a door guard when they come to orphanage.
did they meet there their friend too?
No, they didn’t meet their friends.
Whom did they meet when they came to orphanage?
When they came to orphanage they met a monk.
Was he a young monk?
No, he wasn’t young monk.
Was he angry?
No, he wasn’t angry.
Was he a rude monk?
No, he wasn’t a rude monk.
Was he a middle aged?
No, he wasn’t a middle aged.
Was he a teenager?
No, he wasn’t a teenager.
Was he a blind?
No, he wasn’t a blind.
Was he unfriendly?
No, he wasn’t unfriendly.
Was he an old man?
Yes, he was an old man.
Was he polite?
Ular bolalar uyiga borganida qorovulni uchratdimi?
Yo‘q, ular bolalar uyiga borganida qorovulni uchratmadi.
Ular u yerda do'stlarini ham uchratishdimi?
Yo‘q, ular do‘stlarini uchratmadi.
Ular bolalar uyiga kelganida kimni uchratdi?
Ular bolalar uyiga kelganida rohibni uchratdi.
U yosh rohib edimi?
Yo‘q, u yosh rohib emas edi.
U jahldor edimi?
Yo‘q, u jahldor emas edi.
U qo‘pol rohib edimi?
Yo‘q, u qo‘pol rohib emas edi.
U o'rta yosh edimi?
Yo‘q, u o‘rta yosh emas edi.
U o‘smir edimi?
Yo‘q, u o‘smir emas edi.
U ko‘r edimi?
Yo‘q, u ko‘r emas edi.
U kirishimsiz edimi?
Yo‘q, u kirishimsiz emas edi.
U keksa odam edimi?
Ha, u keksa odam edi.
U odobli edimi?
Yes, he was polite.
Was he a clever monk?
Yes, he was a clever monk. Was he short, fat and bald? No, he wasn’t short, fat and bald.
Was he tall and slim?
Yes, he was tall and slim.
Did Frank like the monk?
Yes, he liked the monk.
Did he respect him?
Yes, he respect him.
Was he rude and ugly?
No, he was not kind and gentle faced and later they became good friends.
Did they become enemies later? '
No, they didn’t become enemies.
The orphans faced challenges of life at early ages. Passed summer, autumn, winter, spring. Years passed and time showed its strength. Frank became handsome and knowledgeable.
Did he drink alchogol drinks because of being alone?
Ha, u odobli edi.
U aqlli rohib edimi?
Ha, u aqlli rohib edi.
U pakana, semiz va kal edimi? Yocq, u pakana, semiz va kal emas edi.
U novcha va ozg‘in edimi?
Ha, u novcha va ozg‘in edi.
Frankga rohib yoqdimi?
Ha, unga rohib yoqdi.
U uni hurmat qilar edimi?
Ha, u uni hurmat qilar edi.
U qo‘pol va hunuk edimi?
Yo4q, u mehribon va muloyim yuzli edi va keyinroq ular do‘stlashib olishdi.
Keyinchalik ular dushmanlarga aylanishdimi?
Yo‘q, ular dushmanlarga aylanishmadL
Yetimlar erta yoshda hayot o‘zgarishlari bilan shakllandi. Yoz, kuz, qish, bahor o‘tdi. Yillar o‘tdi va vaqt o6z qudratini ko6rsatdi. Frank kelishgan va biiimli inson bo‘lib yetishdi.
U yolg‘izligidan spirtli ichimliklar ichar edimi?
No, he didn’t drink alchogol drinks because of being alone.
Did they live happily?
No, they faced challenges of life at early ages.
Did they stay here for 2 days?
No, they stayed here for many years.
After many years did Frank became cheeky and dull?
No, he didn’t become cheeky and dull.
Did he leave his past?
No, he always, felt his in the past.
Did he always try to be great?
Yes, he always try to be great.
Did he study well?
Yes, he studied well.
Was, he clever?
Yes, he was clever.
Did he grow up handsome and knowledgeable?
Yes, he became handsome and knowledgeable.
After many years did Frank became a thief?
YVq, u yolgizlikdan spirtli ichimliklar ichmas edi.
Ular baxtli yashadimi?
Yo‘q, ular erta yoshda hayot o'zgarishlaii bilan shakllandi.
Ular bu yerda 2 kun qolishdimi?
Yo‘q, ular bu yerda ancha vaqt qolishdi.
Ancha yillardan keyin Frank surbet va anqovga aylandimi?
Yo‘q, u surbet va anqovga aylanmadi,
U o‘tmishidan voz kechdimi?
Yo‘q, u doimo o‘tmishini his qilib yurdi.
U doim komil bolishga harakat qilar edimi?
Ha, u doim komil bo‘lishga harakat qilar edi.
U yaxshi o‘qidimi?
Ha, u yaxshi o‘qidi.
U aqlli edimi?
Ha, u aqlli edi.
U kelishgan va bilimli bo‘lib ulg4aydimi?
Ha, u kelishgan va bilimli bo4lib ulg‘aydi.
Ko‘p yillardan keyin u o‘g4riga aylandimi?
No, he didn't become a thief?
Did he smoke much because of being alone?
No ,he didn't smoke much because of being alone.
lie didn’t change. He consider himself responsible for his sisters, lie tried hard.
Did he give up?
No, he didn’t give up.
Did he leave his sisters?
No, he didn’t leave his sisters.
Did he become a leader of his
Yes, he took care of his sisters.
Did he have responsibility?
Yes, he had responsibility.
Was he egoist?
No, he wasn’t egoist.
Was he patient?
Yes. he was patient.
Did he think that he had to look after for his sisters?
Yes, he consider himself responsible for his sisters.
Yo‘q, u ko‘p yillardan keyin o‘g‘riga aylanmadi.
U yozg‘izlikdan ko4p chekdimi?
Yo‘q, u yolg‘izlik sabab ko‘p chekmas edi.
U o‘zgarib ketmadi. U o4zini sfngillarl uchun mas’uliyatli deb hisoblar edi.
U qattiq harakat qildi.
U o‘zgarib ketdimi?
Yo‘q, u o‘zgarib ketmadi.
U singillarini tashlab ketdimi? Yo‘q, u singillarini tashlab ketmadi.
U o‘z singillari uchun yolboshlovchiga aylandimi?
Ha, u singillariga g‘amxo‘rlik qildi.
Unda mas’uliyat bor edimi?
Ha, uning mas’uliyati bor edi.
U egaist edimi?
Yo‘q, u egaist emas edi.
U sabrli edimi?
Ha, u sabrli edi.
U singillarimga g‘amxo‘rlik qilishim kerak deb o'ylar edimi?
На, и singillarimga mas’uliyatliman deb o'ylar edi.
Did he try hard?
Yes, he tried hard.
First he started his work as an English teachers at “Good club” innovational school of language.
Did he start his work as a shoemaker?
No, he didn’t start to work as a shoemaker.
Did he work as carpenter?
No, he didn’t work as a carpenter.
Did he work as a builder?
No, he didn’t work as a builder.
Did he start working as an English teacher?
Yes, firstly he started to work as an English teacher.
Did he know English?
Yes, he know English.
Could he speak English fulently?
Yes, he could speak English fluently.
Did he work at school?
No, he didn’t work at school. Did he work at university?
U qattiq harakat qildimi?
Ha, u qattiq harakat qildi.
Awal u o‘z ishini “Good club” innovatsion til maktabida o‘qituvchilikdan boshladi.
U ishini etikdo‘zlikdan boshladimi?
Yo4q, u ishini etikdo4zlikdan boshlamadi.
U duradgor bo4 lib ishladimi?
Yo4q, и duradgor bo4 lib ishlamadi.
U quruvchi bo4lib ishladimi?
Yo4q, u quruvchi bo4lib ishlamadi.
U ishlashni ingliz tili o‘qituvchisi bo4 lib boshladimi?
Ha, awal u ishini ingliz tili
о ‘ qituvchiligidan boshladi.
U ingliz tilini bilar edimi?
Ha, u ingliz tilini bilar edi.
U ingliz tilida to‘liq gapira olar edimi?
Ha, u ingliz tilida toMiq gapira olar edi.
U maktabda ishladimi?
Yo4q, u maktabda ishlamadi.
U universitetda ishladimi?
No, he didn’t work at university.
Did he start his job as a director?
No, he started his job as an I' nglish teacher.
Where did he work?
le started to work at “Good club” innovational school of language.
I)id he teach well?
Yes, he was a good teacher.
I)id he work at work till the afternoon?
No, he didn’t work at work until the afternoon.
Then, after having earned some money he began to run his own business. All in all, lie was the bondholder of many companies.
Did he continue to work at “Good club”?
No, after having earned some money he began to run his own business.
Was he active in all?
Yes, he was active in all.
D id he like working at “Good club”?
Yo‘q, u universitetda ishlamadi.
U ishini direktorlikdan boshladimi?
Yo‘q, u ishini ingliz tili o'qituvchiligidan boshladi.
U qayerda ishladi?
U “Good club” innovatsion til maktabida ishlashni boshladi.
U yaxshi o‘qitar edimi?
Ha, u yaxshi o‘qituvchi edi.
U ishda tushlikgacha ishlar edimi?
Yo‘q, u ishda tushlikgacha ishlamas edi.
Keyin u ozroq pul yig6ib o‘z biznesini yurg‘izishni boshladi. Bora-bora u ko‘p korxonalar boshqaruvchisiga aylandi.
U “Good club”da ishini davom ettirdimi?
Yo‘q, pui yiqqanidan keyin, u o‘zining shaxsiy tadbirkorligini boshladi.
U hamma narsada faol edimi?
Ha, u hamma narsada faol edi.
Unga “Good club”da ishlash yoqar edimi?
Yes, he liked and worked a lot.
Was he the bondholder of “Good club”?
No, he wasn’t the bondholder of “Good club”
Did he teach Russian language too?
No, he didn’t teach russian, he taught only English,
Did he teach Spain?
No, he didn’t teach Spain,
Did he translate to uzbek language?
No, he didn’t translate to uzbek.
Was he a secretary?
No, he wasn’t a secretary.
Was he the owner of many companies?
Yes, he was the bondholder of many companies.
Did he buy all companies of the city?
No, he didn’t buy all campanies of the city.
Ha, unga yoqar edi va ko‘p ishladi.
U “Good club” ning boshqaruvchisiga aylandimi?
Yo‘q, u “Good club”ning boshqaruvchisiga aylanmadi.
U ms tilini ham o‘rgatar edimi?
Yo‘q, u rus tilini o‘rgatmas edi, u faqat ingliz tilini o^rgatar edi.
U ispan tilini o‘qitar edimi?
Yo‘q, u ispan tilini o‘qilmas edi.
U o‘zbek tiliga tarjima qilar edimi?
Yo‘q, u o‘zbek tiliga tarjima qilmas edi.
U kotib edimi?
Yo‘q, u kotib emas edi.
U ko‘p korxonalar boshqaruvchisiga aylandimi? Ha, u ko‘p korxonalar boshqaruvchisiga aylandi.
U shahaming hamma kompaniyalarini sotib oldimi?
Yo‘q, u shahaming hamma korxonalarini sotib olgani yo‘q.
He reached his aim. He was arrogant and obstinate man, if lie set a goal fie would keep it till the end.
Did he stagnate?
No, he didn’t stagnate.
After having earned some money did he move to foreign country?
No, he didn’t move to foreign country.
Did he become active on business?
Yes, he became active on business.
Was his aim great?
Yes, his aim was great.
Did he get his aim?
Yes, he reached his aim.
Did he get a good life?
Yes, he got a good life.
Did he buy all supermarkets?
No, he didn’t buy all supermarkets.
Did he become the bandholder of beauty salons?
No, he didn’t become the nabdholder of beauty salons.
U maqsadiga yetdi. U shuhratparast va shu bilan birga tirishqoq odam edi. Agar u biror maqsadni tutsa oxiriga yetqazib qo4yar edi.
U faoliyatini to‘xtatdimi?
Yo‘q, u faoliyatini to‘xtatmadi.
U pul jamlagandan keyin horijga ко‘chib ketdimi?
Yocq, u horijga ко4chib ketmadi.
U tadbirkorlikda faolga aylandimi?
Ha, u biznesda faolga aylandi.
Uning maqsadi katta edimi? Ha, uning maqsadi katta edi.
U maqsadiga yetdimi?
Ha, u o‘z maqsadiga yetdi.
U yaxshi hayotga erishdimi? Ha, u yaxshi hayotga erishdi.
U barcha supermarketlami
sotib oldimi?
Yo‘q, u barcha
supermarketlami sotib olmadi.
U barcha go‘zallik salonlarining
boshqaruvchisiga aylandimi?
Yo‘q, u go‘zallik salonlarining boshqaruvchisiga aylanmadi.
Was he weak to his goal?
No, he wasn’t weak to reach his goal.
Was he arrogant?
Yes, he was ambitious.
Was he stubborn?
Yes, he was stubborn. Stubborn?
Yes, if he set a goal he would never give it up.
Was he polite?
Yes, he was so polite.
And now he was on cloud nine. Especially, he was gentle and never forgot about his childhood and always helped to poor people and did charities.
Could his hands reach everywhere?
Yes, his hands could reach every where.
Was he happy?
Yes, he was on cloud nine.
Why didn’t he work at another school?
U maqsadi sari kuchsiz edimi?
Yo‘q, u maqsadi sari kuchsiz emas edi.
U shuhratparast edimi?
Ha, u shuhratparast edi.
U о‘jar edimi?
Ha, u о‘jar edi.
Agar u biror maqsadni ko‘zlasa, hech qachon undan amalga oshmaguncha voz kechmas edi.
U muloyim edimi?
Ha, u muloyim edi.
Endi esa u yettinchi osmonda uchib yurardi. Asosiysi u muloyim va bolaligini hech qachon unutmagan edi. Hamda doimo odamlarga yordam berib, saxovat ko‘rsatar edi.
Uning qo‘llari hamma joyga yetarmidi?
Ha, uning qo‘llari hamma joyga yetardi.
U baxtli edimi?
Ha, u yettinchi osmonda uchar edi.
Nima uchun u boshqa maktabda ishlamadi?
Because “Good club” was the best innovation school of language.
Was he weak?
No, he wasn’t weak.
Was he rude?
No, he wasn’t rude.
Was he well-behaved?
Yes, he was well-behaved? Was he mean?
No, he wasn’t mean.
Was he generous?
Yes, he was charitable.
Did he like charities?
Yes, he liked charities.
Did he do charities?
Yes, of course, he always helped to the poor and did charities.
He became charitable that’s why his business increased day by day.
Was he capable of business?
Yes, he was capable of business.
Did his business increase?
Yes, his business increased day by day.
Chunki “Good club” eng yaxshi innovatsion til maktabi edi.
U zaif edimi?
Yo‘q, u zaif emas edi.
U qo‘pol edimi?
Yo‘q, u qo‘pol emas edi.
U tarbiyali edimi?
Ha, u tarbiyali edi.
U ziqna edimi?
Yo‘q, u ziqna emas edi.
U saxiy edimi?
Ha, u sahovatli edi.
U sahovatni yoqtirar edimi?
Ha, u sahovatni yoqtirar edi.
U ko‘p sahovat ko‘rsatar edimi?
Ha, albatta, u doimo kambag‘allarga yordam berar va sahiylik qilar edi.
U saxovatkorga aylandi shuning uchun ham uning biznesi kundan kunga o‘sib bordi.
U biznesda qobiliyatli edimi? Ha, u biznesda qobiliyatli edi.
Uning biznesi о4 sib bordimi?
Ha, uning biznesi kundan kunga о‘sib bordi.
Did business give him everything?
Yes, business gave him everything.
Was he proud?
Yes, he was proud.
Was he pleasant of himself?
Yes, he was pleasant of himself
Did he like bussines very much?
Yes, he liked very much.
How could he reach to this?
Well, he was charitable that’s why his business increased day by day.
Was he kind to clients?
Yes, he was kind to clients.
He reached eveiything because of being work hard.
Yes it’s right, he worked hard.
Did all town know him?
Yes, all town knew him.
Did he become rich?
Yes, he became rich.
Did he stop trying after reaching?
Biznes unga hamma narsa berdimi?
Ha, biznes unga hamma narsa berdi.
U mag‘rur edimi?
Ha, u mag'rur edi.
U o‘zidan mamnun edimi? Ha, u o‘zidan mamnun edi.
U biznesni juda yoqtirar edimi?
Ha, u juda yoqtirar edi.
U bunga qanday erishdi?
U saxovatkor shuning uchun ham uning biznesi kundan kunga o‘sdi.
U mijozlariga mehribon edimi?
Ha, u mijozlariga mehribon edi.
U hammasiga qattiq ish lagan i uchun ham erishdi, to‘g‘rimi?
Ha to‘g‘ri, u qattiq ishlar edi.
Butun shahar uni tanir edimi?
Ha, butun shahar uni tanir edi.
U boyga aylandimi?
Ha, u boyga aylandi.
U hammasiga erishib bolganidan so‘ng harakat qilishni to‘xtatdimi?
No, he didn’t stop trying after Yo‘ q, u hammasiga reaching. erishganidan so ng ham
harakat qilishni to4xtatmadi.
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