Mazkur magistrant Ismoilova Zarifa Raxmonjon qizi tomonidan bajarilgan “Learner corpora and corpus-informed teaching materials for economy faculty students” yani “Iqtisodiyot fakulteti talabalari uchun o’quvchilar corporasi va korpus-axborot o’quv materialari”mavzusidagi magistrlik dissertatsiyasi sohaning eng ustivor ahamiyatga ega bo’lgan muammolaridan biriga qaratilgan.
Kirish qismi o’rnatilgan tasdiqlangan magistrlik nizomiga muvofiq holda yozilgan.
Asosiy qism uch bobdan iborat bo’lib birinchi bob “ O’quvchilar corporasi va korpus ta’limli o‘quv materiallarining umumiy xususiyatlari” deb nomlangan. Unda mamalakatimizdagi nofilologik universitet va institutlarda chet tili o’qishda foydalaniladigan materiallar, Til o'rgatish va o'rganishda o'quvchilar korpusi va uning tildagi turlari haqida mamlakatimiz va xorijiy manbalaridan foydalangan xolda nazariy ma’lumotlar bergan. Talaba birinchi bob bo’yicha fikrlarini tahliliy hulosagan.
Ikkinchi bob “Using advantages and problems learner corpora materials in teaching english” yani ingliz tili o'qitishda korpora materiallaridan foydalanish abzalliklari va muammolar masalasini yoritishga bag’ishlangan. Talaba ushbu bobda hozirda chet tili oqitishda korpora materiallarini iqtisod yo’nalishi talabalariga oqitishning ijobiy tomonlari va bu sohadagi tashkiliy muammolar va bu muammolarni hal etish usullari bilan ishlagan
So’nggi uchinchi bobda magistrant Iqtisodiyot yo’nalishi talabalariga o’rganuvchilar korporasi va ular asosida to’plangan materiallar yordamida darslarni tashkil erishning amaliy qismi o’rganilgan va foydalaniladigan usullarni taklif qilgan.
According to the structure of the master's dissertation, the introduction consists of the main part, conclusion, recommendations and a list of references.
The introductory part is written in accordance with the established master's regulations.
The main part consists of three chapters, the first of which is “Chapter 1. General characteristics of student corporations and corpus educational materials. ” called. It provides theoretical information about the materials used in foreign language teaching in non-philological universities and institutes of our country, the corps of students in language teaching and learning and its types in the language, using domestic and foreign sources. The student analyzes his / her opinion on the first chapter.
The second chapter is “Using the advantages and problems learner corpora materials in teaching english” to cover the advantages and problems of using corpora materials in teaching English. In this chapter, the student is currently working on the positive aspects of teaching corporate materials to students of economics in foreign language teaching and organizational problems in this field and ways to solve these problems. He was able to put forward ideas about the problems in this area, and the mistakes that can be made by students, and show what results can be achieved if they are integrated and taught through the corporation.
In the last third chapter, the master's students were introduced to the practical part of the organization of lessons using the students' corporation and the materials collected on the basis of the methods studied and used.