in Britain
All children in Britain have to go to school from the ages of five till
sixteen. This is called 'com pulsory education'. There are tv^^o parts,
prim ary and secondary; children go to prim ary school until the age
of eleven before m oving to secondary school. O ften a prim ary school
and a secondary school are p art of the sam e large
school, called a com prehensive school.
Secondary Schools
Wlien children start secondary school, they enter
year 7 of the school system . Each year is divided
into different classes, called 'form s'. Pupils stay in
the sam e form until they leave school. Each form
has its ow n tim etable of classes and its ow n 'form
te a c h e r'. Form te a c h e rs tak e re g istra tio n in the
m o rn in g to find o u t w h o is p re se n t an d absent;
they are also responsible for the good behaviour of
their pupils.
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