Additional consultative documents made substantial concessions in response to critics, and Basel 2 was adopted by the Basel Committee in June 2004. The United States has already declared its hand. An announcement by its regulators means only 10 to 20 US banks will use the most advanced methods to compute their capital charges; the other 8000 or so will continue to use Basel 1, and the 1996 market risk amendment. Failure to bring the USA on board could undermine the authority of the Basel Committee. Whatever its fate, the protracted debate over the content of Basel 2 illustrates the complexities of trying to regulate 21st century banks. The final sections of the chapter showed that while the objectives of the Basel Committee are important, other organisations are involved in global regulation and there are other key issues, such as the need for a global set of accounting standards. - Additional consultative documents made substantial concessions in response to critics, and Basel 2 was adopted by the Basel Committee in June 2004. The United States has already declared its hand. An announcement by its regulators means only 10 to 20 US banks will use the most advanced methods to compute their capital charges; the other 8000 or so will continue to use Basel 1, and the 1996 market risk amendment. Failure to bring the USA on board could undermine the authority of the Basel Committee. Whatever its fate, the protracted debate over the content of Basel 2 illustrates the complexities of trying to regulate 21st century banks. The final sections of the chapter showed that while the objectives of the Basel Committee are important, other organisations are involved in global regulation and there are other key issues, such as the need for a global set of accounting standards.
- tanqidchilarga javoban va Bazel 2 2004 yil iyun oyida Bazel qo'mitasi tomonidan qabul qilingan.
- Qo'shma Shtatlar allaqachon o'z qo'lini e'lon qilgan. Uning regulyatorlari tomonidan e'lon Bu shuni anglatadiki, faqat 10 dan 20 tagacha AQSh banklari o'zlarining hisoblashlari uchun eng ilg'or usullardan foydalanadilar kapital to'lovlari; qolgan 8000 yoki shunga o'xshash Bazel 1 foydalanishda davom etadi, va 1996 bozor xavfi tuzatish. AQShni kemag olib kelmaslik Bazelning obro'siga putur etkazishi mumkin Qo'mita. Taqdiri qanday bo'lishidan qat'iy nazar, Bazel 2 mazmuni bo'yicha uzoq davom etgan munozaralar ko'rsatadi 21-asr banklarini tartibga solishga urinishning murakkabligi. Bobning yakuniy bo'limlari Bazel qo'mitasining maqsadlari ekanligini ko'rsatdi
- muhim, boshqa tashkilotlar global tartibga solishda ishtirok etadilar va boshqa kalitlar mavjud
- buxgalteriya hisobi standartlarining global to'plamiga ehtiyoj kabi masalalar.
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