The rules are concerned with the treatment of financial assets and liabilities, currently reported on the accounts at book value. In earlier periods when few bank assets and liabilities (e.g. loans, deposits) were traded, holding them at book value was not controversial. IAS 39 would make accounting statements more transparent with respect to derivatives – many of the markets for futures, options, etc. are large and liquid due to the growth of derivatives and securitisation. The IASB proposes to replace book value with ‘‘fair value’’ – the market price of the financial instrument. European banks and insurance firms, especially the French, have objected on two grounds. Not all financial instruments are traded in liquid markets, so obtaining a market value is difficult. For options, futures, etc. that are traded frequently, the concern is that fair value would lead to more volatile accounts. In the USA, the SEC will not allow European firms to use international rules unless there is greater transparency. The FSAB has threatened to halt its efforts to converge GAAP and international standards. As this book goes to press, the issue has not been resolved, though HSBC has announced it will adopt the new rules independent of what the EC does. It joins UBS, Dresdner, and other key banks which already use them. - The rules are concerned with the treatment of financial assets and liabilities, currently reported on the accounts at book value. In earlier periods when few bank assets and liabilities (e.g. loans, deposits) were traded, holding them at book value was not controversial. IAS 39 would make accounting statements more transparent with respect to derivatives – many of the markets for futures, options, etc. are large and liquid due to the growth of derivatives and securitisation. The IASB proposes to replace book value with ‘‘fair value’’ – the market price of the financial instrument. European banks and insurance firms, especially the French, have objected on two grounds. Not all financial instruments are traded in liquid markets, so obtaining a market value is difficult. For options, futures, etc. that are traded frequently, the concern is that fair value would lead to more volatile accounts. In the USA, the SEC will not allow European firms to use international rules unless there is greater transparency. The FSAB has threatened to halt its efforts to converge GAAP and international standards. As this book goes to press, the issue has not been resolved, though HSBC has announced it will adopt the new rules independent of what the EC does. It joins UBS, Dresdner, and other key banks which already use them.
- hisobvaraqlarda hisobot berilgan moliyaviy aktivlar va majburiyatlarni hisobga olgan holda kitob qiymati. Oldingi davrlara bank aktivlari va majburiyatlari (masalan, kreditlar, depozitlar) kam bo'lgan
- sotilgan, ularni balans qiymatida ushlab turish bahsli emas edi. IAS 39 buxgalteriya hisobini yuritadi derivativlarga nisbatan ochiqroq bayonotlar - fyuchers uchun ko'plab bozorlar, opsionlar va boshqalar lotinlar va sekuritizatsiya o'sishi tufayli katta va likviddir.
- IASB balans qiymatini "adolatli qiymat" - moliyaviy bozor narxiga almashtirishni taklif qiladi asbob. Yevropa banklari va sug‘urta firmalari, ayniqsa frantsuzlar bunga e’tiroz bildirishdi
- ikkita asos. Barcha moliyaviy vositalar likvid bozorlarda sotilmaydi, shuning uchun a olish bozor qiymati qiyin. Tez-tez sotiladigan optsionlar, fyucherslar va boshqalar uchun tashvish bu adolatli qiymat ko'proq o'zgaruvchan hisoblarga olib keladi. AQShda SEC ruxsat bermaydi
- Yevropa firmalari shaffoflik bo'lmasa, xalqaro qoidalardan foydalanishlari kerak. FSAB GAAP va xalqaro standartlarni birlashtirishga qaratilgan sa'y-harakatlarini to'xtatish bilan tahdid qildi. Bu kabi kitob chop etiladi, HSBC buni e'lon qilgan bo'lsa-da, muammo hal etilmadi EC nima qilishidan qat'iy nazar yangi qoidalarni qabul qilish. U UBS, Dresdner va boshqalarga qo'shiladi
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