The situation in the European Union introduces a whole new set of issues. What is the optimal form of regulation in an economic union which, in 2004, will begin the process of admitting ten new diverse countries? As Europe struggles to integrate its banking and financial markets, American reforms make the emergence of nation-wide banking more likely. Why is it proving so difficult to achieve a single financial market, especially at the retail level, with a free flow of financial services across frontiers? There is also the question of the European Central Bank’s role in the event of financial crisis in one or several EU states, when prudential regulation is the responsibility of individual member states. This chapter also looks at how bank and other financial regulations have influenced bank structure, and vice versa. New trends appear to be emerging; such as the separation of responsibilities for monetary control and regulation, though the USA is an important notable exception. It is evident that no country has yet struck an optimal balance between the application of free market principles in the financial sector and protection of the public interest. - The situation in the European Union introduces a whole new set of issues. What is the optimal form of regulation in an economic union which, in 2004, will begin the process of admitting ten new diverse countries? As Europe struggles to integrate its banking and financial markets, American reforms make the emergence of nation-wide banking more likely. Why is it proving so difficult to achieve a single financial market, especially at the retail level, with a free flow of financial services across frontiers? There is also the question of the European Central Bank’s role in the event of financial crisis in one or several EU states, when prudential regulation is the responsibility of individual member states. This chapter also looks at how bank and other financial regulations have influenced bank structure, and vice versa. New trends appear to be emerging; such as the separation of responsibilities for monetary control and regulation, though the USA is an important notable exception. It is evident that no country has yet struck an optimal balance between the application of free market principles in the financial sector and protection of the public interest.
- Yevropa Ittifoqidagi vaziyat butunlay yangi masalalar majmuasini keltirib chiqarmoqda. Nima 2004 yilda jarayonni boshlaydigan iqtisodiy ittifoqda tartibga solishning optimal shakli o'nta yangi turli mamlakatlarni qabul qilish haqida? Yevropa o'z bank integratsiya uchun kurash sifatida va moliyaviy bozorlar, Amerika islohotlari umummilliy banklarning paydo bo'lishini ko'proq qiladi ehtimol. Nima uchun yagona moliyaviy bozorga erishish juda qiyin, ayniqsa Chegaralar bo'ylab moliyaviy xizmatlarning erkin oqimi bilan chakana savdo darajasi? Shuningdek, mavjud bir yoki moliyaviy inqiroz taqdirda Evropa Markaziy bankining roli savol prudensial tartibga solish alohida a'zoning mas'uliyati bo'lganda, bir nechta Evropa Ittifoqi davlatlari davlatlar. Ushbu bobda bank va boshqa moliyaviy qoidalar qanday ta'sir qilgani ham ko'rib chiqiladi bank tuzilishi va aksincha. Yangi tendentsiyalar paydo bo'layotgandek; ajralish kabi pul nazorati va tartibga solish bo'yicha mas'uliyat, garchi AQSh muhim bo'lsa ham
- sezilarli istisno. Ko'rinib turibdiki, hali hech bir davlat o'rtasida optimal muvozanatga erishmagan
- moliya sektorida erkin bozor tamoyillarini qo'llash va ularni himoya qilish jamoat manfaatlari.
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