12.3.4 Electric arcing A person who is standing on earth too close to a high
voltage conductor may suffer fl ash burns as a result of
arc formation. Such burns may be extensive and lower
the resistance of the skin so that electric shock may add
to the ill effects. Electric arc faults can cause temporary
blindness by burning the retina of the eye and this may
lead to additional secondary hazards. The quantity of
electrical energy is as important as the size of the voltage
since the voltage will determine the distance over which
the arc will travel. The risk of arcing can be reduced by
the insulation of live conductors.
Strong electromagnetic fi
elds induce surface
charges on people. If these charges accumulate, skin
sensation is affected and spark discharges to earth may
cause localized pain or bruising. Whether prolonged
exposure to strong fi elds has any other signifi cant effects
on health has not been proved. However, the action of an
implanted cardiac pacemaker may be disturbed by the
close proximity of its wearer to a powerful electromag-
netic fi eld. The health effects of arcing and other non-
ionising radiation are covered in Chapter 15.
12.3.5 Static electricity Static electricity is produced by the build-up of elec-
trons on weak electrical conductors or insulating mater-
ials. These materials may be gaseous, liquid or solid and
may include fl ammable liquids, powders, plastic fi lms
and granules. The generation of static may be caused by
the rapid separation of highly insulated materials by fric-
tion or by transfer from one highly charged material to
another in an electric fi eld by induction (see Figure 12.5).
Discharges of static electricity may be suffi cient to
cause serious electric shock and are always a potential
source of ignition when fl
ammable liquid, dusts or
powders are present. Flour dust in a mill, for example,
has been ignited by static electricity.
Static electricity may build up on both materials and
people. When a charged person approaches fl ammable
gases or vapours and a spark ignites the substance, the
resulting explosion or fi re often causes serious injury.
Lightning strikes are a natural form of static electri-
city and result in large amounts of electrical energy being
Figure 12.5 Prevention of static discharge – container
connected to earthed drum.