Introduction into the Infectious Diseases. Infections with fecal-oral mechanism of transmission. Infections with droplet mechanism of transmission. Tests

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Modul 1

  1. * Flu

  2. Measles

  3. Meningococcal infection

  4. Pneumonia

  5. Epidemic typhus

  • A sick, 54 years old, hospitalized in infectious department in the grave condition. Complaints about expressed headache, mainly in frontal and temporal areas superciliary arcs, origin of vomiting on peak of pain. Objectively: patient is excited, temperature of body 39 оC, AP 100/60 mm Hg. Bradycardia changed to tachycardia. Tonic cramps, meningeal signs appeared. From anamnesis it is known that father is also sick. What treatment should be prescribed?

    1. * Mannitol, lasix, prednisolone, еuphyllin, suprastain

    2. Mannitol, acetophene

    3. Lasix, analgin, ampicillin

    4. Verospiron, euphyllin, demidrol

    5. Aspirin, analgin, demidrol

  • A student, 18 years old, for 7 days complains about weakness, hyperthermia to 37.8 °C, mucous excretions from a nose, pharyngalgia at swallowing, pain in eyeballs. Objectively: increased lymph nodes of neck and mandible, lymphadenitis, edema and injection of conjunctiva, hyperemia of mucous of epiglottis, hypertrophy of tonsils. What is the most reliable diagnosis:

    1. * Adenoviral infection

    2. Influenza

    3. Infectious mononuleosis

    4. Rhinoviral infection

    5. Parainfluenza

  • A woman 27 years old, complaints about the general weakness, absence of appetite, coughing, fever up to 37.5 °C for three weeks. Ulcerous illness of stomach, myocarditis is in anamnesis. What inspection is primarily need to do?

    1. Electrocardiography

    2. Fibrobronchoscopy

    3. Fibrogastroscopy

    4. * Fluorography

    5. Common blood analysis

  • A woman who came back from a tour trip, the next day called emergency help. It is known from the anamnesis, that within a week the temperature of body was moderately high. Complains of bad sleep and bad appetite, pain in the stomach. During the assessment of the sick it is found out roseolas on the pale skin of breasts and abdomen. Pulse is normal, temperature of body 38,2 °C, hepatospleenomegaly. What is your previous diagnosis?

    1. * Typhoid fever

    2. Epidemic typhus

    3. Flu

    4. Enteroviral infection

    5. Leptospirosis

  • Amount of solutions necessary for the primary rehydration in cholera is.

    1. * Accordingly to the degree of dehydration at time of hospitalization

    2. In accordance with the loss of liquid

    3. 2 l

    4. 5 l|

    5. 10 l

  • Amount of solutions necessary for the secondary rehydration in cholera is.

    1. Accordingly to the degree of dehydration at the time of hospitalization

    2. * In accordance with the loss of liquid

    3. 2 l

    4. 5 l

    5. 10 l

  • At a child with the clinical displays of ARVI a generilized lymphadenopathy, one-sided conjunctivitis increase of liver and spleen, is marked. Most reliable diagnosis?

    1. Infectious mononucleosis

    2. Leptospirosis

    3. * Adenoviral infection

    4. Flu

    5. Pseudotuberculosis

  • At a child with the clinical displays of ARVI a generilized lymphadenopathy, one-sided conjunctivitis increase of liver and spleen, is marked. Most reliable diagnosis?

    1. Infectious mononucleosis

    2. Leptospirosis

    3. * Adenoviral infection

    4. Flu

    5. Pseudotuberculosis

  • At I degree of dehydration the loss of liquid is:

    1. 0,5-1,5 % of body weight

    2. 6-9 % of body weight

    3. 3-6 % of body weight

    4. 5-8 % of body weight

    5. * 1-3 % of body weight

  • At patient with pediculosis rapidly rise temperature of body up to 41.2 °C, headache, euphoria appeared in 4 days from the beginning of illness. Red colour rash on the lateral thorax and back. Titer of Rickettsia antibodies 1:640, Ig M – 89 %. What is diagnosis?

    1. Flu

    2. Enteroviral infection

    3. Brill-Zinsser disease

    4. * Epidemic typhus

    5. Parainfluenza

  • At what degree of dehydration, there will be “metabolic violation”:

    1. Subcompensated

    2. * Negative

    3. Irreversible

    4. Moderate metabolic acidosis

    5. Insignificant metabolic alkalosis

  • At what percent of fluid loss will be I degree of dehydration?

    1. * -6 % of body weight

    2. 6-9 % of body weight

    3. 1-3 % of body weight

    4. 0,5-2 % of body weight

    5. 2-7 % of body weight

  • At what percent of fluid loss will be II degree of dehydration?

    1. 3-6 % of body weight

    2. Over 10 % of body weight

    3. * 6-9 % of body weight

    4. 4-8 % of body weight

    5. 10-15 % of body weight

  • At what percentage of fluid loss will be IV degree of dehydration?

    1. 4-8 % of body weight

    2. 6-9 % of body weight

    3. 3-6 % of body weight

    4. * Over 10 % of body weight

    5. Over 15 % of body weight

  • Can the symptoms of an acute appendicitis be the complications of typhoid fever:

    1. * Yes

    2. No

    3. Not always

    4. Often

    5. May be

  • Compensated dehydrationous shock develops:

    1. Rise level of toxins

    2. At a decrease of the systolic blood pressure

    3. At a hyperthermia

    4. At hypohemoglobinemia

    5. * Because of the haemodynamics changes absence in peace

  • Duration of isolation of patient with influenza complications?

    1. 4 days

    2. 7 days

    3. * 10 days

    4. 17 days

    5. 20 days

  • Duration of isolation of patient with influenza complications?

    1. 4 days

    2. 7 days

    3. * 10 days

    4. 17 days

    5. 20 days

  • Duration of therapy of primary rehydration in cholera is.

    1. 30 minutes

    2. * 2 hours

    3. 6 hours

    4. 12 hours

    5. 1 days

  • Enterorrhagia feces:

    1. * Melena

    2. Fetid

    3. Does not change

    4. With mucous

    5. With billirubin

  • How is the urgent prophylaxis of scarlet fever conducted?

    1. By vaccination

    2. * Isolation of children, who had contact with a patient

    3. Using of vaccination

    4. Disinfection

    5. Non-admission of contact with carrier of B-streptococcus

  • How is the urgent prophylaxis of scarlet fever conducted?

    1. By vaccination

    2. * Isolation of children, who had contact with a patient

    3. Using of vaccination

    4. Disinfection

    5. Non-admission of contact with carrier of B-streptococcus

  • In 1 liter of Trisalt solution, the concentration of potassium chloride is:

    1. 3 g/l

    2. 1.5 g/l

    3. * 1.0 g/l

    4. 2 g/l

    5. 2.5 g/l

  • In a child with the clinical display of acute respiratory viral infection observed generalized lymphadenopathy, one-sided conjunctivitis, increase of liver and spleen. What will be the most credible diagnosis?

    1. Infectious mononucleosis

    2. Leptospirosis

    3. * Adenoviral infection

    4. Influenza

    5. Meningococcal infection

  • In a child with the clinical display of acute respiratory viral infection observed generalized lymphadenopathy, one-sided conjunctivitis, increase of liver and spleen. What will be the most credible diagnosis?

    1. Infectious mononucleosis

    2. Leptospirosis

    3. * Adenoviral infection

    4. Influenza

    5. Meningococcal infection

  • In a different places of settlement found out a few cases of cholera. Who in the focus of cholera was send in an insulator?

    1. Carriers

    2. Persons contact with the patient

    3. * Patients with cholera

    4. Persons with dysfunction of alimentary tract

    5. Persons with hyperthermia

  • In a patient of 16 years old, the disease began gradually, from the catarrhal syndrome. For 2-3 days the temperature of body increase till 38,5 °C, cold, severe cough with the negligible quantity of mucous sputum, «souring» eyes. Peripheral lymph nodes are soft, painless and some enlarged. Mucous of pharynx is hyperemic, granules on posterior part of pharynx. General state is satisfactory. What is the drug of choice?

    1. Ascorbic acid

    2. Aspirin

    3. * Desoxyribonucleas

    4. Remantadin

    5. Aminocapronic acid

  • In a patient with ARVI fever develops to 40,1 °C, breathing frequency 40/min. What measures are the most effective in treatment of such complication.

    1. Minimising of body temperature

    2. Keep patient on artificial lung ventilation

    3. * Oxygen inhalation

    4. Infusion therapy

    5. Antibiotic therapy|

  • In a patient with ARVI fever develops to 40,1 °C, breathing frequency 40/min. What measures are the most effective in treatment of such complication.

    1. Minimising of body temperature

    2. Keep patient on artificial lung ventilation

    3. * Oxygen inhalation

    4. Infusion therapy

    5. Antibiotic therapy|

  • In a settlement was found out a few cases of cholera. Who must be insulated?

    1. Persons with disfunction of intestine

    2. Patients with cholera

    3. Carriers

    4. * Persons contact with the sick patient

    5. Persons with hyperthermia

  • In girl V., 1 year old, appeared the thump of nose, dry cough, body temperature rose till 37,5 ?C. Next day cough become attack like with the excretion of small amount of viscid sputum. Noisy breathing. Sharply expressed expiratory dyspnea, breating rate 40 times/minute. During examination: acrocyanosis and emphysematous thorax, at lungs dissipated dry and single moist rales. Tear of frenulum of tongue. What will be the preliminary diagnosis?

    1. * Parainfluenza

    2. Pneumonia

    3. Influenza

    4. Respiratory-syncytial infection

    5. Whooping-cough

  • In the blood analysis at an enterorrhagia:

    1. Leukocytosis and hyperhemoglobinemia

    2. * Coagulation failure

    3. Leukocytosis

    4. Normocytosis

    5. Hyperhemoglobinemia

  • In the break out of cholera it is necessary to carry out such measures, except:

    1. Hyperchlorination of drinking water

    2. An active discovery of patients by rounds

    3. Obligatory hospitalization, inspection and treatment of patients and vibrio tests

    4. Revealing and isolation of contact persons

    5. * Vaccine prophylaxis

  • In the different places of settlement found out a few cases of disease of cholera. Who from the contacts of cholera patient is sent in an insulator?

    1. Vibrio positive

    2. Patients with cholera

    3. * Contact with the patient persons

    4. Persons with dysfunction of intestine

    5. Persons with high temperature

  • In the different places of settlement it is found out a few cases of cholera. Who from such place is directed to an insulator?

    1. Patients with a cholera

    2. Transmitters

    3. * Persons who had contact with the patient

    4. Persons with dysfunction of gastro-intestinal tract

    5. Persons who left the place on infection

  • Method of etiotropic therapy of cholera is.

    1. Glucocorticoids

    2. Antiviral

    3. * Antibiotics

    4. Rehydration

    5. Vaccine

  • More often the dehydrationous shock develops at:

    1. * Acute intestinal diseases

    2. Respiratory diseases

    3. Blood infections

    4. Diseases of investments

    5. Diseases of never system

  • Normal potassium concentration in blood plasma:

    1. 1,5-2,0 mmol/l

    2. 2,0 mmol/l

    3. 2,5 mmol/l

    4. * 3,5-5,5 mmol/l

    5. 4,5 mmol/l

  • Normal sodium concentration in blood plasma:

    1. * 135-150 mmol/l

    2. 125 mmol/l

    3. 170 mmol/l

    4. 110 mmol/l

    5. 90 mmol/l

  • Patient 22 years old, has increase temperature of body till 37,8 °C. Treated under the supervision of district doctor with a diagnosis of influenza. On the 5th day of illness temperature remained the same; it began difficultly in opening eyes. On examination – edema on face, expressed conjunctivitis with film stratifications. Mucous pharynx is heperemia, on the back wall of gullet considerable graininess. Lymph nodes are enlarged in neck. The general state of patient is satisfactory. This disease is related to cold. What disease you suspect?

    1. Leptospirosis

    2. Infectious mononucleosis

    3. * Adenoviral infection

    4. Allergic dermatitis

    5. Meningococcal infection

  • Patient A., 28 years old, hospitalized with a previous diagnosis of flu. On the 5th day of illness, rash appeared on the trunk and internal surfaces of extremities. Temperature 41.5 °C, hyperemia of sclera, tremor of tongue, tachycardia, spleenomegaly, excitation. What is the most possible diagnosis?

    1. Measles

    2. Meningococcal infection

    3. Leptospirosis

    4. * Epidemic typhus

    5. Typhoid

  • Patient B., 20 years old, complains about severe headache in temples and orbits, dull ache in the trunk, dry cough. Temperature of the body 39.6 °C. Inflammatory changes of mucous membrane of oropharynx. Normal breathing in the lungs. What is the most credible diagnosis?

    1. Pneumonia

    2. Parainfluenza

    3. Respiratory micoplasma

    4. * Flu

    5. Meningococcal infection

  • Patient L., 18 years old is sick with fever till 38 °C which proceeds 5 days. he has moderate dry cough, common cold, badly opens eyes. On examination –edema on face, expressed conjunctivitis with film raids. Mucous of pharynx is hyperemic, posterior wall of pharynx is grainy. Internal organs are without pathology. What form of disease does the described picture correspond to?

    1. Viral conjunctivitis

    2. Allergic dermatitis

    3. * Adenoviral infection

    4. Influenza

    5. Rhinoviral infection

  • Patient M., 11 years old, complains on general weakness, cough, at night suddenly temperature rose till 39,5 ?C, appeared restlessness, barking cough, noisy whistling breathing with drowing in supra- and subclavicular cavities, intercostal spaces. He was in contact with the patient acute respiratory viral infection. What should recommend him the first line?

    1. * Prednisolon, hot foot-baths

    2. Seduxsen, euphylin

    3. Euphylin, vitamin C

    4. Antibiotics, dimedrol

    5. Astmopen, diazolin

  • Patient P., 14 years old, is hospitalized in the infectious department in the severe condition. Complains on expressed headache, mainly in frontal and temporal regions, supercilliary arcs, origin of vomiting appear in condition of severe pain, pains by moving the eyeballs, in muscles and joints. Objectively: patient is excited, body temperature-39 ?C. BP-100/60 mmHg. Bradycardia was replaced by tachycardia. Appeared tonic cramps. Doubtful meningeal signs. From anamnesis it is clear that his brother has flu at home. What will be your diagnosis?

    1. Influenza, typical flow

    2. * Influenza with the phenomena of edema of brain

    3. Respiratory-syncytial infection

    4. Parainfluenza

    5. Adenoviral infection

  • Patient R., 16 years old, hospitalized for 5-day illness with complaints of moderate headache in fronto-temporal region, laid nose, sore throat, pain in the left eye, rise in temperature to 38.1-38.5 °C. General condition is satisfactory. Shortness of nasal breath, mucous discharging from the nose, hyperemia of face, enlargment of the neck and submaxillary lymph glands, left foamy conjunctivitis. What is preliminary diagnosis?

    1. Influenza

    2. Infectious mononucleosis

    3. Enteroviral infection

    4. * Adenoviral infection

    5. Influenza

  • Patient R., 26 years old, became ill sharply: temperature 39,5 °C, severe headache, mainly in frontal and temporal an area, pains in muscles and joints. Examined on the 2th days of illness: state of middle weight, skin clean, dry. Moderate hyperemia with cyanosis, pulse 120/min., rhythmic. Cardiac activity rhythmic, tones are muffled, in lights of the vesicular breathing. Stomach is without peristalsis. What is the preparation of choice for treatment of this patient?

    1. Aspirin

    2. * Remalol

    3. Ampicillin||

    4. Ascorbic acid

    5. Ribonuclease

  • Patient with cholera has bradycardia, low blood pressure, weakness. What is most important factor in the given clinical situation?

    1. Hypocalcemia

    2. Hypopotassium

    3. Hyponatremia

    4. Hypernatremia

    5. * Hyperpotassium

  • Patient with cholera on a background treatment has signs of hyperkalemia. What solution must be applied for futher rehydration therapy?

    1. Neohemodez

    2. * Disalt

    3. Chlosalt

    4. Polyhybrid

    5. Lactosalt

  • Sick M., 22 years old, complaints about increasing of body temperature to 39 оC, headache in frontal area, pain in eyeballs, photophobia, pain in a muscles, dry cough. Became ill suddenly. The state is heavy. Objectively face is hyperemic, injection of scleras. Pulse 96 per min, rhythmic. Tones of heart are hypotonic. In the lungs – dissipated dry wheezes. Mucous membrane of oropharynx is hyperemic, grainy, vessels are extended. menengial symptoms are not present. Analysis of blood: leukocytes 3?109/L, е 1 %, band neut. 6 %, seg. neut 51 %, lymphocytes 35 %, мonocytes 7 %. What is most probable diagnosis?

    1. Measles

    2. * Flu

    3. Meningococcal disease

    4. Epidemic typhus

    5. Pneumonia

  • Sick, 52 years old, with complaints about pain in lumbar region, headache edema of chin. It is known from anamnesis that the sick suffers from obesity of ІІ degree. Recently carried heavy neurological stress and had flu. He has chronic bronchitis for 5 years, chronic gastritis for 8 years. Objectively: Temperature of the body 38.2 °C, AP – 140/90 mm Hg. It is proposed the diagnosis of acute glomerulonephritis. What transferred factors could be the reason of disease?

    1. Neuro psycologic stress

    2. Chronic bronchitis

    3. Chronic gastritis

    4. Obesity

    5. * Flu

  • The bowel perforation of the typhoid fever can appear:

    1. On 1-5 weeks of disease

    2. On 1 week of disease

    3. On 2 week of disease

    4. * On 3 week of disease

    5. On 5 week of disease

  • The bowel perforation of the typhoid fever is accompanied by the onset of:

    1. * Protective muscle tension of a stomach

    2. Absence of respiratory excursion of a abdominal wall

    3. Pains in a stomach

    4. Disappearances of hepatic dullness of percussion

    5. All answers are right

  • The collapse, a severe intoxication of a typhoid fever develops:

    1. * On 1-2 week of disease

    2. On 3 week of disease

    3. On 4 week of disease

    4. On 4-5 week of disease

    5. On 5-6 week of disease

  • The diarrheic syndrome and vomiting are the reason:

    1. An infectious-toxic shock

    2. An anaphylactic shock

    3. * A dehydrationous shock

    4. A hemorrhagic shock

    5. All right

  • The essential therapy for cholera is.

    1. Diet

    2. Antibacterial preparations

    3. Correction of dysbacteriosis

    4. Desintoxication

    5. * Primary rehydration

  • The hypovolemic shock develops owing to fluid loss at:

    1. A long-term fever

    2. A bleeding (a hemorrhagic shock)

    3. Vomiting and diarrheas

    4. All answers are not true

    5. * All answers are true

  • The hypovolemic shock is:

    1. І degree of dehydration

    2. ІІ degree of dehydration

    3. ІІІ degree of dehydration

    4. * ІV degree of dehydration

    5. V degree of dehydration

  • The patient P., 14 years old, is suffering from flu. He is hospitalized in infectious dept. due to worsening of his condition. He is conscious. A patient is suffocated. Pallor of skin covers with cyanosis, breathing rate 50 times/minute. BP-80/55 mmHg, pulse 110 times /minute. Body temperature-39,5 °C. Excretion of rose foamy sputum. On percussion of lungs there is tympanic sound with dullness in lower part of lung .On auscultation there is moist rales in lower posterior part of lungs. What complication of flu appeared in patient?

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