Introduction into the Infectious Diseases. Infections with fecal-oral mechanism of transmission. Infections with droplet mechanism of transmission. Tests

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  1. Leptospirosis

  2. Yersinioz

  3. * Botulism

  4. Giardiasis

  5. Salmonellosis

  • Patient 28 years old, complaints about an increased appetite, weakness, decreased physical activity tolerance, pain in stomach. Objectively: colour of skin is pale, signs of meteorism,and glossitis. In blood thereis diminished amount of red cells, leucocytes, thrombocyte and hypochromic anaemia. It is known from epideminological anamnesis, that the patient had spent 4th months on Volga river and had eaten the salted fish and caviar. What is the most probable pathology which predetermines such picture?

    1. Teniosis

    2. Anaemia

    3. * Difilobotriosis

    4. Opisthorchosis

    5. Helminthosis

  • Patient 28 years old, complaints about an increased appetite, weakness, decreased physical activity tolerance, pain in stomach. Objectively: colour of skin is pale, signs of meteorism,and glossitis. In blood thereis diminished amount of red cells, leucocytes, thrombocyte and hypochromic anaemia. It is known from epideminological anamnesis, that the patient had spent 4th months on Volga river and had eaten the salted fish and caviar. What is the most probable pathology which predetermines such picture?

    1. Teniosis

    2. Anaemia

    3. * Difilobotriosis

    4. Opisthorchosis

    5. Helminthosis

  • Patient 30 years old, complains about weakness, increasing of temperature up to 39.2 °C, pain in muscles, fatigue, edema present. 2 weeks ago he was used pork with the flab of meat. Edema is present,an enlarged liver is palpable. The BP is 90/60 mm of Hg. In blood analysis: leucocytes – 12,4-109, eos – 19 %, young neutrophills – 2 %, neutrophills – 59 %, lymphocytes– 16 %, mon – 4 %. Specify the most probable diagnosis.

    1. Leptospirosis

    2. Flu

    3. * Trichinosis

    4. Typhoid

    5. Spotted fever

  • Patient 30 years old, complains about weakness, increasing of temperature up to 39.2 °C, pain in muscles, fatigue, edema present. 2 weeks ago he was used pork with the flab of meat. Edema is present,an enlarged liver is palpable. The BP is 90/60 mm of Hg. In blood analysis: leucocytes – 12,4-109, eos – 19 %, young neutrophills – 2 %, neutrophills – 59 %, lymphocytes– 16 %, mon – 4 %. Specify the most probable diagnosis.

    1. Leptospirosis

    2. Flu

    3. * Trichinosis

    4. Typhoid

    5. Spotted fever

  • Patient 35 years old, was entered to the clinic with complaints about grumbling in a stomach, propensity to diarrhea, that are already present during 2 months. After the last two weeks at the act of defecation noticed moving snatches of flat struture. Has habit to use in a meal the raw stuffing from meat of home animal with spices. At colonoscopy there are numerous lateral folds which fills almost all segment.What is the drug of choice for treatment?

    1. Mebendazol

    2. Combantrin

    3. Albendazol

    4. * Phenasalum

    5. Medamin

  • Patient 35 years old, was entered to the clinic with complaints about grumbling in a stomach, propensity to diarrhea, that are already present during 2 months. After the last two weeks at the act of defecation noticed moving snatches of flat struture. Has habit to use in a meal the raw stuffing from meat of home animal with spices. At colonoscopy there are numerous lateral folds which fills almost all segment.What is the drug of choice for treatment?

    1. Mebendazol

    2. Combantrin

    3. Albendazol

    4. * Phenasalum

    5. Medamin

  • Patient 35 years old, was entered to the clinic with complaints about grumbling in a stomach, propensity to diarrhea, that are already present during 2 months. After the last two weeks at the act of defecation noticed moving snatches of flat struture. Has habit to use in a meal the raw stuffing from meat of home animal with spices. At colonoscopy there are numerous lateral folds which fills almost all segment.What is the drug of choice for treatment?

    1. Mebendazol

    2. Combantrin

    3. Albendazol

    4. * Phenasalum

    5. Medamin

  • Patient A, 29 years old, appealed with complaints about the decline of appetite, nausea, vomit, stomach-ache, diarrhea pain of chest, weakness, dizziness, parahypnosis.There is present hypochromic anaemia.Periodically used raw and half cooked raw pork. What most probable diagnosis?

    1. Teniarinhosis

    2. Difilobotriosis

    3. * Teniosis

    4. Trichinellosis

    5. Ascaridosis

  • Patient A, 29 years old, appealed with complaints about the decline of appetite, nausea, vomit, stomach-ache, diarrhea pain of chest, weakness, dizziness, parahypnosis.There is present hypochromic anaemia.Periodically used raw and half cooked raw pork. What most probable diagnosis?

    1. Teniarinhosis

    2. Difilobotriosis

    3. * Teniosis

    4. Trichinellosis

    5. Ascaridosis

  • Patient A, 29 years old, appealed with complaints about the decline of appetite, nausea, vomit, stomach-ache, diarrhea pain of chest, weakness, dizziness, parahypnosis.There is present hypochromic anaemia.Periodically used raw and half cooked raw pork. What most probable diagnosis?

    1. Teniarinhosis

    2. Difilobotriosis

    3. * Teniosis

    4. Trichinellosis

    5. Ascaridosis

  • Patient A., 17 years old, appeared with complaints about headache, stomachache, nausea, enhanceable fatigue ability, insignificant pain and sometimes diarrhea. He was sick during 4 months. Day prior he was addressed to the hospital in incandescence noticed a round worm length 15cm. What will be the best treatment for him?

    1. Levomycitin

    2. * Decaris

    3. Akrikhin

    4. Ftalazol

    5. Furazolidon

  • Patient A., 17 years old, appeared with complaints about headache, stomachache, nausea, enhanceable fatigue ability, insignificant pain and sometimes diarrhea. He was sick during 4 months. Day prior he was addressed to the hospital in incandescence noticed a round worm length 15cm. What will be the best treatment for him?

    1. Levomycitin

    2. * Decaris

    3. Akrikhin

    4. Ftalazol

    5. Furazolidon

  • Patient B., 20 years, became ill acutely. The unexpected severe diarrhea appeared with frequent vomiting, with plenty of vomits. The patient arrived from a South-east Asia countries. He has temperature 36,1 ?C during 3 weeks. Abdomen is pulled, not painful. Stool is a rice-water. What most reliable changes in blood will be present?

    1. Increasing amount of erytrocytes, leucocytes, relative closeness of plasma of blood, hyperkalemia, metabolic acidosis

    2. Decreasing of amount of erytrocytes, leucocytes, relative closeness of plasma of blood, hypokalemia, metabolic acidosis

    3. Decreasing of amount of erytrocytes, leucocytes, increase of relative closeness of plasma of blood, hyperkalemia, metabolic acidosis

    4. * Decreasing amounts of erytrocytes, leucocytes, relative closeness of plasma of blood, metabolic hypokalemic acidosis

    5. Increasing of amount of erytrocytes, leucocytes, relative closeness of plasma of blood, hypokalemia, metabolic alkalosis

  • Patient C, 17 years old, worker of vegetable garden. Became sick 2 days ago. The disease is related to use of meal of dirty root crop. Disease begun with chill, fever of 38.1 ?C, had pain in abdomen and in the muscles of all groups and joints, weakness, nausea. Emptying is liquid, viscid, with a strong smell, ordinary color. At objective examination: sclera, conjunctivitis, hyperemia of soft palate, “raspberry” tongue. At palpation of abdomen – moderate pain in epigastrium and in right iliac area. What will be the diagnosis?

    1. Cholera

    2. Dysentery

    3. Salmonellosis

    4. * Scarlet fever

    5. Viral hepatitis

  • Patient C., 36 years old, periodically visits Egypt for a business purpose, became acutely ill. Complaints about a ferver of 38 ?C, with chills and shevering, pain in right hypochorium.Insignificant icterus.Liver is enlarged,some hyperechogeninic area . In blood neutrophilic leucocytosis, increased ESR. At ultrasound found out the purulent abscesses of liver. What disease it is needed to think about?

    1. Legionellosis

    2. Echinnococcosis

    3. Ascaridosis

    4. Cancer of liver with metastases

    5. * Amebiasis

  • Patient E, 47 years, became ill in 4 days after returning from Egypt. A disease begun with the liquid emptying which look like a watery kind afterwards, joined with frequent vomiting, expressed weakness and fatigue. The state progressively got worse and within 18 hrs was admitted in an infectious department in a very grave condition. The lines of person are strained, skin is cold, cyanosis, temperature of body 35.5 ?C. Aphonia, cramps of hands and feet. The skin fold falls out through the abdomen. A stomach is pulled; no pain at palpation. Blood pressure is 70 and 30 mm of Hg. The pulse on radial artery is not determined, urination and emptying normal. Weight of patient at admission to the hospital was 60 kg. What is the degree of dehydration of the patient?

    1. I

    2. II

    3. * IV

    4. III

    5. It is not

  • Patient E., 47 years, became ill in 4 days after returning from Egypt. A disease begun with the liquid stool which looks like a watery, joined with frequent vomiting, expressed weakness and fatigue. The state progressively got worse and within 18 hrs was admitted in an infectious department in a very severe condition. The skin is cold, cyanosis, temperature of body is 35.5 dC. Aphonia, cramps of hands and legs. The turgor of skin is decreased. A stomach is drawn-in; no pain at palpation. Blood pressure is 70 and 30 mm of Hg. The pulse on radial artery is not determined, urination and stool are normal. Weight of patient at admission to the hospital was 60 kg. What is the degree of dehydration of the patient?

    1. I

    2. II

    3. * IV

    4. III

    5. V

  • Patient F, 53 years, habitant of a village, diseased acutely,the symptoms of general intoxication, dysfunction of bowels appeared, emptying became semi-fluid with the admixtures of pus and blood. The stomach at palpation is soft, morbid along belly and ascending colon with spasm. At rectoscopy are found ulcers with diameter upto 10-20 mm, located along the folds of mucus membrane, have fillings out, sharp edges places, surrounded by the area of hyperemia, bottom is covered by pus and necrotizing masses. What disease it is needed to think about?

    1. * Balantidiasis

    2. Shigella

    3. Heterospecific ulcerous colitis

    4. Amebiosis

    5. New formation of colon

  • Patient M., 32 years old, during a month has disturbing cough, increasing of temperature up to 38.0 ?C. In anamnesis ascaridosis was found. On x-ray was found separate homogeneous infiltration without clear contour of bronchus. In blood test – еоsinophil is 55 %. What most probable diagnosis?

    1. * Eosinophil infiltration (Lefler syndrome)

    2. Plague

    3. Chronic bronchitis, acute phase

    4. Acquired pneumonia

    5. Tumour of lungs

  • Patient M., 32 years old, during a month has disturbing cough, increasing of temperature up to 38.0 PC. In anamnesis ascaridosis was found. On x-ray was found separate homogeneous infiltration without clear contour of bronchus. In blood test – еоsinophil is 55 %. What most probable diagnosis?

    1. * Eosinophil infiltration (Lefler syndrome)

    2. Plague

    3. Chronic bronchitis, acute phase

    4. Acquired pneumonia

    5. Tumour of lungs

  • Patient M., 32 years old, during a month has disturbing cough, increasing of temperature up to 38.0 ?C. In anamnesis ascaridosis was found. On x-ray was found separate homogeneous infiltration without clear contour of bronchus. In blood test – еоsinophil is 55 %. What most probable diagnosis?

    1. * Eosinophil infiltration (Lefler syndrome)

    2. Plague

    3. Chronic bronchitis, acute phase

    4. Acquired pneumonia

    5. Tumour of lungs

  • Patient O., 25 years, hospitalized with complaints about diarrhea up to 10-15 times a day. Month ago returned from Middle Asia. The general state is relatively satisfactory. The temperature of body is subfebrile.A stomach is soft, pain after motion of colon. Emptying is liquid with the considerable admixtures of glassy mucus and blood. What is most probable diagnosis?

    1. * Amebiasis

    2. Shigellosis

    3. Salmonellosis

    4. Tumor of intestine

    5. Enterohaemorrhagic echeriosis

  • Patient O., 47 years old, became ill acutely. Periodically visits Uzbekistan for a business purpose. Complaints about a ferver of 39,4 ?C with chills and shivering, and pain in right hypochorium, cough with sputum. Skin with an earthy tint. Signs of rightsided pneumonia.The liver and spleen are enlarged.In blood neutrophilic leucocytosis. On X-ray infiltration of pulmonary tissues is found, at ultrasound abdominal examenation numerous abscesses are present in a liver. What disease is it necessary to think about?

    1. Echeriosis

    2. Alveolitis

    3. * Amebiasis

    4. Cancer of liver is with metastases in lungs

    5. Legionellosis

  • Patient P, 35 years old, became ill within 2 days after returning from India. A disease begun with appearance of liquid diarrhea which resembled a watery appearance, afterwards joined with multiple vomit, expressed weakness and fatigue. State progressively got worse and within 12 hrs delivered in an infectious department in a grave condition. The skin is cold, cyanosis, temperature of body 35.5 ?C. Aphonia, cramps of hands and feet. A skin fold falls out from abdomen. The stomach is pulled in, no pain at palpation. Blood pressure is 70 and 30 mm of Hg. A pulse on a radial artery is not determined, urination and emptying are normal. Weight of patient at admission to the hospital was 80 kg. What volume of infusion solutions is needed for primary rehydration?

    1. 10 liters

    2. * 8 liters

    3. 4 liters

    4. 6 liters

    5. 2 liters

  • Patient P, 35 years old, became ill within 2 days after returning from India. A disease begun with appearance of liquid diarrhea which resembled a watery appearance, afterwards joined with multiple vomit, expressed weakness and fatigue. State progressively got worse and within 12 hrs delivered in an infectious department in a grave condition. The skin is cold, cyanosis, temperature of body 35.5 C. Aphonia, cramps of hands and feet. A skin fold falls out from abdomen. The stomach is pulled in, no pain at palpation. Blood pressure is 70 and 30 mm of Hg. A pulse on a radial artery is not determined, urination and emptying are normal. Weight of patient at admission to the hospital was 80 kg. What volume of infusion solutions is needed for primary rehydration?

    1. 10 liters

    2. * 8 liters

    3. 4 liters

    4. 6 liters

    5. 2 liters

  • Patient with complaints about a general weakness, diarrhoea appeared to the doctor. Objectively: temperature of body 36,4 ?C, skin covers clean, acrocyanosis, tongue is dry, stomach is soft, not painful, emptying is abundant, watery, with the supernatant flakes of white color, odourless and admixtures. For clarification of diagnosis culture of stool was made on Resselya. What is the color of culture chang?

    1. From blue to green

    2. From yellow to green

    3. From green to yellow

    4. From yellow to blue

    5. * From blue to yellow

  • Patient with complaints about a general weakness, diarrhoea appeared to the doctor. Objectively: temperature of body 36,4 PC, skin covers clean, acrocyanosis, tongue is dry, stomach is soft, not painful, emptying is abundant, watery, with the supernatant flakes of white color, odourless and admixtures. For clarification of diagnosis culture of stool was made on Resselya. What is the color of culture chang?

    1. From blue to green

    2. From yellow to green

    3. From green to yellow

    4. From yellow to blue

    5. * From blue to yellow

  • Patient, 27 years, appeared with complaints about weakness, irritation, pain of muscles, fever, dry cough, pain in thorax, shortness of breath. In lung - dry and moist rales and wheezes are determined without dulling of percutory sound. In sputum are еosinophil, crystals of Charkot-Leyden with admixtures of blood. On the repeated X-ray of lungs shows plural еosinophilic infiltrations of different sizes which change a form and localization (syndrome of Leffler).

    1. Tuberculosis of lungs

    2. Acute pneumonia

    3. Bronchitis

    4. AIDS

    5. * Ascaridosis

  • Patient, 27 years, appeared with complaints about nausea, heaviness in epigastrium, stomach-ache, diarhoea and general weakness. An increase in appetite, mass of body is decreased. In blood moderate anaemia and high eosinophilia. Noticed creeping out of segments with excrement. She likes to use raw meat. What will be the most probable diagnosis?

    1. * Teniarinhosis

    2. Difilobotriosis

    3. Teniosis

    4. Trichinellosis

    5. Ascaridosis

  • Patient, 27 years, appeared with complaints about weakness, irritation, pain of muscles, fever, dry cough, pain in thorax, shortness of breath. In lung - dry and moist rales and wheezes are determined without dulling of percutory sound. In sputum are еosinophil, crystals of Charkot-Leyden with admixtures of blood. On the repeated X-ray of lungs shows plural еosinophilic infiltrations of different sizes which change a form and localization (syndrome of Leffler).

    1. Tuberculosis of lungs

    2. Acute pneumonia

    3. Bronchitis

    4. AIDS

    5. * Ascaridosis

  • Patient, 27 years, appeared with complaints about nausea, heaviness in epigastrium, stomach-ache, diarhoea and general weakness. An increase in appetite, mass of body is decreased. In blood moderate anaemia and high eosinophilia. Noticed creeping out of segments with excrement. She likes to use raw meat. What will be the most probable diagnosis?

    1. * Teniarinhosis

    2. Difilobotriosis

    3. Teniosis

    4. Trichinellosis

    5. Ascaridosis

  • Patient, 37 years old, complaints about pain of chest, nausea, vomitting, periodic attacks of Grand-mal epilepsy and memory became worse. Dense knots papule in hypodermis. What most probable diagnosis?

    1. Teniarinhosis

    2. Difilobotriosis

    3. Teniosis

    4. Trichinellosis

    5. * Ascaridosis

  • Patient, 37 years old, complaints about pain of chest, nausea, vomitting, periodic attacks of Grand-mal epilepsy and memory became worse. Dense knots papule in hypodermis. What most probable diagnosis?

    1. Teniarinhosis

    2. Difilobotriosis

    3. Teniosis

    4. Trichinellosis

    5. * Ascaridosis

  • Patients with аmebiasis are necessarily hospitalized. For specific therapy are used preparations which pernicious operate on the vegetative and tissue forms of amebae. It is the so-called, indirect and аmebiostic tissue, and also preparations with universal action. What group does delagin belong to?

    1. * Tissue аmoebiostic

    2. Indirect аmoebiostic

    3. Lines of аmoebiostic

    4. Preparations with universal action

    5. It is not belonged to none

  • Sick C., 20 years old, was admitted to the hospital with complaints about the frequent emptying without stomach-ache, vomiting without nausea, pain in calf muscle. Objectively: Temperature of body is 36,2 ?C. Skin is pale, cold, tongue is dry, voice is hoarsed. The stomach is pulled is not painful at palpation. Emptying resemble with “rice-water”. Are there what terms of discharge of patients from the hospital at such illness?

    1. * Triple negative results of bacteriological examination of excrements

    2. Double negative results of bacteriological examination of excrements

    3. Single negative result of bacteriological examination of excrements

    4. Single negative results of bacteriological examination of excrements and urine

    5. Double negative results of bacteriological examination of excrements and urine

  • Sick C., 23 years, ill from 3 days after returning from India. The disease has begun with the liquid emptying which looks like a watery, after wards joined with multiple vomiting, expressed weakness and cramps. The state progressively got worse and was admitted within 12 hour in an infectious hospital in a grave condition. The eyes of person is sharped, skin is cold, acrocynosis temperature of body 35,5 ?C. Aphonia, cramps of hands and feet. The fold of skin falls out through abdomen. stomach is pulled in, no pain at palpation. Blood pressure is 70 and 30 mm of Hg. Pulse on radial artery is not determined, urination and emptying are not good. What is the most appropriate diagnosis?

    1. Intestinal echerihiosis

    2. Salmonellosis

    3. Shigellosis

    4. * Cholera

    5. Amebiasis, intestinal form

  • Sick C., 23 years, ill from 3 days after returning from India. The disease has begun with the liquid emptying which looks like a watery, after wards joined with multiple vomiting, expressed weakness and cramps. The state progressively got worse and was admitted within 12 hour in an infectious hospital in a grave condition. The eyes of person is sharped, skin is cold, acrocynosis temperature of body 35,5 gC. Aphonia, cramps of hands and feet. The fold of skin falls out through abdomen. stomach is pulled in, no pain at palpation. Blood pressure is 70 and 30 mm of Hg. Pulse on radial artery is not determined, urination and emptying are not good. What is the most appropriate diagnosis?

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