Introduction into the Infectious Diseases. Infections with fecal-oral mechanism of transmission. Infections with droplet mechanism of transmission. Tests

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Modul 1

  1. Bradycardia, dicrotic pulse, muffling of cardiac tones, hypotension

  2. Tachycardia, dicrotic pulse, muffling of cardiac tones, hypotension

  3. Tachcardia, dicrotic pulse, muffling of cardiac tones, hypertension

  4. * Relative bradycardia, dicrotic pulse, muffling of cardiac tones, hypotension

  5. Dicrotic pulse, muffling of cardiac tones, hypotension

  • Sick person, 18 years old, became ill suddenly, when appeared chill, increased of temperature to 39,6 °C, weakness, headache. On the 2th day of illness appeared diarrhea to 10 times per day, without admixtures. For a few days before ate a meat of a beef. On the 5th day of illness appeared maculous-papulous rash on a body. Pulse was 100 per a min., BP 110/60 mmHg. Stomach soft, painful in epigastrium and mezogastrium. Liver +1 cm. Watery diarrhea 5 time per days. Choose the most reliable diagnosis:

    1. Typhoid fever

    2. Yersiniosis

    3. * Paratyphoid fever B

    4. Sepsis

    5. Paratyphoid fever A

  • Sick person, 23 years old, appealed to the hospital on 6th day with gradual development of illness, with complaints for severe headache, pain in the back of head, violation of sleep, fever. Objectively: Т-39,7 °C, Рs-84/min. A face is pale, tongue dry, near a root covered by the grey covering. A stomach is flatulent. During of percutory sound is determined in a right iliac area. A liver and spleen are enlarged. In whit day does a rash appear on a skin at this illness?

    1. On 12 day

    2. On 4 days

    3. On 5 day

    4. On 6 day

    5. * On 8 day

  • Student A., 22 years old, ill for 3 weeks, a month after returning from Ethiopia: appeared abdominal pain, liquid excrement, abundant, up to 10 times per day, in the form of “raspberry jelly”, was cramping in the abdomen, more right, growing in the bowel. Over time the disease has lost 6 kg body weight. Your diagnosis.

    1. * Intestinal amoebiasis

    2. Shigellosis

    3. Salmonellosis

    4. Tumor bowel

    5. Intestinal yersiniosis

  • The patient is 47 years old, desperately ill. Occasionally travels on a business trip to Uzbekistan. Complaints about the increasing body temperature up to 39,4 °C with chills and sweating, chest pain and in the right under ribs, cough, bloody sputum. Skin with brown shade. Signs of right pneumonia. Liver extended, painful. In blood neutrophils leukocytosis increased ESR. When radiography of chest infiltration of right lung tissue. USD of abdomen – multiple abscesses in the liver. What kind of illness need to think.

    1. Yersiniosis

    2. Alveococosis

    3. * Amoebiasis

    4. Liver cancer with metastases in the lungs

    5. Legionellosis

  • The patient O., 23 years old, appealed to the hospital on the 6th day of gradual development of illness, with complaints about severe headache (pain in the back of head), fever. Objectively: temperature of body 39,7 °C, pulse 84 per a min A face is pale, a tongue is dry, near a root covered a grey raid. A stomach is swollen. Dulling of percutic sound is determined in a right iliac area. A liver and spleen are palpated. What day does a rash appear on at this illness?

    1. * On a 8th day

    2. On a 2tnd day

    3. On a 4th day

    4. On a 5th day

    5. On a 14th day

  • To the admitting point of infectious hospital came patient with complains of high fever – 38-40 °C during 3 weeks, headache, weakness, insomnia. She didn’t consult with the doctor. She took antipyretic drugs, seduxen. Objectively: Т 35,7 °C, Рs – 140/min., BP-80/50 mm Hg. General condition is severe. Skin and mucous membranes are pail. The tongue is thickened with the imprints of teeth, with the dirtily-brown covering, apex and edges of tongue clean. A stomach is flatulent. A liver and spleen is moderately enlarged. There was a stool on the admission, with an excrement fresh blood. Why was decries of temperature of body and increase of pulse?

    1. Poisoning by the drugs

    2. Infectiously-toxic shock

    3. Hemorrhoid bleeding

    4. * Intestinal bleeding

    5. Endometriosis of colon

  • To the patient with toxic food-borne infection emergency care is given at home, and only after it hospitalize him. It is necessary as quick as possible to wash a stomach and bowels with the purpose of release of microbes and toxins. Whatever is used for washing?

    1. Isotonic solution of sodium of chloride

    2. Boiled water

    3. 1-2 % solution of sodium of hydrocarbonate

    4. * Solution of potassium permanganate

    5. Мineral water

  • 63 years old patient became ill suddenly. The temperature of body raised, the stomach-ache with nausea and vomiting and diarrhea were observed. The patient’s condition did not improve even after giving him Levomycitin for long time. The diarrhea had proceeded again 8-12 times a day and became liquid. On admition the patient complaints about diarrhea and general weakness.The excrement is liquid stinking with the admixtures of pus and blood. The persons face is emaciated, eyes are hollow. Tongue is covered by white stratification. The stomach is distended, peristalsis after bowel movments. In blood leucocytosis and anaemic. At a rectoscopy ulcers with sharped, uneven edges was found. What is the most probable diagnosis?

    1. * Amoebiosis

    2. Shigella

    3. Unspecific ulcerative colitis

    4. Rotavirus gastroenteritis

    5. Cancer of colon

  • A 23 years old patient complains about weakness, nausea, periodic presence of segments of helminth in the stool. In anamnesis the patient had eaten undercooked meat. Faeces were sent for microscopic examination. The bovin solitaire was found in the stool. What would be the drug of choice?

    1. * Biltritsid

    2. Pyrantelum

    3. Piperazinum

    4. Decaris

    5. Fazizhin

  • A 23 years old patient complains about weakness, nausea, periodic presence of segments of helminth in the stool. In anamnesis the patient had eaten undercooked meat. Faeces were sent for microscopic examination. The bovin solitaire was found in the stool. What would be the drug of choice?

    1. * Biltritsid

    2. Pyrantelum

    3. Piperazinum

    4. Decaris

    5. Fazizhin

  • A 24 years old engineer from Donetsk, has spent one month in India where he drunk unboiled water. After arriving home he has become ill. He appeared to the doctor with complaints of fever, weakness, pain in stomach, diarrhea - 12-15 times a day with mucous and blood (like raspberry jelly stool). Objectively: the state is relatively satisfactory, appetite became worse, tongue is coated with white patches.On deep palpation of abdomen patient complaints of pain especially in his right half and hypochodrium area. Liver and spleen are not changed. No change was found in blood analysis. On rectoscopy clear mucous and hyperemia of mucous membrane in rectum with ulceration in sigmoid colon were found. The stool test gave the growth of pathogenic flora. What most probable pathology which predetermines such picture?

    1. Strongyloidosis

    2. * Amebiasis

    3. Ulcerative colitis

    4. Balantidiasis

    5. Food poisoning

  • A 24 years old engineer from Donetsk, has spent one month in India where he drunk unboiled water. After arriving home he has become ill. He appeared to the doctor with complaints of fever, weakness, pain in stomach, diarrhea - 12-15 times a day with mucous and blood (like raspberry jelly stool). Objectively: the state is relatively satisfactory, appetite became worse, tongue is coated with white patches.On deep palpation of abdomen patient complaints of pain especially in his right half and hypochodrium area. Liver and spleen are not changed. No change was found in blood analysis. On rectoscopy clear mucous and hyperemia of mucous membrane in rectum with ulceration in sigmoid colon were found. The stool test gave the growth of pathogenic flora. What most probable pathology which predetermines such picture?

    1. Strongyloidosis

    2. * Amebiasis

    3. Ulcerative colitis

    4. Balantidiasis

    5. Food poisoning

  • A 5 years old girl complains about headache, decreased appetite, weakness, nausea, vomiting, bitter taste in mouth, stomach-ache and periodic diarrhea. Objectively: decreased nourishment status, on her tongue there is white coating observed. The stomach is soft, accessible for palpation, and painful in the area of gall-bladder. No Change in blood analysis was found.. According to the mother the same symptoms were observed with her son a month ago. What is the most probable pathology which predetermines such picture?

    1. Amebiasis

    2. Balantidiasis

    3. Intestinal trichomonosis

    4. * Giardiasis

    5. Dysbacteriosis

  • A 5 years old girl complains about headache, decreased appetite, weakness, nausea, vomiting, bitter taste in mouth, stomach-ache and periodic diarrhea. Objectively: decreased nourishment status, on her tongue there is white coating observed. The stomach is soft, accessible for palpation, and painful in the area of gall-bladder. No Change in blood analysis was found.. According to the mother the same symptoms were observed with her son a month ago. What is the most probable pathology which predetermines such picture?

    1. Amebiasis

    2. Balantidiasis

    3. Intestinal trichomonosis

    4. * Giardiasis

    5. Dysbacteriosis

  • A child is diagnosed with giardiasis. What preparation is it more expedient to apply for treatment?

    1. Ursohol

    2. Delagil

    3. * Ornidazol

    4. Tetracyclin

    5. Enteroseptol

  • A farmer O., 50 years old, hospitalized in a moderate condition with complaints about dryness in mouth, multiple vomitings, pain in the epigastriums and frequent watery stool. First aid to the patient is?

    1. Hypersaturated oxygen

    2. Transfusion of fresh-frozen plasma

    3. Tetracyclin

    4. * Intravenous introduction of salt solutions

    5. Introduction of polyhybrid

  • A farmer O., 50 years old, hospitalized in a moderate condition with complaints about dryness in mouth, multiple vomitings, pain in the epigastriums and frequent watery stool. First aid to the patient is?

    1. Hypersaturated oxygen

    2. Transfusion of fresh-frozen plasma

    3. Tetracyclin

    4. * Intravenous introduction of salt solutions

    5. Introduction of polyhybrid

  • A patient L., who returned from Crimea, developed diarrhea at 5AM. Bowel movements are each 1-1.5 hrs, watery, without mucus and blood. In 12 hrs a single episode of vomiting developed. The temperature of body at first rise to 37.3 C, stomach-aches is present. he was examined by the doctor of first-aid and delivered to an infectious isolation with the diagnosis of acute intestinal infection.Which disease is most probable for the patient?

    1. Intestinal echeriosis

    2. Salmonellosis

    3. Echeriosis

    4. Food poisoning

    5. * Cholera

  • A patient L., who returned from Crimea, developed diarrhea at 5AM. Bowel movements are each 1-1.5 hrs, watery, without mucus and blood. In 12 hrs a single episode of vomiting developed. The temperature of body at first rise to 37.3 C, stomach-aches is present. he was examined by the doctor of first-aid and delivered to an infectious isolation with the diagnosis of acute intestinal infection.Which disease is most probable for the patient?

    1. Intestinal echerihiosis

    2. Salmonellosis

    3. Echeriosis

    4. Food poisoning

    5. * Cholera

  • A sick 20 years arrived from Western Siberia complaint of pain in the area of liver and gall-bladder, bitter taste in mouth. Objectively: abdomen is soft, accessible for palpation, at palpation pain takes place in an area of bilious system. At blood analysis еosinophills – 23 %. She had eaten fish. What is the most probable pathology which predetermines such picture?

    1. * Opistorhosis

    2. Ascaridosis

    3. Trihocephallosis

    4. Giardiasis

    5. Trichinosis

  • A sick 20 years arrived from Western Siberia complaint of pain in the area of liver and gall-bladder, bitter taste in mouth. Objectively: abdomen is soft, accessible for palpation, at palpation pain takes place in an area of bilious system. At blood analysis еosinophills – 23 %. She had eaten fish. What is the most probable pathology which predetermines such picture?

    1. * Opistorhosis

    2. Ascaridosis

    3. Trihocephallosis

    4. Giardiasis

    5. Trichinosis

  • A sick 26 years appeared to the therapeutic department with complaints about the itching of skin, weakness, liquid emptying diarhoea 1-2 times a day. Objectively: sufficient nourishment. On the skin has pouring out red color as “hives” which has linear character. In blood eosinophilic reaction of blood – 28 %. Lives in rural area What is the most probable pathology which predetermines such picture?

    1. Salmonellosis

    2. * Strongyloidosis

    3. Food poisoning

    4. Giardiasis

    5. Trihocephallosis

  • A sick 26 years appeared to the therapeutic department with complaints about the itching of skin, weakness, liquid emptying diarhoea 1-2 times a day. Objectively: sufficient nourishment. On the skin has pouring out red color as “hives” which has linear character. In blood eosinophilic reaction of blood – 28 %. Lives in rural area What is the most probable pathology which predetermines such picture?

    1. Salmonellosis

    2. * Strongyloidosis

    3. Food poisoning

    4. Giardiasis

    5. Trihocephallosis

  • A sick child 8 years old complains about itching in the area of perinium. According to the mother child creaks teeth during sleep, sleeps badly. Objectively: sufficient nourishment, pallor of skin, tongue is insignificantly covered with white patches, stomach is soft, accessible for palpationis painless. The lowering of haemoglobin level takes place. What is most probable pathology which predetermines such picture?

    1. * Enterobiasis

    2. Salmonellosis

    3. Ascaridosis

    4. Giardiasis

    5. Trichinosis

  • A sick child 8 years old complains about itching in the area of perinium. According to the mother child creaks teeth during sleep, sleeps badly. Objectively: sufficient nourishment, pallor of skin, tongue is insignificantly covered with white patches, stomach is soft, accessible for palpationis painless. The lowering of haemoglobin level takes place. What is most probable pathology which predetermines such picture?

    1. * Enterobiasis

    2. Salmonellosis

    3. Ascaridosis

    4. Giardiasis

    5. Trichinosis

  • A sick P, 40 in 2 weeks after eating of uncooked pork, purchased at the elemental market, has sudden rise of temperature upto 40 °C, myalgias appeared, oedematous, papular rash on extremities and trunk and dry cough. Accepted aspirin. Blood test, leucocyte – 12*109 eosinophil– 40 %. What disease it is needed to think about?

    1. * Trichinosis

    2. Ascaridosis

    3. Leptospirosis

    4. Teniosis

    5. Allergic reaction

  • A sick P, 40 in 2 weeks after eating of uncooked pork, purchased at the elemental market, has sudden rise of temperature upto 40 °C, myalgias appeared, oedematous, papular rash on extremities and trunk and dry cough. Accepted aspirin. Blood test, leucocyte – 12?109 eosinophil– 40 %. What disease it is needed to think about?

    1. * Trichinosis

    2. Ascaridosis

    3. Leptospirosis

    4. Teniosis

    5. Allergic reaction

  • A sick P, 40 in 2 weeks after eating of uncooked pork, purchased at the elemental market, has sudden rise of temperature upto 40 °C, myalgias appeared, oedematous, papular rash on extremities and trunk and dry cough. Accepted aspirin. Blood test, leucocyte – 12*109 eosinophil– 40 %. What disease it is needed to think about?

    1. * Trichinosis

    2. Ascaridosis

    3. Leptospirosis

    4. Teniosis

    5. Allergic reaction

  • A sick, 29 years, emptying watery stool repeatedly, frequent vomiting. Objectively: total cyanosis, dryness of mucus membrane, turgor of skin is decreased Temperature of body 35.2 ?C. Pulse in radial artery is not determined. Tachypnea, musle spasm, urination is absent for 6 hours. What is the state of the patient?

    1. Dehydration of IV degree

    2. Dehydration of I degree

    3. Infectious-toxic shock

    4. Anaphylactic shock

    5. * Uncompensated hypovolemic shock

  • An unconscious patient is delivered in the intensive department. Pale dark circles around eyes. Skin is cold with sticky sweat. Temperature of body 35,6 ?C. Pulse 140/min and weak. Blood pressure is 40 /0 mm of Hg. Tongue is dry. Emptying is involuntary and “watery”, vomited twice. What infusion must be given as intensive therapy.

    1. Albumin

    2. Rheopoliglykin

    3. 5 % glucose solution

    4. * Polyionic salt solutions

    5. 10 % glucose solution

  • An unconscious patient is delivered in the intensive department. Pale dark circles around eyes. Skin is cold with sticky sweat. Temperature of body 35,6 AC. Pulse 140/min and weak. Blood pressure is 40 /0 mm of Hg. Tongue is dry. Emptying is involuntary and “watery”, vomited twice. What infusion must be given as intensive therapy.

    1. Albumin

    2. Rheopoliglykin

    3. 5 % glucose solution

    4. * Polyionic salt solutions

    5. 10 % glucose solution

  • Citizen of Pakistan, 30 years became ill rapidly with frequent watery stool which appears like a rice water. Objectively: temperature of body 35.4 ?C, skin is cold, acrocynosis, elasticity of skin and turgor is decreased. By what method may estimate the degree of dehydration?

    1. To examine an eyeballs

    2. To check central venous pressure

    3. To define the level of urea and creatinine in blood

    4. * To check the loss of blood plasma

    5. To check the pressure of blood

  • Citizen of Pakistan, 30 years became ill rapidly with frequent watery stool which appears like a rice water. Objectively: temperature of body 35.4 sC, skin is cold, acrocynosis, elasticity of skin and turgor is decreased. By what method may estimate the degree of dehydration?

    1. To examine an eyeballs

    2. To check central venous pressure

    3. To define the level of urea and creatinine in blood

    4. * To check the loss of blood plasma

    5. To check the pressure of blood

  • Diagnosis of giardiasis is based on the discovering of cyst in fresh incandescence and vegetative forms in duodenal content. At diarhoea in incandescence can appear trophozoite on faecal microscopic examination and preparations with solution of Lugola and еоsin. Examination is more expedient to conduct 3-5 times at intervals 1-2 days. How to increase frequency of findings?

    1. * By application of the formalin-еpiniphrine enriching methods

    2. Cultivation in thermostat

    3. Cultivation in an anaerobic chamber

    4. By the method of floatation in bilious clear soup

    5. To sow on a nourishing environment

  • Diagnosis of giardiasis is based on the discovering of cyst in fresh incandescence and vegetative forms in duodenal content. At diarhoea in incandescence can appear trophozoite on faecal microscopic examination and preparations with solution of Lugola and еоsin. Examination is more expedient to conduct 3-5 times at intervals 1-2 days. How to increase frequency of findings?

    1. * By application of the formalin-еpiniphrine enriching methods

    2. Cultivation in thermostat

    3. Cultivation in an anaerobic chamber

    4. By the method of floatation in bilious clear soup

    5. To sow on a nourishing environment

  • Diagnosis of giardiasis is based on the discovering of cyst in fresh incandescence and vegetative forms in duodenal content. At diarhoea in incandescence can appear trophozoite on faecal microscopic examination and preparations with solution of Lugola and еоsin. Examination is more expedient to conduct 3-5 times at intervals 1-2 days. How to increase frequency of findings?

    1. * By application of the formalin-еpiniphrine enriching methods

    2. Cultivation in thermostat

    3. Cultivation in an anaerobic chamber

    4. By the method of floatation in bilious clear soup

    5. To sow on a nourishing environment

  • For a patient E., 37 years old, a disease began rapidly, 6 hours the frequent liquid emptying appeared onto the plain rise of normal temperature of body, vomit joined then. At an inspection: aphonia, eyes are hollow, pulse frequent, threadlike, low blood pressure cramps appeared in lower extremities. Liver and spleen are not enlarged. Choose preparations for starting etiotropic therapy.

    1. Tetracyclin, erythromycin, levomycetin, ciprofloxacin or imodium

    2. Erythromycin, levomycetin, benzylpenicillin or imodium

    3. Tetracyclin, erythromycin, levomycetin, benzylpenicillin or ofloxacin

    4. Tetracyclin, erythromycin, levomycetin, or bifi-form

    5. * Levomycetin, erythromycin or ciprofloxacin

  • For a patient E., 37 years old, a disease began rapidly, 6 hours the frequent liquid emptying appeared onto the plain rise of normal temperature of body, vomit joined then. At an inspection: aphonia, eyes are hollow, pulse frequent, threadlike, low blood pressure cramps appeared in lower extremities. Liver and spleen are not enlarged. Choose preparations for starting etiotropic therapy.

    1. Tetracyclin, erythromycin, chloramphenicol, ciprofloxacin or imodium

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