Introduction into the Infectious Diseases. Infections with fecal-oral mechanism of transmission. Infections with droplet mechanism of transmission. Tests

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  1. Tuberculosis of lungs

  2. Acute pneumonia

  3. Bronchitis

  4. AIDS

  5. * Ascaridosis

  • Patient, 27 years, appeared with complaints about nausea, heaviness in epigastrium, stomach-ache, diarhoea and general weakness. An increase in appetite, mass of body is decreased. In blood moderate anaemia and high eosinophilia. Noticed creeping out of segments with excrement. She likes to use raw meat. What will be the most probable diagnosis?

    1. * Teniarinhosis

    2. Difilobotriosis

    3. Teniosis

    4. Trichinellosis

    5. Ascaridosis

  • Patient, 37 years old, complaints about pain of chest, nausea, vomitting, periodic attacks of Grand-mal epilepsy and memory became worse. Dense knots papule in hypodermis. What most probable diagnosis?

    1. Teniarinhosis

    2. Difilobotriosis

    3. Teniosis

    4. Trichinellosis

    5. * Ascaridosis

  • Patient, 37 years old, complaints about pain of chest, nausea, vomitting, periodic attacks of Grand-mal epilepsy and memory became worse. Dense knots papule in hypodermis. What most probable diagnosis?

    1. Teniarinhosis

    2. Difilobotriosis

    3. Teniosis

    4. Trichinellosis

    5. * Ascaridosis

  • Patients with аmebiasis are necessarily hospitalized. For specific therapy are used preparations which pernicious operate on the vegetative and tissue forms of amebae. It is the so-called, indirect and аmebiostic tissue, and also preparations with universal action. What group does delagin belong to?

    1. * Tissue аmoebiostic

    2. Indirect аmoebiostic

    3. Lines of аmoebiostic

    4. Preparations with universal action

    5. It is not belonged to none

  • Sick C., 20 years old, was admitted to the hospital with complaints about the frequent emptying without stomach-ache, vomiting without nausea, pain in calf muscle. Objectively: Temperature of body is 36,2 ?C. Skin is pale, cold, tongue is dry, voice is hoarsed. The stomach is pulled is not painful at palpation. Emptying resemble with “rice-water”. Are there what terms of discharge of patients from the hospital at such illness?

    1. * Triple negative results of bacteriological examination of excrements

    2. Double negative results of bacteriological examination of excrements

    3. Single negative result of bacteriological examination of excrements

    4. Single negative results of bacteriological examination of excrements and urine

    5. Double negative results of bacteriological examination of excrements and urine

  • Sick C., 23 years, ill from 3 days after returning from India. The disease has begun with the liquid emptying which looks like a watery, after wards joined with multiple vomiting, expressed weakness and cramps. The state progressively got worse and was admitted within 12 hour in an infectious hospital in a grave condition. The eyes of person is sharped, skin is cold, acrocynosis temperature of body 35,5 ?C. Aphonia, cramps of hands and feet. The fold of skin falls out through abdomen. stomach is pulled in, no pain at palpation. Blood pressure is 70 and 30 mm of Hg. Pulse on radial artery is not determined, urination and emptying are not good. What is the most appropriate diagnosis?

    1. Intestinal echerihiosis

    2. Salmonellosis

    3. Shigellosis

    4. * Cholera

    5. Amebiasis, intestinal form

  • Sick C., 23 years, ill from 3 days after returning from India. The disease has begun with the liquid emptying which looks like a watery, after wards joined with multiple vomiting, expressed weakness and cramps. The state progressively got worse and was admitted within 12 hour in an infectious hospital in a grave condition. The eyes of person is sharped, skin is cold, acrocynosis temperature of body 35,5 gC. Aphonia, cramps of hands and feet. The fold of skin falls out through abdomen. stomach is pulled in, no pain at palpation. Blood pressure is 70 and 30 mm of Hg. Pulse on radial artery is not determined, urination and emptying are not good. What is the most appropriate diagnosis?

    1. Intestinal echerihiosis

    2. Salmonellosis

    3. Shigellosis

    4. * Cholera

    5. Amebiasis, intestinal form

  • ?Sick E., 21 years old, grumble about nausea, insignificant dull or rarely aggressive pain in a stomach. Appetite is decreased. Periodically presence of flatulence, grumbling in a stomach and semi-fluid emptying. Sick during about 6 month. The diagnosis of chronic cholecystitis was proposed. In examination pallor of skin, lowering of mass of body and signs of vegetative dystonia are found.On palpation pain in еpigastric area also found. What disease you will think about?

    1. * Giardiasis

    2. Salmonellosis

    3. Amebiasis

    4. Balantidiasis

    5. Intestinal єcheriosis

  • A geologist 36 y.o. is hospitalized with complaints of a general weakness, dryness in mouth, diplopia and net before eyes. The day before used canned meat of the domestic making. Objectively: bilateral ptosis, expansion of pupils, paralysis of accommodation, violation of convergence. A mucus membranes are dry, swallowing is difficult, voice hoarse, disarthria. An abdomen is soft, some distended, defecation and urination is absent for 24 hours. What is the reason of constipation and stopping of urination?

    1. Hyperergic inflammation of intestine of Artius type

    2. Acute adrenal gland insufficiency

    3. Acute violation of cerebral blood circulation

    4. * Paralytic action of exotoxin on parasympathetic innervations

    5. Degenerative changes of myelin shells of nervous fibres

  • A patient with severe form of botulism received specific therapy with antibotulinic serum. There is no sensibilization after intra- and subcutaneous tests. During introduction of basic dose of preparation the patient suddenly stop of breath, tachycardia and cyanosis appeared. The patient was transported to intensive care department. Ps – 110/min., AP – 140/60mmHg. The reason of this state is:

    1. * Progress of basic disease

    2. Anaphylactic shock due to introduction of antibotulinic serum

    3. Anaphylactic shock due to introduction of infusive media in which antibotulinic serum is present

    4. Thromboembolia of pulmonary artery branches

    5. Acute cardiac insufficiency

  • Sick E., 21 years old, grumble about nausea, insignificant dull or rarely aggressive pain in a stomach. Appetite is decreased. Periodically presence of flatulence, grumbling in a stomach and semi-fluid emptying. Sick during about 6 month. The diagnosis of chronic cholecystitis was proposed. In examination pallor of skin, lowering of mass of body and signs of vegetative dystonia are found.On palpation pain in еpigastric area also found. What disease you will think about?

    1. * Giardiasis

    2. Salmonellosis

    3. Amebiasis

    4. Balantidiasis

    5. Intestinal echerihiosis

  • Sick E., 21 years old, grumble about nausea, insignificant dull or rarely aggressive pain in a stomach. Appetite is decreased. Periodically presence of flatulence, grumbling in a stomach and semi-fluid emptying. Sick during about 6 month. The diagnosis of chronic cholecystitis was proposed. In examination pallor of skin, lowering of mass of body and signs of vegetative dystonia are found.On palpation pain in еpigastric area also found. What disease you will think about?

    1. * Giardiasis

    2. Salmonellosis

    3. Amebiasis

    4. Balantidiasis

    5. Intestinal єcheriosis

  • Sick I., 25 years, returned from rest in Egypt. Early in the morning diarrhea began. Emptying each 1-1,5 hrs, abundant watery, without mucus and blood. Abundant vomiting also appeared. The temperature of body at first rise to 37,3 ?C, afterwards became 35,5 ?C, stomach-aches negative. Delivered in an infectious department. What is first aid?

    1. Treatment with sorbents

    2. Polyhybrid solution intravenous

    3. 5 % solution of glucose intravenous

    4. Fresh-frozen plasma intravenous

    5. * Salt solutions intravenous

  • Sick I., 25 years, returned from rest in Egypt. Early in the morning diarrhea began. Emptying each 1-1,5 hrs, abundant watery, without mucus and blood. Abundant vomiting also appeared. The temperature of body at first rise to 37,3 C, afterwards became 35,5 CC, stomach-aches negative. Delivered in an infectious department. What is first aid?

    1. Treatment with sorbents

    2. Polyhybrid solution intravenous

    3. 5 % solution of glucose intravenous|

    4. Fresh-frozen plasma intravenous

    5. * Salt solutions intravenous

  • Sick P, 36 years, farmer, became acutely ill when the temperature of body rised. There were a chills, pain in chest, flatulence and nausea. In the moment of admition grumbles about terminal diarrhoea with 15 times day. The stool is liquid, sticky with the admixtures of pus and blood. Tongue is covered with whitecovering. Stomach is distended, painfu colon, enlarged liver is palpable. In blood neutrophilic leucocytosis with the shift of formula to the left and anemia. At a rectoscopy, deep ulcers with unequal, sharped areas which are placed along the folds was found. What disease will you think about?

    1. Shigellosis

    2. Heterospecific ulcerous colitis

    3. * Balantidiasis

    4. Amebiasis

    5. Cancer of colon

  • Sick P., 25 years old, presents with frequent vomitting. Objectively: dryness of skin and mucous membranes, brief cramps in gastrocnemius muscles, the temperature of body is normal, voice is hoarsed, moderate tachycardia and hypotension. The compensated metabolic acidosis is marked. About what degree of dehydration is it possible to think?

    1. IV

    2. II

    3. * III

    4. I

    5. There is no dehydration

  • Sick P., 25 years old, presents with frequent vomitting. Objectively: dryness of skin and mucous membranes, brief cramps in gastrocnemius muscles, the temperature of body is normal, voice is hoarsed, moderate tachycardia and hypotension. The compensated metabolic acidosis is marked. About what degree of dehydration is it possible to think?

    1. IV

    2. II

    3. * III

    4. I

    5. There is no dehydration

  • Sick X., which returned from vacations from Turkey within 5 hrs in the morning, diarrhea began. Emptying each 1-1.5 hrs, with abundant watery without mucus and blood. In future bloodless watery, abundant vomitting appeared through 12 hrs. The temperature of body at first rise to 37.5 ?C afterwards became 35.7 ?C is delivered in an infectious department. What disease did you suspect?

    1. Echeriosis

    2. Food poisoning

    3. * Cholera

    4. Salmonellosis

    5. Balantidiasis

  • Sick X., which returned from vacations from Turkey within 5 hrs in the morning, diarrhea began. Stool every 1-1.5 hrs, with abundant watery feces without mucus and blood. In future bloodless watery, abundant vomiting appeared through 12 hrs. The temperature of body at first rise to 37.5  C afterwards became 35.7 CC is admitted in an infectious department. What disease did you suspect?

    1. Echeriosis

    2. Food poisoning|

    3. * Cholera

    4. Salmonellosis

    5. Balantidiasis

  • Sick, 20 year old, apeared to the hospital with complaints about the frequent emptying without a stomach-ache, vomit without nausea, pain in calve. Objectively: temperature of body – 36,2 ?C. A skin is pale and cold, a tongue is dry, voice getting hoarse. A stomach is pulled in, painless, emptying like a “rice-water”. What are the criterias for discharging of the patient from the hospital?

    1. Double negative bacteriological examination of excrements

    2. Single negative bacteriological examination of excrements

    3. * Triple negative bacteriological examination of excrements

    4. Negative bacteriological examination of excrement and urine

    5. Double negative bacteriological examination of excrement and urine

  • Sick, 20 year old, apeared to the hospital with complaints about the frequent emptying without a stomach-ache, vomit without nausea, pain in calve. Objectively: temperature of body – 36,2 C. A skin is pale and cold, a tongue is dry, voice getting hoarse. A stomach is pulled in, painless, emptying like a “rice-water”. What are the criterias for discharging of the patient from the hospital?

    1. Double negative bacteriological examination of excrements

    2. Single negative bacteriological examination of excrements

    3. * Triple negative bacteriological examination of excrements

    4. Negative bacteriological examination of excrement and urine

    5. Double negative bacteriological examination of excrement and urine

  • Sick, 45 years old was sick for 17days, lives in a village. The sick grumbles about strong stomach-ache, frequent 15 times and more on a day emptying, nausea, vomit, headache and fever. Objectively: person is pale, eyes are hollow, the turgor of skin is sharply decreased.Tongue is dry assessed white coating, stomach is sharply blown away, at palpation pain takes place in the area of colons. Liver is moderately enlarged. At hemanalysis leucocytosis 16*109, eosinophills 1 %, ESR – 7mm/hr. Change of leucocyte formula takes place. Emptying with addition of bloods, has a pungel smell. At rectoscopy at the area sigmoid and bowels was found deep ulcers with undetermined edges. What most probable pathology which predetermines such picture?

    1. Amebiasis

    2. * Balantidiasis

    3. Nonspecific ulcerous colitis

    4. Tumour of rectum

    5. Food poisoning

  • Sick, 45 years old was sick for 17days, lives in a village. The sick grumbles about strong stomach-ache, frequent 15 times and more on a day emptying, nausea, vomit, headache and fever. Objectively: person is pale, eyes are hollow, the turgor of skin is sharply decreased.Tongue is dry assessed white coating, stomach is sharply blown away, at palpation pain takes place in the area of colons. Liver is moderately enlarged. At hemanalysis leucocytosis 16*109, eosinophills 1 %, ESR – 7mm/hr. Change of leucocyte formula takes place. Emptying with addition of bloods, has a pungel smell. At rectoscopy at the area sigmoid and bowels was found deep ulcers with undetermined edges. What most probable pathology which predetermines such picture?

    1. Amebiasis

    2. * Balantidiasis

    3. Nonspecific ulcerous colitis

    4. Tumour of rectum

    5. Food poisoning

  • Student, 22 years old fell ill within a month after return from Ethiopia.Dull stomach-ache appeared and liquid emptying. Emptying is abundant up to 10 times a day, as “raspberry jelly” excrement, stomach-ache that increase during defecation. In times of illness lost 6 kg of body weight. Your diagnosis will be?

    1. * Intestinal аmoebiosis

    2. Shigellosis

    3. Salmonellosis

    4. Tumor of intestine

    5. Intestinal echeriosis

  • The ill patient in severe state was delivered to infectious department with no consciousness. Pale dark circles around eyes. Skin is cold, covered with sticky sweat. Temperature of body 35.6 ?C. Pulse 140/min and weak.Blood pressure is 40 and 0 m of Hg. Tongue is dry. Emptying is involuntary and watery. Three times vomited like “fountain”.What is the state of the patient?

    1. Collapse

    2. Infectious toxic shock

    3. * Dehydration shock

    4. Cereblral edema

    5. Intoxicated encephalopathy

  • The ill patient in severe state was delivered to infectious department with no consciousness. Pale dark circles around eyes. Skin is cold, covered with sticky sweat. Temperature of body 35.6 C. Pulse 140/min and weak.Blood pressure is 40 and 0 m of Hg. Tongue is dry. Emptying is involuntary and watery. Three times vomited like “fountain”.What is the state of the patient?

    1. Collapse

    2. Infectious toxic shock

    3. * Dehydration shock

    4. Cereblral edema

    5. Intoxicated encephalopathy

  • The inhabitant of a village, admitedwith wit complaints about great pain in a stomach, and diarrhea. The stool is liquid with mixtures of blood. About what disease it is possible to think about?

    1. Amebiosis

    2. Rotavirus gastroenteritis

    3. Gisrdiasis

    4. * Balantidiasis

    5. Cholera

  • V. Leptospirosis

    1. * Trichinosis

    2. Acute nephritis

    3. Quike’s edema

    4. Dermatomyositis

  • V. Leptospirosis

    1. * Trichinosis

    2. Acute nephritis

    3. Quike’s edema

    4. Dermatomyositis

  • Veterinarian 57 years old, on the 3rd day of disease appealed to the doctor with complaints of headache, high temperature, pain in gastrocnemius muscles, icterus, dark urine and diminishing of its amount. Objectively: temperature of body is 38 °C, sclerotic big peteachia on overhead part of thorax, hepatospleenomegaly. Most reliable preliminary diagnosis will be:

    1. * Leptospirosis

    2. Brucellosis

    3. Viral hepatitis

    4. Pseudotuberculosis

    5. Trichinosis

  • Veterinarian 57 years old, on the 3rd day of disease appealed to the doctor with complaints of headache, high temperature, pain in gastrocnemius muscles, icterus, dark urine and diminishing of its amount. Objectively: temperature of body is 38 °C, sclerotic big peteachia on overhead part of thorax, hepatospleenomegaly. Most reliable preliminary diagnosis will be:

    1. * Leptospirosis

    2. Brucellosis

    3. Viral hepatitis

    4. Pseudotuberculosis

    5. Trichinosis

  • Veterinarian 57 years old, on the 3rd day of disease appealed to the doctor with complaints of headache, high temperature, pain in gastrocnemius muscles, icterus, dark urine and diminishing of its amount. Objectively: temperature of body is 38 °C, sclerotic big peteachia on overhead part of thorax, hepatospleenomegaly. Most reliable preliminary diagnosis will be:

    1. * Leptospirosis

    2. Brucellosis

    3. Viral hepatitis

    4. Pseudotuberculosis

    5. Trichinosis

  • Woman 24, complains about colic pain in the liver area during 3 days with an irradiation in the back. Signs of icterus are absent. Last menstruation 5 weeks ago. Appointed ultrasonic research of abdominal region and small pelvis was found marked progress uterogestation. Expansion of common biliary tract, inflammation of gall-bladder, bulge of its wall, presence of crystal sediment.The extend loops of small intestines are visualized. On investigation of common biliary tract, additional ехogenic structures as a “ribbon”, which is displaced on investigation and changes form without distal acouctical shadow are found. Most probable diagnosis will be:

    1. Cancer of intestine

    2. Acute cholecystitis

    3. * Ascaridosis

    4. Choledocholelythiasis

    5. Cholecystitis

  • Woman 24, complains about colic pain in the liver area during 3 days with an irradiation in the back. Signs of icterus are absent. Last menstruation 5 weeks ago. Appointed ultrasonic research of abdominal region and small pelvis was found marked progress uterogestation. Expansion of common biliary tract, inflammation of gall-bladder, bulge of its wall, presence of crystal sediment.The extend loops of small intestines are visualized. On investigation of common biliary tract, additional ехogenic structures as a “ribbon”, which is displaced on investigation and changes form without distal acouctical shadow are found. Most probable diagnosis will be:

    1. Cancer of intestine

    2. Acute cholecystitis

    3. * Ascaridosis

    4. Choledocholelythiasis

    5. Cholecystitis

  • Woman 24, complains on heaviness in the area of liver during 3 days, with an irradiation in the back. Signs of icterus are not present. Last menstruation – 5 weeks ago. Appointed ultrasonic research of abdominal region and small pelvis was, found marked progress uterogestation. Expansion of common biliary tract, inflammation of gall-bladder, bulge of its its wall, presence of crystal sediment, extended loops of small intestines are visualized. Investigation of colonoscopy found additional exogenic structures as a “ribbon”, which is displaced in intestine and changes form without distal acoustic shade. Most probable diagnosis is:

    1. * Ascaridosis

    2. Partial intestinal uncommunicating

    3. Sharp calculary cholecystitis

    4. Choledocholithiasis

    5. Cholecystitis

  • Woman 24, complains on heaviness in the area of liver during 3 days, with an irradiation in the back. Signs of icterus are not present. Last menstruation – 5 weeks ago. Appointed ultrasonic research of abdominal region and small pelvis was, found marked progress uterogestation. Expansion of common biliary tract, inflammation of gall-bladder, bulge of its its wall, presence of crystal sediment, extended loops of small intestines are visualized. Investigation of colonoscopy found additional exogenic structures as a “ribbon”, which is displaced in intestine and changes form without distal acoustic shade. Most probable diagnosis is:

    1. * Ascaridosis

    2. Partial intestinal uncommunicating

    3. Sharp calculary cholecystitis

    4. Choledocholithiasis

    5. Cholecystitis

  • Woman 24, complains on heaviness in the area of liver during 3 days, with an irradiation in the back. Signs of icterus are not present. Last menstruation – 5 weeks ago. Appointed ultrasonic research of abdominal region and small pelvis was, found marked progress uterogestation. Expansion of common biliary tract, inflammation of gall-bladder, bulge of its its wall, presence of crystal sediment, extended loops of small intestines are visualized. Investigation of colonoscopy found additional exogenic structures as a “ribbon”, which is displaced in intestine and changes form without distal acoustic shade. Most probable diagnosis is:

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