Results and discussions. Given the fact that in emergency medicine paramount importance of timely and prompt establishment (forecasting) - the patient's life-threatening medical emergency - a problem situation (PS), as well as the adoption of adequate emergency measures to address them. We have in the next stage of the intellectualization of the MIS, developed methods, algorithms and software of the automatic identification of the PS in the patient of his EPR data, as well as the implementation of intelligent support medical decisions to get out of this situation. Of course, such situations have a different nature in various pathological conditions of organs and body as a whole and require corresponding appropriate approaches to address them. These developments are relevant and necessary especially for the fields of medicine, which is very essential element of subjectivity and responsibility in the decision is great, especially for emergency conditions.
Operation support system provided specially compiled database of problem situations and their attributes for each specific field of medicine and medical knowledge base relevant action. The main objective of the construction of MIS system intellectualization, of course is to create a knowledge base containing information on the relationship of symptoms of the patient with specific problem situations.
Сonclusions. Thus, we developed the system "intellectual support" that contains the database and knowledge base and blocks of software, using clinical data from the database of electronic patient records system "ExterNET", provides prediction and detection of problem situations in the patient's body and promotes the adoption of effective medical solutions their elimination or prevention.
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Journal ISSN: 2249-7137 Vol. 11, Issue 5, May 2021. -1227-1242 p. DOI: 10.5958/2249-7137.2021.01541.X
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