Guiding Principles and Practical Action: Information Intardapandanca and tha Evolution of US Foreign Information Policy by Kenneth S . Rogerson Bachelor of Science Brigham Young University, 1990 Master of Arts Brigham Young University, 1991 Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Department of Government and International Studies Political Science Program University of South Carolina 2000 Donald J. kla, Major Professor Chai xamining Committee R&ger A. Coate Committee Member David Whiteman Committee Member M. Kent Sidel Marcia G. Welsh Committee Member Dean, Graduate School Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. UMI Number 9969518 UMI* UMI Microform9969518 Copyright 2000 by Bell & Howell Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved. This microform edition is protected against unauthorized copying under Title 17, United States Code. Bell & Howell Information and Learning Company 300 North Zeeb Road P.O. Box 1346 Ann Arbor, Ml 48106-1346 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
to the group: Paula L'Ecuyer, Alynna Lyon, Becky Spyke and Emek Ugarer and to my family: Erin, Elise and Connor, who have never known life without daddy going to school and to Alisyn, who has patiently waited for a house, among other things ii Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Table of Contents Guiding Principles and Practical Action: Information Interdependence and US Foraign Policy I . Guiding Principlas and Practical A c t i o n ................ 1 Information and Policy Making ...................... 3 The Research Agenda ................................. 5 Organization of the Study .......................... 7 The Puzzle of Information and Politics ............. 9 II. Information I n tardapandanca............................ 17 What is Interdependence?.............................. 18 Why Use Interdependence?.............................. 22 Interdependence and Information .................... 34 III. Tha Evolution of US Information and Communication Policy 47 The United States and International Information R e l a t i o n s......................................... 51 The Evolution of Information Issues within U.S. P o l i t i c s ......................................... 53 Domestic Settings for Information Issues . . . 56 I n n o v a t i o n s ................................ 56 Government Intervention in Distribution . 62 Multilateral Explanations of U.S. Foreign Information Policy ........................ 66 International Trade ...................... 67 International Organizations ............. 69 IV. The International Telecommunication U n i o n 7 6 Early US Telecommunications Policy ................. 76 The International Telecommunication Union ......... 82 The United States and the I T U ....................... 88 The United States and ITU Bureaucratic Restructuring 8 9 World Telecommunication Policy Forum ......... 93 1998 ITU Plenipotentiary Conference ........... 98 C o n c l u s i o n............................................ 102 V . Tha General Agra ament on Trades and Tariffs and Tha World Trade O r g a n i s a t i o n....................................104 GATT and the United S t a t e s ...........................105 Information Issues in the GATT and the WTO .... 110 The Uruguay R o u n d ............................... Ill The World Trade Organization ............... 115 First WTO Ministerial M e e t i n g ...................... 121 iii Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. WTO Telecom Agreement ............................ 123 Second WTO Ministerial Meeting .................... 130 C o n c l u s i o n............................................ 131 VI. United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization ........................................ 136 The Evolution of Information and Communications Issues in US/UNESCO Relations ...................... 137 US Policy and the UNESCO B a t t l e g r o u n d ..............148 Mass Media Declaration ...................... 148 MacBride Commission and Report ............. 157 International Program for Development and Communications (IPDC) .................... 163 US Withdrawal From U N E S C O ........................... 167 UNESCO "Policy" Today ............................ 169 C o n c l u s i o n.............................................172 VII. Understanding US Foreign Information and Communications P o l i c y .......................................... 174 Sovereignty vs. Interdependence .................. 178 Information Interdependence ...................... 181 Information Inequality ............................. 185 Who Makes Information Policy? .................... 191 Who Makes UNESCO Policy for the United States? . . 197 C o n g r e s s ........................................ 197 The US M e d i a ....................................199 L o b b y i s t s ........................................ 202 VIII. An Agenda for US Foreign Information Policy . . . 207 Economic Information Policy' ...................... 211 Security Information Policy ...................... 212 Ideological Information Policy .................... 215 Cultural Information Policy ...................... 216 Understanding US Information Policy ............. 218 Bibliography .......................................... 222 Books 222 I n t e r v i e w s............................................ 236 Web S i t e s ............................................ 237 iv Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.