the following example. This example clearly shows that although the language
lacks logical precision, it is still quite understandable.
Compare the following
1. Man is intelligent - Man is intelligent.
2.Men were deceivers ever - Men have always been deceivers.
Considering these examples from the point of view of grammar, we see
that (not to mention the difference in the nominal part of the predicate) they
differ in that in one case they represent the singular, and in the other - the plural,
in one case - the present tense, and in the other, the past.
However, both sentences say something
about the whole class; only the
class itself is different in both cases: in the first case, humanity as a whole is
meant, regardless of sex, in the second, only the male part of humanity; thus, in
the grammatical difference of numbers, the difference of gender is implied. On
the other hand, although in these examples
we meet different tense forms, the
differences in time are not meant: the first statement does not refer only to the
present moment, and the second does not only refer to the past. In both cases, a
statement is made that does not distinguish between the present and the past and
extends to all times.
Therefore, it must be recognized that, along with syntactic categories, or
besides them, or behind these categories, depending on the structure of each
language, in the form in which it exists, there are also extralinguistic categories
that do not depend on the more or less accidental facts of existing languages. .
These categories are universal in that they apply to all languages, although they
are rarely expressed in those languages in a clear and unambiguous way. Some
of them refer to such facts of
the external world as gender, others to mental
activity or logic. The task of the grammarian is to understand in each specific
case the relationship that exists between the conceptual and syntactic categories.
Philosophers distinguish three types of thought: message, question,
motivation. This position has been developed in linguistics in the allocation of
sentences according to the purpose of the statement: narrative, interrogative and
incentive. The degree of articulation of a thought is a determining condition for
distinguishing the structural-semantic types of a simple sentence: two-part-
single-part, articulating and indivisible.
However, covering the issues of modern approaches
to the problems of
syntax, it must be said that we are talking about strictly defined directions.
Based on the specific nature of syntactic units - multidimensionality - for a more
complete study of them, in most cases, a synthesis of the achievements of
approaches is required, which led to the emergence of structural-
semantic, structural-formal, structural-functional, communicative-functional,
logical-structural approaches for a broader consideration
linguistic and speech
syntax allows speakers to communicate complex thoughts by organizing
small, simple units. For example, in English, a sentence may be as simple as a
one-word interjection, or it may be a long composition with several paragraphs
drawn together. Human language is unlimited because even within the rules of
syntax, people can generate new sentences or phrases to express new ideas or