Grade Equivalent: The average raw score for all children in the same school; the average raw score of all 3
graders was ten correct on the math test, then, this raw score is converted into a grade equivalent score of 3.0
(meaning grade three, zero months). They provide a very rough estimate of a child’s mastery of academic work or
capacity to learn.
Gross motor: functions that require large muscle movements. For example walking, jumping.
Grouping: puts students together for a specific reason and amount of time. See Tracking
General fund= accounting term used by the state and school districts to differentiate general
revenues and expenditures from funds for specific uses.
Games-based learning A learning process that is facilitated by the use of a
game. Games can be used at any level from preschool
through to lifelong learning in a variety of learning
situations, from behaviour modification and rote
learning to supporting learning in complex domains
such as evaluation or creativity. (Source: Seel 2012).