Ii nd Midterm testing for the 2

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1. gastric ulcer; 2. serum transfusion; 3. continuous haemorrhage; 4. carci­noma; 5. anaemia; 6. intermittent fever; 7. prophylactic vaccination; 8. profuse external bleeding; 9. chemotherapy; 10. chronic gastritis; 11. dryness in the mouth; 12. acute cholecystitis; 13. parenteral injections; 14. severe nausea

II nd Midterm testing
for the 2nd year student of

-------------------------------------------------- faculty

Full name:_________________________________________

Group:_____ Date:_________ Score:_____

Card № 8

I.Translate into English: (30%)

  1. пальпация------------------------------------------------------

  2. ошқозон шираси анализи----------------------------------------------------

  3. чувствительность пациента, беморнинг сезувчанлиги ------------------------------------------------------------

  4. разрез брюшной полости ,корин кисмини кесиш -------------------------------------

  5. хаёт учун хавфли, опасно для жизни--------------------------------------------

  6. Сухость во рту, огизда куриши -------------------------------------------------------артериал босим------------------------------------------------------

7.наследственные факторы , ирсий факторлар----------------------------------------------

8. Этиология рака, ракнинг этиологияси ---------------------------------------------

9.дастлабки туберкулёз---------------------------------------------------

10.клиник белгилари------------------------------------------------------------

11.умумий холсизликдан шикоят қилмоқ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

12.обострение язвы, ошқозон ярасининг хуружи ------------------------------------

13.эмоциональное перенапряжение ,ҳиссий зўриқиш---------------------------------

14.Язвы желудка и двенадцатиперстной кишки, ошқозон ва ўн икки бармоқли ичак яраси -----------------------------------------------
II.: Finish the following definitions and answer the questions: (10%)
1. The disease of the endocrine system caused by a large amount of sugar in the-blood is ... .2. The colouring of the skin caused by some disturbances in the body is .... 3. The diagnostic examination of the tissue taken from a living body is .... 4. An unusual eruption (высыпание) on the skin mostly caused by some infectious disease is ... . 5. The disturbance of blood circulation that causes blood to stop at a certain portion of a vessel is ... .

What is: a) pigmentation; b) rash; c) diabetes; d) stasis; e) biopsy?

III.Read, translate and retell the text: “Jaundice” 40% (10/10/20)

Text: Jaundice

Jaundice is a symptom common to many disturbances and diseases of the liver, such as obstruction of the bile ducts, cancer, etc. In jaundice the skin and the sclerae take on a yellowish colour which may vary in its intensity. Even the serum of the blood is bile coloured. Jaundice is frequently accompanied by severe itching. The pulse is usually slow, and there is a tendency to haemorrhage. In advanced cases nervous symptoms may develop. Jaundice being caused by obstruction, the bile cannot pass to the intestines and the stools are' of a white colour. The urine is deeply coloured. In toxic jaundice the stools may be of normal colour or deeply bile coloured.

Infectious jaundice in adults has been found to be due to a virus. It is char­acterized by fever, vomiting, jaundice and haemorrhage from the nose, intes­tines, etc. Jaundice is not a rare complication in case of severe intoxication

4. Distribute the following words and phrases in columns: (20%)

Disease name

Pathological symptoms

Treatment procedures

angina pectoris, perspiration, murmur, intermittent fever, benign and ma­lignant tumours, occlusion, dullness, crepitation, fatigue, ulcer, haemorrhage, epigastric pain, carcinoma, loss of appetite and weight, pleurisy, anaemia, fi­brillation, vomiting nausea

II nd Midterm testing
for the 2nd year student of

-------------------------------------------------- faculty

Full name:_________________________________________

Group:_____ Date:_________ Score:_____

Card № 9

I.Translate into English: (30%)

  1. jigarga oid,печеночный ------------------------------------------------------------

2.желтуха, желтушность ,сариклик, сарик касал--------------------------------------

3.прободная язва ,yorilgan yara--------------------------------------------------------------

4.узел, tuguncha-------------------------------------------------------------

5.паралич сердца ,yurakni to`satdan to`xtab qolishi---------------------------------------

6.тошнота ,ko`ngil aynashi-------------------------------------------------------------------


8.сахарная болезнь,диабет ----------------------------------------------------------------

9.одновременный, бир вактнинг узида ----------------------------------------------------


11. чувствительность пациента, беморнинг сезувчанлиги ------------------------------------------------------------

12.разрез брюшной полости ,корин кисмини кесиш -------------------------------------

13.хаёт учун хавфли, опасно для жизни--------------------------------------------

14. Этиология рака, ракнинг этиологияси ---------------------------------------------

15.дастлабки туберкулёз---------------------------------------------------

II.Choose the appropriate verb. Translate into Russian: (10%)

1. When does the physician (expect, wait for) to discharge this patient from the hospital? 2. Please (wait for, expect) the doctor a little. He will be back soon. 3. The scientist (expected, waited for) that his investigations would en­able him to determine the origin of the infectious process.

III.Read, translate and retell the text: “Text A. Peritonitis40% (10/10/20)

Text A. Peritonitis

Peritonitis is known to be general or localized, acute or chronic, primary or secondary.

Acute general purulent peritonitis is believed to be due to perforation of one of the hollow abdominal organs. The most frequent causes are perforating appendicitis, inflammatory conditions of the female sex organs and perforating gastric or duodenal ulcers.

The main symptoms of this condition are vomiting, pain and tenderness in the abdomen, it being considerably enlarged due to the presence of fluid there. The temperature is known to be moderately elevated, the pulse rate being con­siderably changed. The blood analysis usually reveals leucocytosis.

This condition is extremely dangerous to the patient's life, an emergency surgery being performed to save the patient. During the operation the primary focus of peritonitis is to be removed, the danger for the patient being elimi­nated.

Emergency operative treatment is known to be followed by a course of antibiotic treatment, which greatly contributes to the recovery.

4. Distribute the following words and phrases in columns: (20%)

Disease name

Pathological symptoms

Treatment procedures

angina pectoris, perspiration, murmur, intermittent fever, benign and ma­lignant tumours, occlusion, dullness, crepitation, fatigue, ulcer, haemorrhage, epigastric pain, carcinoma, loss of appetite and weight, pleurisy, anaemia, fi­brillation, vomiting nausea

II nd Midterm testing
for the 2nd year student of

-------------------------------------------------- faculty

Full name:_________________________________________

Group:_____ Date:_________ Score:_____

Card 10

Translate into English: (30%)

  1. патогенез язвы,яранинг патогенези -----------------------------------------------

  2. общий эпигастральный дискомфорт,умумий эпигастрик ноқулайлик------------------------------------------------------------------

  3. наследственные и приобретённые заболевания-ирсий ва орттирилган касалликлар___________________________________________________________________

  4. тошнота, кўнгил айниши____________________________________________

  5. влияние,воздействие,действие;vвлиять,таъсирқилмоқ,таъсир__________________________

  6. механизм развития заболевания-касалликнинг ривожланиш механизми______________________________________

  7. острое вирусное заболевание-ўткир вирусли касаллик____________________________________________________

  8. пищеварение; усвоение(пищи),(овқат) ҳазм қилиш_________________________________________________

  9. потливость, терлаш______________________________________________________________________

  10. сильный зуд, кучли қичишиш

  11. обострение язвы двенадцатиперстной кишки,ўн икки бармоқли ичак ярасининг кучайиши

  12. характерные клинические проявления болезни,касалликнинг ўзига хос клиник кўриниши

  13. злокачественный , хавфли

  14. лимфатические узлы,лимфа тугунлари

  15. обильное наружное кровотечение,ташқи кўп қон кетиши

II. Choose the correct answer: (10%)

1. Acute cholecystitis is known ... (a) to be characterized by pain radiating to the breastbone and lumbar area; 6) to be accompanied by profuse external bleeding) 2. Irregular diet as well as an emotional overstrain have been found ... (a) to result in the disturbances of peripheral blood circulation; 6) to contribute to the development of gastric and duodenal ulcers) 3. Clinical manifestations of gastric carcinoma prove ... (a) to vary with the stage of its development, loca­tion and spread through the lymphatic nodes and other inner organs; 6) to be associated with the lesions of the central nervous system)

III.Read, translate and retell the text: Hepatitis (40%)

Text. Hepatitis

In hepatitis the source of virus is a sick person who may spread the infec­tion by personal contact from the last days of the incubation period during the entire course of the disease. But the infection is particularly virulent in the pro­dromal period and in the first week of the disease. The patient's blood being highly infective, even a small dose of 0.1 ml may be dangerous for a person.

In case of Virus A hepatitis infection enters the body through the mouth when eating infected food or drinking water. In case of Virus В hepatitis infec­tion enters parenterally during transfusions of blood, plasma and serurn, pro­phylactic vaccinations or is due to inadecuately sterilized instruments.

Epidemic (Virus A) hepatitis most commonly occurs late in autumn, early in winter, or in spring. The incubation period lasts from 14 days to 50 days, but in Virus В hepatitis it is from 2 to 6-8 months. Botkin's disease causes inflammatory changes and degeneration of hepatic cells and damage to the bile ducts due to which bile enters the lymph flow and subsequently the blood. The tissues of the spleen, gallbladder and the nervous and endocrine systems become involved simultaneously with the liver

4. Distribute the following words and phrases in columns: (20%)

Disease name

Pathological symptoms

Treatment procedures

1. gastric ulcer; 2. serum transfusion; 3. continuous haemorrhage; 4. carci­noma; 5. anaemia; 6. intermittent fever; 7. prophylactic vaccination; 8. profuse external bleeding; 9. chemotherapy; 10. chronic gastritis; 11. dryness in the mouth; 12. acute cholecystitis; 13. parenteral injections; 14. severe nausea

II nd Midterm testing
for the 2nd year student of

-------------------------------------------------- faculty

Full name:_________________________________________

Group:_____ Date:_________ Score:_____

Card № 11

Translate into English: (30%)

  1. А срочный, неотложный помощ, тез ёрдам-----------------------------------------------

  2. воспаление желчного пузыря,ут пуфагининг яллигланиши --------------------------

  3. злокачественная опухоль; -----------------------------------------------------

  4. страдать от длительного кровотечения ----------------------------------------------------------------

  5. сделать переливание крови и плазмы ---------------------------------------------------------------

  6. обнаружить нарушение пищеварения -----------------------------------------------------------------

  7. произвести срочную хирургическую опе¬рацию -------------------------------------------------

  8. жаловаться на раздражение кожи -------------------------------------------------------------------

  9. Взять анализ желудочного сока,Ошқозон шираси анализини олиш---------------------------------------------

  10. Обсследовать органы пищеварение,Ҳазм қилиш органларини текшириш-----------------------------------------

  11. Сыпь,тошма --------------------------------------------------------------------

  12. сильный зуд, кучли кичишиш --------------------------------------------------------

  13. рентгенологический обследование, рентген текшируви ---------------------------------------------------------------------

  14. клинические проявление,клиник белгилар---------------------------------------------------------------

  15. воспаление желчного пузыря, ут пуфагининг яллигланиши-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

II.. Use the verbs in brackets in the proper tense of the Indefinite group.
Translate the sentences:


1. Products of protein, fat, and carbohydrate digestion (to be absorbed) from the gastrointestinal tract by the liver in which they (to undergo) furthur chemical processes. 2. The liver (to destroy) toxic substances which usually (to be formed) in the intestinal tract as well as some poisons which (to enter) the body from without. 3. Jaundice (to be known) to be the disease which (to be due to) the presence of a large amount of bilirubin in the blood and tissues.

III.Read, translate and retell the text:Cancer of the Stomach” (30%)

Text С. Cancer of the Stomach

Gastric carcinoma is a frequent form of cancer causing about 35-40% of all deaths from malignant tumours.

This disease is more common in men than in women. The highest incidence is noted at ages of 50 to 60. Gastric carcinoma is known to have a more malig­nant course in young persons than in old age. The duration of gastric cancer from the appearance of its first manifestations to death is not longer than 1-2 years.

The aetiology of cancer is unknown. But such pathologic conditions as be­nign tumours, ulcer of the stomach, gastritis and stomach polyps have been determined to contribute considerably to its development.

According to certain data the use of too hot or too cold food, smoking and alcohol are considered to be responsible for the development of stomach carci­noma.

In the past few years a virus theory of cancer has been suggested. Though
this theory is supported by many it has not yet been proved. For a long time
many scientists have been discussing the importance of hereditary factors in the
development of cancer. The hereditary theory has not yet been confirmed either
(также). The clinical manifestations of gastric carcinoma vary with the stage of its development, location and spread through the lymphatic nodes and other inner organs. The main symptoms of gastric carcinoma are known to be disturbance in gastric digestion, epigastric pains, loss of weight and sometimes vomiting of blood. A prolonged, usually external, profuse bleeding results in severe anaemia. The appetite is usually reduced.
4. Distribute the following words and phrases in columns: (20%)

Disease name

Pathological symptoms

Treatment procedures

1. gastric ulcer; 2. serum transfusion; 3. continuous haemorrhage; 4. carci­noma; 5. anaemia; 6. intermittent fever; 7. prophylactic vaccination; 8. profuse external bleeding; 9. chemotherapy; 10. chronic gastritis; 11. dryness in the mouth; 12. acute cholecystitis; 13. parenteral injections; 14. severe nausea

II nd Midterm testing
for the 2nd year student of

-------------------------------------------------- faculty

Full name:_________________________________________

Group:_____ Date:_________ Score:_____

Card № 12

I.Translate into English: (30%)

  1. обострение язвы двенадцатиперстной кишки,ўн икки бармоқли ичак ярасининг кучайиши__________________________________________

  2. характерные клинические проявления болезни,касалликнинг ўзига хос клиник кўриниши___________________________________________

  3. а злокачественный , хавфли_______________________________________

  4. назначение соответствующего препарата, тегишли дори дармонларни ёзиб бериш________________________________________________

  5. терапевтические меры неэффективны,даволаш чоралари самарасиз

  6. задержка мочи, сийдик тутилиши__________________________________

  7. прободная язва,яранинг ёрилиши_______________________________

  8. язва желудка,ошкозон яраси_____________________________________

  9. рвота и тошнота, кусиш ва кунгил айнаши___________________________

  10. острая боль, уткир огрик__________________________________________

  11. хроническая болезнь печени и почек, сурункали жигар ва буйрак касалликлари_______________________________________________

  12. общий эпигастральный дискомфорт, умумий эпигастрал нохушлик

  13. Строгий режим диеты, катъий диета режими_______________

  14. нарушение желудочного пищеварения, овкат хазм килишнинг бузилиши______________________________________________

  15. профилактическая вакцинация, профилактика учун эмлаш _________________________________

II.Complete the sentences with an appropriate variant: (10%)

1. What appetite has the patient suffering from gastric carcinoma? (a) It is increased; 6) It is reduced.) 2. What do the clinical manifestations of gastric carcinoma vary with? (a) They vary with the stage of the development of the disease; 6) They vary with the age and sex of the patient.) 3. At what age is the highest incidence of gastric carcinoma observed? (a) It is observed at the age from twenty to thirty; 6) It is observed at the age from fifty to sixty.)

III.Read, translate and retell the text: “Text A. Peritonitis” (40%)

Text A. Peritonitis

Peritonitis is known to be general or localized, acute or chronic, primary or secondary.

Acute general purulent peritonitis is believed to be due to perforation of one of the hollow abdominal organs. The most frequent causes are perforating appendicitis, inflammatory conditions of the female sex organs and perforating gastric or duodenal ulcers.

The main symptoms of this condition are vomiting, pain and tenderness in the abdomen, it being considerably enlarged due to the presence of fluid there. The temperature is known to be moderately elevated, the pulse rate being con­siderably changed. The blood analysis usually reveals leucocytosis.

This condition is extremely dangerous to the patient's life, an emergency surgery being performed to save the patient. During the operation the primary focus of peritonitis is to be removed, the danger for the patient being elimi­nated.

Emergency operative treatment is known to be followed by a course of antibiotic treatment, which greatly contributes to the recovery.

4. Distribute the following words and phrases in columns: (20%)




strong, strength, strengthen, strongly; continue, continuous, discontinue, dis­continuous, discontinuation; digest, digestive, digestion, indigestion; sense, sen­sitive, sensitivity, senseless, hypersensitivity; thick, thickly, thickness, thicken,

thickened; local, locate, localize, localized, localization, location, locality; wide, widely, width, widen, widened
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