Peritonitis is known to be general or localized, acute or chronic, primary or secondary.
Acute general purulent peritonitis is believed to be due to perforation of one of the hollow abdominal organs. The most frequent causes are perforating appendicitis, inflammatory conditions of the female sex organs and perforating gastric or duodenal ulcers.
The main symptoms of this condition are vomiting, pain and tenderness in the abdomen, it being considerably enlarged due to the presence of fluid there. The temperature is known to be moderately elevated, the pulse rate being considerably changed. The blood analysis usually reveals leucocytosis.
This condition is extremely dangerous to the patient's life, an emergency surgery being performed to save the patient. During the operation the primary focus of peritonitis is to be removed, the danger for the patient being eliminated.
Emergency operative treatment is known to be followed by a course of antibiotic treatment, which greatly contributes to the recovery.
Peritonit umumiy yoki maxaliy, o’tkir yoki surinkali, boshlang’ich va ikklamchi bo;lishi mumkin.
O’tkir umumiy peritonitda qorin a’zolaridagi kovaklardan birida teshik paydo bo’lishi bilan xarakterlanadi. Eng ko’p sabablari- apindisit teshilishi, erkaklarda jinsiy organlar yallig’lanish xolati va oshqazon va o’n ikki barmoq yara kasalliklarini teshilishidir.
Bu xolatni asosiy belgilari ko’ngil aynishi, oshqazonda kuchsiz og’riq va o’sha yerda suyuqlik bor bo’lishi bilan belgilanadi. Harorat meyoridan ko’tariladi, pulsi nisbatan katta o’zgarishlar bo’ladi.
Qon taxlilida leykositlar aniqlanadi. Bu xolat bemor xayoti uchun juda xavfli, bemor xaoyotini saqlab qolish uchun tezlik bilan jarroxlik amalga oshiriladi.
Yashirin boshlang’ich peritonitda ko’chirilganda ( yo’q qilinganda) bemor xayotidagi xavf yo’q qilinadi.
Zudlik bilan operativ davolashda antibiotic davolash kursi o’tkaziladi. U bizga tezroq sog’ayishni taqdim qiladi.
Symptoms of Diseases of the Liver and Bile Ducts
When the physician is taking the patient's medical history he must pay attention to the patient's working and living conditions, the diet which the patient follows, the history of past diseases, particularly of those of the alimentary tract, and the condition of the nervous and endocrine systems, because a hepatic disease is often directly associated with these factors.
For example, overeating, particularly of fatty foods, alcoholism may sometimes suggest the diagnosis of the fatty degeneration of the liver. A persistent lesion of the liver may be observed after Botkin's disease and in chronic infections. Involvement of the liver and bile ducts is often found after gastrointestinal diseases, gastritis being one of them.
The patient's complaints of loss of weight, pain in the right hypochondrium and abdominal enlargement may contribute to the proper diagnosis of the diseases of the liver and bile ducts. Among the characteristic symptoms of a hepatic disease are a yellowish colour of the skin, sclerae and of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, dilatation of the veins in the umbilical area, tenderness in the left and right hypochondrium.
Palpation and percussion of the liver and spleen may supply important evidence for a diagnosis. The size of the liver may be enlarged or contracted, it may be soft or firm, its surface may be nodular, the lower border may be sharp -all these findings enable the physician not to doubt an adequate diagnosis.
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