
HE THAT BELIEVES ON ME, as the Scripture has said

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HE THAT BELIEVES ON ME, as the Scripture has said, OUT OF HIS BELLY (inner man, innermost being) SHALL FLOW RIVERS OF LIVING WATER.’

(But this He spoke of the Spirit, Whom they that believe on Him should receive: for the Holy Spirit was not yet given…” (John 7:37-39)

Jesus is THE Truth.

Jesus NEVER lies.

And He said that those who BELIEVE IN HIM would have RIVERS flowing from their bellies or from their INNER man.

Therefore, I have a question for the Body of Christ at large:

For all those who CLAIM to be “believers” in Jesus:


Either Jesus LIED (perish the thought) or we should be SEEING RIVERS OF LIVING SPIRIT SUBSTANCE flowing out of each Christian.


WHERE’S THE LIVING WATER that’s supposed to be flowing from each of us?

As it stands right now, we’re “lucky” if we see A TINY TRICKLE here and there.

When Jesus spoke those words He was referring to Isaiah 58:11.

The only “condition” attached to the rivers FLOWING OUT OF US is that WE BELIEVE (trust) in Jesus as only God and Savior.

EVERY Christian on earth, WITHOUT EXCEPTION, should have THIS LIVING WATER CONSTANTLY flowing out of them…

Out of their mouths…

And that living water should also be cleansing and transforming our attitude and way of life.

And yet, it’s NOT happening!

Would you like to know THE REASON for the great SPIRITUAL DROUGHT?


Again: THE REASON for the great SPIRITUAL drought is NEGLECT.

We live AS IF Jesus and the Holy Spirit DON’T even EXIST.

We have BOTH (who are One) inside and yet, WE PAY NO ATTENTION to the inner man, the INNER Christ, or His Spirit within.

We’re starving them to near death.

They WOULD HAVE DIED were it not for the fact that He is God, He is THE Life, and for the Grace and power of God:




Oh, Jeremiah! You are SO right!

They DON’T EVEN THINK about the inner Christ.

Organized evangelicalism tells them that “if they receive Christ into their hearts, He COMES TO LIVE IN their hearts”.

But DO THEY REALLY BELIEVE what they preach?

If Jesus HAS COME TO LIVE IN your heart, if you have THE SPRING of living water Himself LIVING IN you, HOW COME you never FOCUS ON HIM?

HOW COME you never even THINK of Him?

HOW COME you never TALK to Him?

HOW COME you never LISTEN TO Him?


We have replaced THE FLOWING SPRING of LIVING water with broken cisterns of stagnant religion which CAN NEVER hold, nor PRODUCE, GOD’S LIVING water.

WE ARE SO AFRAID of the INNER Christ that we use those man-created smelly cisterns to throw ALL KINDS OF DIRT ON TOP OF that INNER SPRING, in order to PREVENT IT (Him) from flowing.

Pause and MEDITATE on THAT.

Ezekiel ALSO saw LIVING WATER FLOWING from the Temple of God… (Ezekiel 47:1-9)

That living water would rise to the ankles, then to the knees, THEN TO WAIST (BELLY) LEVEL, and finally would gush out and become A HUGE RIVER that no one could stop and that would bring LIFE to everyone and everything it touched.

And WHO, according to Scripture, IS the Temple of God?

YOU ARE!!!  (1 Corinthians 3:17; 2 Corinthians 6:16)

That LIVING WATER should be gushing out of us until it becomes a GREAT SPIRITUAL TSUNAMI that sweeps us (raptures us) into the Kingdom of God.

Isaiah and Habakkuk both saw the day when that living water would cause GOD’S GLORY TO COVER THE WHOLE EARTH “as the waters cover the sea”. (Isaiah 11:9; Habakkuk 2:14)

For the love of Jesus, SAINTS, STOP DAMMING that inner spring!

Remove the dams created by religion and LET the river FLOW!!!

If God could bring LIVING water out OF A ROCK to quench the thirst of natural Israelites (1 Corinthians 10:4), He can bring LIVING WATER out of YOU.

SUNDAY, MAY 22, 2016


The big story from the Vatican in recent days is Pope Francis’ apparent willingness to consider women serving as deacons.

I say “APPARENT willingness” because Francis often says one thing and then backtracks from his earlier statements.

The Pope was asked:


Why not create an official commission that can study the question?”

Francis gave a run-around answer the gist of it being that he was willing to form such commission and that he planned to do just that.

Sure enough, the following day the Vatican’s Secretariat for State, Italian Archbishop Angelo Becciu, tweeted that the Pope had made a surprise declaration indicating he was thinking about a commission on women deacons.

However, he added a word of caution:

“Let’s not rush the conclusions!”

That was followed by a “clarification” from Vatican spokesman, Father Federico Lombardi, who insisted, “The Pope DID NOT SAY he intends to introduce a diaconal ordination for women.”

The Pope indicated that he would consult the matter with the Roman Catholic's "Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith".

Actually, they already looked into the possibility of women deacon 14 years ago.

It resulted in a lengthy study by the International Theological Commission that clearly opposed women deacons on the grounds that ancient “deaconesses” were not the same thing as deacons today, and that the current diaconate is firmly part of the sacrament of Holy Orders, which is open only to men.

One must ask: WHY must there be “a commission” to study such issues, WHEN THE BIBLE IS CLEAR that there were women deacons in the primitive Church, BEFORE Roman Catholicism was invented. (Romans 16:1)

They were also WOMEN EVANGELISTS (Romans 16:3; Philippians 4:2-3), and Scripture mentions at least ONE WOMAN PASTOR (Colossians 4:15) and at least ONE WOMAN APOSTLE (Romans 16:7).

They were all recognized as LEGITIMATE ministers of Christ by no less than the Apostle Paul

Is the RCC’s Theological Commission also going to declare that apostles and evangelists WERE NOT in the first century WHAT THEY ARE TODAY?

Ephesians 4:11-13 CLEARLY says THERE WILL BE Christ-ordained apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers… UNTIL we ALL come into THE UNITY OF THE FAITH.

Since we’re NOWHERE NEAR such unity, at least in the natural, then we must still HAVE THE SAME KIND OF MINISTRIES THEY HAD IN THE FIRST CENTURY, the only difference being that those who carry out today’s ministerial offices are VASTLY INFERIOR…


But this is THE RELIGION that values traditions of men, in the false name of “apostolic tradition” ABOVE both, the Incarnate and the written Word of God.

Unfortunately, THE GREAT PROSTITUTE does not only DISCRIMINATE AGAINST WOMEN, but passed down its prejudiced tradition to its harlot daughters who call themselves “protestant” and even “evangelical”. (Revelation 17:5)

Aren’t you glad there was NO ORGANIZED RELIGION in the first century?

The apostles KNEW that in Christ there is “neither Jew nor Gentile, slave or free, male or female” (Galatians 3:28).

The apostles DIDN’T NEED to form “a commission” to study these issues.

They already had Jesus’ GREAT COMMISSION to “go INTO ALLTHE WORLD and preach the Gospel”. (Mark 16:15)

And Jesus NEVER SAID “BUT this is only for men, WOMEN are not allowed to preach it”.

Jesus is NO FOOL. And it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that women ARE FAR BETTER COMMUNICATORS than men.

Had women been allowed to freely minister and share Christ all these centuries, we’d have the entire world evangelized, just as Jesus commanded.

With Jesus about to return, the world going to hell in hand basket, with the earth riddled with sin, debauchery, terrorism, religious hatred, illiteracy and other evils, including gross abuse of women and children, the CLUELESS Pope announces just what we needed:

Another BORING and FRUITLESS “commission” to DENY and OPPOSE what Christ and His Apostles established.

SATURDAY, MAY 21, 2016


"A friend loves AT ALL TIMES, and a brother is born for adversity" (Proverbs 17:17).

Loyalty is A VIRTUE seldom spoken of.

Loyalty is faithfulness (fidelity).

It means devotion or steadfast commitment to a person, country, group or cause, REGARDLESS what that person, country or group may be experiencing -- good or bad.

Loyalty is A MUST in anyone you would even consider as a friend, let alone as spouse.

We have some examples of this RARE virtue in God's Word:

Abraham was loyal to God, and God was and IS (praise His Name) ETERNALLY loyal to Abraham and to Abraham's Seed (us) (Galatians 3:29).

Joseph -- a picture of Jesus if there ever was one -- remained loyal to his brethren EVEN AFTER they DISOWNED him, BETRAYED him, ruined his young life, and SOLD HIM into slavery (Genesis 45:9,10).

Ruth was loyal to Naomi, even after her husband's death, which forever put her in King David's, hence in Jesus', genealogy (Ruth 1:16).

Jonathan was loyal to David, Elisha to Elijah, and John the Baptist to Jesus (1 Samuel 20:17; 2 Kings 2:1, 4, 6; John 3:30).

The apostle John remained loyal to His Lord, even when the rest of the disciples fled, and even stood before the cross, being the only eyewitness among them to His Crucifixion (John 19:25-26).

Likewise, we have examples of DISLOYALTY in the Bible, the two most egregious ones being Lucifer's betrayal which led to his rebellion AGAINST God which forever turned him into hasatan, the ENEMY, and Judas Iscariot's betrayal of Jesus.

Loyalty is glaringly LACKING in modern society, including in Christian circles.

In fact, some of the most blatantly DISLOYAL people I've known are self-professed "Christians":

Someone starts a congregation, makes all kinds of personal sacrifices, devotes a large portion of his or her life to serving the brethren, seeking God, ministering to their needs, teaching them the word, offering counsel and encouragement…

The congregation thrives and, suddenly, because the pastor isn't always perfect (and WHO, besides Jesus, EVER IS?) or because we "disagree" with him or her on some SILLY ISSUE that could be resolved through honest dialogue, and seeking the Lord earnestly (without bias) IN SPIRIT -- the pastor finds out that SOME OF THE PEOPLE HE'S HELPED THE MOST have been stirring up members of his own congregation - the congregation he built from scratch -- AGAINST HIM.

Instead of OPENLY discussing the issue, they've been talking behind his back, gossiping, making all sorts of mostly unfounded accusations, until the situation becomes unbearable for all involved.

Next thing you know, those "other" members have turned into a SPLINTER GROUP that has divided the brethren and which inevitably ends up as a sad statistic in the annals of ministerial casualties.

THAT is being disloyal.

We make a LIFETIME commitment to someone through marriage, then after the initial thrill wears off, when things don't go as well as we had planned, or when someone we consider more PHYSICALLY ATTRACTIVE crosses our path, we promptly cheat and/or file for divorce.

Much to our shame, the divorce rate is ACTUALLY HIGHER among self-professed "Christians" than among unbelievers.

THAT is being fickle and TOTALLY disloyal.

Before I get 500 letters from insecure readers:

Yes, THERE ARE biblical grounds for divorce, but those are rather EXTREME.

Yes, it takes TWO people to keep a marriage going: if one spouse is UNWILLING, there's not much the other spouse can do.

Yes, Jesus will forgive those who have divorced for WHATEVER reason, if they turn to Him in repentance and faith.

And NO, NO ONE will go to hell because they divorced their spouse or because they cheated on him or her.

However, we're discussing LOYALTY.

We often experience disloyalty within our own families: You were there for cousin Bob, aunt Cynthia, and brother Ed in THEIR TIME OF NEED, but when YOUR TIME OF NEED comes along, they TURN THEIR BACKS.


We experience it with our "friends" who loved to hang around us when things were going well and we were prosperous.

Aaaaah, but when you lost your job, your savings, your home, your business, when finances dried up and you could no longer afford the fancy restaurants, the luxury cars, the yachts, or the glamorous lifestyle, they disappeared faster than Buffalo wings at a Super Bowl party.

Those were NEVER your friends to begin with.

I often see disloyalty in my own ministry. And what I find most disturbing is that it comes from those who SHOULD BE most grateful and loyal:

From the ones I spent hours answering every silly question imaginable, until all their doubts and fears were laid to rest.

From the ones who asked for, and received, TONS of materials from us, FREE OF CHARGE.
From those with whom I stayed up until the wee hours of the morning because of some heart-wrenching situation they were experiencing, or because they were seeking deliverance from addiction, or because they were suicidal or wrestling with their own salvation.

THEY ARE THE FIRST to surge out of the shadows AT THE DROP OF A HAT and viciously attack me and this ministry.

That's DISLOYALTY and Jesus - who knows ALL THINGS - even the deepest secrets in the human heart and mind, IS WATCHING.

On the other hand, there are SOME loyal brothers and sisters, and I praise Jesus for each and every one of you.

Generally speaking, humans are notably DISLOYAL.

Loyalty, however, IS A CHOICE.

NO ONE can force us to be loyal or disloyal. We determine that ON OUR OWN.

He who finds ONE loyal friend, spouse, brother or sister is VERY BLESSED, INDEED.

If you find MORE THAN ONE, you're EXTREMELY blessed.

So, if you find one or more, appreciate them, and RETURN THE FAVOR BY BEING LOYAL TO -- AND GRATEFUL FOR -- THEM:


We can be like Judas who betrayed Him for 30 measly pieces of silver, or we can be like John and STICK WITH HIM TO THE VERY END.

FRIDAY, MAY 20, 2016


One obstacle with which this ministry often contends is Christians who discover our website, enjoy our website, correspond with us regularly,and somehow or other start thinking  that communicating with us ENTITLES THEM to dictate WHAT I DO WITH MY TIME:

They start sending me videos, and URL addresses to other websites.

They want me to watch and read these because THEY like them… or because THEY ARE CONFUSED BY them and want me to tell them if their teaching is correct or incorrect.

Apparently, IT ISN’T ENOUGH that I minister the Word DAILY, 365 days a year.

Apparently, IT ISN’T ENOUGH that I share some pretty amazing revelations (to Jesus be all the glory!) that you don’t read or hear anywhere else, and that I do it free of charge, when I could have MADE A FORTUNE selling books about them.

Apparently, IT ISN’T ENOUGH that I answer ALL their questions, including some pretty silly ones, THAT CHIP AWAY AT THE PRECIOUS TIME when I should be helping those with REAL needs, instead of killing their boredom.

Apparently, IT ISN’T ENOUGH that I’m here TO PRAY FOR THEIR NEEDS whenever they request prayer for something legitimate.

Apparently, IT ISN’T ENOUGH that I do all this FOR FREE, without EVER selling ANY thing, or asking for money.

Apparently, I “have to” agree with EVERYTHING they say, whether it’s biblical or not, whether it makes sense or not.

Apparently, I “have to” like what they like, watch what they watch, and read what they read, or they AREN’T happy.

Apparently, I “have to” spend my time DOING WHAT THEY WANT ME to do, or they STOP liking me.

They start reading EXTRA BIBLICAL stuff and want me to answer 50 questions about those FALSE books which AREN’T in the Bible.

I’m a BIBLE teacher. You want to talk about Jesus?


You want to ask questions about the Bible or Bible prophecy?


You want to delve into that “OTHER literature” – when you DON’T KNOW THE BIBLE YOU’RE ON YOUR OWN!

While I’ve read most of that crap, and I’m familiar with its contents, I’m not here to answer questions about “books” NOT inspired by the Holy Spirit.

Jesus NEVER CALLED me to do THAT.

He also DIDN’T call me to police YouTube, the Internet, other ministries, or “Christian” book sellers:

They read a book or watch a video that “preaches the Gospel of grace” and WANT ME to watch it or read it.

I praise Jesus FOR EVERY person who ministers the true, undiluted, undistorted Gospel of Grace: But...

It’s NOT ME that they should be sharing that book or video with:


They should find some UNSAVED person in their family or circle of friends and acquaintances… and SHARE IT WITH THEM!!!

I can’t have SOMEONE ELSE running this ministry.

I WON’T HAVE someone else telling me HOW to spend my VERY SCARCE and valuable time.


Unless your name is Jesus of Nazareth, I love you, I’ll minister to your needs, pray for your needs when necessary, answer your Bible related questions to the best of my current ability, BUT I WON’T DO YOUR BIDDING.

And if THAT’S the “price” of your “friendship” then YOU’RE NOT A REAL friend.

If I did what everyone out there wants me to do, I WOULD HAVE no ministry.

I wouldn’t even have time to write these daily messages!

That attitude is SUPREMELY SELFISH and immature. And those who have it would do well to REPENT and examine THEIR OWN HEARTS.

I’m here to bring souls to salvation and minister to those with GENUINE NEEDS, NOT to cater to the whims of the religiously bored.

And if this makes anyone unhappy, I’m sorry.

But I answer TO JESUS, NOT ANYONE else.

THURSDAY, MAY 19, 2016


How often do we hear someone say...?

“I belong to such and such religion or denomination, but I respect ALL religions

Should we, as Christians, RESPECT ALL religions?

The answer is “NO!”

As Americans, and as described in the First Amendment to our Constitution, we must RESPECT A PERSON’S RIGHT to worship whoever, whatever, however, whenever and wherever he or she wants… or NOT to worship at all.

As Christians we MUST respect God-given FREE WILL.

As Christians we MUST respect AN INDIVIDUAL’S RIGHT TO BELIEVE, OR NOT BELIEVE, whatever he or she chooses.



God DID NOT create ANY religion.

Jesus DID NOT found a religion.

The Christian faith IS NOT a religion.

The Christian faith is SIMPLY receiving Jesus into our innermost being, having an INTIMATE relationship with Him inside ourselves, and TRUSTING Jesus to eternally save us.

The Christian faith HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH man-invented rules and regulations, man-fabricated traditions, buildings erected or institutions created BY SINFUL MORTALS, or with ANY FORM OF ORGANIZED RELIGION.

Again: The true Christian faith, as preached by Jesus and His Apostles, HAS NOTHING WHATSOEVER TO DO with ANY of the above.

Well, what about our SAVED Christian brothers and sisters of certain denominations?

We should honor and respect them and their faith, provided it’s genuine.

We have no reason to respect THEIR RELIGION (DENOMINATION) which was invented by men, which teaches man-invented lies, and which AUTOMATICALLY DIVIDES THEM from other true believers:

The INSTANT you say “I belong to this group” you DISASSOCIATE yourself from OTHER born-again Christians.

God (Jesus) IS NOT the author of divisions. (John 17:21)

We eternally praise Jesus FOR OTHER BORN-AGAIN Christians who GOT SAVED DESPITE the garbage taught by myriad “Christian” denominations.

Well, what about traditional Judaism?

To the extent that Israel gave us SALVATION (Jesus, John 4:22) WE HONOR natural Israel, natural Israelites (including Jews), and ESPECIALLY THE SACRED WRITINGS which God entrusted to them, and which they delivered and preserved for the rest of mankind. (Romans 3:1-2)

But do we honor THE RELIGION ITSELF which DENIES the Deity of Jesus, DENIES that He is THE Messiah, and DENIES that He is THE ONE AND ONLY SAVIOR? (Acts 4:11-12)

Absolutely NOT!!!


Religion is satan’s MOST EFFECTIVE TOOL to kill, steal, destroy -- AND DIVIDE.

And before you send that condemning email, NOT ONE “Christian” denomination was FOUNDED OUT OF LOVE.

And God IS Love.

Therefore, NOT ONE Christian denomination was established by God—I don’t care HOW MUCH THEY LIE and CLAIM that “they are the ONLY true followers of Christ”.

In fact, those who make such claim ARE THE BIGGEST LIARS and LEAST LOVING.

ALL Christian denominations were founded (even “evangelical” ones) OUT OF DISSENT and DISLIKE for OTHER Christians.

I WON’T even get into NON-CHRISTIAN RELIGIONS which are DOWNRIGHT SATANIC like Islam, Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism, Baha’ism, Unitarianism… and others too numerous to mention.

WHY should we show ANY respect FOR SATAN’S LIES?

WHY should we respect ANYTHING that is ANTI-Christ and sends people STRAIGHT TO HELL?

To sum up:

We MUST respect EACH PERSON’S RIGHT to choose in whom or what to believe.


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