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Religious people are SO boring!

They’re SO predictable!

Whenever someone challenges a Saturday worshipper, they always try to frame the debate as “Saturday vs. Sunday”.

The issue is NOT whether Saturday is the “day of worship” or whether Sunday is the “day of worship”.

There is NO BIBLICAL “day of worship”.

Repeat: There is NO BIBLICAL “day of worship”.

THAT LIE was invented BY RELIGION.

One religion INVENTED Saturday as “day of worship”.

Another religion INVENTED Sunday as “day of worship”.

The Bible DOES NOT designate ANY particular day to worship God.

The Bible says (OVER AND OVER) that God should be worshiped EVERY SINGLE DAY from sun up to sun down. (Psalms 113:2-3; 115:18; 118:24)

But the fourth commandment…


The 4th commandment DOES NOT designate Saturday as “day of WORSHIP”.

It designates Saturday as “day OF REST” for NATURAL Israelites. (Exodus 20:8-10)

Saturday has never been designated AS ANYTHING for Christians.

Once more: Saturday HAS NEVER been designated AS ANYTHING for Christians.

In fact, Christians are INSTRUCTED NOT TO ALLOW ANYONE to judge them with regards to Saturdays (Colossians 2:16-17).

And natural Israelites, who KNOW their Messiah as God and Savior (Messianic Jews), ARE NOT REQUIRED to observe Saturday in any way, shape or form.

They MAY observe it in some way, IF THEY SO CHOOSE, in order to preserve their natural Jewish heritage, as long as they DON’T see Saturday observance as making them “righteous” or having ANYTHING TO DO WITH their salvation.

Well, which day do YOU observe?


I DON’T observe Saturday OR Sunday.

I “OBSERVE” Jesus.

You’re crazy, Jesus is NOT a day.

Oh, yes He is!


He is THAT DAY that has no darkness, filled with light, with no beginning and no end. (Zechariah 14:6-7)

That is why the expression "day OF the Lord" is mentioned 18 times in the Old Testament, and at least three in the New Testament.

Jesus is THE TRUE Sabbath. (Matthew 11:28; Colossians 2:16-17)

He is THE ONLY ONE that can give us REST. (Matthew 11:28)

Saturday CANNOT be the true Sabbath as it only gives us TEMPORARY “rest”.

Jesus gives us THE REAL REST which is ETERNAL.

Observing Saturday, Sunday or the 10 Commandments DOES NOT fulfill the Law.

Jesus (Divine Love Personified) IS the fulfillment of the Law. (Romans 13:9-10)

Therefore, we DON’T NEED Saturday, we DON’T NEED Sunday, and we DON’T need the 10 Commandments:

What we ALL need is Jesus.

Jesus is THE FULFILLMENT OF HIS OWN LAW. (Matthew 5:17-18)

Jesus is GOD, the Supreme Law in THE WHOLE UNIVERSE.


Praise His Name!

Do you REALLY WANT TO “observe” God’s Law?

Then FORGET Saturday, FORGET Sunday, FORGET the 10 Commandments, FORGET your FALSE, INVENTED religion.



Invite Him to enter your innermost being.

DON’T observe the 10 Commandments, DON'T observe Saturday, and DON’T observe Sunday: “OBSERVE” Jesus.

FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 2016


"I will greatly praise the LORD with my mouth; yea, I will praise Him AMONG THE MULTITUDE" (Psalm 109:30).

"After this I beheld, and, lo, A GREAT MULTITUDE, WHICH NO MAN COULD NUMBER, of all nations, and tribes, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands; And cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation to our God who sits upon the throne, and to the Lamb" (Revelation 7:9-10).

WHO will remain on earth when our Lord appears and raptures His Body?

WHO WILL BE AMONG THE HEAVENLY MULTITUDE on that glorious day when Jesus - OUR PRECIOUS Savior and Bridegroom - sweeps His Church (Bride) LITERALLY off her feet?


Those who STAY are:

1. Those who HATE Jesus.

2. Those who DO NOT BELIEVE IN Christ.

3. Those who DO NOT KNOW Christ, since they're NOT born-again of the Spirit.

4. Those who think that Jesus' perfect Work of Redemption DID NOT GET THE JOB DONE and that they need to SUPPLEMENT IT with their own righteousness which, in His eyes and nostrils, is "AS FILTHY RAGS" (Isaiah 64:6).

5. All satanists.

6. Those who belong to ("christian") cults.

7. ALL those who belong to FALSE RELIGIONS. Like New Age, Scientology, Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims.

8. Agnostics and atheists.

UNLESS they TRULY repent in the final moments of this Age, and RECEIVE Jesus as ONLY God and Savior, they will REMAIN FOR THE TRIBULATION.

The majority will perish during those horrific 3½ years, but not before enduring terrible, UNPRECEDENTED judgments.

Those who LEAVE with Jesus are:

1. ALL LIVING BELIEVERS and the "dead in Christ".

The "dead in Christ" includes all the martyrs since the Early Church up to our time, and ALL who have died in the faith.

If someone you love has shed his/her physical body recently, he or she will be resurrected and raptured TOGETHER WITH living Christians (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17).


Although in Judaism the "age of accountability" is considered to be 12 years old, the Bible DOES NOT provide a specific age. Please share Christ with your children and grandchildren IN SIMPLE LANGUAGE as soon as they are able to discern right from wrong. Make sure you tell them HOW SPECIAL they are to Jesus and HOW MUCH He loves them.

3. By extension, #2 above would include all babies who have died in the womb, at birth, or have been aborted.

4. Also all mentally disabled individuals, since their comprehension and, therefore, accountability, would be that of a small child.

5. All land animals (beasts) (Zephaniah 1:3).

6. ALL in whom God's MOST HOLY Spirit lives (Romans 8:9).

7. ANYONE who calls on the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, and turns to Him with ALL his/her heart, EVEN IN THE FINAL SECONDS of this Age.

Will YOU be among that GREAT MULTITUDE REJOICING AND PRAISING our beautiful Jesus? Or on earth enduring the HORRORS of the tribulation?

You have THREE BASIC choices:

1. You can REJECT Christ and endure EXTREME TRIBULATION.

2. You can TAKE YOUR CHANCES and HOPE that you will be alive, awake and conscious when the Rapture happens, and that you will have the presence of mind and spiritual wherewithal to call out to Jesus and RECEIVE Him at the VERY end. That's a HUGE gamble. ALL THESE ARE BIG "IFS".




But He WON'T force His way into your heart.

You MUST WANT TO receive Him and INVITE HIM IN.

If you RECEIVE Him, there's NO WAY He won't RECEIVE YOU and WELCOME YOU into His Kingdom.

I love you and would like to see you in heaven.






FROM the word to return and build Jerusalem TO Messiah Prince SHALL BE 7 SEVENS AND 62 SEVENS… And AFTER 62 SEVENS Messiah will be put to death”… (Daniel 9:25-26)

Biblical Jerusalem was recovered by Israel on June 7, 1967.

Restoration began at once and overall reconstruction began in 1969.

Therefore some people are adding seven sevens (49 years) to those two years and wondering if this prophecy will ever be fulfilled.

After all 1967 + 49 = 2016

And 1969 + 49 = 2018

Since the Rapture must take place 3½ years PRIOR TO Christ’s Second Coming, if the Second Coming of Christ took place in either 2016 or 2018, WE SHOULD HAVE BEEN RAPTURED LONG AGO.

Is this prophecy wrong?

God is NEVER wrong.

Once more: GOD is NEVER wrong.

If there are ANY MISTAKES in the equation, they’ve been MINE AND MINE ALONE.

If my understanding of this passage turns out to be wrong, I WILL ADMIT IT OPENLY AND ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR MY MISTAKE.

However, I posted that teaching on January 2, 2010 and in SIX AND A HALF YEARS NO ONE has offered any alternative explanation as to why the 69 weeks are divided into TWO sections of 7 weeks and 62 weeks, respectively.

Considering that some scholars read this website regularly, and that this teaching is read IN THREE DIFFERENT LANGUAGES WORLDWIDE (English, French and Spanish), if it were wrong I would expect that SOMEONE would have offered a biblical correction by now, and proved or at least presented a CREDIBLE BIBLICAL ALTERNATIVE.

For the past 6½ years, I’ve thought about it, prayed about it, and I can’t come up with ANY LOGICAL EXPLANATION FOR THE DIVISION into TWO periods, other than the fact that Messiah Prince MUST COME TWICE: Once to remove sin, once to rule and reign.

In fact, that HAS TO BE THE REASON for the TWO divisions, since the 70 weeks MUST END WITH Messiah’s Second Coming.

Consequently, I’m not ready to give up on it just yet.

But there’s more…

Although 7 SEVENS = 49 years, the prophecy DOES NOT SAY “from the word to return and build Jerusalem to Messiah Prince there will be 49 years”.

It says “there will be 7 SEVENS” or 7 SHEMITTAS, which are 7-year agricultural cycles that begin and end on Sukkot (Deuteronomy 31:10).

Therefore the “7 SEVENS” 49-year countdown DOES NOT BEGIN on either 1967 or 1969 but FROM THE FIRST SHEMITTA YEAR AFTER 1967 and 1969.

NO ONE KNOWS FOR SURE (at least, at the moment) when that first shemitta after Jews recovered Jerusalem began. 

(I thought I'd figured it out last year, but unfortunately it didn't pan out).

There are different theories floating around, but I haven’t seen any CONCRETE PROOF YET.

And there’s ANOTHER REASON I’m not yet ready to give up:

Luke 21:24-32

This passage says that Jerusalem will be trampled by gentiles (non-Israelite nations) UNTIL “the times of the gentiles are fulfilled”.

Verse 28 says that THEN (in context, after Jews recover Jerusalem) “they shall see the Son of Man COMING IN THE CLOUDS”.

And verse 32 says that “THIS GENERATION (in context, the generation AFTER biblical Jerusalem returns to the Jews following 2,030 years of UNINTERRUPTED GENTILE TRAMPLING) WILL NOT PASS AWAY UNTIL ALL THESE THINGS HAVE HAPPENED”.

In previous messages this week we have established WITH MULTIPLE SCRIPTURES that a BIBLICAL GENERATION is from 40-50 years.

Therefore, Luke 21:24-32 SAYS essentially THE SAME AS DANIEL 9:25-26.

Daniel gives it to us in shemitta cycles and Luke gives it to us in the form of a generation that WILL NOT END without seeing the fulfillment of these things.

If 7 sevens equal 49 years followed by a 50th year which is Jubilee, and a biblical generation is 40-50 years, these two passages ESSENTIALLY SAY THE SAME THING.

That there will be Rapture, tribulation and Second Coming WITHIN A GENERATION or WITHIN 7 SHEMITTA CYCLES, which add up to 49-50 years, AFTER Jerusalem is recovered by the Jews.

My Bible says by the testimony of “TWO or three witnesses EVERY MATTER WILL BE ESTABLISHED (Deuteronomy 19:15).

That principle applies TO SINFUL, LYING MORTALS.


HOW can I possibly “give up” on His Word?

HOW can it NOT be A SURE THING? (2 Peter 1:19)

Jesus warned that many would feel that He was “DELAYING His coming” (Matthew 24:48; Luke 12:45).

And the Apostle Peter also warned that in these “last days” there would be scoffers asking “where’s His Second Coming?” and that IT WOULD SEEM TO US that Jesus was “SLOW in keeping His promise to RETURN (2 Peter 3:3-8).

Yes, it’s taken LONGER THAN I THOUGHT.

But I’m not ready to throw in the towel yet: and NEITHER SHOULD YOU.



Are we the generation that will experience the Rapture and Second Coming of Jesus?

We've been expecting Him for some time...

One unique characteristic of the Book of Revelation is that every generation has thought it applied to them.

Around the first millennium A.D. there was widespread expectation that Jesus would return.

Paul and John thought He would return in the first century.

How, then, can we be sure THAT WE ARE the generation that will witness most of its predictions? How can we be sure we are living at "the time of the end" which our Lord so eloquently described?

There are MANY reasons. They include:

1. There's a long, sustained tradition in both Judaism and Christianity that Jesus would return in the 6th Millennium after Creation. WE'RE IT.

This tradition is not without biblical basis, since the Lord re-created the earth in SIX days and 2 Peter 3:8 tells us with the Lord "a day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years is as a day".

He also RESTED on the 7th day, which would correspond to the 7th Millennium, which will be that 1,000-year period of REST, restoration and world peace when Jesus will establish His Millennial Kingdom on earth.

2. It would be downright IMPOSSIBLE for some of the prophecies in Revelation, the Gospels, Zechariah and Daniel to be fulfilled UNLESS Israel had been reborn as a national entity, and UNLESS Jews controlled biblical Jerusalem. Such things didn't exist for nearly 2,000 years, and didn't materialize ‘til 1948 and 1967, respectively.

3. Luke 21:24-36 unquestionably tells us that the generation when Jerusalem is no longer trampled by gentiles "will NOT pass away" without Jesus coming in the clouds "with power and great glory".

Jerusalem was trampled, NON-STOP, by gentiles for 2,030 years. It hasn't been trampled since June 7, 1967 WHEN IT RETURNED TO ITS RIGHTFUL OWNER.

Without a question, we ARE that generation.

4. Daniel 9:25 says there must be 7-weeks (7 sevens) FROM the word to return and build Old Testament Jerusalem to Messiah Prince. That “word” was given in 1967-69.

Jesus must return 7 shemittas (sabbatical “weeks”) AFTER that.

5. One of the conditions for our "gathering together unto Him", as per 2 Thessalonians 2:3 is the unveiling (revelation) of the Antichrist. That has happened. We can now PROVE his identity, BEYOND DISPUTE, with the Bible.

6. Daniel prophesied that at the time of the end "many would go to and fro and knowledge would be increased" (Daniel 12:4). What better description of cyberspace could there be? (Keep in mind that was written 2,500 years ago).

Computer technology pertains ONLY to OUR GENERATION. It makes it possible for us to go "to and fro" throughout the world, and gather enormous knowledge, at the click of a mouse.

7. The Book of Daniel also states that its prophecies WOULD REMAIN SEALED (not understood) UNTIL "the time of the end" (Daniel 12:4, 7).

The fact we understand most of them today is PROOF POSITIVE that Daniel's Book is no longer sealed and, therefore, that prophesied "time of the end" is here.

We cannot limit the Word of God. There are certain aspects of it which apply to every generation.

However, Daniel, Revelation and other apocalyptic writings were addressed IN PARTICULAR to ONE generation, and that's us.

There's never been a generation that saw millions of people suddenly and simultaneously vanish, a resurrected Antichrist emerge from the bottomless pit, or people receiving a mark in their hands or foreheads in order to buy or sell, the Euphrates drying up, the death of ONE THIRD of mankind, the sea and all the water turn to blood, major cities in the world turning into rubble, or the Anti-Christ massing armies at Armageddon trying to PREVENT the return of the Christ.

That privilege or misfortune (depending on where we stand spiritually) has been reserved for THIS generation:

Those who know Jesus will experience an indescribably bright and glorious destiny.

Those who don't will experience the worst period IN ALL OF human history.

Which will it be for you?

TUESDAY, MAY 31, 2016


"Truly, I say to you, THIS GENERATION WILL NOT PASS AWAY until all these things take place" (Mark 13:30)

Oh, how I love the Word of God!

His Word is ETERNAL and ALIVE.

And I refer to both, Jesus the Word Incarnate, and the written Word.

One thing that thrills me about the written Word is how you can read a passage THOUSANDS of times and you THINK you "get it".

You THINK you've squeezed everything that can be extracted from it, and then, boom!

The Spirit SHOWS US something in that passage that we have read countless times and even memorized, THAT WE HAD NEVER SEEN BEFORE.

We've read it and re-read, and re, re, re read it, and TOTALLY MISSED IT!

And that something just blesses us and makes our spirits SOAR with joy...

It's happened to me SO MANY TIMES, I've lost count.

And I anticipate with great excitement that it will continue to happen...

For those who think "gee, that sounds fanatical... you need to get a life".

By world standards, YOU'RE RIGHT.

 By God's standards, you're wrong.

 I have THE Life (John 14:6; 1 John 5:12).

 What MORE could I possibly want?

 What could be MORE EXCITING THAN personally KNOWING the Creator God?

 What could be MORE THRILLING than experiencing Him and HEARING DIRECTLY FROM the MOST INTELLIGENT and Wonderful Mind that KNOWS EVERYTHING?

What could be MORE INTERESTING THAN what GOD says?

WHAT in this corrupt world can REMOTELY COMPARE to Jesus?

Praise His glorious Name for all eternity! Amen.

To think that He is running and sustaining the entire universe:

...And yet HAS THE TIME AND PATIENCE to REVEAL "hidden Truth" to His humble servant...

What could make us feel MORE SPECIAL and LOVED than THAT?

 Glory to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit forever and ever! Hallelujah!

The Bible verse quoted above means that THIS generation (40-50 year period) in which we live WILL NOT PASS AWAY (WON'T DIE) until "ALL THESE THINGS take place" meaning, in context, the tribulation, the Rapture, and the Second Coming of Christ.

 I've known that for quite some time and have been VERY BLESSED by that knowledge.

 But the Word of God is ETERNAL and INEXHAUSTIBLE.

I predict -- in His Holy Name and for His glory -- that FOR ALL ETERNITY we will be discovering new thrilling and more profound Truths that we'd "missed". Amen.

This verse also has ANOTHER meaning:  When Jesus said "THIS generation" He was drawing a sharp contrast between us and THAT generation that Moses led out of Egypt.

THAT GENERATION of old, that hardened its heart toward God, COULD NOT ENTER the Promised Land DUE TO UNBELIEF (Hebrews 3:19).

They had NO FAITH. They DID NOT TRUST the God that had so marvelously delivered them from Egyptian bondage.

They wandered in the desert 40 years, until EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM - except Joshua and Caleb - HAD PASSED AWAY (Numbers 32:13).

THIS generation - which HAS FAITH (COMPLETE TRUST) in Jesus - WILL NOT PASS AWAY: It WON'T DIE! (1 Corinthians 15:50-55)

THIS GENERATION - which only has faith - WILL ENTER HEAVEN ALIVE!!! (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17)

THAT GENERATION'S DEAD CARCASSES were strewn all over the desert. (Hebrews 3:17)

God swore that THEY WOULD NOT ENTER the Land of Promise (Hebrews 3:11).

THIS generation - by the Grace of God -- WILL ENTER.

Glory to Jesus!


Just like Joshua only brought BELIEVING Jews across the Jordan into Canaan, our Joshua (Yeshua) WILL ONLY BRING BELIEVERS in Him into the heavenly realm (Revelation 7:9-14).

God parted the Jordan FOR THEM (Joshua 3:15-17) and He will PART THE SKY FOR US (Revelation 6:14).



MONDAY, MAY 30, 2016


Jewish children begin studying the Torah at age 5.

I remember when our Jewish tour guide in Israel was asked “how long is a biblical generation?” he DIDN’T EVEN BAT AN EYE and instantly replied “a generation is 40 years”.

The Hebrew word for “generation” is dor and the Greek is genea.

O.K., here’s what I’ve done: I’ve taken EVERY biblical passage that CLEARLY assigns A SPECIFIC NUMBER OF YEARS TO a “generation” or “generations”, and listed it below:

1: Job 42:16:

“After this, Job lived 140 years; he saw his children and their children to the fourth GENERATION”.

We know that Job was an adult and thus capable of immediate reproduction.

We don’t know how old that fourth generation he got to see was, but they were probably children or at most, teenagers. If we divide 140 by 4 we get 35.

If we divide by three, we get 46.5 years.

If we split the difference down the middle, that’s VERY CLOSE to 40 years.

2. Matthew 1:17 "So all the generations from Abraham to David are fourteen... And from David to the carrying away to Babylon fourteen... and from the carrying away to Babylon to Christ are fourteen generations".

We don't know the exact number of years from Abraham to David, or even from David to the Babylonian captivity, but we do know the exact year of captivity to be 586 B.C., and the year of Messiah's birth to be 0 A.D.

Since Matthew tells us there were 14 GENERATIONS between the two, all we have to do is divide 586 into 14 (586 /14) = 41½ years: Still VERY CLOSE.

 3. Luke 21:6, 20 and 32. Jesus said, in April of 34 A.D., that THAT GENERATION would NOT PASS AWAY without Jerusalem and the temple being destroyed. It happened, right on cue, in July-August, 70 A.D., 36 years (and approximately 4 months) later.

Please note that He didn’t say the temple would be destroyed a generation later, but that it would be destroyed BEFORE the generation passed away (BEFORE 40 years had passed).  It was.

4. Acts 13:36 "For David, after he had served HIS OWN GENERATION... fell asleep..."

And how long did David serve HIS GENERATION? The answer is found in 2 Samuel 5:4 "David was 30 years old when he began to reign, and he reigned 40 YEARS".

5. Numbers 32:13:

"... and He made them wander in the wilderness FORTY (40) YEARS, until ALL THE GENERATION, that had done evil in the sight of the Lord was consumed".

 6. Psalm 95:10 For 40 YEARS I was grieved with THIS GENERATION, and said, it is a people that do err in their heart, and they have not known my ways”.

 7. Hebrews 3:9-10 “when your fathers tempted me and proved me and saw my works 40 YEARS. Wherefore, I was grieved with THAT GENERATION”.

.The Bible only requires TWO witnesses for every matter to be established (Deuteronomy 19:15).

 I just gave you SEVEN.

If we take Jesus' genealogy in Matthew chapter 1 (from Abraham to David, David to Babylonian captivity, and Babylon to Jesus) as being 42 generations (14+14+14) and divide the approximate time from Abraham to Jesus which is estimated to be about 2,100 years by 42, it equals 50.

Therefore, we conclude that a biblical generation is AT LEAST 40 years, but NO MORE THAN 50 years.

Since Jerusalem returned to the Jews 49 years ago, and Jesus, per His own words MUST RETURN before THIS GENERATION passes away (Luke 21:32), that means that Jesus' return must be VERY, VERY, VERY NEAR.

If His Second Coming, as per Daniel 9:25, happens 7 sabbatical weeks or shemittas FROM "the word" to return and build biblical Jerusalem given in 1969, indeed, as our Lord said in Luke 21:32 THIS generation will NOT have "passed away" until ALL these things (Rapture, tribulation, Second Coming) have taken place.

It means that WE ARE THE GENERATION that will witness His glorious return.

Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!

As we have seen, the length of A BIBLICAL GENERATION is NO BIG MYSTERY: all we need to do is READ THE SCRIPTURES.

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