Particularly telling are civilisation-style strategy games, such as Minecraft,
The Settlers of Catan or Sid Meier’s Civilization. The game may be set in the
Middle Ages, in the Stone Age or in some imaginary fairy land, but the principles
always remain the same – and they are always capitalist. Your aim is to
establish a city, a kingdom or maybe an entire civilisation. You begin from a very
modest base, perhaps just a village and its nearby fields. Your assets provide
you with an initial income of wheat, wood, iron or gold. You then have to invest
this income wisely. You have to choose between unproductive but still
necessary tools such as soldiers, and productive assets such as more villages,
fields and mines. The winning strategy is usually to invest the barest minimum in
non-productive essentials, while maximising your productive assets.
Establishing additional villages means that next turn you will have a larger
income that would enable you not only to buy more soldiers (if necessary), but
simultaneously to increase your investment in production. Soon you could
upgrade your villages to towns, build universities, harbours and factories,
explore the seas and oceans, establish your civilisation and win the game.
The Ark Syndrome
Yet can the economy actually keep growing for ever? Won’t it eventually run out
of resources – and grind to a halt? In order to ensure perpetual growth, we must
somehow discover an inexhaustible store of resources.
One solution is to explore and conquer new lands and territories. For
centuries, the growth of the European economy and the expansion of the
capitalist system indeed relied heavily on overseas imperial conquests.
However, there are only so many islands and continents on earth. Some
entrepreneurs hope eventually to explore and conquer new planets and even
galaxies, but in the meantime, the modern economy has had to find a better
method of expanding.
Science has provided modernity with the alternative. The fox economy cannot
grow, because foxes don’t know how to produce more rabbits. The rabbit
economy stagnates, because rabbits cannot make the grass grow faster. But
the human economy can grow because humans can discover new materials and
sources of energy.
The traditional view of the world as a pie of a fixed size presupposes there are
only two kinds of resources in the world: raw materials and energy. But in truth,
there are three kinds of resources: raw materials, energy and knowledge. Raw
materials and energy are exhaustible – the more you use, the less you have.
Knowledge, in contrast, is a growing resource – the more you use, the more you
have. Indeed, when you increase your stock of knowledge, it can give you more
raw materials and energy as well. If I invest $100 million searching for oil in
Alaska and I find it, then I now have more oil, but my grandchildren will have
less of it. In contrast, if I invest $100 million researching solar energy, and I find
a new and more efficient way of harnessing it, then both I and my grandchildren
will have more energy.
For thousands of years, the scientific road to growth was blocked because
people believed that holy scriptures and ancient traditions already contained all
the important knowledge the world had to offer. A corporation that believed all
the oil fields in the world had already been discovered would not waste time and
money searching for oil. Similarly, a human culture that believed it already knew
everything worth knowing would not bother searching for new knowledge. This
was the position of most premodern human civilisations. However, the Scientific
Revolution freed humankind from this conviction. The greatest scientific
discovery was the discovery of ignorance. Once humans realised how little they
knew about the world, they suddenly had a very good reason to seek new
knowledge, which opened up the scientific road to progress.
With each passing generation, science helped discover fresh sources of
energy, new kinds of raw material, better machinery and novel production
methods. Consequently, in 2016 humankind commands far more energy and
raw materials than ever before, and production skyrockets. Inventions such as
the steam engine, the internal combustion engine and the computer have
created whole new industries from scratch. As we look twenty years to the
future, we confidently expect to produce and consume far more in 2036 than we
do today. We trust nanotechnology, genetic engineering and artificial
intelligence to revolutionise production yet again, and to open whole new
sections in our ever-expanding supermarkets.
We therefore have a good chance of overcoming the problem of resource
scarcity. The real nemesis of the modern economy is ecological collapse. Both
scientific progress and economic growth take place within a brittle biosphere,
and as they gather steam, so the shock waves destabilise the ecology. In order
to provide every person in the world with the same standard of living as affluent
Americans, we would need a few more planets – but we only have this one. If
progress and growth do end up destroying the ecosystem, the cost will be dear
not merely to vampires, foxes and rabbits, but also to Sapiens. An ecological
meltdown will cause economic ruin, political turmoil, a fall in human standards of
living, and it might threaten the very existence of human civilisation.
We could lessen the danger by slowing down the pace of progress and
growth. If this year investors expect to get a 6 per cent return on their portfolios,
in ten years they will be satisfied with a 3 per cent return, in twenty years only 1
per cent, and in thirty years the economy will stop growing and we’ll be happy
with what we’ve already got. Yet the creed of growth firmly objects to such a
heretical idea. Instead, it suggests we should run even faster. If our discoveries
destabilise the ecosystem and threaten humanity, then we should discover
something to protect ourselves. If the ozone layer dwindles and exposes us to
skin cancer, we should invent better sunscreen and better cancer treatments,
thereby also promoting the growth of new sunscreen factories and cancer
centres. If all the new industries pollute the atmosphere and the oceans, causing
global warming and mass extinctions, then we should build for ourselves virtual
worlds and hi-tech sanctuaries that will provide us with all the good things in life
even if the planet is as hot, dreary and polluted as hell.
Beijing has already become so polluted that people avoid the outdoors, and
wealthy Chinese pay thousands of dollars for indoor air-purifying systems. The
super-rich build protective contraptions even over their yards. In 2013 the
International School of Beijing, which caters for the children of foreign diplomats
and upper-class Chinese, went a step further, and constructed a giant $5 million
dome over its six tennis courts and its playing fields. Other schools are following
suit, and the Chinese air-purification market is booming. Of course most Beijing
residents cannot afford such luxuries in their homes, nor can they afford to send
their kids to the International School.
Humankind finds itself locked into a double race. On the one hand, we feel
compelled to speed up the pace of scientific progress and economic growth. A
billion Chinese and a billion Indians want to live like middle-class Americans,
and they see no reason why they should put their dreams on hold when the
Americans are unwilling to give up their SUVs and shopping malls. On the other
hand, we must stay at least one step ahead of ecological Armageddon.
Managing this double race becomes more difficult by the year, because every
stride that brings the Delhi slum-dwellers closer to the American Dream also
brings the planet closer to the brink.
The good news is that for hundreds of years humankind has enjoyed a
growing economy without falling prey to ecological meltdown. Many other
species have perished in the process, and humans too have faced a number of
economic crises and ecological disasters, but so far we have always managed
to pull through. Yet future success is not guaranteed by some law of nature.
Who knows if science will always be able to simultaneously save the economy
from freezing and the ecology from boiling. And since the pace just keeps
accelerating, the margins for error keep narrowing. If previously it was enough to
invent something amazing once a century, today we need to come up with a
miracle every two years.
We should also be concerned that an ecological apocalypse might have
different consequences for different human castes. There is no justice in history.
When disaster strikes, the poor almost always suffer far more than the rich, even
if the rich caused the tragedy in the first place. Global warming is already
affecting the lives of poor people in arid African countries more than the lives of
affluent Westerners. Paradoxically, the very power of science may increase the
danger, because it makes the rich complacent.
Consider greenhouse gas emissions. Most scholars and an increasing
number of politicians recognise the reality of global warming and the magnitude
of the danger. Yet this recognition has so far failed to change our actual
behaviour. We talk a lot about global warming, but in practice humankind is
unwilling to make serious economic, social or political sacrifices to stop the
catastrophe. Between 2000 and 2010 emissions didn’t decrease at all. On the
contrary, they increased at an annual rate of 2.2 per cent, compared with an
annual increase rate of 1.3 per cent between 1970 and 2000.
The 1997 Kyoto
protocol on reduction of greenhouse gas emissions aimed merely to slow down
global warming rather than stop it, yet the world’s number one polluter – the
United States – refused to ratify it, and has made no attempt to significantly
reduce its emissions, for fear of slowing down its economic growth.
All the talk about global warming, and all the conferences, summits and protocols, have so far failed to curb
global greenhouse emissions. If you look closely at the graph you see that emissions go down only during
periods of economic crises and stagnation. Thus the small downturn in greenhouse emissions in 2008–9
was due not to the signing of the Copenhagen Accord, but to the global financial crisis.
Source: Emission Database for Global Atmospheric Research (EDGAR), European Commission.
In December 2015 more ambitious targets were set in the Paris Agreement,
which calls for limiting average temperature increase to 1.5 degrees above pre-
industrial levels. But many of the painful steps necessary to reach this aim have
conveniently been postponed to after 2030, or even to the second half of the
twenty-first century, effectively passing the hot potato to the next generation.
Current administrations would be able to reap immediate political benefits from
looking green, while the heavy political price of reducing emissions (and slowing
growth) is bequeathed to future administrations. Even so, at the time of writing
(January 2016) it is far from certain that the USA and other leading polluters will
ratify the Paris Agreement. Too many politicians and voters believe that as long
as the economy grows, scientists and engineers could always save us from
doomsday. When it comes to climate change, many growth true-believers do not
just hope for miracles – they take it for granted that the miracles will happen.
How rational is it to risk the future of humankind on the assumption that future
scientists will make some unknown discoveries? Most of the presidents,
ministers and CEOs who run the world are very rational people. Why are they
willing to take such a gamble? Maybe because they don’t think they are
gambling on their own personal future. Even if bad comes to worse and science
cannot hold off the deluge, engineers could still build a hi-tech Noah’s Ark for
the upper caste, while leaving billions of others to drown. The belief in this hi-
tech Ark is currently one of the biggest threats to the future of humankind and of
the entire ecosystem. People who believe in the hi-tech Ark should not be put in
charge of the global ecology, for the same reason that people who believe in a
heavenly afterlife should not be given nuclear weapons.
And what about the poor? Why aren’t they protesting? If and when the deluge
comes, they will bear the full cost of it. However, they will also be the first to bear
the cost of economic stagnation. In a capitalist world, the lives of the poor
improve only when the economy grows. Hence they are unlikely to support any
steps to reduce future ecological threats that are based on slowing down
present-day economic growth. Protecting the environment is a very nice idea,
but those who cannot pay their rent are worried about their overdraft far more
than about melting ice caps.
The Rat Race
Even if we go on running fast enough and manage to fend off both economic
collapse and ecological meltdown, the race itself creates huge problems. On the
individual level, it results in high levels of stress and tension. After centuries of
economic growth and scientific progress, life should have become calm and
peaceful, at least in the most advanced countries. If our ancestors knew what
tools and resources stand ready at our command, they would have surmised we
must be enjoying celestial tranquillity, free of all cares and worries. The truth is
very different. Despite all our achievements, we feel a constant pressure to do
and produce even more.
We blame ourselves, our boss, the mortgage, the government, the school
system. But it’s not really their fault. It’s the modern deal, which we have all
signed up to on the day we were born. In the premodern world, people were akin
to lowly clerks in a socialist bureaucracy. They punched their card, and then
waited for somebody else to do something. In the modern world, we humans run
the business. So we are under constant pressure day and night.
On the collective level, the race manifests itself in ceaseless upheavals.
Whereas previously social and political systems endured for centuries, today
every generation destroys the old world and builds a new one in its place. As the
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