for Exams
W i t h C D
Fiona Aish &
Jo Tomlinson
ju t ; j
; P O W E R E D BY C O B U I L D
Who is this book for?
Grammar for IELTS
w ill help improve your gram m atical knowledge fo r a ll fo u r papers of the
IELTS exam. As you know, gram m atical accuracy and range are part of the m arking crite ria for
the IELTS W riting and Speaking papers. Also, g ram m atical accuracy is im portant in the IELTS
Listening and Reading papers. The book can be used fo r self-stu d y or as
supplem entary m a te ria l
fo r IELTS preparation classes. It is suitable fo r learners at level 5.0-5.5 aim ing fo r band 6.0 or
S um m ary
Grammar for IELTS
book and CD cover gram m ar and sk ills which are relevant to a ll four exam
papers: Listening, Reading, W riting and Speaking. Each unit begins w ith a gram m ar section
presenting the key gram m ar fo r the unit w ith example sentences and explanations. This gram m ar
section is followed by exercises that help you develop the gram m atical knowledge and skills
needed for the exam. At the end of each unit, there is an exam practice section which is modelled
on the actual IELTS exam. Tips throughout the book highlight essential gram m ar-related
strategies and exam techniques.
Each unit is divided into three parts.
The first part
introduces key g ra m m a r using C ollins COBUILD g ra m m a r explanations and
example sentences.
The second part,
Practice exercises,
provides a structured set of exercises which help
you develop the s k ills to successfully apply gram m atical knowledge to the exam. The exercises are
a combination of traditional gram m ar exercises and exercises based on the IELTS exam.
The third part,
Exam practice,
provides exam practice exercises in a form at that
follow s the actual exam giving you the opportunity to fa m ilia rize yourself w ith the kinds of
questions you w ill encounter in the exam. This section focuses on a p a rticu la r exam paper and is
highlighted in grey fo r easy reference.
Exam tips
There are exam tips and strategies in each unit. These are in boxes fo r easy reference.
Audio script
A ll audio fo r the Listening and Speaking papers has been recorded
on the CD using native
speakers of English. A fu ll audio script, including m odel answers fo r the Speaking papers, is
provided at the back of the book so that you can check the language used in the listening and
speaking exercises, if needed.
Answer key
A comprehensive answ er key is provided fo r a ll sections of the book including m odel answers fo r
more open-ended w ritin g and speaking tasks.
Gram m ar reference
There is a detailed g ra m m a r reference section at the back of the book where the form s of the
g ra m m a r points presented in the units are provided fo r your reference.
There is a note in the unit
te llin g you w hich page to refer to in the G ram m ar reference section.
How to use this book
The book is divided into 20 units. Each unit is self-contained so that you can study the units in
any order. You can choose the unit you w ant to study e ith e r by selecting the g ra m m a r you w ant to
study or selecting which exam papers you w ant to practise. A s u b -s k ill is also practised in each
unit. As a result, only the units w ith practice on Speaking and Listening papers contain audio.
The contents pages at the beginning of the book provide an overview of w hat is in each unit so
you can use this to choose which units you would like to study first.
These pages also give you
inform ation on w hich units contain audio.
You w ill probably find it help fu l to begin each unit by reading the g ra m m a r section in the firs t
part, then w orking through the exercises in preparation fo r the exam practice exercise at the
end. Try to do the exam exercises w ithin the tim e lim it to give yourself realistic exam practice.
Getting w e ll-in fo rm e d feedback on your w ritin g and speaking exam practice exercises w ould also
be an advantage. However, if this is not possible, it is s till im portant to do the exercises in fu ll.
Studying m odel answers can help you develop the ability to assess your own w ork. If possible,
record yourself when speaking and listen carefully to your perform ance. Avoid m em orizing
m odel answers fo r the W riting and Speaking papers. R em em ber that
in the actual exam, it is
im portant to answ er the question and not ju s t speak or w rite about the topic.
As part of your fin a l preparation before the exam, you could re-read the exam tips in the boxes.
This w ill rem ind you of the strategies fo r success in the exam.