Feudal history

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Robto Eyre p terr Hugonis Strenley, eod Robto p ter Nichi Hucklowe, eod Robto p ter Jo. Howe, eod Robto p ter Jo. Cock de Wallhead, To. Tounende, eod Jo. p vn rod veteris terr, Tho. Woodroff, Jo. Jolle, 4s. nd.; Willo fil Rici Thomson, Rogo Howe p ter Jo. Dyotson, eod Rogo, eod Rogero p un intake, Hered Tristram Tounende, eod Thurstano p vn intake, Robto Cock p ter Robti Greene, eod Robto p ten intake, Willo Wright, Hered Willi Cock, Jo. Cock p ter Rici Syward, Thurstano Eyre p ter Hug. Skinner, Tho. Bradwall p ter Jo. Bradwall, Jo. Thymme et Jo. Burton per ter Waiti Bradwell, Willo Ellott p ter Rici Ellott, Tho. Slack per ter Rici Howe, Tho. Woodroff p held (?), Tho. Woodroff et Robto Hall, Jo. Cock p ter pris sui, eod Jo. p ter Nichi Cocke, eod Jo. p ter Thomo H alley, Robto Cock p tor Robti Ffox, tota vill p turbar hend, Ead vill p libtat hend p anno, Ead villa p maynes.

Rado Shirley, 6s. 8d.; Olivero Eyre, fforster, 4s. 8d.; Tho. Woodroff, 13s. 6d.; eod Tho. p ter Jo. Bower, eod Tho. p ter Tho. Best, eod Tho. p ter Willi Piggott, eod Tho. p. ter Mary Hall, Robto Eyre p ter Alic Bosenell, Nicho Staley, Thurstano Dune, Hered Jo. Sharp, Willo Threckett fil Jo. Trecket, eod Willo Trecket, Willo Townend, Rico Abbenay for land of his father, £6; Hug. Bagshawe, Jo. Booking, jun., Jacobo Eyre fil Nichi Eyre, 43. 2d.; St. Mary Croft, tota villa p turbar hend, ead vill p Wise Leyes, ead ville p libbat habend.


Rico Barbour de corn Ebor, 4s. 4d.; Robto Eyre p ter Jo. Slencr eod Roberto p terr Willi Cock, eod Robto p terr Hugonis Strenley, Rado Ward, 75. 8d.; eod Rado p Trecknell, eod Rado p penkenfild, Jo. Penkenson, 45. gd.; Nicho Howe p ter Jo. Kirkcrd, 35. 4d.; Jo. fil Rogi Tunsin eod Jo. p terr Rogi Torr, Jo. Ellott p ter Willi Clisson de Asston, ead villa p incre­ment.


Villa de Asston p Weyfe-Leyes, ead vill p turbar hend.


Villa de Thornell p Weyfe-Leyes, eadem villa p turbar hend, Rado Shirley et Olivero Eyre, 21s. 4d.; Hered Hug. Strenley, 7s.; Olivero Hall, 6s. 6d.; Nicho Ffox p terr patris sui, Jo. Rishton p tent in Longston, Abbt. de Lysell, Villa de Bufchells, Villa de Ovhaddon, Rogo Columbell redd in Bailey, Willo Plumpton, Kt., Hered Tho. Bestone red in Ovhaddon.

Tho. Remston mil aquam de Exe, Villa de Tadington, Villa de Prestcliffe, Tho. fil Jo. Wright, Villa de Sternedale, Villa de Cowdale, Villa de Stadon, Villa de Buxston, Abbat de Welbeck redd in Crockhill.

Tho. Henshawe ter Walteri Hall, eod Thoma terr Jo. Gyte, Hered Tho. Needham p ter Willi Swan, Hered Rici Padley, 5s. 8d.; Hered Willi Swan, 4s. 4d.; Tho. Needham p ter Jo. Balbren, Robto Grave, Jo. Hill, Hered Willi Moycock, y. zd.; Rico Fferne p terr Willi Moycock, Hered Thoma Coterell, 5s. 1d.; Xpo Bagshawe p ter Jo. Smith, eod Xpo p ter ejusdem Johis, Robto Fferne p ter Jo. Fferne, Rico Fferne fil Jo. Fferne, Rico Fferne, Capell Cantar de Tiddiswall, Hered Jo. Ward p terr Willi Bradwall, Johe Needham, Laur Needham p ter Jo. Needham, Hered Tho. Fferne, 5s. 4d.; p ter Benedict Hellen, Johe Dawkin, 4s. 11d.; Jo. Dawkyn, junr. p ter Willi Browne, Henri fil Rogi

Harrison p ter Jo. Swan, eod Henri p ter Johis Henshawe, eod Henri p ter Johis Fferne, eod Henr p ter Jo. Needham, eod Henry ter Willi Moycock, Willi Ashford, y. 10d.; Rico Needham, ter Jo. Padley, Jo. Adamson p terr Robti Coup, Jo. Poole de Hertington p Colewe, Tota villa et increment ibm, ead villa p turbar hend, eadem villa p Cunning-dale.
Pictor et Woodlowe.

Tho. Moycock p Pickton, Will Dawkin p terr Willi Tayler, Rici Fferne, 5s.; p terr Willi Tayler, Capell Cant de Tiddes-wall, Rogo Wallow, 8s. 6d.; Rico-Fferne et Tho. Moycock, p ter Will Tayler, Tota villa increment.


John Gilbart, 6s. 3d.; p terr Johis Rogerson, eod Johe p terr Johis Mycocke, Capell Cantar de Tiddeswall, Hered Johis Mycock, Hered Robti Torr, Robto Greterakes, 6s. 2d.; Tota villa p increment.


John Tunstid, 3s. 1d.; p ter Robti Ffletcher, eodem John p ter Reginald! Scripshaw, Robto Lytton, 3s. 4d. ; p terr Johis fil Thome Hoskinsonne, 3s. 4d. ; Nicho fil Johis p ter fris sui, Johanes Wright p terr pris sui, 6s. 8d ; Capell Cantar de Tiddeswall, Robto Lytton, Johem Tunstid, 7s.; codcm John p terr fil Thome Hopkynson, eodem Johem p terr Johis Needham, eodem Johe p intake, Tota villa p increment et turb.


Capell Cant de Tyddeswall, Johis Tunstid p terr Rogeri Alenson, Hered Rogeri Alenson, Hered Thome Dale, 3s. gd.; Robt. Medulton, 6s. nd.; p ter Nichi Hall, eodem Robto p ter Johis Leghe, 7s.; John Hopkynson, p ter Willi Allenson, 8s. ; Johe Torr, 3s. 7d. ; p ter Johes Dond, Capell Cantar de Tyddeswall, Hered Rici Lytton p ter Rogi Dalle, John Bailye p ter Thome Alen, Johes fil Johis Hill, Johe Buxstons p terr pris sui, Hered Johis Needham, Tota p increment et turb.


Willo Plumpton milit, £3 15s. 5d.; eodem Willo p terr Robti Wodrof, Hered Rogi Wormehill, 15s. 6d.; Robto Wodrof, 3s. 11d.; Robto Medulton p ter Johis Bryght, Rogero Folgeambe, 13s. 4d.; Thoma Blake p ter pris sui, Johe Tunsted, Rogero Folgeambe p Molendino de Wormhill, 16s. 8d.; Tota villa p increment et turbar.


Johe Palfreman, 7s. 6d.; Capell Cantar de Tyddeswall, 6s. 2d.; eodem Capell p ter Johis Rogerson, Sea Margareta p ter Rogeri Wormhill, Johis Gilbard p ter Johis Shore, eodem Johis Gilbard p ter Willi Shirley, Robti Wilson, 3s. 4d. ; ptris sui, Willi Wilson, Tota villa p increment et turbar, John Poole de Hartington p Molend de Fairefield, Redd ad sci michus Arch p toto anno, 33s. 4d.; Villa do Tadynton, Villa de Overhaddon, Abat. de Welbeck, Samson Meverel, Rogero Thornehill, John Pole de Hertington p colowe, Villa Capell de Fryth.(Chapel en le Frith).

Then follow two pages of total rents of "Herbage," "Molend," " Turbar," " Palfrey," giving only names of places.


newstalls, 10 edward quarti.
First a Holl mere and a cross mere at the beginning of the Restall, which Ralf Sacheverell is partner with Henry Vernon and no more.

A meres next unto it, being partners with Henry Vernon, Sacheverel, Philip Leche, and Blackwell.

Four meres lying next to the locke on the towne side in the which Henry Vernon hath all except a part that Sacheverel hath, the which the said Henry's Fadar bought of Somerford, Rich. Dingaurgh, and Jo. Coxtes, 4 meres and whereat is partner Philip Leche, Ralf Sacheverel, John Blackwell.

An oder next the 4 meres Doger in Sacheverel hath a part and Hy. Vernon three parts, bought of Jack Roper, Roger Goodenough and Henry Smith.

Two meres, the first mere in traverse betwixt Sir Win. Vernon and Sir Thos. Statham and Henry Vernon and Edward Vernon hath there one half, and Sir Thomas Statham thes fellows that oder part.

Two meres at the Hollin grove, the which the said Henry's Fadar bought of Edward Bowne, and he hath the half part against all other parts.

Four meres next the way in the mere is partner Richard Blackwell, the next meres were taken between Sir Wm. Vernon and John Blackwell, delivered by Edward Bowne then being Bar-master.

Two meres next the way in which is partner Richard Blackwell. Four meres bought of Rich. Baleden, Thos. Hygett, Fawke Sutton and John Sutton, and which the said Henry held half and a part furder against all others.

Two meres in the break holes the which the said Henry Vernon had of Richard Ragshawe and Johe Steypul and Win. Steypule.

Four meres, the which was John Somerford, Wm. Fox and Henry Vernon, which part of William Fox the said Henry hath, the which lyeth next betwixt Rich. Bagshaw's, John Steypule and the Rake.

Four meres next unto John Rollesley's grove, in the which Henry Vernon hath the one half and Rauf Sacheverel the other half.

Two meres and two cross meres to them next unto Jenken Wilcokson, the which Henry Vernon hath half, and Rauf Sacheverel and Henry Foljambe the other half.

A mere the which Sir Wm. Vernon took next unto John Nail, and Thomas Columbell on the north side of the said John Nail.

Two meres and two cross meres, the which the said Henry hath the 4th part and Henry Foljambe and Philip Leech the other part, lying in the Nestall.

A mere lying on the Nestall head given up by John Baxter, the which Sir William Vernon took again by the law of the werks.

A .prime gap lying on the Nestall mere, the which Robt. Hyll gave unto Henry Vernon, and the said Robert, took it of Edward Bowne being Bar-master. A mere and a cross mere near the Parson's grove, the which the said Henry Vernon had of John Nail the one half and the other halt is Thomas Columbell's.

Two meres and two cross meres to them bought of Ralf Lyilie in the south side of the Nestal Rake, next unto Thomas Moybrey, ground, wherein be fellowes; Henry Foljambe one part, Ralf Sacheverel and Roger Leysett in other part, Richard Bateman the 3rd part, and Henry Vernon the 4th part. Copied by D. Daykeyne, jun., in July, 1794.


duchy rental, 35 hy. VIII.

Paper Book from same bundle as last, “A Booke of Rentals for His Majesty's Rente, for ease money, Palfrey money, and the lyke within the higher Peake, tempore Henr Octavi, being a true copy of Rentalls brought in by James Jodrell, gent.” “ ........ Palfrey Silver, Rentale for anno xxxv Rex Henrici Octavi.”


Browside. Willia Slacke.

Buggesworth. Robt. Carington, John Caryngton p acres terr Willia Mellor, John Caryngton, Idem Carington, John Bawdon.


duchy rental, elizabeth, 20th year.

Third paper book as in last with similar endorsement by James Jodrell, gent.


Hope. Edwardus Kyrke, Olyver Kyrke, George Kyrke.
Coumbes. Reginald Kyrke.
Bawdon et Manystonfielde. Prior de Lenten, Oliver Creswell, Charles Lyngard.

Malcafe. Thomas Kyrke.
Brownsyde. Willin Slacke.
Buggesworth.Roger Joytrell, John Carington, Idem 2 acres ter, intacke, John Carington.


From the Muniment Room of Belvoir Castle. Extracted by Mr. W. A. Carrington, Curator.
3 HY. VII. great court held at hazelbach, 4th Aug.

juryNich. Wodroff, Thos. Howe, Rich. Elott, Robt. Halom, John Elot, Thos. Elot, Wm. Burton, Xpofer Stafford, Hy. Stafford, Hugo Johnson, Robt. Seward, Jo. Bradwall.

Present—Jo. Bradwall, of Bradwall, trespassed with 20 sheep (bidentes) ; Wm. Bradwall the like with 20 sheep and cattle (affris) ; Hugo Johnson, 12; Robt. Middleton, 40 ; Elias Marshall, Edward ..... 40; Edward Bradwall, 16 ; Hugo Howe, i cattle and 60 sheep; Rich. Cok, 20; Thos. Howe, 1 mare and 12; Roger Eyre, 1 mare, 3; Rich. Thomason, 1 mare, 14 beasts; John Don, 1 mare and 20 beasts; John Elott, the same; Wm. Elott, 1 mare, 4; John Middleton, 20 sheep; Rich. Elott, the same; Robt. Halom, 30 beasts; Xpofer Stafford, 1 colt and 30 sheep; Nich. Seward, for beasts and sheep; and the following for the same offence :—Christopher Chapman of Little Hokelow, Wm. Paynton, Hy. Schofield, Hy. Buxton, Elys Fumes, Robt. Chapman, and Jo. Kirk, Roger Bradwalle, Wm. Wilson of Great Hokelow, Jo. Depecloth, Thos. Aleyn, Jo. del Hall, Robt. del Hall, Denis Marshall, Edward Chapman, Jo. Shalcross of Grenelowe Grange, Wm. Chapman de Donnehouse, Robt. Barker of Abney Grange, Robt. Bagshaw of Abney, Nich. Bagshaw de ead, Thos. Kydde, Thos. Barker, Rd. Bothe, Hy. Hawksworth, Wm. Kydde, Thos. Woodhouse, Thurston del Hall, Nidi. Marshall de Burtts, Rd. Slak, Jo. I laloum of Overtoil, Xpofer Middle-ton of Shatton, Walter galley, Colin Fox of Nether Shatton.

Wm. Tbwnsend, Xpofer Chapman owe suit of court, and that they agisted 16 beasts in the Forest of Peak to the damage of 16s. Philip Longsden, herdsman of Lord Reynold Lee of Blackrock, for trespass with cattle in Ospring; Otiwell Needham, Nicolas Kirk, Peter Bagshawe, and John Woodroff for the like.


Nich. Woodroff,

Hugo Johnson, Thos. Howe, Thos. Elot.

13 Hy. VII. (Oct. 10.) high peak. a swanmote of the Forest held at chapel-en-le-frith. Foresters of Fee of Champana—Robert Needham (Deputy, Thos. Meverell), Thos. Bagshawe (Deputy, Thos. Barley), Hy. Needham, Jo. Woodroff, and Peter Bagshawe, present that Robt. Clayton, son and heir of Wm. Clayton, of Lytton, in the County of Derby, gent., John Hodgkinson, Od'ways Bald, John de Rychards, of Wardlow, yoinan, killed a cornilu in Beylendale, at the feast of St. Lawrence, Apostle ; Robt. Savage killed a swan for John Savage; John Latham de Makfield, Wm. Heyward de Gatehouse, County Derby, and Jas. FIetcher de Dawhead, killed a cornilu in the King's water called the Gyte water ; John Cokyn, Esq., of Ashburn, killed a cornilu at the feast of St. Lawrence aforesaid.

Rich. Vernon, son and lieir of Hy. Vernon, Kt., killed a cornilu, on the vigil of the raising of the Cross, in the said i3th year ; Wm. Savage (lieutenant) then killed a cornilu for Sir John Savage, Kt. ; John Babington for Sir John Agard, Kt., ditto; Regl. Legh, Robt. Ratcliffe, Wm. Johnson, Deputies for the Abbot of Basing-wortli. John Gariek, Forester of Longendale, said that Gervase Ashton, Rector of Ashton, and Edward Ashton cap, came within the regard and drove out 1 stag and 1 hind, and killed them without the regard on the feast of the Translation of St. Thomas.

Nich. Eyre, Thos. Wodroff, Randale Legh, Wat. Halle (Deputy of Nich. Meverell), Roger Barber (Deputy of Ralf Shirley), Kt., Xpofer Staley, Robt. Halle (Deputy of Robt. Eyre), Foresters of Eydale and Ashope, saw that Thos. Wortley, Kt., killed a cornilu in Derwent water. Alexr. Harope and Rich. Heyward of Longsden, Co. Cheshire, drove out the King's game with horne and hounds hunting in Wesden and Aschop. Roger Turner, of Folwode, County Derby, labourer, killed a cornilu, in the presence of Thos. Wortley, Kt., 4th Sept., which presentations were made before Sir Andrew Dymoke and John Cutte, the King's Com­missioner.

The names of those suspected by night and by day— Humphrey Vernon, gent., set his hounds on a stag on Thursday next before the Purification of Our Lady, the 12th year of King Hy. VII.

Roger Turner, Robt. Cotterel of Hope, Wm. Wyine of Wormhill, Jo. Purseglove of Wheston, Chrisf- Turner of Betsale (? Belfield). Nich. Bagshaw of Hochlow, Jo. Shalcross of Greenlow, Nich. Jenken, Nich. Kirk of Bradwall, Chrisf Stafford de ead, Jo. and Robt. Stafford de ead, Michael Leem of Lecm, and Edward Eyre of Afferton, were seen in the forest by night with greyhounds and bows

Wm. Bradshaw, Parson of Sir Henry Colett, set his greyhounds and shot at the horde without license openly by daylight and thereof made his boast, so without punishment of these faults it will give others example to do the same.

6 may. 21 hy. VII. castleton. view of frank pledge.

jurors for the kingJohn Sheldon, Thurston Brodhurst, Rd. Rolond, junr., Nich. Bradbury, Jo. Medulton, Hy. Tyme, Hy. Foxiowe, Jo. Innocent, Ellas Furnes, Hy. Hall of Castleton, Rad. Trygett, Jo. Tounsend, Stephen Eyre, Martin Bothe, Thos. Gardiner.

Present, the heirs of Wm. Plumton, Kt., Hy. Vernon, Kt., heirs of Hy. Folgambc, Esq., heirs of Ralf Eyre, Roland Eyre, Robt. Thornhill, the heirs of Oliver Woodruff, Wm. Kynge, Robt. Ward, heirs of Robt. Badgear, Jo. Doon, Jo. Hall, junr., Robt. Dawkyn, heirs of Rd. Blackwell, John Hawe of London, Wm. Hurt, Wm. Jameson, Lawrence Newton, Thos. Smith, Jo. Smith de Ov Haddon, John Wylson, John Smyth, and John Wright, for deft. of Court.

That Elenor Nicolson is daughter and heir of Thos. Nicolson, and did fidelity for lier father's lands in Prestclive. Martin Bothe, Thos. Gardiner, John Medulton, and Wm. Roland prised 1 pot and 1 dish of Hy. Buxton and Thos. Smyth to the use of the King at 18d., and 1 chauser of the late wife of Edward Hamor worth 4d., and 1 and 2 disceynes of Roger Turner at 6d.

A penalty upon the inhabitants of Bradwall to make all the gates outside the town, with all breakages (ruptur') about the fields beyond the bounds of the Peak, under a penalty for each gate and rupture of 4d., and whoever breaks into a close shall pay 12d.

jurystephen Eyre, Martin Bothe, Thos. Gardiner and Jo. Middleton.

16th Oct. 22 henry VII. Jurors—Nich. Eyre of Hassop, Thurston Brodhurst, Edmund Hodgkinson, Nich. Bradbury, Martin Bothe, Jo. Middleton, Rad. Trygget, Stephen Eyre, Hy. Hall, Roger Dykson, Rich. Roland, Roger Hawe, Roger Trygget. Present, the heirs of Wm. Plomton, Kt., heirs of Henry Folgeam, Esq., Roland Eyr., Otiwell Needham, Thos. Balgy, Robt. Thorhill, heirs of Otiwell Wodroff, Robt. Ward, heirs of Robt. Bagger, Jo. Hall, junr., Robt. Dawkyn, Jo. Kirk, heirs of Rich. Blakwell, Jo. Hawe of London, William Ley, son of Rad.,. Ricus Ley, Wm. Jameson, Lawr. Newton, Thos. Taylor, John Nicliolson, for deft. of Court.

Agnes Page, the wife of John Smith of Hope, the wife of Jo. Balgy, the wife of Robt. Halley, for brewing.

Roht. Koynnyeld and Humphrey Vcrnon and Thurston fil Nich. Eyre, -for assaults.

Thos. Slack and Elias Tyme for breaking pringyls, Rich. Bowne of Monyash, Hugo Bowne and Wm. Gudhyne, trespass on the separate pastures of Ov Haddon with their cattle.

The Abbot of Leicester enclosed a parcel of the King's lands in Lathkyll Dale.

The wife of Ralf Slak and Thurston Middleton fined 4d. for not mending a breakage (?), Rich. Cok and Rich. Bradwell the same.
22 april. 22 hy. VII. view oF frank pledge, castleton.

jury—Ralf Tryket, Stephen Eyr, Robt. Fumes, Roger Trekett, Nich. Eyre, Rd. Hodgkinson, Rd. Rowland, senr., Hy. Tymme, Jo. Innocent, Thos. Gardiner, Jo. Middleton, Rad. Middleton, Jo. Bradwall.

Hy. Kirk, Wm. Tyme, Barthol"- Kok, Stephen Hardy, appraised a dish of Wm. Kydde 2s., to the use of the King.

Present, the heirs of Wm. Plomton, Kt., Hy. Vernon, Kt., Rad. Longford, Kt., the heirs of Hy. Folgambe, Esq., heirs of Oliver Woodruff, Robt. Dawkin, Jo. Hawe de London, Wm. Hurtt de Ashbourne, Wm. Jamisson, Jo. Smyth de Ov Haddon, for deft. of Court; Ralf Hall assaulted Nic. Walweyn.

Elias Tyme, 12d., because he did not open one pryngyll of the King's common.

The Jury say-that a certain way called Pyndall is open to all coming and going from Castleton to Bradwall. Signed, Nich. Eyre, Jo. Midulton, Hy. Tyme, Jo. Bradwall.
23 hy. VII. great court OF hy. vernon, kt., HELD AT byrcheles, 16 Oct.

jury— .... Harrison, Rich. Bown, Rd. Sheldon, Edmund Aliott, Thos. Harrison, Wm. Winterbotham, Martin Eyre, Thos. Berdall, Hy. Madder, Henry Okes.

Present, Thos. Harrison, late of Bakewell, senr., enclosed an acre in the demesne of Bircheles.

Richard Marple, fined 4d. for enclosing a parcel of land lying upon Tolshill. It is also imposed upon the said Richard that he should lay open tlie said land by the Feast of St. Martin, under a penalty of 3s. 4d.

Thos. Hayward held a rood upon the head of Newcroft—ordered to give it up.

Ralf Leach claimed against the right of the Jurors a parcel of meadow lying at Ribulside.

Thos. Wright claimed against the right a wood which grows upon the King's soil.

Thos. Heyward obstructed the King's way going to Sangal gate —order to amend it.

Present, the heirs of George Leech, Thos. Wright, Rich. Marpull, for deft. of Court. George Leech held all his lands in demesne of Byrchilles of the said Hy. Vernon, Kt., by military service, died since last Court, and that ..... is his son and next heir aged two years,

23 april. 24 hy. VII. view of frank pledge, castleton jury for the, kingJo. Fairfield, Edmund Hodgkinson, Thos. Barbor, Edward Barbour, Ed. Bradwalle, Nich. Bradbury, Hy. Doon, Hy. Tyme, Thurston Brodhurst, Robt. Fumes, Wm. Roland, Rich. Bradwall, Martin Bothe, Jo. Bradwall.

John Vigurs, Thurs. Burton, Otiwell Halland Hy. Cok, present Agnes Page for brewing.

John Halum and Robt. Kok, Frank pledge of Ashop and Braowall, pres., Roger Turner, Jo. Smyth de Hope, for oppressing the common of Ashope. George Wilson, Frank pledge of Thornhill.

Xpofer Haley, Frank pledge of Aston.

Henry Foxiow of Tadd, who held of the King a messuage there, died since last Court, Rich. Foxlow is his son and heir, and is of full age.

Henry Bokynge of Hope held there a tenement, died, John Boking is his son and heir, aged 2 years.

Rich. Bowne of M ..... Win. and Hugo Bowne, Hugo Elye, oppressed tlie common. Rich. Fayles of Over Haddon removed one of the Mcyr stones at Medylfurlong head, and because he removed .... one of the boundaries of the common there to the damage of the neighbourhood, he is in mercy.

A penalty of 6s. 8d. upon Christopher Staley, constable of Hope that he should make the stoks fit in all things.

A penalty 40d. in the vill of Hope, for not presenting the brewers and bakers from Pentecost.

A penalty upon tlie tenants of Castleton to make hedges ; also upon tlie tenants of Bradwall to keep the common lands within tlie llelds separate till Autumn (till harvest).

Rd. Feyles, Thurston Hodges of Over Haddon, are oppressors upon the separate lands with their cattle. Rich. Bagshawe, keeper of the women malefactors ?

Signed, Thos. Barbour, Nich. Bradbury, Edw. Barbour,

Edmund Hogett.
23 april. 24 hy. VII. view oF frank pledge of the lord king.

jury for the king—thos. Fox, Thos. Dawkin, Rad. Merton, Hugo Scheldon, John Gymmesworth, Philip Blackwell. Edward Carrington, Robt. Redyman, Ed. Barbour, Jo. Lawe, Rich. Bagshaw, Thos. Pater, Rich. Alien, and Robt. Mellor.

Thos. Torre and Jo. Repon, Frank pledge, Rich. Padley, Frank pledge of Fernelee.

Beley and Chattesworth.

John Smyth, Wm. Pykkets, John Howe, Roger Sont. Present, The Lady Anna Leghe, the heirs of John Seivyn, the heirs of Wm. Rollesley for deft. of service.


Frank pledge present, Robt. Hunatt and Rd Smyth, breaking Assize, and Robt. Hill and Wm. Kenworth.

Hyglowe and Abney.

Rad. Bailley, John Barker pros., Thos. Eyre, Nich. Baggeshaw, Thos. Fulgeham Hy. Abbeney, free tenants, for default of service.


Lawrence Lowe, Oliver Walwin present, Humphrey Stafford for debt of suit; Alice Morton, Roger Hodgkinson, Xpofer Haberjam, Barthw. Rowell, and Thos. Pedley assaulted Robt. Hill.

Eyam and Folowe.

Robt. Litton, Rich. Trott, Wm. Wollowe, Rd. Wood, Frank pledge.

Over Haddon and Conkesbury.

Frank pledge, Thurston Brodhurst, Roger Smelley, Robt. Halley.

Glossop and Mellor.

Mich. Botham, Jo. Bromhall, Roger Dornylcgh, Jo. Kynder,

Chas. Gee, Frank pledge.

Hassop, Calver and Bircheles.

Thos. Haryson, John Neyide, Thos. Platte, Wm. Staley, Frank pledge. Present, Roger Gregory, Humphrey Stafford, Miriam Legh, Agnes Cressy, for deft of Court; Hy. Dame assaulted Hy. Lowe\ the said Hy. assaulted Hy. Frith; Barthw. French assaulted Peter Fryth and Peter Lowe, Rich. French assaulted Thurston Lows; Son of the widow of Roger Kirke assaulted Hy. Lowe, who assaulted Bartholomew French.
Verthyll, Wynster and Birchover.

John Watson, mm. Bonsale, Wm. Stone, John Crawne of Herthill. Present, Hy. Jackson and Jo. Kynder, brewers ; Robt. Norman and Rich. Bradbury assaults.


Chas. Mellor, Jo. Sherte, Jas. Ratcliffe, George Molte, Frank pledge. Present, Wm. Bradshaw of Combs, Thos. Alien, Otiwell Bradbury, Otiwell Needham, Rad. Platte, Thos. Ralenson, Ralf Hendman, Nich. (Kirk) Kyche, Edward Crosslee, Wm. Mellor, Thos. Bowden, Wm. Bowden, Robt. Olrenshawe, Hy. Bradshaw, John Benett, Nich. Ghotrcll (Joddrell), Thos. Worts, Robt. Oliver, Rich. Kyston, George Bagshawe, for deft. of service. Item, Rich. Bagshawe, Thos. Brokkley, Geo. Dailly, for brewing.

Yolgreve, Stanton and Gretton.

Rich. Yeven, Wm. Garrcrd, Rich. Lomals, and Nich. Halley, Jurors. Present, Robt. Gylbert, Robt. Dorkenfield, John Rollesly, Humphrey Stafford and Robt. Strendall, for deft. of court; Robt. Norman and Robt. Bradbury for assault; Thos. Smelly, Wm. Bury, Tiobt. Longsiey, and Robt. Syks, for brewing; Martin Atkinson for bakehouse in Yolgreve.

Taddington and Prestclive.

Jas. Waterliousc, Wm. Roulonde, Ed. Jackson, Rich. Foxiowe, furors. Present, Humphrey Bradburn, Arthur Eyre and Robt. Blackwell, for deft. of court.

Edensor and Pillesly.

Roger Marpull, Robt. Swettingham, Edwd. Calton, Jurors. Present, the heirs of Rokcliffe and Sotley for deft. of court. Item Edward .... and Philip Calton, Wm. Bennett and Hy. Barfott, Rich. Baggeley and Jo. Marpull for assaults.


Thos. Goodwill, Wm. Bowne, Jury. Present, Roger Shepherd, Hy. Brodhurst, Elenor Sperod (?) for brewing ; Rich. Tagg and Edward Goodwyn.

Lytton, Longesdon and Brushfield.

Wm. Brome, Thos. Fryth, Jo. Oldfield, and Wm. Oldfield, Jury. Present, Robt. Longsdon, Robt. Shakerly, Wm. Lytton, the heirs of Robt. Litton, Hy. Purseglove, Robt. Legh, Thos. Tonsted, Godfrey Foljambe, deft. of court. Item, Wm. Whytt, Thos. Grene, Peter Brome, Jo. Heth, Xpofer Fryth, Wm. Tattersale, Thurston Fletcher, Hy. Alsop, for assaults.


Rich. Mychill, Edw. Bromhall, Jo. Tomsoii, and Trios. Bamford, Jurors. Present, Ralf Longford, Arthur Eyre, Stephen Thorpe, for deft. of court. Item, Robt. Eyre, Oliver Baggshaw, common brewers ; Eliz. Hadfiold and Robt. Wyikynson for assaults.

Burton, Cowdale, Stadon and Strendale.

Robt. Mylncs, Wm. Moselcy, John Lynicy and Robt. Hethcote, jurors. Present, Jo. Pole, Hy. Buckston, Thos. Strendal, ..... Morewood, Lawr. Barford, Robt. Blackwell, for deft. of court. Item, Rich. Godhyn, Chrisf Retham, Rad. Henshawe, common brewers, and Jo. Jackson.


Roger North, Jo. Dawson, John Harregreve, jurors. Present, Jo. Seller and Thos. Brough.

Overton and Shatton.

Robt. Sewardand Jo. Wynge, jurors. Present, Robt. Strelly; the heirs of Nich. Fox^Katur Eyre, Eliz. Halley, deft. of court. Item, Edward Ayre, enclosing two acres from the common.


Hy. Fornesse, Roger Bowman, Thos. Hall, Robt. Bowman, jury. Present, Godfrey Foljam, Arthur Eyre, Thos. Columbell, Jo. Poynton, Wm. Lytton, and Thos. Blackwell, for deft. of court.

Stoney Middleton, Stoke and Nether Padley.

Robt. Hobson, Jo. Hobleson, Wm. Mosley, Jury. Present, the Vill of Stoke for deft. of Jurors. Item, Rich. Ryley, Thos. Caskyn for brewing.

The Jury present that Rad Martyn intruded upon a messuage in Tydeswell in the possession of Thos. Barley 14 days before his death, and the said Rad keeps it, but they are ignorant by what right. Item, Joha. Wilson, and Emma her sister broke the close of Elizth Bromall, and assaulted her. Item, Otiwell Needham, Otiwell Bradbury, Rad Platt, Rad Ragge, Ran. Hyndman, Thos. Stafford de Sha, Roger Legh, Nick. lhandrill, Thos. Kynder of Kynder, Xpofer Hyde de Olersete, for deft. of court.

Roll signed by

Robt. Radcliffe, Ed. Barbour, Rd. Bagshaw and Thos. Torr.


tempe king henry VIII.
(B. 41. No. 423. P.R.O.)



view oF frank pledge, 6th Oct. 6 Hy. VIII. (m 14 old number.)

inquestNich. Eyre, junr., Jo. Innocent, Rich. Foxiowe, Rad Trekett, Hy. Dunne, Roger Howe, Thos. Hall, Roger Trekett, Wm. Hall, Nich. Bradbury, Robt. Fumes, Elias Tyme.

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