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You are invited to participate in a research study that will require you to complete
a survey. The purpose of this study is to explore customers' perceptions of green
practices in restaurants and how it impacts their satisfaction and return intentions. The
survey will take less than 20 minutes to complete. There may be direct benefits to you as
a participant in this study. This study has only minimal risks, and is open to healthy
adults 18 and older who have eaten at a casual/family restaurant within 6 months. Your
participation is voluntary. You may refuse to participate in this study or in any part of this
study. Your answers will be kept confidential. No reference will be made in written or
oral materials that could link you to this study. All records will be stored in a locked
facility at UNLV for three years after completion of the study. After the storage time, the
information will be destroyed. If you have any questions or concerns about the study,
you may contact the principal investigator Dr. Yen-Soon Kim at 702-895-5443 or Audrey
Szuchnicki at 702-994-6464. For questions regarding the rights of research subjects, or
any complaints or comments regarding the manner in which the study is being conducted,
you may contact the UNLV Office for the Protection of Research Subjects at 702-895-
2794. Thank you for your time and consideration. Your participation is greatly
appreciated. "I have read the above information and agree to participate in this study."
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