Activity 5 Work in pairs. Write and act out a dialogue. 6 min Objective: to develop speaking skills STEP 1: The pupils look at the cloud with the items.
STEP 2: Ask the pupils to make dialogues about their shopping.
e.g. - Where can I buy an iron?
At (In) the electrical shop.
Homework 2min
Task 1. Explain that they must match two columns to make logically and syntactically correct sentences.
Answer key: 1b, 2d, 3a, 4e, 5g, 6f, 7c
Task 2. Explain that they must fill the gaps in the dialogue with the words given in the cloud.
Answer key: 1) ’m looking for; 2) would you like; 3) would like; 4) do you take;
5) Here is; 6) fitting room; 7) fit; 8) much
Evaluation Giving marks
Deputy director on educational affairs Signature
English Teacher:
Normatov J
Lesson 3 Bargain for the best price The aim of the lesson:
Educational: - to learn the new words related to the topic
Developing: - to enable pupils to bargain about the price; - to develop reading and listening skills
Socio-cultural: - o raise awareness of bargaining
Competence: SC5, LC and PC
Learning outcomes: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: have a conversation with sellers.
Type of the lesson: non-standard, mixed Method of the lesson: group work, pair work Equipment: Textbook; the DVD of the book
Part of the lesson
Organizational Moment
-to greet pupils.
- to check up the register
5 min
Repeating last lesson
- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. – to ask words from previous lesson
5 min
Explaining new theme
- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme
20 min
Consolidating new theme.
- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme.
10 min
- To mark pupils
5 min
- Giving homework.
The Procedure of the lesson: Organizing moment: - Greeting.
Checking the register
Activity 1 Work in pairs. Ask and answer. Write the meaning of the new word. 7 min Objectives: to introduce the topic; to create a friendly atmosphere STEP 1: Ask the pupils to think about shopping. Explain the meaning of the new vocabulary. Use the notes below if needed
Window shopping
Biror narsa xarid qilishga niyat qilmasdan do‘konlarda aylanib yurish;
vitrinalarni tomosha qilish; 3) tovar tanlash maqsadida ko‘cha vitrinalarini ko‘zdan kechirish
1) Хождение по магазинам без намерения что-либо купить; 2) рассматривание витрин; 3) осмотр уличных витрин с целью выбора товаров
STEP 2: The pupils ask each other the questions.
STEP 3: Elicit some answers.
Activity 2 Work in pairs. Read, listen and answer the questions. 14 min Objective: to get acquainted with phrases necessary for conversation in shops STEP 1: The pupils listen to the DVD. Pay attention to intonation, stress and pronunciation.
STEP 2: The pupils read the dialogue imitating the intonation, stress and pronunciation.
STEP 3: The pupils answer the questions.
Answer key:
1) a dress
2) $150 and $140
$100 for both dresses
Activity 3a Work in pairs. Complete the dialogue. 7 min
Objective: to revise the new vocabulary The pupils work in pairs. They read the dialogue, discuss and put appropriate words and phrases in the gaps.
Activity 3b Act out your dialogue. 5 min
Objective: to develop speaking skills The pupils work in pairs and role play their dialogue.\
Activity 4 Work in pairs. Ask and answer. 6 min Objective: to develop speaking skills STEP 1: The pupils look at the cloud with the items.
STEP 2: Ask the pupils to make dialogues using the items from the cloud.
Homework 2min
Explain to the pupils that they must speak about shopping in their families. Ask them to use the questions as a plan. Point out that they can answer in more than one sentence on each question to make it as a story. e.g. In our family nobody likes going shopping, when we need to go and buy food. But I think, my mum and sister love buying clothes, shoes and other things. It takes them hours to choose a dress they like. They prefer going to big shopping centres where they can enjoy pleasant atmosphere and good service.