wasthemostimportantdramatistamong:heWits. WilliamShakespeare,BenJonsonandothermorethanadozenfirst-rate playwrights also created their skillfuldramas at thatperiod.Blankverse,introducedintothelanguagebySurrey,becamethemainformforwritingtragediesandcomedies. In 1600, when the new century began, Elizabeth was an agingqueennotinthebestofhealth.ShewaschiIdless.Afterherdeath,in1603,KingJamesofScotland,thesonofMary,QueenofScots,becamethekingofEngland. TheDeclineoftheRenaissance James I, the first Stuart king, had little first-hand knowledge ofEngland. Elizabeth had managed to maintain religious balancebetweenProtestants and Catholics,but under the Stuarts thatbalancewaslost.Religiousandpoliticalunrestwasgrowing. At that period a number o f young Cavaliers, loyal to the king,wrote about love and loyalty, but even in the love poems it wasevident that thefreshnesso f theElizabethanera hadpassed.Among the best of these poets were Richard Lovelace and RobertHerrick. Drama continued to flourishin England under the Stuarts.Shakespeare’s great tragedies were written during the reign ofKing James, and Shakespeare’s acting company, taken under thepatronage of the king, became known as the King’sMen. Thetheatre in fact remained a popular form of entertainment until thepuritangovernmentclosedallplayhousesin1649. The greatest of thePuritanpoets,and oneof the greatestEnglish poets was John Milton, Latin secretary to the PuritanCommonwealth.Whileinthispositionhissightbegantofail; eventuallyhebecameblind.Hecomposed“ParadiseLost”,hisgreatestworkandthemostsuccessfulEnglishepic,sightless. Supplement Three chief forms of poetry flourished during the ElizabethanAge.Theywerethelyric,thesonnet,andnarrativepoetry. Thelyricisa short poem that expressesa poet’s personalemotionsandthoughtsinasonglikestyle. The sonnet is a 14-line poem with a certain pattern of rhymeand rhythm. Elizabethan poets wrote two types of sonnets, theItalian sonnet and the English sonnet. The two types differed inthearrangementoftherhymes.SirThomasWyattintroducedthesonnet from Italy into English literature in the early 1500’s. WilliamShakespeare and Edmund Spenser wrote sonnet sequences.Asonnet sequenceis a group of sonnetsbased ona singlethemeor aboutoneperson. N arrativepoetry.Anarrativepoemtellsastory.Shakespeare’s “Venus and Adonis” and Spenser’s “TheFaerieQueene”aretheexamplesofnarrativepoetry.
author, statesman, and scholar. More was bom in London, probably in 1477 or 1478. He studied at Oxford. More began his career as a lawyer in 1494, and became an undersheriffof London in 1510, and then field various high positions. He served as Lord Chancellor, the highest judicial official in England, from 1529 to 1532. But More resigned because he opposed King Henry VlII’s plan to divorce h is queen. He was beheaded in 1535 for refusing to accept the king as the head of the English church. More has since become an example ofthe individual who places conscience above the claims of authority. The Roman Catholic Church declared him a saint in 1935.
More published his famous work “Utopia” at the age of thirty- eight. It was written in Latin. “Utopia” is an account of an ideal society, withjustice and equality for all citizens. This masterpiece gave the word “utopia” to many languages of the world. “Utopia” is dividec. into two books.
Book I contains a conversation between More himself, the Flemish humanist Petrus Aegidius, and a philosophical sailor Raphael Hythloday. Their conversation deals with social and economic conditions in Europe and in England.
Book li is dedicated to Hythloday’s description of the island of Utopia (meaning Nowhere), which he visited during one of his journeys. It is a state that has achieved absolute social and economic harmony.
In “Ulopia” the author criticizes the social system of England. He advances the proposal that education should be provided for everybody, men and women. He advocates tolerance for every form of religion. Wars and Warriors are abolished in Utopia. Kings are also attacked in this book. More writes “The people choose the king for their own sakes and not for his”. Many of More’s reforms have been built into the modern world.
The book is interesting because it reflects the Renaissance, its learning, its enthusiasm for new ideas. “Utopia” was read in Latin by every humanist in Europe all over the continent. More became
the most shining example of the New Learning in England. He brought the Renaissance, the modern way of thinking into English literature. “Utopia” was famous in its contemporary days but it still remains as a most suggestive discussion ofthe ailments of the human society.
Thomas More is also well-known in world literature for his prose and poetry, written in English and Latin. He wrote his fine English work “A Dialogue of Comfort Against Tribulation” while he was in prison. His other works include “The History of King Richard III”, written in English in 1513 and a series of writings in Latin in which he defended the church against Protestant attacks.