2.1Examples of Antonomasia ...................................................................6
2.2 Function of Antonomasia ..................................................................10
2.3Types of Antonomasia ......................................................................................
3.Function and examples of Simile...........................................................
INTRODUCTION My course work deals with lingua-cultural pecularities of antonomasia and simile
Content of the work. The article contains the examples,functions,types of antonomasia as well as simile.Similarly it illustrates simile both in English and uzbek languages.
Aims of the course work 1.To investigate the pecularites of anatomasia as well as simile.
2.To analyze words and expressions that we use on our daily basis
3.To compare the discrepancies and similarities of anatomasia and simile between english and uzbek languages
Apparently, Antonomasia is the use of a common noun in a function of a proper name or the use of a proper name with the func. of a common name to point out the lading most characteristic feature of an object or event. Professor Galperin points out that to certain extent a. may be likened to an epithet because it characterizes the person or event.
1st type of A. point to the most characteristic feature;(Dr.Diet, Dr. Freshair, Henuata = name of the penguin, Vacanttum = empty stomach) – it is most effective in written discourse.
2nd type the proper name would acquire the grammatical characteristic of a common noun and it would start to denote an event associated with the name or the feature of the person by that name (no more Hiroshima = group of common nouns)
Depending on the character of the contextual meaning there are two types of antonomasia:
1) That based on the interaction between the nominal and contextual logical meanings.
2) That based on the interaction between the logical and contextual nominal meanings.
Euphemism is a word or phrase used to replace an unpleasant word or expression by a conventionally more acceptable one.
: to make smb redundant = to fire smb
Euphemisms may be divided into several groups according to their spheres of application. The most recognized are the following: 1) religious, 2) moral, 3) medical and 4) parliamentary 5) political.
The life of euphemisms is short. They very soon become closely associated with the referent (the object named) and give way to a
newly-coined word or combination of words, which, being the sign
of a sign, throws another veil over an unpleasant or indelicate concept. political euphemisms. These are really understatements, the aim of which is to mislead public opinion and to express what is unpleasant in a more delicate manner. As has already been explained, genuine euphemism must call up the word it stands for. It is always the result of some deliberate clash between two synonyms. If a euphemism fails to carry along with it the word it is intended to replace, it is not a euphemism, but a deliberate veiling of the truth.
Periphrasis is a word-combination which is used to denote the use of a longer phrasing in place of a possible shorter and plainer form of expression.
This device has a long history. It was widely used in the Bible and Homer’s Iliad. As a poetic devise it was very popular in Latin poetry (Virgil).
As a SD p. aims at pointing to one of the seemingly insignificant or barely noticeable features of the given object, and intensifies this property by naming the object by the property.