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Almaz Huseinova
The number of the historical heights of arising and living in the oral repertoire, row has muttered specialist in folk-lore considerable considerations connected with sooth to say and so on by. It is are known that differently from other eposes, "Dede Korkut" is a few centuries in the oral repertoire that it is not being performed. But some heights of this epos arriving to our day in the manuscript form in the Turkey and Azerbaijan living between people still and it is spoken in different pictures.
It is necessary to note that height of five twelve necks being known to us, "Dirsə xan oğlu Buğac", "Qazan xanın evinin yağmalanması", "Qambürənin oğlu Bamsı Beyrək", "Duxa Qoca oğlu Dəli Domrul", "Basatın Təpəgözü öldürdüyü" and has stayed life in the memories and oral performance long life.
To meet expressions in people songs connected with epos as was possible, is met to variant turned to tales of the some heights. Besides, a few number of paremiks has received his source unique from "Dede Korkut". Motives of "Dede Korkut" are seen clearly in eposes of heroism and love arising later on.
Lecture that arrives tilluntil our modern time of the heights of "Kitabi-Dədə Qorqud" that arrives till until our modern time, change and he have been devoted to investigating of tracks living between people in pictures.
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