you just wanting to create it because it's fun), without any influences
from the material world.
Try asking the question and seeing what comes up for you! You'll
be surprised at what surfaces, but don't get caught up with your
thinking when those true dreams of yours begin to be revealed to
To a mind without the limits of thinking, anything is possible.
“The greatest power that mankind could ever achieve is the power of
unconditional love. This is when people love with no limitations,
conditions or boundaries.” — Tony Green
Unconditional Love
I learned about unconditional love from my extraordinary girlfriend,
Makenna. For most of my life, I always questioned everything. I had
to know the reason behind why
things were the way they were,
otherwise, I would go crazy. I couldn't just experience life knowing
the meaning and reasoning behind everything.
Naturally, as anyone would in a relationship after dating her for
about a year at the time, I asked Makenna why she loved me. She
innocently replied that she didn't know why, she just knew she did.
Then she asked me why I loved her and I listed off dozens of
different reasons why. It ranged from
her beautiful smile to her
adorable laugh, how pure her heart is, how much she loves her
family, how intelligent she is, and the list goes on almost indefinitely.
We've been dating for 6 years now and every few months after
that first time I asked, I would ask her why she loved me and even
up until this point, she still says the same thing, "I don't know, I just
know that I love you — a lot."
This slightly bothered me for so long because I didn't understand
why she didn't know why she loved me. I could list off 50 reasons of
why I loved her, but she couldn't list a few. Even still throughout the
years, I loved her so much I didn't really mind that she didn't know. I
just accepted it and continued to love her anyway because I couldn't
help myself.
It wasn't until a few months ago that it dawned on me as to why
she couldn't think of reasons of why she loved me.
I began to
question the reasons that I had for why I loved Makenna. Then I had
an epiphany that changed my life forever.
I asked myself, did I love her because of her laugh or because
she loves helping other people? What happens if she doesn't laugh
one day or doesn't help someone that day? Do I stop loving her if
she doesn't do the things that I said were the reasons that I love
her? I realized that if I create
reasons for why I love her, then it
makes my love for her conditional to those specific traits or actions
and if she doesn't do them, then I don't love her. This is, of course,
not true.
In that moment, I had the awe-inspiring insight that Makenna
couldn't list off reasons of why she loved me because her love for me
was unconditional. There were no
reasons for why she loved me
because if she had reasons, it would mean she only loved me if I
were exuding those traits or doing those things she had in her mind.
Her love for me is not based on my mood or what I did, her love
for me goes beyond all “reasons” and does not come from a place of
reciprocity. She does not love me because I love her, nor is she
loving me because of what I can do for her. She is experiencing so
much love within herself that it’s an outpour of an abundance of love
that she is gifting me unconditionally.
Attempting to articulate the feeling of this and where it comes from
is probably the hardest thing I've ever done in my life because I’m
attempting to describe the indescribable.
this experience, I learned to make my love for Makenna
unconditional by not placing reasons or conditions for when I would
love her (because if I did that, by default I place conditions on when I
would not love her). There is just so much love in me now because
I've experienced it that there is simply an outpour of unconditional
love where I can't help but love her no matter what. This
unconditional love doesn't come from external reasons, but comes
from within from the infinite source we all came from.
are all connected to this pure, unconditional love, which is
God, the Universe, or whichever name you choose to use. The only
thing that gets in the way of this is our own thinking, which separates
and cuts us off from that unconditional love.