Практическая значимость исследования заключена в потенциальной
возможности использования изученных в работе корейских паремий при
чтении специальных курсов по фразеологии, лексикологии, методике
экспериментальных методик обучения паремиям, системы упражнений и
заданий, обеспечивающих компетенцию в обучении корейских паремий, а
также результаты обучающего эксперимента могут быть использованы
непосредственно в учебном процессе.
Научный руководитель: к.ф.н., доц. Пак В.И.
Магистрант: Азимджанова У.Б.
Faculty: Foreign languages
Department: Korean Language and
Literature, its teaching methods
Academic year: 2012- 2014
Investigator:Azimdjanova U.B.
Scientific supervisor: PhD,
Docent Pak V.I.
Specialty: 5A111301 - Native
language and literature
(Korean language and literature)
Annotation to the master's thesis on
"Methods of teaching idioms of Korean language"
Relevance of the topic: Recreating any national culture has a direct
relationship to research in the language of this people.
Language - the most important means of human communication, a tool of
thought transference, acting simultaneously as a mirror of the national culture, its
custodian. Language units fixed content, which to some extent goes back to the
living conditions of the people.
Most clearly manifested in the culture of the people and phraseology
aphoristic, stable closed phrases, immediately and directly reflect the extra
linguistic reality.
Relevance of this study is the inability to overestimate the functional
significance of proverbs in daily life. They, being the object of intense research in
the Korean language, however, not been studied in the domestic Korean studies
from the viewpoint of relationship between the structure and semantics.
Thus, the choice of the theme of our research is due to the urgency of the
problem of the formation of linguistic competence lingvoculture individual
students in their learning proverbs Korean.
This approach involves the gradual inclusion of students in the process of
learning foreign culture society, which should contribute to a) improve the
efficiency of formation of students' competence in terms lingvoculture language
environment ; b) strengthening the motivational factor in the process of learning
a language as the language of the professional activities of foreign students ; c)
enhancing cognitive interests of students in the Korean language in the process of
assimilation of Korean proverbs .
Purpose and objectives: the creation and justification of methods of teaching
and formation of a correct understanding of the students in the process of
individually oriented learning Korean proverbs.
Object and subject of study: the process of the gradual formation of the
students' learning Korean proverbs subject of study method gradual formation of
a secondary language personality of students in the study of Korean proverbs .
Scientific novelty of the research :
- Defined basis of gradual formation competence "secondary" language
personality of students in the process of mastering their Korean preemies;
- Methodical developed technology (principles, mechanisms , methods,
techniques , exercise system ) formation lingvoculture secondary language
competence at the individual student learning proverbs ;
- Identified and systematized the difficulties faced by students when learning
preemies, identified the best ways to address them.
The practical significance of the study: Tackling Korean proverbs national-
cultural component, the development of a pilot training program, compiling the
glossary, the system of exercises and tasks, provide an understanding of learning
proverbs and sayings, the possibility of using the results of the teaching
experiment directly in the educational process determine the practical
significance of the work.
Structure of master's thesis: Master's thesis will consist of an introduction,
three chapters, conclusion, bibliography and appendices.
The first chapter provides general concepts of proverbs and their
differentiation. The second chapter describes the methodology of teaching
Korean proverbs and on the third phase of the study carried out pedagogical
experiment, processed and analyzed the results.
The main results of the work performed: Recommendations for use lies in
the fact that the materials can be used for reading the special courses at seminars
on linguistics for foreign students-philologists, on the lessons of Russian language
on Russian folk culture. They can also be used in the study of certain aspects of
the Korean language.
Conclusion and suggestion: This work could begin the process of forming
efficiency lingvoculture competence of students in line with the concept of the
phase formation and development of linguistic identity of students, these goals
can be achieved by putting into practice the proposed research group of
professors in research methodology learning models Korean proverbs language,
which is the dominant component of a thorough study of the material proposed
in this paper.
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