We have presented a new learning algorithm for training
multilayer Boltzmann machines, and showed that it can be used to successfully learn good generative models. This procedure readily extends to learning Boltzmann machines with real-valued, count,
or tabular data, provided the distri- butions are in the exponential family (Welling et al., 2005). We also showed how an AIS estimator, along
with varia- tional inference, can be used to estimate a lower bound on the log-probability that a Boltzmann machine with multiple hidden layers assigns to test data. Finally, we showed that the discriminatively fine-tuned DBM’s perform well on the MNIST digit and NORB 3D object recognition tasks.
We thank Vinod Nair for sharing his code for blurring and translating NORB images. This research was supported by NSERC and Google.
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