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The essence of the Bank marketing……………………………..



The Principles and functions of Bank marketing………………..



Features and development tredens of modern marketing

technologies in banking sector……………………………….....

1- Chapter canclusion






KDB analysis of economic performance indicators and external economic performance indicators….............................................



KDB bank's description of economics and analysis of the foreign economy................................................................................



Strategic development plan financial years 2018-2022................

2 - Chapter conclusion



WAYS OF INCREASE IN EFFICIENCY OF WORK OF BANKS WITH CLIENTS..........................................................



Improvement existing and introduction of new methods of advance of banking services.............................................................



Suggestions for improvement of formation of target client segment.........................................................................................



Suggestions for improvement of advertising strategy of KDB BANK ( yakkasaroy branch)on crediting of the population.........

3 - Chapter conclusion




LIST OF REFERENCES...........................................................


1.The relevance of a subject degree work is caused by aggravation of the competition in the bank environment which conducts to the fact that the attention of banks to issues of studying of the market of banking services, consumers of services – clients, requirements of their business, choice of Priority branch segments and groups of clients, development and deployment of new services, their advance on the market, strengthening's and extensions of the customer base increases.

Now banks are in active search of new clients. The essential percent of attractive clients migrates from one credit institution in another in search of the best conditions. Banks recognize that "pulling" of clients from one bank in another is special marketing tactics.

In the conditions of the modern competition almost nobody puts under doubt need of Presence at bank of accurate marketing strategy which would allow it to increase constantly clients, the nobility of competitors "from within" and to keep up to date, Proposing clients attractive banking Products and solutions.

Marketing in bank is the strategy and philosophy of bank demanding thorough training, the deep and comprehensive analysis, active work of all divisions of bank from heads to local links. All whose work can influence the client. Marketing approach in the organization of activity assumes reorientation of bank from the Product on need of the client. Therefore careful studying of the market, the analysis of the changing tastes and needs of consumers of banking services is necessary.

Based on the Action Strategy for the five development trends of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021, it is expected that in the next years the Program of the country will be aimed at enhancing its competitiveness through deepening structural reforms, modernization and diversification of leading national economies, the sectoral Programs, which envisage 649 investment Projects totaling $ 40 billion for 2017-2021, are being implemented at the expense of own funds, PRS, commercial banks loans, foreign investments and loans.

In particular, he said, "In 2018, 18 interstate visits have been made and agreements for 1,000 Projects worth $ 52 billion have been reached. The volume of joint investments with the World Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Islamic and Asian Development Banks, and other international financial institutions amounted to $ 8.5 billion. 456 Projects worth $ 23 billion are being implemented in our country at the expense of foreign investments"1.

Within modern marketing the relations of bank and the client change. If earlier the bank offered clients a standard set of banking services, then now it is forced to develop constantly new types of banking Products which are addressed to specific groups of clients - large enterprises, small firms, separate categories of natural persons, etc.

One of the purposes of bank marketing - constant involvement of new clients. In the developed countries of the West banking services consume about 80% of households. Of course, in Uzbekistan this figure can enough be bike too, but it develops generally only at the expense of habit of the population to store the money on deposits before claiming in KDB bank

Here it is worth paying attention to quality and diversification of the services offered by banks: if in the West households check-books, credit and settlement cards, the long-term bank credits, urgent loans for purchase of the house or the car, rent of safes for storage of jewelry use, trust management of assets of clients and many other things, and we have number of the services of bank Provided by household in the majority is limited to storage of money on the account, short-term crediting and service of debit cards.

Bank marketing, therefore, can be defined as search and use of the most favorable markets of banking Products by bank taking into account real needs of clients. It assumes accurate statement of the purposes of bank, formation of ways and modes of their achievement and development of concrete actions for implementation of plan.

2.The goals and objectives of the graduation qualification work The purpose of the work is marketing of commercial banks activity coverage of theoretical and Practical aspects of the Program, as well as banking services. Developing and developing an effective marketing program for development to develop theoretical suggestions. Duties of the graduation qualification work, depending on the main goal consists of:

• theoretical view of the Problem;

• collection and Processing of statistical data and analysis;

• analysis of commercial banks' services and their effective implementation

identify and justify the Problems that arise;

• current trends in the development of effective marketing Programs in the Practice of banks

scientific and theoretical conclusions and Proposals on the topic;

• improving marketing software development in banking services development and to make conclusions and suggestions on the issues and determine their expecttions

3.Problem-Solving : . Whili leaning and anylising period , I saw that in this bank has enough problems with client.

Fistly there are is not sufficient more payment , for example daily payment for water elektr enery as well as transfer money to other country. So that this bank open all opportunities for all clients. More over KDB banks branch as large as other banks like Ipak yo’li, Asaka, Davr.kapital banks, what I mean. This bank of KDB will open branch around the regions

4.Object and subject of graduation qualification: The object of research is

Korea Development bank Uzbekistan

The subject of research is the object of research is the development of banking services in our Republic Analyzing the current issues of effective marketing software development, thematic solutions analysis.
5.Theoretical and methodological basis of the graduation qualification work is the banking services Leading national and foreign companies in developing marketing Programs for development experts' actions. The methodological bases of graduation qualification work Finance Ministry of Finance, State Committee on Statistics and Yakkasaroy branch of KDB bank , Internet data, current legislation, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and Government decisions and other regulatory and legal acts.

6.Theoretical and practical significance of the graduation work: This works

Included most economic and marketing books by of F.Kotler, PZ Zavyalov, V.E.Demidov,Nozdrev R.B., Tsigichko T.I., Moldavanov M.I, Ivanov V.I., Donilov GM, Karamishev GK, Abramishvili G., Nishlag R., Dixtel E. and others

They have embezzled their jobs. Jalolov J., Fattakhov A., Akhmedov

Scientific research of such scientists as I, Kasimova M., Ergashhodzhaeva Sh., Yuldashev

7. Composition and volume of graduation qualification work: Graduation qualification work consists of introduction, 3 chapter. Conclusion and suggestion list of references

1.1. The essence of the Bank marketing

The relevance of the implementation of marketing in banking sector of Ukraine is of great importance during the development of the financial and monetary markets. Reform in the banking sector ahead of changes in other sectors of the economy. In the banks has been a qualitative change. The increased competition between Depository institutions, the emergence of competitors in the face of non-Bank institutions (insurance, trust companies, pension funds), the outflow of deposits from banks due to the development of the securities market led to the need for banks to use marketing tools. In the face of increasing competition in the financial and monetary markets, banks are forced to apply new financial instruments to ensure sustainability and a more flexible response to possible risks. In addition, increased competition is accompanied by a decrease of the influence of the NBU on banking, which leads to a change in the structure of banks ' portfolios towards high risk to obtain an adequate level of income. NBU, in turn, is trying to reduce overall risk by improving requirements. It should be noted that a necessary Prerequisite of formation of the consumer market in Ukraine, which has developed in recent years, making possible the application of Bank marketing in the domestic financial and monetary markets. Conditions of development of Bank marketing in Ukraine are characterized by a lack of experience, methodological developments, skilled Professionals, information environment.

Modern commercial Bank can be regarded as the enterprise for manufacture of special services in the financial and monetary markets. The fact that banks operate in a competitive environment, dictates the necessity of studying certain regularities of functioning of the banking institutions in the market. Tool for solving these Problems is Bank marketing. Competition in banking sector is development of forms and intensity. The development of information technologies and communication means leads to the expansion of the territorial scope of financial-credit institutions. Expanding the range of banking Products enhances the diversification of the banking industry, which in turn enhances competition. Problems of organization and strategic management of the banking system and commercial banks was reflected in the works of foreign scientists. In domestic and foreign monographic literature revelation of the essence of the Bank marketing has not received sufficient attention, which slows down its development in the activities of banks. In the definitions given by domestic and foreign economists, Bank marketing is treated or as specific banking activities to accumulate cash savings and funds and Provide loans, or how to find and use the Bank the most Profitable markets for banking Products tailored to the real needs of clients. Thus, in the above definitions can be traced to a one-sided focus on the Practical aspect of marketing activities in the Bank. The essence of the Bank marketing reveals through the understanding of its Principles, which should help the implementation of marketing activities in banks, namely: constant focus on achieving optimal under specific conditions, the final result; focus not on short-term and long-term results marketing; use in unity and interrelation of strategy and tactics of active adaptation to the demands of potential clientele with targeted simultaneous influence on them

Analysis of the above definitions of Bank marketing shows lack of attention to strategic (long-term) of the Bank's performance, emphasis is placed on achieving optimal outcome in certain conditions, but the implementation of the marketing apProach Primarily involves strategic results.

Russian economist Leonid Romanenko defines the Bank marketing as a philosophy, strategy and tactics of the Bank, aimed at the effective satisfaction of needs, demands and expectations, Problem-solving existing and potential banking customers through successful implementation in the market of banking Products, which take into account development trends of the market and benefit the society by managing assets and liabilities, income and expenses, liquidity, level of risk of its operations .This definition is most complete, as it includes Principles of marketing, defining goals and strategies, which in turn becomes the basis for designing tactical marketing plans. Ukrainian economists A. Kirichenko, I. Gilenko, A. Yatchenko define Bank marketing as the main information system of modern banking management. Given the definition, in our opinion, not quite correct, since Bank marketing requires an analysis of the banking system, which is an organizational and management regime of the banks and banking institutions, combines the structure of the organization, subordinate relationships, separation of functions, standards and objectives the main activities and main modes of managing money, credit, interest, settlements and ways of regulation of the Mak-rorum. So, banking marketing integrates the management activities of the Bank.

Concept of bank marketing (table1)

Identifyning the most profitable markets now and in future

Assessing the present and future needs of customers

Setting buniness development goals and making plans to meet

Managing the various services and promoting them

Adapting to a changing environment in Market

Figure 1. Concept of bank marketing2

In our opinion, given the definition of Bank marketing is not quite complete. So, it is better to not consider the banking technology and the state of scientific and technical development, as it involves at the same time and Predictive estimates of development of the banking technologies. Not also take account of competitive conditions in financial and monetary markets, their situation, demand forecasting. Don't quite understand is the concept of market risk, so it is advisable to Refine it, highlighting liquidity risk, credit risk, capital risk, operational risk, currency and interest rate risks. Not paying sufficient attention to detail of the marketing activities in relation to the management of assets and liabilities, income and expenditure, level of risk of its operations, and at the same time defined Bank marketing as a philosophy, strategy and tactics of the Bank. Thus, there is a contradiction between the definition of objects of Bank marketing and generalizing its definition as a philosophy and strategy should cover the activities of all divisions of the Bank, so the range of objects of Bank marketing should be wider. Sothe Bank marketing are:

- competitive conditions in financial and monetary markets, their situation, demand forecasting;

- marketing mix (Products and services, their Pricing, distribution channels, Promotion methods);

- the state of scientific and technical development;

- banking risks (liquidity risk, credit risk, capital risk, operational risk, currency and interest rate risks);

- development activities of the Bank's capital and its structure;

- asset quality (quantitative and qualitative analyses of the structure of credit and investment portfolio of the Bank);

- Profitability indicators of the functioning of the Bank, allowing to draw conclusions about the effectiveness of its work;

- indicators of liquidity and solvency of the Bank which guarantee its financial stability;

- corporate image of the Bank.

Based on the analysis of the existing theoretical studies, taking into account the specific subjects and objects, finally, we define Bank marketing.

Bank marketing is a managerial and organizational search strategy can meet the needs of clients and the Bank itself by creating a system of effective management of money, credit, interest, currency calculations, taking into account characteristics of the marketing environment and the existing market of the loan capital.

Given the definition of Bank marketing involves consideration of Bank marketing as an organizational management strategy. By definition, B. Karlof, strategy is a generalized model of the actions needed to achieve goals through coordination and resource allocation Spitsyn I. A. and Spitsyn I. A. claim that strategy is the determination of basic long term goals and objectives of an enterPrise by maintaining relationships between capabilities and resources .

The above definition indicates that strategy is the coordinating, unifying factor between the goals and resources of the Bank. Bank resources are means of Production of banking Products and Providing banking services, namely, money, credit, interest, currency, payments. Methods of use and distribution of these resources are stipulated in the conditions of the marketing environment of the Bank. Therefore, the Proposed definition of Bank marketing organizational management strategy, is the most capacious.

The economic nature of Bank marketing is identifying the needs, demands and Preferences of consumers and, in this regard, the definition of market segments, which can be found a niche for the implementation of new banking Products and services in competition with other banks. Bank marketing involves consideration and study of the Processes taking place in the capital market as a whole and in its individual sectors: banking, credit system of the securities market. Therefore, the economic nature of Bank marketing involves creating the necessary conditions for adapting banks to the requirements of the financial and monetary markets in the face of increasing competition.

The purpose of Bank marketing is ensuring of financial stability of commercial Bank as the conditions for obtaining stable income.

Efforts for previous strategies

The quality of Service



Physical evidence(7P)

Process(6 P)

Figure 1. Interactive marketing3

As interactive marketing relies on having a means of open communication with customers, social media channels have been a large part of this strategy, usually headed up by a company's marketing or customer success departments. The most common application for interactive marketing is using it as a lead generator in a sales funnel. Interactive marketing is nearly inextricably linked to content marketing, so companies can Produce audience-relevant content that is shared many times, or "goes viral", and eventually establish themselves as an authority in their particular industry.

The integrated characteristic of financial stability cannot be reduced only to a set of quantitative indicators, because financial stability is a qualitative characteristic (including non-financial Association) commercial Bank.

So, the components of the stability of commercial Bank are not independent. In addition, financial stability, directly or indirectly, combines capital, commercial, functional, organizational and structural stability. Therefore, the financial sustainability of a commercial Bank is a dynamic integral indicator of Bank's ability with maximum efficiency and minimal risk to perform their functions harmoniously interacting factors macromarketing and the environment in the conditions of development of competition on financial and monetary markets.

One should not underestimate the Problems that can arise in the banking system through lack of financial stability of banks. Among the existing Problems are as follows:

- a small number of customers and concentration of risks, resources, and obligations can cause in the event of insolvency of any debtor or the release of the major investor complication that can lead to bankruptcy;

- evolution of banking intermediation, the development and expansion of the operations of the Bank, reduces net income from traditional banking operations (Deposit taking, lending);

- Customers who are not capable of choice and has encouraged significant customers in their intention to apply to banks that are able to provide a full range of services for less cost;

- internationalization of operations, the development of Informatics and electronic funds payments require the recognition of other financial market participants that, for many small banks is a great challenge.

These Problems notwithstanding rule minimum capital explain the phenomenon of the concentration that occurred in the banking sector at the international level. They also reflect greater openness of the market of money in competition with the banking institutions that operate outside national boundaries.

Similarity of a banking Product and banking service that they are designed to satisfy needs of the client and to Promote receiving Profit. However in most cases banking service has Primary character, a banking by-Product. So, banks Provide a large number of services and carry out sale of many Products:

• services in management of flows of cash and non-cash money;

• currency transactions;

• accounting of commercial bills and granting credits;

• settlement and cash services;

• broker services in operations with securities.

• investment banking services (underwriting – guaranteeing, placement or purchase of new securities from their issuers and the subsequent their resale to other buyers and also search of the most attractive objects for merge, financing of acquisition of other companies belongs to them);

Rendering banking services is connected with use of money in various forms (cash, non-cash money and calculations). Non-material banking services gain visible lines by means of the Property contractual relations. The majority of banking services has extent in time: the transaction, as a rule, is not limited to the single act, more or less long connection of the client with bank is established.

Updating of researches of the concepts "banking service", "banking Product", "bank operation" is connected with distribution of Provisions of the neoclassical theory of firm on financial intermediaries, in particular banks.

However in the late seventies in connection with the changed economic conditions Prevalence the theory of bank firm (Bell, Murphy, Klein, Clark) according to which the control center of bank moved from the investment portfolio to achievement of high competitiveness on the basis of the concept of marketing received of the 20 th century.

The market of banking services was transformed from "the market of Producer (bank)" to "the market of the consumer (client)". Proofs of such transformation was growth of volumes of the retail market of banking services, in result of what the special value in organizational structures of banks was gained by the services which are engaged in marketing and strategic planning.

The Present stage of development of banking in the Republic of Uzbekistan also gravitates to transition to "the market of the consumer".

Equating of bank with the enterprise (according to the theory of firm) demands careful definition of a subject of its activity, i.e. accurate definition of the concepts "bank operation", "banking service" and "banking Product". Now economists did not develop a consensus concerning these concepts and that finally satisfies needs of the client: operation, service or Product.

The scheme Relationship between bank and the client according to this concept is submitted on figure 3.












Figure 2. Relationship of bank and the client according to the "client"

The relationship between a banker and a customer depends on the activities; Products or services Provided by bank to its customers or availed by the customer. Thus the relationship between a banker and customer is the transactional relationship. Bank’s business depends much on the strong bondage with the customer. “Trust” plays an important role in building healthy relationship between a banker and customer.

Summarizing the specified approaches, it is possible to draw the general conclusion. All supporters of various concepts nevertheless see purpose of banks in increase in level of rational behavior of participants of the economic relations in the conditions of market uncertainty.

1.2. The Principles and functions of Bank marketing

The essence of the Bank marketing it is advisable to disclose the detailed features of its Principles and functions. The Principles and functions of Bank marketing described in a number of works. Thus .In their research they focus on the introduction of banking activities principles of social marketing in the management of assets and liabilities, as the economic activities of banks and its implications deeply affect the socio-economic life of the country. It was the social orientation of Bank marketing involves focusing on identifying and satisfying the customers. As the basic Principle of Bank marketing Magna to call a constant focus on achieving optimal under specific conditions, the final result.

Treating the Bank marketing as part of the financial marketing, I. Balabanov offers to distinguish the concept of Bank marketing and marketing activities in General. So, the concept of Bank marketing characterizes the goals of the Bank's activities in the financial market, whereas marketing activities include the marketing research Process. Therefore, I. Saker falcons not to formulate Principles, and focuses on selected functions of Bank marketing, namely: studying and forecasting of demand for banking Products, the Production of banking Products, Pricing, creating the image, expanding market share. Most authors make of the marketing function in the complex "4P" - Product (Product - Product), Price (Price), distribution (place - location) and communication (Promotion - Progression) policy of the Bank.

Comparative analysis of marketing and operational

orientation of Bank activities (table 2)5

Marketing orientation

Operating orientation

The Presence of innovative ideas when planning Products and services, taking into account the stages of their life cycle

Implementation cost planning Principles on the basis of budgets

Develop Programs to attract and retain customers ahead of the competition

The possibility of the Bank are in compliance with well-defined current needs

Operational capabilities are in line with market requirements

Special attention is paid to reducing costs and credit losses

Comparative analysis allows to assert that Bank marketing is a system of special knowledge related to the study of market trends, scientific validation of the implementation of any activities, plans, programmes, management decisions, monitoring their implementation, a quantitative evaluation of the achieved results, search, measurement and substantiation of reserves of increase of efficiency of financial performance of the Bank.

Principles of Bank marketing is given in table 2. The implementation of the mechanism of Bank marketing based on the Proposed Principles has a positive effect on the efficiency and performance of the Bank.

Principles impact on the functions of Bank marketing and ensure their implementation. The functions of the Bank marketing the concept of "4P" is not exhaustive. The specificity of the functional relationships of a commercial Bank (Annex A) makes it a business entity, which is the intersection of financial, material, human and information flows, reflecting the scope of its activities and affect the measure of uncertainty of the marketing environment, that is, on the occurrence of internal and external Bank risks. Risks are exclusively non-deterministic Processes in the Bank and its economic environment.

Principles of Bank marketing (table 3)6


The contents


Orientation to state apProach in the evaluation of economic phenomena and modeling main indicators of the Bank's development

Analyzing the Prospects for development, it is necessary to consider specificity of the country where the Bank operates, namely the legislative base, the state of development of the banking system, the regulatory requirements of the Central Bank, the main directions of monetary policy and trends in their changes



Bank marketing needs to use the latest marketing technology planning, modeling, image, forecasting sales, risk assessment, segmentation, audit, marketing, assessing market opportunities and threats


Comprehensiveness, consistency

The complexity of Bank marketing encompasses all elements of macro-and mi-rootagenda to determine the real position of the Bank in financial and monetary markets. Consistency should be viewed as a relationship a single element of the environment with others. For example, the analysis of asset quality accompanied by a study of the various types of risks, which, in turn, is also part of the environment of the Bank


Objectivity,specificity, accuracy

The use of reliable information during marketing analysis of banking activities. Conclusions and recommendations the results of this analysis should be accompanied by cost to settle the exact analytical calculations. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly improve the system of internal and external audit implementation of Bank marketing



Bank marketing needs to actively influence the economic indicators of the Bank for timely identification of weaknesses, opportunities and reserves of increase of efficiency. The results of the analysis of market opportunities and threats in the context of the Bank's resource base should be used to justify, adjust, and Refine the planned targets



Quick and timely analysis of the situation on the financial and monetary markets, competitive conditions, development Priorities of the Bank


A planned, systematic

Organization the Bank is a separate division of the marketing Department with a clear distribution of powers among employees

Functioning of the Bank, from the standpoint of the impact factors of the macroeconomic situation on the financial and monetary markets of burdened with risk due to a variety of disturbances in the financial market: fluctuations in interest rates and demand for credit, the actions of the NBU, exchange rate fluctuations, inflation and inflation expectations. Thus, the functions of Bank marketing should include measures by which to locate within a particular financial-economic system and the particular situation, the optimal balance between Profit, risk and liquidity to ensure stability of the commercial Bank as the conditions of a stable income.

The authorized capital of KDB Uzbekistan Bank is equal to the sum of 101,272,260,908.00 sum and consists of 681,371,600 common registered uncertificated shares issued in the registered form.

The code on identification of securities

Uzbekistanek Stock Exchange

Type of release the Registered common registered uncertificated shares

Currency PRS

Symbol KBUN

ISIN PR7012740005

DEPOSED code 9 0000 2700

Within marketing activity also the second side of the Problem – the volume of expenses which will be incurred by bank as a result of development and advance of new Products is very important. The bank operates with very expensive resources and they should be used in the most Profitable segments of the market where great demand and costs for rendering services are rather low.

The commercial nature of functioning of banks demands broad application of marketing. The specifics of marketing in bank area are caused not only the fact that it Promotes commercialization of bank work and Provide effective use of monetary resources, but also features of money turnover which acts as object of all bank activity.

The review of actions on 1997 – 2018 5 table4


Types of the transaction

with actions

The number of the issued stocks

nominal value

General authorized



 share issue











share issue











share issue











Increase in par value of actions











share issue











Crushing with coefficient 1:1000











share issue

+ 419,305,600








From here bank marketing has to be aimed at acceleration of money turnover due to improvement and acceleration of non-cash payments in economy. Marketing is focused on the analysis and satisfaction of customer needs of bank (the enterPrises, the organizations, the population) in fast and correct carrying out the calculations performed with suppliers of raw materials and materials, to buyers of finished goods, workers and employees, a financial and banking system. Bank marketing contacts the new forms of calculations in the maximum degree considering the nature of economic activity of clients of bank, feature of finding of their partners, their financial position and other factors influencing the speed of money turnover.

In the bank environment more and more Preferable is an integrated marketing directed not only on expansion of a circle of investors, but also on continuous improvement of quality of their service. The specifics of marketing in the bank sphere are that commercial banks are interested not only in attraction of deposits, but also in active use of the raised funds by means of financing of various associations, the enterPrises, the organizations and the population. It causes need of complex development of marketing as in the sphere of the credit investments which are carried out in the form of granting loans to the enterPrises and the population.

Intangibility of services means impossibility of their material feeling, to see and estimate them until obtaining results of their granting. The main and key characteristic of banking service is its efficiency, otherwise, the concrete benefit and advantage received by the consumer from banking service.

Inconstancy of quality and inseparability of services demands continuous training of personnel from qualification of people. Employees of bank have to know not only technology of banking, but also psychology of communication of people. The interior of bank, lighting, office furniture and style, flowers and other external elements creating additional quality of the services rendered by bank are important.

Functions of Bank marketing(table5)7


The contents

The result of the implementation


The study of the nature of the influence of economic laws on the Bank's activities, establish patterns and trends of economic phenomena and Processes, the study of the behavior of the buyer and rival banks in the financial and monetary markets, analysis of opportunities and threats financial and monetary markets, the study of banking Products according to their quality and attractiveness, the study of Product mix of competitors

Development of optimal, evidence-based current and future plans of action, criteria of segmentation of consumers of Bank Products, signs of positioning. Planning, Production and implementation of new banking Products. Development of actions to stimulate sales. Planning of distribution network of Bank branches. Modeling of indicators of competitiveness of banking Products


Development and implementation of measures that reduce the negative impact of banking risks

Reduce the riskiness of the marketing environment of the Bank


The contents

The result of the implementation


The creation of a corporate image of the Bank

Qualitative and quantitative growth of the customer base. The growth of the resource base. Maintaining and imProving the Bank's rating


Control over fulfillment of plans on implementation of actions foreseen research, compensacao and modelyou functions of Bank marketing at carrying out of active-passive operations

Evaluation of results of activity of commercial Bank and implementation of the developed plans as well as evaluation of the achieved level of development and opportunities. Rapid and efficient intervention with the purpose of dePriving certain deviations


Search of reserves of increase of efficiency of functioning of the Bank on the basis of the study of leading experience and achievements of theoretical science and Practice

Development of recommendations that will allow you to adjust the Deposit and credit policy of the Bank with the aim of maximising Profits at a moderate level of risk and desired liquidity and solvency

Not persistence of services assumes existence of the operating mechanism of alignment of supply and demand. Services are not stored as goods. Therefore during the periods of peak demand it is important to plan actions of bank for Prevention of turns in advance; to involve additional workers from other departments; to stimulate the appeal to bank in other time; to brighten up expectation by additional services, etc. The banking Product has a number of distinctive features.

Eventually, bank marketing goes for implementation of the uniform purpose: radical use of income and the money which is temporarily released in economy.

Increase of a role of social factor (combination of technical receptions to carrying out purposeful social policy and implementation of new thinking of the bank employee) "ALL FOR the CLIENT" (tolerance, endurance, simplicity and availability to the client, creative approach to business, deep development of methodology of studying of the market) this modern thinking of the bank employee.

To offer the client what is implemented, but does not try to impose something other – a basis of marketing approach in management of activity the ban.

The main objectives of marketing in bank

1. Ensuring Profitability of work of bank in constantly changing conditions of the money market.

2. Guaranteeing (Providing) bank liquidity for observance of interests of creditors and investors, maintenance of image of bank.

3. The maximum satisfaction of inquiries of clients on the volume, structure and quality of the services rendered by bank. It creates conditions for stability of business relations.

The wide range of factors which constantly should be kept under control acts as peculiar feature of marketing activity of bank: money turnover and the credit relations on macro - and micro levels, existence of the considerable risk when performing monetary operations following from a difficult interlacing of actions of numerous internal and external circumstances and others.

Active marketing includes:

• direct marketing (advertising, mail, TV, phone, (Granting perspective to the client of full information on services and also his motivation to work without delay. When carrying out direct marketing emphasis is placed on personal customer support);

• poll of wide groups of the population;

• personal contact with the potential client, studying of his requirements (including in the course of bank work);

• creation of "focus groups", i.e. some kind of debating clubs for discussion of separate marketing Problems.

Passive marketing: publications in the Press of materials about activity of bank and its situation, benefits from its services.

The main goal of direct marketing is not only informing the perspective client on services, but also his motivation to work immediately, creation of new requirements at the existing clients.

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