Emerging personality disorder CHILD
Safeguarding &
Family & Environmental Factors
Parenting Capacity
•Pre-natal and birth history
•Neuro-cognitive profile
•Early difficult temperament
•Developmental delays
•Unresponsive to punishment
•Poor social skills;
callous-unemotional traits;
lack of empathy
•Severe behavioural
problems –
torturing animals,
sadism, physical
and sexual
assaults on
•IQ < 70
Cross-generational family history/genetics of ASPD/psychopathy and developmental disorders;
Cruelty/sexual abuse of animals; Child exposed to domestic violence; Schedule 1 offenders in
family; Inadequate sexual boundaries; Adult sadistic and sexually perverted behaviour
6+ changes to home placement
Parental mental health
Parental childhood abuse
Parental time in care
Child removed to LA care
Insecure attachment
Inconsistent parenting
Persistent increasing interpersonal violence through childhood Child‘s Development Needs
Figure 34.1 NCATS Emerging Severe Personality Disorder (ESPD) assessment triangle [17].